Games with fairies

Chapter 608 The nameless immortal asked me to come

In the camp, Shen Yan sat in the bureau and commanded the disciples of the Blood Lotus Sect to go out and collect information.

Soon, more detailed intelligence and information were delivered to Shen Yan's desk.

These information and information obtained by the disciples of the Blood Lotus Sect were naturally more detailed than those told by the villagers.

Judging from the information on the table, the Tianyuan Continent here was really in chaos.

The emperor died suddenly, and all the officials of the court died. The prefectures and counties in various places rose up one after another and occupied their own lands as kings.

In just one month, dozens of self-proclaimed kings appeared on the land of the Tianyuan Dynasty.

The ancient well of resentment in the south was indeed raging with evil gods, and tens of thousands of people had been killed and injured.

The magicians of the Imperial Observatory came out in full force, but they could not stop the evil gods from raging, and could only save as many mortals as possible.

The people in the south fled north and poured into the rule of self-proclaimed kings.

The Central Plains in the north was originally a rich land around the capital.

But before his death, the emperor slaughtered millions of people on that land, leaving bones exposed in the wild and no roosters crowing for thousands of miles.

Among the intelligence messages about the emperor's sudden death, several messages attracted Shen Yan's attention.

She opened the messages with a serious expression, and after reading them, her face was strange.

The legendary nameless immortal came to the world again, and together with the Liuli Fairy of the Xuanjian Sect and Princess Nie Yubing, the last orphan of the Lu royal family, they killed the crazy emperor and stopped the emperor's conspiracy to slaughter all living beings.

And this legendary nameless immortal seems to have another name.

In the nursery rhyme sung by the people, his name is...

"Mu Yang?" The figure of the ghost girl suddenly appeared from behind Shen Yan.

She stared at the intelligence brief on the table with wide eyes, and said in surprise: "Why does this nameless immortal have the same name as my brother-in-law?"

"His surname is Mu, and my brother-in-law's surname is Li... Tsk..."

Shen Miao smiled and said to her sister: "I didn't expect that there is someone with the same name as my brother-in-law here! And he is a big shot!"

"Sister, are you feeling very sad and missing your brother-in-law now? Is this familiar name evoking the long-suppressed thoughts in your heart? Are you starting to regret coming here?"

The ghost girl's smiling expression was very annoying.

Shen Yan restrained the expression on her face and frowned.

"It's just a coincidence, nothing." Shen Yan put down the brief indifferently and said: "Not to mention it's just a coincidence, even if it's really Mu Yang, there is no regret."

"I came to Tianyuan Continent to realize the long-cherished wish of the Blood Lotus Sect and the ideals of everyone."

Shen Yan finished speaking and was about to take another intelligence brief to read.

But at this moment, Dugu Yifang came in to report.

"...Miss, there is a local big shot who wants to see you."

Gu Gu Yifang looked a little confused, and he said: "This big shot said that they have been waiting for us for a long time, and they also brought a lot of food and spiritual medicine for us to replenish."

No one knew that the Blood Lotus Sect was going to Tianyuan Continent.

Why would Tianyuan Continent send people to greet them?

Du Gu Yifang's words made Shen Yan also look puzzled.

"Local big shot? Waiting for us for a long time?"

Shen Yan's heart subconsciously raised a vigilance: "Which big shot?"

According to the information sent back by the disciples of the Blood Lotus Sect, the current place is called Jinsha County. Because it is close to the ancient well of resentment in the south, several states and counties nearby need to rely on the magicians of the Imperial Observatory, so they have not raised the banner of rebellion and are still fighting the banner of the Lu Dynasty.

Could it be the magicians of the Imperial Observatory?

Does the Imperial Observatory here have the power to predict the future?

Shen Yan looked solemn.

Dugu Yifang said, "It's Nie Yubing..."

Dugu Yifang looked a little strange, and he obviously knew the identity of Nie Yubing in the current continent.

"The royal princess who stopped the emperor's conspiracy to destroy the world together with the immortal Wuming and the Liuli Fairy of the Xuanjian Sect, people here respectfully call her the Savior Princess."

Dugu Yifang couldn't figure out why Nie Yubing came to his door, and Shen Yan didn't know either.

After a little hesitation, Shen Yan said, "Please let her in."

Soon, Dugu Yifang invited the Savior Princess who was famous in the Tianyuan Continent in.

Also followed by Aunt Mei and Ruan Mei.

It is said that this Savior Princess of the Lu Dynasty has a powerful power that is unpredictable. She can stop the emperor from destroying the world and must not be a good person.

Such a person asked to see, and several helmsmen of the Blood Lotus Sect were not at ease to let Shen Yan meet alone.

But when Shen Yan saw the Savior Princess mentioned many times in the intelligence briefs, she was a little surprised.

The one who stepped into the tent was just a girl about eight years old.

Although she was graceful and dignified, her young face and petite body were no different from those of an ordinary eight-year-old child.

Such a child turned out to be a savior princess? Saved the world?

Shen Yan was slightly surprised, but still stood up and saluted.

"…Hello, Princess."

As a newcomer, Shen Yan, as an outsider, kept a low profile.

But Nie Yubing hurried forward to support her and said, "Sister Shen Yan, there is no need to be polite. I am not a princess."

"The so-called princess is just a rumor from outsiders."

Speaking of this, the little girl was also a little helpless: "I have been surnamed Nie since I was a child. I have only known that I am of royal blood for a few days. How can I be called a princess."

"Besides, it's useless even if you are a princess. The Lu Dynasty is gone and there will be a change of dynasty soon. I, the orphan of the previous dynasty, am worthless."

The little girl has a sincere tone and a friendly attitude.

This gave Shen Yan some peace of mind.

After both parties sat down, she asked: "I wonder if Her Highness the Princess came to us and gave her orders?"

Shen Yan's eyes were confused: "The princess said she has been waiting for us for a long time...did Her Highness already know that we were coming?"

The little girl smiled at this.

She nodded happily and said, "Yes, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As she said this, she glanced around the camp and said with a smile, "Everyone is here except Sister Shen Miao."

"It seems that everyone encountered no danger on the foggy sea and arrived here safely, so I feel at ease."

The little girl's words made the Blood Lotus Sect members in the camp even more horrified.

——Even Shen Miao knew about this princess who was the savior of the Lu Dynasty?

The ghost girl was so frightened that she poked her head out from behind Shen Yan and said in horror: "How do you know about me?"

Seeing the ghost girl appear, the little girl didn't panic, but her eyes lit up.

She happily clasped her hands and smiled: "Sister Shen Miao is here too... great, everyone is here. Immortal Wuming will definitely be very happy knowing that everyone has arrived safely."

What the little girl said with a smile made everyone present look at each other.

Shen Yan's heart skipped a beat. She, who had always been calm and rational, felt panicked for the first time in her life.

"No... nameless immortal?" Shen Yan swallowed her saliva and asked inexplicably nervously: "I wonder if the nameless immortal mentioned by Her Highness the Princess..."

"He is your friend, Li Muyang," Nie Yubing said with a smile: "Before he left, the Immortal Chief repeatedly told us that he hoped that we would wait to receive you."

"The Immortal Chief is extremely concerned about your journey across the Sea of ​​Mist to Tianyuan Continent."

"He said that everyone in the Blood Lotus Sect is his good friend. If you cross the Sea of ​​Mist and come to Tianyuan Continent, you will definitely not be familiar with many things."

"So the Immortal has repeatedly asked us to welcome you all."

Under the dim lights of the camp, the smile on the little girl's face was a little blurry.

When everyone in the Blood Lotus Sect heard her words, they felt their heads buzzing... They all showed expressions of shock as if they had seen a ghost.

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