Games with fairies

Chapter 613: Immortal

The paradise of seclusion and far away from disputes in the eyes of the world is actually a cursed place full of curses and evil spirits?

This truth was unexpected, and Li Muyang's brows twisted into a ball.

If the Ark is so evil, why can it become a paradise!

Have those people on the Ark been replaced by evil spirits?

——The moment he realized the horror game, countless Chinese horror elements emerged in Li Muyang's mind.

This is also the reason why he doesn't want to get involved in horror games.

He thinks too much.

Once you play something with horror elements, the more you think about it, the more terrifying it will be, and the more you think about it, the more scary it will be, and finally you will scare yourself.

Quickly shaking his head and throwing those terrible conjectures out of his mind, Li Muyang murmured: "Anyway, let's go in and see the situation first..."

From the opening CG of this game, this Ark is indeed related to the ancient immortals.

In the CG, the Ark is occupied by an immortal with a blurred face.

In the end, this immortal was cursed by the immortals and died without a burial place because he monopolized the Ark?

Then the final BOSS of this game is this immortal, right?

Li Muyang guessed the content of the game and clicked [Start Game].

As he entered the game, darkness flooded in like a tide.

After about two seconds, the darkness around him slowly receded.

And the environment around Li Muyang had changed drastically.

At this time, he was standing on a barren land.

In front of him, the cold wind whistled, and the shrill wails of evil spirits were faintly heard in the wind and sand.

And behind him, it was hanging in the air like a cliff.

This scene was clearly the edge of the Ark.

He actually came to the Ark?

But the Ark in the world at this time was completely different from the situation in reality.

The Ark in reality was picturesque and full of spiritual energy. It was indeed a rare paradise and a secluded residence.

But the Ark in Li Muyang's vision was broken, rough and shaky. The dark wind whistled across the cracked and barren land, and a series of shrill and piercing howls were heard faintly in the depths of the wind and sand.

From a distance, many huge ghosts could be seen wandering in the depths of the wind and sand.

This was completely opposite to the Ark in reality, a very dangerous place.

Li Muyang observed for a long time, but there was no plot. He opened the system interface and found that there was no task panel or even character attribute panel this time.

In the system interface, there were only two options: [Backpack] and [Destiny].

When he opened the backpack, it was empty.

When the Destiny interface was opened, it turned out to be a point-adding interface similar to the skill tree.

But now the skill tree is all blank and has no content.

This is definitely the worst start for Li Muyang so far.

There was not even a bowl at the beginning, and there was no system prompt.

Li Muyang frowned and thought, and then a line of text suddenly appeared in the upper right corner of his vision.

[Anonymous: ... I want to go in and stop the tragedy from happening]

Li Muyang was stunned when he saw this line of text that suddenly appeared.

"... Is this me talking?"

Or... is it the protagonist of the game talking?

Li Muyang looked down at his body, but found that he was actually a skeleton, without a bit of flesh and blood on his body.

The pale skeleton stood alone in the wind and sand, and the gravel hit the skeleton with the wind, making a crackling sound.

"Although I have been the protagonist many times, this is the first time I am a skeleton..."

Li Muyang tried to jump a few times in place and found that the skeleton body was very light and almost felt no gravity. It could jump three meters high.

—— But it was only light.

The fragile skeleton had no magic power, and even the strength of the skeleton itself was not high.

Li Muyang hammered the stone on the ground, and broke the five fingers of his right hand directly, and the tiny knuckles flew all over the sky.

Li Muyang was speechless: "So bad?"

He finally picked up the flying knuckles and put them back, and then stepped into the wind and sand in front of him.

It was his usual practice to get familiar with the key operation at the beginning of the game.

But this time, the protagonist was terrible.

According to the game routine, if you continue to move forward, you should be able to see the novice guide, and a beautiful fairy will appear to help him unlock the skill tree and gain strength.

Then you will embark on the upgrade path of killing monsters and beating bosses.

—— This was Li Muyang's original plan.

But when he walked into the wind and sand and saw the black shadow in front of him, he paused.

What appeared in the wind and sand was not the NPC who came to guide him, but a huge brown bear with a rotten body.

This huge brown bear had several wounds on its body, rotten flesh and blood, and dragged a section of intestines.

But this did not stop it from rushing over and stepping on Li Muyang into pieces.

[You are dead, the game failed]

"Damn! Why is there a brown bear on it? It's a zombie bear!"

Li Muyang looked at the failure screen speechlessly and chose to continue the game.

The familiar darkness engulfed him again, and then the scene changed, and Li Muyang returned to the original location.

He stood on the edge of the Ark, with the whistling black sand in front of him, and the huge ghosts wandering deep in the sand, and the continuous shrill cries.

"So I have to walk faster, if I go too late, I will run into a brown bear, right?"

Li Muyang said to himself, and this time he didn't wait for the protagonist's prompt, he ran directly in the wind and sand.

Soon, Li Muyang came to the old place where he died suddenly just now.

In the whistling wind and sand, Li Muyang's vision was a row of brown bear footprints, and the white bones that were crushed and scattered on the ground under the footprints.

Li Muyang was stunned when he saw the pile of white bones.


Why are there white bones this time?

Could it be...

He turned his head suddenly, and two blood-red eyes suddenly appeared in the wind and sand behind him.

Then, there was the huge black shadow of the zombie brown bear.

Li Muyang covered his forehead with a painful face.

"I'm fucking..."

The huge zombie brown bear roared and rushed over, knocking him away and crushing him.

[You are dead, the game failed]

The failure CG popped up again, and Li Muyang instantly cut it off and re-entered the game.

It was still the edge of the Ark, with whistling wind and sand in front.

Li Muyang ran forward directly and returned to the old place where he died twice.

Sure enough, there were more bone fragments here.

He died here twice, and there were two more bone fragments here.

When Li Muyang turned his head, the huge black shadow of the zombie brown bear emerged from the wind and sand as expected...

[You are dead, the game failed]

"... Very good, I have understood this game."

Li Muyang rubbed his eyebrows and looked at the failed CG in his vision, and did not rush to enter the game.

After three consecutive deaths, he finally confirmed one thing.

This time, there is no reload!

Instead, the protagonist is an undead who keeps resurrecting!

Or, an undead skeleton!

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