Games with fairies

Chapter 630 Third Miss

In the pond, Li Muyang's body was stiff and his heart was cold.

He didn't believe that Yuechan would bring someone to harm him. Although the black-bellied girl was naughty, she was not a profit-seeking evil person.

Then the person who brought someone to harm him was most likely the teacher hidden behind Yuechan, the corpse-reincarnation immortal.

This corpse-reincarnation immortal was unknown in ancient times, but became a legend after the end of the law.

She relied entirely on her special practice method to avoid the rules of the drastic changes in the world and live forever.

And this corpse-reincarnation immortal has also relied on her strange practice method to survive until now.

Could it be that on the night when the Demon Refining Sect was destroyed, the corpse-reincarnation immortal occupied Yuechan's body and took over Yuechan's body?

Li Muyang's eyes were cold and he almost couldn't help but rush out to ambush the woman above his head.

But in the end, he forcibly suppressed the murderous intent in his heart and disappeared silently in the shadow of the pond.

A few seconds later, Li Muyang came to a hidden node again, which was very close to the position where he had set up the formation before.

After arriving here, Li Muyang hid in the shadows and vaguely heard the angry curse of the woman floating in the distance.

"Damn it! He ran away!"

"He must have noticed our approach in advance and escaped."

"The descendant of the Netherworld Demonic Scripture is really cunning and difficult to deal with."

The woman who led her team to an empty attack was very angry.

Among the people who were traveling with her, someone whispered.

"... Miss San, there is still the target's breath here, and he didn't leave far."

"Yes! Miss San, we search around and may find clues..."

Several subordinates whispered suggestions.

But the woman called Miss San was very angry.

"I can't find it! The escape techniques in the Netherworld Magic Book are beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"Since we failed to catch him this time, he must be alert. It will be even harder to catch him next time!"

"At this moment, he must have escaped dozens of miles away. We can't catch him."

The woman was extremely angry. She slapped down with a fierce palm and smashed the giant tree in front of her.

Seeing the giant tree in the jungle exploded and turned into debris, Li Muyang hid in the shadows and frowned.

Miss San?

What is this name?

That corpse immortal has lived from the ancient dark age to the present, and has lived for more than 10,000 years. It is impossible for him to be as frivolous and irritable as the woman in front of him?

This is not the appearance of a ten-thousand-year-old monster at all. It looks more like a young girl who lacks education and has a bad personality.

But if it is a young girl, why is her figure and voice almost the same as Yuechan?

Li Muyang hid in the shadows and watched the seven people leave quietly.

The seven people searched the jungle for a while, and after confirming that they did not find any clues of Li Muyang's escape, they retreated to the outside of the jungle under the leadership of the woman.

When they passed not far in front of Li Muyang, Li Muyang, who had disappeared in the shadows, finally saw the face of the third lady.

She was indeed exactly the same as Yuechan, it was simply Yuechan's arrival.

But unlike Yuechan, the third lady in front of him had a cold look and an angry expression, looking extremely fierce and frightening.

She was not as playful and cute as Yuechan at all.

Li Muyang, staring at this pretty face, was extremely surprised.

There is someone in the world who looks exactly like Yuechan? The voice is exactly the same?


Could it be that Yuechan, the baby girl who was picked up and raised by Li Damu, has a mysterious background?

But didn't Li Damu say that Yuechan was the daughter of his dead sworn brother?

Could it be that Li Damu was lying?

Li Muyang wanted to see Li Damu even more.

But now Li Damu is under strict protection by the Hidden Immortal League, and ordinary people can't get close to him at all.

If Li Muyang doesn't reveal his identity, it will be difficult to find Li Damu to ask him clearly.

In the shadows, Li Muyang hid for a long time.

Finally, he watched the direction where the seven people left and pinched a complicated hand gesture in the dark.

Then, Li Muyang's figure turned into a pool of black mud and merged into the darkness of the jungle silently.

And he kept sneaking in the shadows of the jungle, quietly chasing in the direction where the seven people left.

This third lady who looks exactly like Yuechan is too fierce and weird, and Li Muyang can't sit idly by.

Especially this woman, she can find his exact location... How did she do it?

Li Muyang can't feel at ease without figuring out the other party's purpose.

Following behind these seven people, Li Muyang soon came to the outside of the jungle and saw the bright sunshine outside again.

And after the seven people came to the outside of the jungle, they dispersed one after another.

Six of them bowed respectfully to the Third Lady, then dispersed and disappeared into the wilderness.

The Third Lady who stayed behind glanced at the jungle behind her with some annoyance and cursed in a low voice.

"Damn Li Muyang!"

After cursing, she changed into a light green dress, and the fierceness and coldness between her eyebrows also melted and became soft.

The girl standing in the sun at this moment was Yuechan, exactly the same as the real Li Yuechan.

Li Muyang frowned when he saw this scene.

But he didn't say anything, but continued to follow. Fortunately, the woman's cultivation was not high, and she didn't notice Li Muyang following behind her.

Soon, the woman came to a city three hundred miles away and met with two beautiful little girls in front of the teahouse.

Seeing the woman appear, two pretty little girls hurried forward and complained.

"Wow! Sister Yuechan, you're running around again."

"We agreed to act together, where did you go to play alone..."

The two little girls complained.

Li Muyang's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene.

He immediately stopped his stealth steps and hid in the shadows.

The moment he saw the two little girls, he sensed a familiar aura on them, which was exactly the same as the Yinqing Yinling sisters who ran to the flying boat to send him a letter.

These two little girls are the Yinqing Yinling sisters of the Hidden Immortal Alliance in the Ark?

Two Purple Mansion Realm so young? Are they the old monsters pretending to be young?

And they call this third lady... Yuechan?

Li Muyang hid in the shadows with a cold face.

It seems that someone is pretending to be Yuechan.

Then the family letter that Yinqing Yinling siblings handed to him on the spot also became suspicious.

But where did this third lady come from?

What's the point of her pretending to be Yuechan?

Li Muyang hid in the shadows, following the three people from a distance, and saw them listening to storytelling in the teahouse for a long time, and then left the teahouse and headed out of the city at the urging of a monkey.

The monkey, wearing a cloth robe, looked solemn and dignified, without any evil spirit.

But Li Muyang didn't dare to get close, hiding far away.

He also read the internal references circulated in the inner sect of the Demon Refining Sect, and knew that there was a spirit monkey general in the Hidden Immortal Alliance, who was the top demon king in the world.

The one in front of him was obviously one of them.

Li Muyang followed these people to the outside of the city, wanting to find out the details of the third lady.

But not long after they left the city and came to the wilderness, the spirit monkey general in front suddenly stopped his escape light.

It turned its head and looked at the void behind it, and said calmly: "Friend, since you are here, why don't you show yourself?"

"You have been following these three people in the city for a long time. Do you have any advice?"

The Monkey General's voice was calm, but the three girls beside him were slightly shocked.

"Someone is following us?"

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