The next day, Zhang Muchen left the villa in high spirits. From time to time, he took out a blood and qi pill and stuffed it into his mouth to eat. After the breakthrough, the blood and qi can be improved again. However, a zero-level warrior can be promoted to a level with ten points of blood and qi. When it comes to the first level, the difficulty increases and the requirements are increased tenfold! A full hundred points of blood and qi are required to be promoted to a level! Zhang Muchen's extravagant eating style caused many people to secretly marvel. This kid is rich! Zhang Muchen, who was eating while walking, soon came to the military lecture hall. It was very lively here, and there was already a long queue. "Instructor Wu praised Instructor Ao Luo so much, so this Instructor Ao must be quite extraordinary."

Zhang Muchen stood in the bustling crowd, waiting in line patiently.

Although he, Zhang Muchen, could reach his current state thanks to his talent and hard work.

Of course.

And Shen Lan helped a little bit.

But it's not a bad thing to listen to other people's experience.

Those who are good at martial arts should be the first.

Maybe you can draw inferences from one instance to another, which will bring unexpected benefits.

"Hey, handsome guy, I haven't seen you before, is this your first time here?"

Suddenly, a short and fat boy, with a sly look in his eyes, took the initiative to come up and chat with him.

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Muchen cast a glance and asked calmly.

"My name is Qiu Zhiye, my friend, you have seen that Instructor Ao Luo's class is so popular that it is packed!"

"Do you want a good position in the front? I can provide it to you with just a few points."

"If you don't believe me, you should also believe Chen Yu, who is ranked fifth. He is a level 12 warrior and protects the military academy."

Qiu Zhiye moved closer and whispered.

He rubbed his fingers.

What he meant was self-evident.

"Is the position designated by the instructor?"

Zhang Muchen smiled softly and asked.

It can be seen.

The students in the training camp.

No matter how talented or strong they are.

Everyone has his own unique way of survival.

Qiu Zhiye pointed at the students in front of the queue and said, as if hinting at something:

"Although the seats are not designated, others will not allow you to sit in the front row."

"If you don't have the strength to occupy a seat, you will be beaten up. Just think about how embarrassing it is. It's not worth it!"

"But as long as you pay the money, Brother Chen Yu is very powerful and can definitely keep you safe."

Zhang Muchen looked forward.

To be honest.

I didn't see any particularly powerful students.

But I found a short-haired female student who came straight to the front of the queue and showed a card.

The students who were checking didn't stop her. They looked at her and let her go.

"What's wrong with that female student? Why doesn't she have to queue?"

Zhang Muchen asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

The card of the short-haired female student.

I can't say it looks familiar.

I can only say that it is exactly the same as the card in his pocket.

Is there any special use for this card?

"That is a seed student favored by the instructor, who enjoys a series of benefits, including no need to queue."

"Such students are generally level nine, just one step away from forging skin, or even first-level warriors who have successfully forged skin."

"Don't even think about it, just buy a seat in the top ten rows, which is enough for you to learn."

Qiu Zhiye said with envy in his eyes.

He seemed to want Zhang Muchen to accept reality, and he answered every question.

"Oh, I see."

Zhang Muchen nodded, left the team, and walked towards the gate of the Military Academy.

He is not a pedantic person.

If you don't use the resources you have.

That's a waste!

"Ah! Is this new guy crazy? Who does he think he is!?"

Qiu Zhiye was stunned, looking at Zhang Muchen's back.

He originally wanted to earn some points.

Unexpectedly, he met a fool.

As a scalper.

How many seed players are there in the training camp.

Can he not know it himself?

Thinking of this.

Qiu Zhiye retracted his gaze and turned to find the next customer.


Zhang Muchen came to the front door and handed over a white card.

The other party looked at it in surprise, took it in his hand and checked it, confirmed that it was correct, and said:

"No problem, please come in."

Zhang Muchen thanked him and took back the card.

Countless eyes turned over.

Their eyes were filled with unclear emotions.

Watching Zhang Muchen walk into the Military Academy.

The interior of the Military Academy was spacious and bright.

In the middle was a huge arena, with rows of seats neatly arranged around the arena.

Each position here represents a person's strength and status.

The closer to the ring, the higher the students' benefits. This is an unspoken rule.

The benefits are so lucrative.

Even Chen Yu, who ranked fifth, started a business of enclosing land and selling seats, and even derived a career as a scalper.

And those students who can't afford seats can only line up early to grab the seats after the division.

"Which instructor is optimistic about her?"

Zhang Muchen's eyes swept across the room and finally landed on the left side of the first row.

The short-haired female student I just saw was resting with her eyes closed.

Ding Ding Ding.

Suddenly, a bell rang above the ring.

A large number of students swarmed into the military academy.

Zhang Muchen felt that it was not the right time.

He found a seat and sat down casually, waiting for the class to start.

Students continued to enter the military academy.

Each seat had an owner.

"That guy is desperate, he actually sits in the first row!"

Qiu Zhiye walked into the military academy and soon found Zhang Muchen.

He was shocked!

No one else.

Zhang Muchen, a new face, sat in the first row.

It was too conspicuous.

It was hard not to be discovered!

"This kid is not afraid of death, the first row, is that a seat for him?"

Qiu Zhiye quickly found his seat, sat down and looked ahead.

In addition to being shocked.

He was also a little gloating.

Looking forward to seeing a good show.

"Brother Wei, your seat is taken!"

Suddenly a shout sounded, attracting the attention of many people.

Many people turned their heads to look.

They found that the person who came was Wei Tiefeng, who ranked 39th.

Suddenly, his eyes became more alert and nervous.

"Wei Tiefeng? He bought a seat in the first row. Could it be that he wants to become a first-level warrior!"

Qiu Zhiye was frightened by his own thoughts and felt shocked.

If you successfully forge your skin and become a first-level warrior before the college entrance examination, you will definitely be able to enter the top ten martial arts schools.

Such students are true geniuses.

Looking at the entire Haicheng training camp, there are only a dozen people who have achieved this step.

"Is it him?"

When Wei Tiefeng saw Zhang Muchen in the first row, he trembled all over and turned pale.

Get the minimum in two hours and kill all the level nine beasts!

The terrifying thing happened just yesterday.

I still remember it vividly!

Although I don’t know the specific realm of Zhang Muchen, such a fierce man is too strong and I can’t afford to offend him!

"What position is occupied? There is never a designated position in Teacher Ao Luo’s class. Just find a seat and sit down! Don’t mess up the classroom discipline."

Wei Tiefeng coughed, his tone righteous.

He was actually panicking in his heart, and quickly found an empty seat to sit down.

At this time, he didn’t care which row he was in.

Just don’t let Zhang Muchen become hostile to him!

As soon as he sat down.

Wei Tiefeng felt that his body had lost strength, and his limbs slumped on the seat.

At the same time, his back was cold.

The cold wind made people feel cold.

It turned out that he was unconsciously.

Fear of Zhang Muchen.

It made his body react strongly!

"No way, Wei Tiefeng is so cowardly, why didn't he dare to say anything when his position was taken by a newcomer?"

"This newcomer Zhang Muchen is not simple. He got the minimum guarantee in the challenge room within two hours yesterday, and killed all the level nine beasts!"

"Hiss, are you sure this is possible! Even Zhang Yuanzhou can't do it!"

"Zhang Yuanzhou, Zhang Muchen..., hiss, is he Zhang Yuanzhou's brother!"

The students around began to whisper.

They looked at Zhang Muchen with surprise.

Zhang Muchen looked cold and had no interest in the discussions of the people around him.

But he didn't care.

Wei Tiefeng couldn't be calm and composed.

The words were like sharp knives, piercing his heart.

But Wei Tiefeng did not refute.

He lowered his head silently.

He had been in the training camp for a year.

He was not as good as a newcomer who had just come in. This year was really a dog's life!

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