The time goes back to an hour ago.

Deep in the wilderness.

In the dark valley, the atmosphere is so oppressive that it makes people suffocate.

The strong wind blows up the dust all over the sky, making the already dim environment even more hazy.

A huge wreckage fell to the ground, leaving only a head covered with black scales, which looks particularly weird.

"I curse you, when the beast god comes, you unbelievers will all be burned by fire! You will never be reincarnated! Curse! Curse..."

The resentful voice echoed in the valley, revealing endless resentment.

"Don't beep if you lose."

Zhang Muchen picked his ears and walked towards the black scaly head.

At this moment, he was in tatters.

His combat uniform was covered with holes of all sizes.

The torn wounds had already solidified, leaving only scabby scars.

"I curse you to die a miserable death! I curse you to die without a burial place! I curse you, ah ah ah ah!"

With a snap.

The hideous-looking demon-killing gun.

It pierced through the head with the force of thunder.

This annoying voice came to an abrupt end.

'Evolution points +7000000'

Hearing this prompt tone.

Zhang Muchen couldn't help but smile.

"Although there is a lot of nonsense, it is quite valuable."

Zhang Muchen muttered to himself.

For him who had experienced a difficult battle.

Seven million evolution points.

It was undoubtedly a great comfort.

[Host]: Zhang Muchen

[Realm]: Level 59

[Talent]: Eternal Azure Dragon (SS)

[Blood]: 9,000,000 (+)

[Spirit]: 9,000,000 (+)

[Martial Arts]: Heavenly Prison Thunder Prison (perfect), Tyrant God Spear (perfect), Water Mist Illusion Body (perfect), Dragon Roar Spear Technique (perfect)......

[Skills]: Invincible Azure Dragon Art (first level perfect/Dragon Wing Slash), Yin Yang Creation Art (second level perfect), Blood Burst Art (perfect), Phantom Moon Visualization Method (perfect)

[Evolution Points]: 12,000,000

Open the panel and take a look.

Now the situation is clear at a glance.

"I have accumulated enough evolution points, and I can break through to the sixth level!"

Zhang Muchen was refreshed.

He sat cross-legged on the spot.

'It takes 1.15 million evolution points to upgrade the Yin Yang Creation Art to the third level perfect. Do you want to upgrade? '

Zhang Muchen silently said yes.

Instantly, a large amount of information flooded into his mind, and he knew all the secrets about the sixth level.

If a warrior wants to break through the sixth level.

The key is to build a bridge between heaven and earth.

The so-called bridge between heaven and earth is also called the unity of heaven and man.

In other words.

This is the prerequisite for a warrior to communicate with heaven and earth.

Once it is successfully built.

You can be watered by the power of heaven and earth.

Your strength will be greatly improved.

But building a bridge between heaven and earth is not easy.

This is an extremely difficult and risky behavior!

I don’t know how many fifth-level warriors.

They are stuck at this step for life.

They can no longer move forward.

"It is difficult for ordinary fifth-level warriors to break through successfully. The problem is that their mental strength is not up to standard, and their mental space is not wide enough! They can’t accommodate more power of heaven and earth!"

Zhang Muchen murmured.

And his mental space has been strengthened once, and it has already been 100%!

In addition.

When building the bridge between heaven and earth.

You also need to have extremely precise control over yourself.

There can be no deviation.

Any negligence will lead to failure.

The more serious consequence.

is that the spiritual space is damaged and people will go crazy.

‘The success rate of breakthrough is 100%. Do you want to consume 10 million evolution points to break through? ’

Zhang Muchen took a deep breath and silently said yes.

Instantly, a force burst out.

Rushed into the spiritual space between the eyebrows.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered.

Above the Wanjie Qinglong King, an illusory bridge outline was formed.

A large amount of spiritual energy washed over.

Continuously strengthen this bridge between heaven and earth.

Make it able to withstand the impact of the power of heaven and earth!

The whole process.

The system operates automatically.

Therefore, the process was very smooth.

Zhang Muchen was calm and watched the bridge of heaven and earth being built.


The bridge of heaven and earth trembled.

At the same time, a strange feeling arose in Zhang Muchen's heart.

This feeling cannot be described in words.

It seems to be integrated with nature!

"It's done!"

Zhang Muchen was overjoyed.

The bridge between heaven and earth was successfully built.

The next step was to withstand the impact of the power of heaven and earth!

A gray mist descended.

It spread into Zhang Muchen's limbs and bones.

He only felt a sharp pain.

Under the impact of the power of heaven and earth.

Zhang Muchen's body was shaking constantly, bearing tremendous pressure.

But as time went by.

He smiled.

Because the power of heaven and earth continued to strengthen itself, bringing a very sufficient sense of satisfaction.

He was very happy.

"This is the power of heaven and earth, which also means that I have initially established communication with heaven and earth. When I break through to the master level, every punch and kick will be accompanied by the power of heaven and earth!"

Zhang Muchen slowly opened his eyes, his eyes gleaming, and he roared to the sky.

The roar echoed through the valley.

It lasted for a long time.

He knew.

He had successfully entered the sixth level!

Become a real mainstay!

Look at the Dragon Kingdom.

If you want to be the master of a city.

Dominate the power of life and death in a city.

It's within your reach!

It's only one step away from the level of high-level warriors!

Zhang Muchen felt the powerful power in his body.

At this moment, he was full of pride.

He clenched his fists.

There was a bang in the air.

"Zhang Huaiyun, you don't have to wait too long, I can knock you down too."

Breakthrough completed.

Zhang Muchen escaped into the void.

Prepare to continue to find trouble with the Beast God Cult.

Can't let a cultist go.

Must kill them all for the people!

Earn evolution points and strengthen yourself by the way.

Really kill two birds with one stone!

"Huh? What's going on? Why is the military district mobilizing?"

Came to the Northern Military District.

Zhang Muchen was a little surprised.

The soldiers on the wall looked serious, operating the artillery to point outside the city wall.

And the soldiers in charge of logistics.

Quickly transported strategic materials.

One after another, the material vehicles drove into the Northern Military District with a heavy roar.

The entire military district was filled with a tense atmosphere.

It seemed that a war was about to come!

"Is this going to be a war? Who will be the opponent?"

Zhang Muchen frowned.

It feels like things are not simple.

He stopped looking and took a step forward to Xu Hua's office.

But there was no one in the office.

Zhang Muchen saw this and suddenly realized it, and went to the meeting room.

Sure enough.

The meeting room was full of people.

The generals gathered in front of the huge map and had a heated discussion.

"Lieutenant General Xu, what happened?"

Zhang Muchen walked into the meeting room and found Xu Hua.

When Xu Hua saw that it was Zhang Muchen, his eyes lit up and he said:

"A beast tide occurred in the depths of the wilderness and was rushing towards the northern military region. I was worried about where to find high-end combat power. Just then, Major General Zhang, you came. It's really timely rain!"

As soon as these words came out.

Countless pairs of eyes in the meeting room fell on Zhang Muchen.

Everyone felt surprised and puzzled.

This young man is actually a major general! ?

"Beast tide?"

Zhang Muchen didn't care about the sight of others.


His mind was firmly attracted by this!

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