After the first class, Luo Zheng, Qiu Xiaoxiao and others came to the Element Academy together. "It's worthy of being Shengjing Wuda. I have gained a lot from just one class!" "Yes, practicing in this environment is several times faster than before!" "It's a pity that I didn't see Brother Zhang. I don't know what he is busy with." Several people discussed their gains, and everyone was excited. A young man with a moderate figure and green hair like green bamboo asked curiously: "Luo Zheng, who is Brother Zhang?" Luo Zheng heard this question, and his eyes burst into admiration. He was about to popularize science to his new friend. Suddenly Qiu Xiaoxiao pulled him. Luo Zheng turned his head and looked at it. He was overjoyed and shouted:

"Brother Zhang! Brother Zhang! Brother Zhang!"

After the cave class.

Zhang Muchen, who had gained a lot, left and came to the Element Academy to learn the second-level martial arts Flipping Wave Palm.

But he hadn't entered the classroom yet.

Suddenly he heard someone behind him calling his name.

He looked back.

He found that it was several candidates from Jiangnan Province.

It was Qiu Xiaoxiao, Luo Zheng and others.

There were also a few unfamiliar faces.

Probably their friends.

There was still some time before class.

Zhang Muchen didn't rush in, turned around and said:

"Hello, how do you feel about entering Wuda?"

After all, everyone was in the Jiangnan Province examination room.

Experienced the attack of the Beast God Cult.

There was a comradeship of life and death.

There was nothing wrong with chatting for a few words.

After all, he was not a madman who made enemies all over the world.

"Wow, Brother Zhang, Shengjing Wuda is indeed the top university in the country. It is really the most involuted place in the world. It is so stressful to be a student here."

Luo Zheng said bitterly.

He originally thought he was a genius.

Even in Shengjing Wuda, he would not fall behind.

But he found out when he got here.

There are still three hundred A-level talents like him!

Not to mention the S-level talents of the Heavenly Favored.

They are everywhere!

"There is motivation and progress only when there is pressure."

Zhang Muchen smiled at his funny look.

"Brother Zhang, are you okay? Why did I hear that you had a conflict with the Heavenly Favored Society?"

Qiu Xiaoxiao walked up and asked softly.

Her eyes were full of concern.

She was worried that Zhang Muchen would be impulsive and ruin her bright future.

"It's okay, it's been resolved."

Zhang Muchen waved his hand and said calmly.

In his opinion,

Even if everyone is friends.

There is no need to tell the details to others.

If you don't know me, what do you want from me!

"Just solve it. We still have to focus on our studies. The Tianjuan Club is a behemoth, and we freshmen can't afford to provoke it."

Qiu Xiaoxiao's expression relaxed and heaved a sigh of relief.

Really worried about Zhang Muchen.

Everyone was chatting

Zhang Muchen's wrist suddenly vibrated.

Xiaolu Ling reminded that it was time for class.

"Everyone, I'm going to class. See you next time."

Seeing this, he stopped chatting and turned to walk into the Element Academy.

The green-haired boy next to him scratched his head.

He glanced at his wrist and said strangely:

"Strange, why did Brother Zhang go to class? What class did he sign up for? Why didn't my wrist make a sound."

Luo Zheng glanced at him and said with a beaming eyebrow:

"Little brother, didn't I tell you? Brother Zhang is the only second-level warrior in the history of the college entrance examination. He must be going to the second-level course."

Second-level warrior?

The green-haired boy heard this, his pupils trembled, and his expression was shocked.

After entering Shengjing Wuda, these proud children of heaven can become second-level warriors within a year.

But when will Zhang Muchen take the college entrance examination!

The gap is not small.

"Brother Luo, when you have dinner with Brother Zhang in the future, please bring me with you so that I can show my face."

The green-haired boy's heart moved, and he said flatteringly.

Build a good relationship with the strong.

It is definitely a business that will not suffer losses.

"Dinner? I also want to invite Brother Zhang to dinner, but he probably won't have time."

Luo Zheng thought of this and felt a little melancholy.

He felt that it was difficult to invite Zhang Muchen.

After all, this ruthless man was devoted to Taoism.

Even if he was attacked by a cult, his life and death were uncertain, and the situation was unclear.

Zhang Muchen's original heart was not disturbed by the outside world, and he was not shaken at all. He resolutely chose to break through!

Arrived at Shengjing Wuda.

He must have devoted himself to cultivation and shirked.

Luo Zheng asked himself.

He was not that important yet.

Let Zhang

Muchen took out his time and wasted it on the party.

Buzz buzz buzz.

Everyone's wrists vibrated at the same time, reminding them that it was time for class.

Seeing this, they stopped chatting and stepped into the gate of the academy.


The place where the Flipping Wave Palm was taught was not the classroom, but the martial arts training ground.

There were already many students in the field.

But these students were confident and calm, and they didn't look like freshmen who had just entered the school.

"These people are probably sophomores."

Zhang Muchen glanced at the whole audience and had some guesses in his mind.

There was a clear stupidity in the eyes of the freshmen.

The difference from the old students was too obvious.

He retracted his gaze.

He found a place to wait.

"Hey, who is that strange face? Brother Hu, have you seen that guy?"

A group of people in the best position in the martial arts training ground glanced at Zhang Muchen and said strangely.

Hu Kai shook his head and said:

"There are a thousand sophomores in our school, and I don't know all of them, so how can I know who he is."

Everyone thought this made sense.

They didn't take it seriously.

They just thought Zhang Muchen was an ordinary sophomore.

Even if they looked unfamiliar, they would never have thought that the other party was actually a freshman!


Before seeing the person, you heard his voice first.

A powerful female voice, like a spring thunder, spread throughout the martial arts training ground.

In an instant.

Everyone shut up and dared not chat anymore.

The scene became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

A female teacher wearing a green robe and long hair tied into a ponytail walked into the martial arts training ground.

She had an elegant face, but her eyes were very stern, as if she was not easy to get along with.

She was obviously the kind of teacher who was strict and not easy to get close to.

Chi Yimei came to the center of the martial arts training ground, her deep eyes swept around, and she said in a cold voice:

"I am Chi Yimei. Before I teach you the Flipping Wave Palm, I would like to remind you that students whose talents are not related to the water system should leave to avoid wasting time."

No one spoke, and no one left.

After all, except Zhang Muchen.

The other students are all sophomores.

They know where their own talents are.

Naturally, they will not waste time and energy to learn an irrelevant martial art.

Besides, the school rules stipulate.

Only one martial art can be learned at the same time.

If there is a martial artist with fire talent, he comes to learn the Flipping Wave Palm, but cannot practice it to the perfect level.

That would be fun.

"Very good, then from today, I will teach you the Flipping Wave Palm, and I will give you a class every seven days to answer your questions. Now memorize the formula and the blood circulation route."

Chi Yimei nodded and explained.

As she finished her words, a screen quickly unfolded and hovered in front of everyone.

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