The water in the water was too heavy to flow, and the water in the water was too strong to flow.

In the dark hall, when the spirit seed flowed into his body, Zhang Muchen felt a sense of terror instantly.

This terror refers to the weight!

The density of the spirit seed seemed to expand hundreds of times in an instant!

The water that was originally flowing slowly also became turbulent with the change in volume!

Where the spirit seed went, the meridians and bones wailed under the heavy burden, and a large amount of blood seeped out and wet the ground.

"The power of the spirit seed is destroying my bones. I haven't started to forge my bones yet, and my bones are not strong enough! If I continue, I will die!"

Zhang Muchen's mouth was full of blood, and his breathing was rapid. He felt that fighting the Green Demon to death was still hard.

He felt the abnormality in his body, but he was helpless and had no way to deal with it.

He knew nothing about spirit seeds.

So this time, fusing spirit seeds was a complete gamble!


In extreme pain.

A dragon roar erupted from Zhang Muchen's body.

Dragon Devour!

The spirit seeds that were raging at will suddenly stiffened.

A large amount of mental power was out of control and madly invaded the spirit seeds, cutting them continuously and pulling them apart.

"Sure enough, the third strengthening is helpful for swallowing spirit seeds!"

Zhang Muchen was shocked and knew that he had made the right bet. He gritted his teeth and kept adding points to make up for the loss of mental power.

Even if he had a splitting headache and was in excruciating pain.

He also persisted desperately.

As the power of the spirit seeds continued to weaken, the dissipated power merged into Zhang Muchen's body.

But the bone crisis was not resolved!

Instead, it became more dangerous!

The heavy water that had originally gathered in a ball dispersed and merged into the limbs and bones, causing an astonishing pain that almost made Zhang Muchen faint.

"Everything in nature is mutually exclusive and complementary. As the saying goes, when a poisonous snake appears, there must be an antidote within seven steps. Since the spirit seed was born in the blood poison danger zone, there may be a chance of survival!"

Zhang Muchen made a decision in an instant - to break through the third level!

Devouring spirit seeds is a dangerous matter with a life-or-death situation.

And breaking through the third level in the blood poison danger zone, the risk is directly to a ten-fold death!

"The worst is death! System, the third level of the Whale Sea Body Forging Technique has been upgraded to perfection! Start the breakthrough!"

Zhang Muchen's eyes were red, and he chose to gamble again.

This time the bet is life!

'Consume 7,600 evolution points, and the proficiency of the Whale Sea Breathing Technique has been upgraded to perfection. '

'Consume 10,000 evolution points and start the breakthrough. '

Two prompts from the system sounded in succession.

Even more terrifying pain attacked the brain continuously.

At this moment that could make people die of pain.

Zhang Muchen smiled, because he remembered the life in his previous life when he was lying on a hospital bed and even breathing was a luxury, and he remembered the ruthless treatment of his family in this life.

He remembered all kinds of things.

He couldn't help but clench his fists, and his will was surging wildly in his heart!

For the sake of martial arts, I will never regret it even if I die!

The whole process.

Zhang Muchen was like a piece of ore, being beaten thousands of times, and countless impurities were beaten out!

As time passed, a unique power penetrated into his limbs and filled in.

The injury was repaired, and the skin was glowing again, white and clean like jade, without a single pore.

The outside changed.

The inside has changed dramatically!

The blood is extremely pure, the bones are as hard as steel, and the huge improvement can be clearly felt!

In the spiritual space, under the huge Eternal Azure Dragon, there is a vortex.

The vortex keeps circulating and will never end.

The heavy water spirit seed fusion is successful!

The breakthrough to the third level is successful!

'The talent evolution task has been completed, do you want to start the evolution? ’

And the system prompt sound followed.

Zhang Muchen was extremely excited.

Endured countless pains.

Finally saw the rainbow after the rain, and achieved success!

[Host]: Zhang Muchen

[Realm]: Level 30

[Talent]: Eternal Azure Dragon (S) (+)

[Blood]: 21000

[Spirit]: 19820 (+)

[Martial Arts]: Water Dragon Song (Perfect), Thunder Dragon Rage (Perfect), Lightning Lightning Step (Perfect), Wave Palm (Perfect)......

[Kung Fu]: Blood Burst Technique (Entry Level), Whale Sea Breathing Technique (Third Level Perfect), True Scale Technique (Perfect), Flying Star Visualization Method (Perfect)

[Evolution Points]: 36000

Open the panel and take a look.

Zhang Muchen showed a relieved smile, and quickly took out the pill and swallowed it, feeling full of relief.

I really walked through the gates of hell today!


I even kicked the gates of hell twice!

In the end, he didn't die!

"And the blood poison didn't break out, it seems my guess was right.

After fusing the heavy water spirit seed, the blood poison will not be triggered! "

"The evolution of talent is too noisy, and I can't explain it to others. I will find a chance to evolve after leaving the dangerous place."

Zhang Muchen took several deep breaths in succession and suppressed the impulse in his heart.


He found that there was a strange feeling in his heart.

It seemed that as long as he wanted, he could control the power of heavy water!

He stretched out a finger.

A large amount of blood and qi were consumed, condensed into a drop of water.


The drop of water fell to the ground, and the altar made a muffled sound, and a shallow pit was smashed out.

If you blindfold your eyes, you will probably think that it is a heavy object falling.

Not a drop of water!

"A drop of water weighs a thousand pounds! This is the heavy water spirit seed! This weight is too terrifying! "

Zhang Muchen's pupils burst into bright light, and a feeling of joy rose in his heart.

The more powerful the heavy water is.

The more worthwhile his suffering is!

You should know that the Water Dragon Song is to crush the enemy with weight.

Now that the spirit seed has been successfully swallowed.

The power of his water elemental martial arts has increased countless times!

Even if the Green Demon is resurrected.

Fight again.

Kill him within three moves!

"If heavy water can be continuously compressed, one day, a drop of water will suppress a world!"

Zhang Muchen's mind is active, and he immediately thinks about how to use the characteristics of the spirit seed to make himself stronger.

However, he has just merged the heavy water spirit seed, and there is still a long way to go before this step.

Da Da Da.

At this time, several footsteps were heard at the gate.

Zhang Muchen looked back and found that they were warriors participating in the mission.

"Hiss, you are not dead! ? "

Everyone was shocked.

Why is Zhang Muchen still alive!

The cult base has a third-level combat force!

Could it be that the third-level combat force hid and chose to drag it out until the vacuum period ended?

"No! That third-level combat force is probably dead."

Le Jin's face was pale, and he pointed to a huge stump.

This is a two-meter-long thigh!

A glimpse of the leopard.

You can know that the owner of the broken leg is definitely not small.

"He single-handedly solved all the cult members! Including the third-level combat force!"

The facts are outrageous, but they are right in front of us.

Everyone can't help but believe it.

At the same time, Zhang Muchen has a kind of brilliance called hatred of evil, which is awe-inspiring!

Because in this world, warriors only admire the strong!

"The mission is completed, you can leave. "

Zhang Muchen stood up and said lightly.

As for the matter of the spirit seed, it is not appropriate to disclose it, and there is no need to say it.

This is a reward for the brave, and it is what he deserves.

Everyone looked at Zhang Muchen with complicated eyes, watching his figure.

Just as people were immersed in admiration.

Suddenly, the ground shook!

The cave was active!

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