After everyone fell to the ground, they were still asleep.

Yao Peng, Du Ming, Luo Ting, and Feng Ting carried everyone to the gravity room.

Unlike yesterday, some students put bathtubs of different sizes in the cylindrical cabin.

"Wait for them to sleep for an hour.

Gu Xuanyuan and Cao Kui, I will do it, Feng Ting will be in charge of the girls, and you two can take care of the others!"

Hearing Yao Peng's instructions, the other three nodded in unison.


An hour later, four heart-wrenching screams sounded at the same time, breaking the tranquility of the gravity room.

The severe pain woke Gu Xuanyuan up from his coma instantly, and he screamed at the same time.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Yao Peng looking at him with a smile, and his hands did not stop moving.

The plain fist instantly hit Gu Xuanyuan's abdomen.


Although he knew he was being beaten, it still hurt.

With just this one punch, Gu Xuanyuan's ribs were already comminuted fractures.

The spine was also shaken into several sections, but not as exaggerated as comminuted.

The muscles and blood vessels in the body were all shattered by this blow.

The internal organs were also impacted to a considerable extent, but they did not rupture.

Gu Xuanyuan was sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and groaning constantly.

His hands had long been beaten into mud by Yao Peng, and he lost consciousness and could not move.

The legs that had not been beaten had also lost consciousness because of the spine.

Now Gu Xuanyuan has become a useless person with only his head moving.

'Fuck! '

'Can this be better? ’

But before Gu Xuanyuan could think about it.

Yao Peng’s big hand covered his forehead.

“The 400-scoop package can barely move your skull, feel it!”

After a few fingers moved slightly, a “crackling” sound of bones was heard.

Gu Xuanyuan only felt a roar in his mind.

All his thoughts were interrupted by a blow, but he did not faint, and the pain was still there.

But he could no longer interact with the outside world or make a sound.

Then he opened the hatch and carried Gu Xuanyuan into the bucket with one hand.

He put it down very gently, without splashing water.

After doing all this, Yao Peng came to the lying Cao Kui.

The students who were not tortured were all sleeping soundly, and did not wake up because of a few shouts.

Cao Kui was no exception.

As Yao Peng made his move.


Accompanied by screams, Cao Kui suddenly woke up, and then, like Gu Xuanyuan, he didn't have time to say a word.

Just as Yao Peng operated, he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak.

Gu Xuanyuan was deducted 20 scoops in the reaction test, leaving 466 scoops.

Cao Kui was deducted 24 scoops, leaving 388 scoops.

So Cao Kui's skull was not shattered by the last blow.

He kept screaming.

The students who were beaten by other instructors were the same.

In just 5 minutes, all 10 people had been beaten.

The instructor seemed to be familiar with it, obviously an old hand.

The students who were beaten basically entered the life essence with only one breath.

Gu Xuanyuan touched the life essence in the bucket, and a strong vitality surged into his body.

There was an irresistible comfort in his whole body.

It was extremely itchy, but there was nothing I could do about it. It was very uncomfortable.

But my body also began to undergo wonderful changes.

His comminuted fractured ribs began to heal slowly under the nourishment of the original life fluid, and his broken spine gradually returned to normal.

The speed was not very fast, but I could clearly feel that it was being healed.

The muscles and blood vessels in my body also began to reorganize and regain vitality.

My hands and legs, which had originally lost consciousness, gradually regained some consciousness.

‘It’s worthy of being worth 4 small goals. The effect is amazing! ’

‘But it’s itchy and painful, and I feel uncomfortable not being able to move. ’

Then Gu Xuanyuan began to try to operate the "Vajra Glass Sutra".

As expected, the seal of the forbidden Yuan Gangqi loosened a little, and the blood and qi could be slightly mobilized.

If the "Vajra Glass Sutra" was operated before being sealed, the speed of blood and qi circulation was that of a supercar on a highway.

Now the speed of blood and qi flow is that of an ordinary person pushing a thousand-pound boulder up a hillside.

However, due to the effect of the original life fluid and the degree of damage to the tendons, veins and bones in the body, the tempering effect is more than 10 times stronger than stimulating the blood and qi out of thin air.

If I do this every day for ten days, I can probably walk 1/3 of the way to the warrior realm. ’

As for the rest of the people, except for Lin Qingxuan who can also circulate qi and blood weakly at this moment.

They can only passively accept the healing of the life essence.

The quenching effect will be much worse.

Under the effect of [Natural Spiritual Eyes], Ye Xian has been observing her own state.

Unlike Gu Xuanyuan, whose forbidden Yuan Gangqi is all over his body.

Under the clear perspective of introspection, Ye Xian saw that the forbidden Yuan Gangqi was like a Dinghai magic needle, sealing the acupuncture points, and the qi and blood could only flow in a certain area and could not form a circulation.

The green energy of the life essence can flow unimpeded.

And unlike the state just after the ban, after this day of high-intensity training, this beating, and then the stimulation of the life essence.

This forbidden Yuan Gangqi seems to be gradually consumed, although very slowly.

But it can't escape Ye Xian, who has long been distinguishing the changes in various energy flows.

‘At this rate, the forbidden energy should be broken through in about 24 or 25 days. ’

‘If I mobilize the local qi and blood to impact a certain acupoint first, and then break them one by one, the time should be shortened to 20 days. ’

‘For people like Gu Xuanyuan and Cao Kui, who have obtained almost 400 scoops, this speed should be barely able to compete with them. ’

‘If I have more life essence every day, I can break through the state of the ban even faster. ’

‘At this rate, I should be able to obtain the secret method! ’

In Ye Xian’s opinion, the most likely candidates to obtain the secret method are Gu Xuanyuan, Cao Kui, and herself who has the advantage of internal strength.

Under the influence of the forbidden energy, other people can’t sense the specific location of the energy needle, and only have a vague feeling.

Naturally, they can’t perform the delicate energy and blood impact and consume the energy like her.

Naturally, the speed is not as fast as her.

After thinking about it, Ye Xian began to attack the forbidden energy with all her strength.

Different physiques have different strengths. Cao Kui's [Taiyi Qingmu Body] is like a fish in water under the stimulation of the life essence, and his recovery ability is amazing.

It heals 4 or 5 times faster than others.

As a result, it was healed in the middle of the night, but the life essence was not consumed.

Under 3 times gravity, he did a set of military boxing, went out of the cabin door to wake up Instructor Luo in the gravity training room, and asked for another beating.

Luo Ting was also shocked to see Cao Kui recovering ahead of time.

Luo Ting knew that the Cao family members had different recovery abilities.

Yao Peng naturally knew it, but Cao Kui still healed ahead of time.

Proved that Cao Kui's talent has exceeded Yao Peng's expectations.

It was not as tired as when he collapsed in the middle of the night, in order not to disturb others.

Luo Ting took Cao Kui outside and beat him up again, but he was not as heavy as Yao Peng.

Because there was only about 1/3 of the life essence left, just like a bucket.

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