The next morning, Gu Xuanyuan woke up swaying.

He found himself lying on a bed, with white sheets and a white quilt.

"Xuanyuan, are you awake?"

Gu Xuanyuan turned his head to the right and found Lin Qingxuan lying on another bed, with bandages wrapped around his body except for his face.

There were three more beds on the right, but no one was there.

Seeing that the quilt was opened, Gu Xuanyuan guessed that there should have been someone there, but they went out.

To the right was the window.

Gu Xuanyuan was lying on a bed on the far left of the room, near the door.

"Fat Xuan!"

"You're fine, that's great."

Lin Qingxuan grinned and said, "Thanks to you, Brother Yuan, otherwise I would have really died."

"Oh! Why are you being so polite to me?"

"By the way, what's the situation now?"

"This is the infirmary of the base. We'll be going back to school next."

"Zhongliyun and the others got on the bus first. If you hadn't woken up just now, the principal and the others would have come to wake you up."

Gu Xuanyuan was slightly surprised: "So fast! Has the special recruitment quota been confirmed? What happened to you?"

Lin Qingxuan shook his head: "I haven't told you yet, I don't know, I guess I'll ask you later."

Sure enough, at this moment, Li Gang and Tian Changhai walked in.

"Principal, Captain Li."

Gu Xuanyuan stood up and greeted him.

Li Gang waved his hand to signal him to sit down, his eyes full of admiration.

"Thanks to you, there was no big problem in this competition."

This naturally means that Gu Xuanyuan rescued Lin Qingxuan and no one died.

"I came here this time to ask you about the situation of the final battle with the Jade Scaled Poisonous Python.

Your bracelet was broken at that time, and there was no surveillance at that place, so I have to ask you to find out."

Gu Xuanyuan was shocked when he heard this: 'In addition to the bracelet, there are surveillance cameras in other places in the forest! '

'Then my [Monsterization] is exposed. '

Then he shook his head slightly.

'No, no, if they knew, the two people on the opposite side would not ask questions in this way. '

'It was missed, but fortunately it was not exposed. I have to be more cautious in [Monsterization] in the future. '

Seeing Gu Xuanyuan shaking his head, Li Gang thought he had forgotten.

"What? Don't remember?"

Gu Xuanyuan came back to his senses: "Oh, no."

Then he told the story of the final battle with the Jade Scaled Poisonous Python. Except for concealing the [Monsterization], the rest was not deleted or modified.

After listening to Gu Xuanyuan's description, Li Gang's eyes flashed with a trace of vigilance, and then disappeared.

Tian Changhai did the same, and then asked with concern.

"Do you feel any discomfort now? Is there any voice in your head?"

Gu Xuanyuan answered confidently: "No!"

Because it knew that the thing had died after entering its body, otherwise there would not be an entry on the panel that was not there before.

[Monster Transformation•Dragon Form] (White)

After hearing Gu Xuanyuan's answer, Li Gang and Tian Changhai were silent for a moment.

Then the two went outside to discuss something, and then Li Gang left.

Tian Changhai, who reentered the house, said to the two: "Okay, pack up and go back to school first! You two are the only ones missing."

When I got in the car, I saw Zhong Liyun, Su Yao, and Feng Liang again.

After entering the secret realm, I have never met each other, and I don't know what happened to each other. After greeting each other, they talked about their experiences in the secret realm.

Seeing this, the principal did not interrupt, drove the car out of the base and drove to No. 2 Middle School.

Su Yao first talked about her own experience: "I traveled and killed monsters normally on the first day.

Then in the afternoon of the second day, I rushed to the edge of the core area and wanted to challenge the 3rd-level monster.

As a result, I met Lu Chen and Lin Luo from No. 1 Middle School, who teamed up to eliminate me.

It was not until I woke up this morning and asked other people that I knew what happened last night."

Zhong Liyun's situation was similar to Su Yao's. He met Han Qianye and Wang Yuxuan in the core area.

As a result, Zhong Liyun eliminated Han Qianye and fought with Wang Yuxuan. Both were injured.

As for Feng Liang, he killed monsters in the middle area of ​​the forest step by step and did not meet anyone else.

At the same time, Lin Qingxuan also told his tragic experience, which attracted everyone's sympathetic eyes.

After Gu Xuanyuan briefly talked about his experience.

By the way, he asked the principal what the blood mist was.

"The center of the forest where you competed is sealed with a 5th-level mirage dragon, and the blood mist is it

It was created.

The white fog in the forest was also released by it, but it was filtered through the seal.

It only suppresses the advancement of low-level monsters, and cannot affect the monsters' minds.

But the seal was tampered with before you entered, allowing the mirage dragon to penetrate its own power and affect the outside world, so it caused the monsters to riot.

Combined with your last description, the beast should want to parasitize its consciousness on someone in the competition.

The initial target was Lin Qingxuan, and finally it became you.

You have no symptoms of discomfort, and the beast finally went crazy inexplicably in the seal, which should be a failure.

But you still have to pay attention. If you find something wrong with your body, report it to me or others immediately. "

After speaking, he glanced at Gu Xuanyuan through the rearview mirror.

Not finding anything wrong, he continued to look at the road and continued driving.

"Have you found out who tampered with it?" Gu Xuanyuan asked.


Last night, the seal team went to check the seal and found that the seal was directly modified, not destroyed.

There were no obvious traces left at the scene.

The four people who checked the seal before the game were interrogated.

It was found that the four people could not remember the details of the inspection three days ago.

Then, the soldiers who were responsible for guarding the entrance to the secret forest area three days ago were interrogated again.

The same problem.

Captain Li and I only guessed last night.

This person is not only a master of formations, but also proficient in hypnosis and psychedelic techniques. He sneaked into the secret realm from the outside world and finally left the base.

But I can't figure out the purpose of doing this.

He took great pains to sneak into the secret realm, changed the seal without destroying it, wanted to let the power of the mirage dragon leak out, but was unwilling to release the mirage dragon directly.

It's really puzzling.

It wasn't until I heard what happened in your last battle with the Green Scaled Poison Python that I had some guesses about the identity and purpose of the person who took action. ”

Gu Xuanyuan immediately asked: "Who? Why?"

"It is most likely someone from the Demon Alliance.

As for the purpose, it may be to verify some secret method!"

"Secret method?

Is it the consciousness parasitism you mentioned before, Principal?"

"Yes, consciousness parasitism.

This is a relatively advanced topic in the spiritual field.

If you are interested, you can consult scholars who study this field in college."

"Then is the official research of Daxia better or better than that of the Demon Alliance?"

In response, Tian Changhai only replied: "Haha!"

'Well! It seems that the official Daxia has been completely defeated in this regard.'

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