The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Bai Yunfei interrupted at this time and said, "Little Junior Brother, why don't you just tell me directly?"

"What do you mean by interrogation? Senior Brother will just cut off his hands and feet and send him to you to kill!"

Gu Xuanyuan didn't expect this prospective senior brother to speak so domineeringly.

In front of public officials, he didn't even try to be tactful.

But he was still very moved in his heart, and his good impression of Bai Yunfei increased again.

And Gu Xuanyuan, who had been paying attention to Bai Yunfei's friendship, found that.

When he called Bai Senior, Bai Yunfei's [Friendliness] did not drop at all.

Just when he proposed to kill Zhao Ming himself, his [Friendliness] even rose by 3 points to 73.

This is a peerless genius with a golden entry. How difficult it is to improve [Friendship].

It can be seen that he completely regards himself as a real junior brother.

Gu Xuanyuan has made up his mind at this moment.

As long as Bai Yunfei's mentor is normal and has no strange habits, he will directly recognize this senior brother.

Lu Guangshu, who was leaning against the wall, deliberately "coughed" twice.

'These two are really more daring than each other. '

'Do I think he is not a person who follows the rules? '

Then he said to Gu Xuanyuan: "If you can provide the exact location, I can agree to what you said just now."

He turned to Bai Yunfei and said: "Young people should not be so murderous."

"It's not too late to kill after the surplus value is used up!"

The reason why Lu Guangshu agreed is that without Gu Xuanyuan's location, there is a 99% chance that Zhao Ming will escape.

Because there is no way to check it.

Not to mention that Zhao Ming has the ability to blend into the crowd easily and not be detected through dream hypnosis.

Even if he is an ordinary suspect in the martial arts realm.

If he is not caught by surveillance, or reported by the masses, or if his purpose is guessed and he is staked out, it is difficult to catch him.

Gu Xuanyuan was delighted when he heard what Lu Guangshu said.

With Lu Guangshu, the martial arts master, as long as Zhao Ming is found, there is no way he can escape.

"Okay, let's go now, it may take some time.

The direction I sense will be intermittent, and it may be better when I get closer to Zhao Ming."

Bai Yunfei and Lu Guangshu tacitly did not ask Gu Xuanyuan what means he used to track Zhao Ming.

Tianlin City, a suburb in the west of the city, in the basement of a bungalow.

Some low-level warriors are fighting for life and death in a narrow cage.

Their bodies exude a powerful aura, and every punch and kick contains amazing power.

The cheers and shouts of the audience came one after another. They cheered for their favorite warriors crazily, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

The tense atmosphere was all around, and the betting chips were waving in the hands of the audience, adding to the excitement of the game.

Zhao Ming was in a brightly lit room in the underground fighting arena at this time.

Sitting on a chair, treating the wound on his hand.

There was also a thin man with shifty eyes beside him, waiting respectfully on the side.

This man was called Madi, the younger brother of the boss of this underground fighting arena.

He looked thin, but he was actually a martial artist in the martial arts realm. Although he had only a realm, he was still a martial artist.

He was not a member of the demon alliance before, but was forcibly transformed into a demon due to Zhao Ming's coercion.

He had no choice but to obey Zhao Ming.

This fighting arena is currently managed by Madi on the surface, but in fact it has long been controlled by Zhao Ming.

It's just that Zhao Ming is not interested in the income of the underground fighting arena, but in the people here.

The people here are too cheap, they can die at any time, no one cares.

And the spiritual experiments conducted by the Demon Alliance lack people, a lot of people.

Seeing that Zhao Ming's wounds were almost treated, he carefully said: "Sir, who caused your injury?"

Zhao Ming adjusted his glasses and showed a cold smile: "Why? Afraid of implicating you?"

Madi had to smile: "I am your subordinate now, so there is no question of implicating you.

If something happens to you, I, Madi, will not be far from death."

Zhao Ming snorted coldly: "You can see it clearly, don't worry, it's nothing serious."

"I will stay here for a few days, don't let others disturb me."

"The rest of the work, everything is the same as usual."

Madi bent down and replied respectfully: "Yes, sir."

Just as Madi was about to leave.

Zhao Ming suddenly felt unwell and immediately shouted: "Go get the inhibitor!"

Madi looked back and saw Zhao Ming trembling all over.

trembling, eyes bloodshot, staring straight at him.

"Why don't you go? Do you want to die?"

Madi came to his senses and ran out of the room immediately.

'So you can also have an attack! '

'I thought you were a high-level demon who could control yourself. '

'Damn, you made me become like this, sooner or later you will be in trouble. '

'Alas, when will this miserable life end! '

After injecting the inhibitor, Zhao Ming gradually calmed down.

'The latest inhibitor is becoming less and less effective. '

'Are you going to become a monster that eats raw meat and drinks blood again? '

When the demon has an attack, it needs to kill and eat raw flesh and blood to satisfy its animal nature, and then gradually calm down and return to human form.

The desire for each attack will become greater and greater, and the stimulation required will become more and more, and eventually it will become a completely irrational humanoid demon beast.

For demons lurking in the city, if the inhibitor is no longer effective, in order to prevent another attack.

They would prepare blood food in advance, lock themselves in a closed room, and wait until the attack was about to happen, then go in and "have a full meal".

Then he remembered Bai Yunfei's words.

'Scum? '

'If there is a choice, who doesn't want to be a good person? '

Under the guidance of Gu Xuanyuan, the three were driving an off-road vehicle on the way to the underground fighting field.

Gu Xuanyuan was curious and asked about the Monster Monitoring Department.

"Captain Lu, how does the Monster Monitoring Department usually deal with living monsters?"

Lu Guangshu glanced at Bai Yunfei through the rearview mirror and saw that his expression did not change.

He said to Gu Xuanyuan: "The monsters in the Monster Monitoring Department are divided into two categories.

One is not sentenced to death and does not want to hurt people subjectively, but cannot control themselves after the beast nature attacks.

The second is sentenced to death, but has special abilities and has a huge role."

"The first type is similar to ordinary criminals. They have work, rest time, and food every day, but they are restricted to activities in the Monster Monitoring Department.

The workload is determined according to the different crimes committed.

Monsters who have not committed crimes are equivalent to being under house arrest in the Monster Monitoring Department and do not have to work.

When there are signs of an attack, they will be locked up in a small dark room alone and can only come out after they wake up again."

Gu Xuanyuan thought of the green potion that Bai Yunfei had played with in the clinic before.

When he asked about it, he was told that it was an inhibitor, used to suppress the beast nature of monsters.

He continued: "Why not use an inhibitor?"

Lv Guangshu shook his head.

"If the inhibitor really works, there will probably be half fewer people taking the Monster Monitoring Bureau.

That thing was made by the people of the Monster Alliance themselves, and it can indeed temporarily suppress the beast nature.

But the suppressed desire will be accumulated, and when it breaks out completely, most people can't regain their sanity."

After hearing this explanation, Gu Xuanyuan had a new question.

"Then the practice of the Monster Monitoring Bureau to lock up the monsters in a small dark room can gradually make the monsters normal?"

Lv Guangshu sighed and said with a heavy heart: "No."

"Most of them end up becoming monsters who can't regain their sanity, but the process is slower."

"A very small number of them can gradually control the method of dealing with the beast nature with their will in pain."

"To completely suppress the beast nature without strong stimulation."

Gu Xuanyuan was also silent. Some people may be monsters from birth, or they may be transformed by the people of the Monster Alliance.

They lost their freedom and became monsters that they didn't even recognize in pain.

"What about the second one?"

"The second one is to be locked up in a small dark room all year round, and make sure he doesn't die. He will be brought out only when there is an event that requires his abilities.'

"What if he doesn't cooperate?"

"Haha, if he doesn't cooperate, the martial arts universities are in need of experimental subjects!"

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