After seeing Duan Chengfeng's results, Xu Anlin was not so calm.

It was a little unexpected for Xu Anlin that Duan Chengfeng could reach the 25th level, but it was not surprising.

Those students who took the test could not sense Duan Chengfeng's specific realm, but Xu Anlin could sense it clearly, and he had entered the warrior realm not long ago.

Both of them were warriors who entered the Taixu Illusion Realm. Duan Chengfeng and Bai Yunfei were only one level apart, the 25th and 26th levels, but their strengths should be quite different.

At that time, Xu Anlin recruited Bai Yunfei because he realized the spiritual practice method, not because he was amazed by his results in the Taixu Illusion Realm.

But Gu Xuanyuan was different. He had just entered the Wusheng Realm, but he had not come out yet.

Even if he rested for five minutes from the first step of the cloud ladder, he should have reached the 20th step by now.

Xu Anlin originally thought that Gu Xuanyuan's ability to reach the 20th step was already amazing.

It was not that Xu Anlin underestimated Gu Xuanyuan, but his martial arts realm was a flaw.

Even Zhang Tingting was only one step away from the warrior realm, and she was definitely a unique existence in the martial arts realm, and she barely reached the 20th step.

Not to mention Gu Xuanyuan who had just entered the martial arts realm.

But now Gu Xuanyuan has not come out, which means that Gu Xuanyuan's strength is much stronger than he estimated.

'Did Yunfei know the strength of this kid in advance? '

'Otherwise why would he beg me to take him in. '

Thinking of this, Xu Anlin turned around and asked Bai Yunfei.

"Did you know him before?"

Bai Yunfei was a little confused: "Who? Duan Chengfeng? I don't know!"

"I'm talking about your junior brother-Gu Xuanyuan!"

Bai Yunfei laughed out loud.

Xu Anlin's face darkened at that moment.

But this did not deter Bai Yunfei.

He smiled for a long time before answering: "I had never met him before I went to Tianlin City, how did I know him?"

Hearing this answer, Xu Anlin was slightly surprised.

'I guessed wrong. '

'I really picked up a treasure. '

'Well! This disciple is really good, and I don't have to compete with other old guys. '

'Yunfei, this traitor, has a good vision. Let's make him the A-level armor as soon as possible. '

Just as he was planning this, he heard Bai Yunfei say to Lin Qingxuan.

"Qingxuan, Xuanyuan should be my junior apprentice.

He believes in you, so you should be safe too.

After you finish the assessment, I will play [He may not be your junior apprentice] to the instructor on a loop.

Let him be slapped in the face."

Xu Anlin's mouth twitched slightly, and his palm raised slightly.

He looked at Lin Qingxuan who didn't know how to reply to Bai Yunfei.

'I almost forgot about this little fat guy. '

'But, can he be unexpected? '

'At this level, it's impossible to reach the 20th level! '

'If the blood and qi reach the 8th level of breaking the limit, there is still a glimmer of hope to be promoted to the Wusheng realm. '

'But this is a bit unscientific! '

'The Yuqiong Zhu fruit can provide so much blood and qi, how can he absorb it? '

Lin Qingxuan also felt a lot of pressure at this moment. So many people entered, but in the end, including Gu Xuanyuan who didn't come out, only 3 people reached the 20th level.

‘Xuanyuan and Senior Brother are full of confidence in me, but I have no confidence at all! ’

‘I thought I could pass the assessment as long as I broke through to the Wusheng Realm. Now it seems that I am too young. ’

Then Lin Qingxuan began to comfort himself again.

‘Why do you start to lose confidence again? ’

‘Xuanyuan has never lied to me. If he says I can do it, then I can do it. ’

I remembered the conversation between Gu Xuanyuan and himself last night.

The two sat face to face in a room in the hotel.

“Fat Xuan, didn’t you ask me how many levels of Qi and Blood I broke through before I was promoted to the Wusheng Realm?

Originally, I didn’t plan to tell anyone, after all, it was too shocking.

But you had the idea of ​​breaking through before the Qi and Blood reached the limit, so I decided to tell you so that you don’t waste your talent.

My Qi and Blood value has been up to 200 points, and I was promoted to the Wusheng Realm after breaking through 10 levels of limit.”

Lin Qingxuan’s mouth opened directly into an O shape at that time, so big that a fist could fit in.

"200 points! Are you serious?"

Gu Xuanyuan nodded calmly: "It's 200 points, no doubt."

"Oh my god, how did you do it?"

"No wonder you stayed in the Yanlong Blood Pool for 15 minutes, no wonder you are stronger than Ye Feng just after entering the Wusheng Realm."

Gu Xuanyuan continued to explain: "You are actually not

You don't need to be so surprised. You have made the greatest contribution to reaching 200 points."

Lin Qingxuan pointed at himself in confusion: "Me? What did I do?"

"It doesn't matter what you did. You just need to know that your Qi and Blood should also be able to reach the 10th stage of breaking the limit, and at the very least, it should be able to reach the 9th stage of breaking the limit.

I asked Senior Brother Bai about the Qi and Blood that the Jade Qiong Zhu Fruit can provide. If it is not wasted, it is enough to support you to 200 points of Qi and Blood.

So, you must hold on until your Qi and Blood can't rise any more tomorrow. "

Lin Qingxuan just felt unbelievable.

Gu Xuanyuan can reach 200 points, which means he is extremely talented, and it has become a fact.

Although there is some shock, it is okay to accept.

But I was also told that I could reach this level, so I couldn't help but doubt it.

If it wasn't said by Gu Xuanyuan, Lin Qingxuan would definitely think that this person was crazy and had bad intentions towards him.

But Gu Xuanyuan repeatedly emphasized that this was true.

Originally, I was still a little skeptical, but after the small misunderstanding was resolved this morning.

Lin Qingxuan once again unconditionally trusted Gu Xuanyuan's words and didn't think it was a means of encouraging himself.

'At least break the limit by 9 stages?'

'I can do it!'

After encouraging himself, Lin Qingxuan said to Bai Yunfei.

"Brother Bai, I can definitely reach the 20th step."

Then he asked carefully: "But do you really want to slap the instructor in the face? "

As he said that, he poked the position behind Bai Yunfei with his index finger.


Before Bai Yunfei could answer, Xu Anlin had already slapped him on the back of his head.

"Traitor! Don't lead your junior brother astray."

Lin Qingxuan's confident answer also made Xu Anlin more confident in him, and he accepted from the bottom of his heart that Lin Qingxuan could become his disciple.

At this time in the Taixu Illusionary Realm.

Looking at the stabbing long sword.

Gu Xuanyuan sighed in his heart.

'If it's not a fair victory, then it's not a fair victory!'

'I'm only in the Wusheng Realm, fighting against the Wushi Realm, what's wrong with changing my body?'

"Brother Bai, are you ready to be beaten? "

Demon Beast Transformation, Full Open!

Bai Yunfei's long sword directly pierced into the thigh of Gu Xuanyuan after the transformation.

But no blood spurted out.

Due to the atomization ability of [Demon Beast Transformation•Dragon Form], the long sword went straight through.

Gu Xuanyuan only felt a sharp pain in his thigh, but it did not have much impact.

Even if the atomization was not used, it was estimated that it could only cause local damage and could not eliminate Gu Xuanyuan.

Then, a fist as big as a human head with golden light blasted towards Bai Yunfei.

The transformed Bai Yunfei was stunned by the sudden change for a moment.

When he reacted, he could no longer dodge, so he quickly put away his sword to block.


The violent power was released.

With a "swoosh!", Bai Yunfei was like a cannonball, and no one knew where he flew to.

"The person flew away, how can we judge this?"

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