"Yasu, continue to input your divine power."

"Don't stop!"

When Yu Qingli heard the male voice, Ren Yasu's Yuan Li began to be disordered.

His face darkened, and he immediately shouted loudly.

Her own holy light energy also poured out madly.

Following her hands, she entered Chu Qianyuan's body.

Chu Qianyuan's body was under the power of the two people's holy light.

Slowly return to calm.

The blue veins on the body gradually faded, and the muscle spasm stopped.

His face also stretched out.

"All right!"

"Yasu, take back Yuan Li!"

"The seal of Tianyuan seal is formed, and it can last for seven days."

"Qian Yuan will wake up after a while. You should decide as soon as possible whether you want to completely abolish the ancient bloodline on her."

Wang Qingli's breathing seemed a little heavy, and she glared at Di Junlin who had just entered the room in dissatisfaction.

Without saying much, he left Di Junlin's villa directly.

Seeing this, Di Junlin touched his nose in embarrassment.

I didn't know how to speak for a while.

His eyes fell on his sister, and he never looked away.

Shallow edge these days.

How much pain did you endure?

It turned out that he was able to relate to the power of space because of the blood power of the shallow relationship?


Di Junlin's body hummed softly.

There seems to be a warm current flowing between the eyebrows.


A white light lit up between his eyebrows, like a petal.

This petal seemed very restless, and immediately rushed out of Di Junlin's control at the moment of complete condensation.

It instantly fell on Chu Qianyuan's weak body.


Di Junlin was taken aback.

Did not expect such a change to occur.

He immediately walked to Chu Qianyuan's side, and the imprint of the source of light in his dantian had already lit up.

The primordial force of chaos is all transformed into the primordial force of light.

He was always on the lookout for any malignant changes in Chu Qianyuan's body.

"This is?"

Ren Yasu has not been able to fully recover the Yuan energy that he has consumed.

Seeing that white light of unknown origin penetrate into Chu Qianyuan's body.

Immediately prepare to penetrate her divine power into her body.

Check out what happened to Chu Qianyuan.

"Don't worry."

Di Junlin grabbed Ren Yasu's hand and shook his head at her.

He could feel that the energy in Chu Qianyuan's body became more balanced under the action of the white light just now.

The seal of Tianyuan Seal that Yu Qingli and Ren Yasu built for Chu Qianyuan became more stable after the power of this space origin returned.

It is completely able to make Chu Qianyuan in the next ten days.

free from torture.

It's just that Di Junlin felt his affinity for the power of space, after the white light just escaped.

Appears very thin.

If it weren't for him to control some spatial trends.

I am afraid that even the shadow of the power of space cannot be touched.

He could completely imagine how powerful the ancient bloodline in Chu Qianyuan's body was.

That petal may only be a small part of its origin.

There are other miraculous things that have not been revealed.


Chu Qianyuan on the bed slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at the familiar ceiling, the memory in my mind began to wake up.

The scene of Di Junlin being drawn into the rift in space is still replaying.

She woke up suddenly and sat up suddenly.

Look around.

"elder brother?"

"You're back?"

When Chu Qianyuan saw the familiar figure of Di Junlin standing beside her, she shouted in great surprise.

He was about to get up and throw himself into Di Junlin's arms.

All of a sudden, it was dark in front of me, and I felt that my whole body was sore and weak, and I had no strength.

Almost rolled off the bed.

"Shallow edge?"

"How do you feel now?"

"You don't move yet."

Di Junlin quickly protected Chu Qianyuan.

"Brother, you're fine!"

"Great, you're really fine."

Chu Qianyuan hugged Di Junlin, and the delicate fragrance of the girl lingered on Di Junlin's nose.

The delicate body, as weak as a bone, was tightly clinging to Di Junlin's arms.

Di Junlin looked at Chu Qianyuan, who had lost a lot of weight.

The tip of the nose couldn't stop sour.

I felt even more pain in my heart.

Not only was Qian Yuan thin, but her body was extremely weak.

The vitality in the body becomes dim.

Even that day Yuan Feng Ling Yin blessing protects her body.

But it still failed to stop the flow of vitality in the shallow edge.


Origin point! I need a lot of origin points.

Can't drag it any longer!

Di Junlin's eyes became more and more firm, and his murderous pupils narrowed slightly.

There is also the Evil Saint Sora!

The source of everything is because of him!

From that newcomer's secret realm, he was behind everything that happened.

Wait for me!

Sooner or later crush his head.

thought here.

Di Junlin looked at Chu Qianyuan in his arms.

With a slight movement in his heart, he separated a part of his consciousness and looked at the super god-level lottery card stored in the system space.

He wanted to see if he was holding sister Ou Huang in his arms, could he directly pull out something to solve Chu Qianyuan's problem?

"The system uses super god-level lottery cards!"

The system beep suddenly sounded.

【Ding! The super god-level lucky draw card is successfully used! 】

[The world of the heavens is being locked, and super god-level items are randomly drawn! 】

【Ding! The draw was successful! 】

【Congratulations to Host for obtaining the best super artifact · Mark of the Gods】

[Target: Mark of the Gods! 】

[Equal order: Need for super artifact! 】

[Attributes: 1. The strength of soul and soul power is increased by 130%;

2. The strength of soul defense is increased by 150%;

2. The attack strength of resisting spirit skills is increased by 120%;

3. The power of all spirit abilities is increased by 120%;

4. Blessings of the gods (wearing this super artifact of the soul can obtain the blessings of the ancient gods! It can slowly transform the soul, make the soul space more stable, and improve understanding!);

5. Summoning shadows (consumes soul power, you can summon any gods shadows to bless yourself!);

6. Ragnarok of the Gods (consumes soul power, self-explodes the summoned gods' phantoms, and produces a terrifying soul explosion like dusk);

7. XXXX (the soul super artifact is incomplete and cannot use this ability)

Eight, XXXX (incomplete...)

Nine, XXXXX (incomplete...)! 】

[System Remarks]: A powerful super-artifact from the world of the gods. It is rumored that the imprint of the gods is a failed product of the ancient gods to imitate a certain terrifying instrument.

But it contains the powerful source of ancient gods, which can be gradually repaired over time.

"Mark of the Gods???"

"Or a soul super-artifact?"


Di Junlin looked at the virtual entry that popped up in front of him.

Quickly scan the information displayed on it.

I couldn't help but be shocked.

For the time being, he did not take out this soul super-artifact, but looked down at his sister in his arms.


The European Qi of the shallow edge is still so powerful!

With this super artifact of the soul, Di Junlin has no idea where to go next.

Confidence suddenly burst.

The most powerful aspect of the evil in the Uranus realm is the power of artistic conception.

Now I have the blessing of the mark of the gods.

With the chaotic origin mood that is about to be transformed by itself.

You can completely not be afraid of those moods below the fifth order!


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