Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 226 Old Man Jian, Pay Homage To The Early Years?

If he remembered correctly.

The young man beside Yuan Zishan should be the champion of the college entrance examination this year?

Seventeen at most?

Has the cultivation base reached the extreme realm of weather?

Taking hormones is not so fast, right?

It is impossible to say that it will take two years to break through to the Uranus realm.


Before Lin Yijian's brows could be stretched, Di Junlin's body suddenly surged with a powerful spatial fluctuation.

The transformation process of the original mood of chaos has been improved again.

"Original mood prototype??"

"The power of heaven and earth under his control has actually begun to be transformed into a source of artistic conception?"

"From the perspective of fluctuations, the quality of this source mood is definitely in the first rank, or even surpasses the first rank!"

Lin Yijian felt the change in Di Junlin, and his heart was shocked again.

The quality of the original artistic conception and the field is the same as the quality of the situation of heaven and earth.

It's just that there are four more tiers above the first grade, the best grade, the unparalleled grade, the holy grade, and the divine grade.

For example, the domain that Lin Yijian controls himself is the best, above the first grade.

And Yuan Zishan's field quality is even stronger, reaching the holy grade!

In Lin Yijian's view, if Di Junlin can completely transform the original artistic conception.

At least it's a superb level!

Lin Yijian looked at Di Junlin and then at his two apprentices.

Inexplicably angry.

How dare these two idiots look down on people from Tiansheng Academy?

A freshman can run over you with one finger at the age of seventeen.

"Why are you here now?"

"Let's wait an hour!"

"And why isn't it Chen Minghui or Li Qingyuan?"

An untimely voice suddenly sounded.

The brothers Qi Yuanlin and Qi Yuanshu looked at Di Junlin and Yuan Zishan with bad looks on their faces.

The dissatisfaction in his heart was not concealed in the slightest, and it was directly revealed.

"To shut up!"

Lin Yijian heard that something was wrong, and immediately cursed.

At the same time, the brothers Qi Yuanshu and Qi Yuanlin were slapped on the ground, facing Di Junlin and Yuan Zishan.

Posing a dog eating shit.

"Teacher, how are you..."

Qi Yuanshu was so sore that tears came out, feeling that his ribs were broken.

The current posture of the two of them is simply shameful.

What happened to this old man today, such a big reaction?


Di Junlin was taken aback by the scene in front of him, and he didn't expect that he had just arrived at the plateau settlement.

Just came across this scene.

These two boys say goodbye to their early years?

But it is the old man in front of him who is quick, otherwise...

According to Senior Sister's temper, the two should be gone.

"Yuan girl, these two boys have never seen the world, don't take it to heart."

Lin Yijian glanced at Yuan Zishan's right hand from the corner of his eye.

The power of the Six Paths had already been condensed in her hands, and this time it was the beasts.

If this beast dao shrouded Qi Yuanshu and Qi Yuanshu, the two of them would probably leave shadows in this life.

"Hmph, old man Jian, that's how you teach students?"

The smile on Yuan Zishan's face had long since disappeared, and the beast path condensed by the power of the Six Paths in her hand began to slowly dissipate.

This old man Jian's reaction was quite quick, the last one who dared to talk to him like this was still grazing.

Lin Yijian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "The two of them don't know about your glorious deeds. It's just the world to bring the two of them out this time."

"We don't need to be polite, let's get down to business."

"This kid behind you is the one who entered the Black Nether Swamp this time, right?"

"This year's top student in the college entrance examination, Di Junlin?"

Lin Yijian changed the subject and looked at Di Junlin curiously.

He was curious about what kind of source power this young man was controlling?

To be valued by Hong Yuansheng, the origin he controls is probably at least the top sequence, right?

"It's quick to change the subject."

Yuan Zishan did not give Lin Yijian face.

But she was too lazy to continue to care about the two boys just now.

They have already knelt down and kowtowed in front of him, how could he care?

"Yes, this time King's Landing entered the Tianyou Swamp."

"You only need the official power of the plateau settlements, and join me to contain the powerhouses that may appear in the land emperor realm."

"Don't pay attention to the strong Uranus realm, and Jun's Landing can keep himself safe."

Yuan Zishan said with a slightly proud look on her face.

"Keep yourself safe under the hands of Uranus?"

"What's the meaning?"

"This year's college entrance examination champion? Just a freshman, can you protect yourself under the Uranus realm?"

"I don't know, I think he is already a strong Uranus realm."

Qi Yuanshu and Qi Yuanshu became more and more dissatisfied.

The two looked at each other, and as brothers, they immediately understood what the other was thinking.

It's just that their teachers directly plundered their right to speak.

They seemed to be pressing down on several mountains, and they couldn't move a single finger.

Ke Lin Yijian's next sentence made them stunned.

"The seventeen-year-old extreme weather is about to completely condense the original artistic conception."

"This is the direct disciple that Yuan Sheng's predecessors accepted?"

"I also understand why your Tiansheng Academy has not been able to stand for so many years."

"Let's not say anything else, the vision of accepting apprentices is really strong."

Lin Yijian looked at Qi Yuanshu and Qi Yuanshu, and then compared Di Junlin.

I felt an inexplicable unease in my heart.

The Yuan force in the body surged suddenly, causing the pressure on Qi Yuanshu and Qi Yuanshan to increase sharply.


The crisp sound of bone cracks resounded throughout the courtyard.

Qi Yuanshan and Qi Yuanshu even fainted in pain.

Is a cruel man!

The apprentice was so abused?

Can a master act like this?

Di Junlin looked at Lin Yijian with a strange expression, but he didn't expect the powerhouses in the plateau settlement to like this tone.

"Cough cough."

Lin Yijian coughed dryly, obviously not expecting that these two stupid apprentices couldn't bear the pain.

Isn't it just a fracture?

Back then, when I was being trained by your master, my whole body shattered every day.

Did I say something?

No, it seems that I am too good to the two brothers.

Grind it every day from now on!

Do not! not enough!

Want to catch up with this Di Junlin!

Run it at least three times!

Forged sword body.

Lin Yijian stared at Di Junlin and silently made this important decision.

Qi Yuanshu, Qi Yuanshu: "..."

"Generally so."

"Jun's Landing is a little bit stronger than I was at the beginning."

"Okay, don't be polite, just get down to business."

"The mission issued by your plateau settlement, destroy the Black Nether Swamp! Isn't it wrong?"

"The quest reward is the Heart of Heiyou! That's right?"

Yuan Zishan's eyes became extremely sharp, and she said word by word.

The Heart of Black Nether is the core of Black Nether Swamp, with powerful dark power.

For Di Junlin, it is an excellent treasure!

As long as the black secluded heart is refined, the body can be integrated into the darkness.

To provide protection for Di Junlin's life safety, but also to improve his escape ability by several grades.

It can even control the power of darkness.

"That's right!"

"As long as he can destroy the Black Nether Swamp and let the nightmare of the evil clan dissipate!"


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