Trading secrets, Tianshi Valley.

As its name suggests, Tianshi Valley is a huge deep pit. The closer to the center, the more buildings there are.

From above, this place is crowded with people, even more lively than Jiaocheng.

However, unlike the liveliness and madness of Jiaocheng, although there are many people here, there is more tranquility.

After passing through the teleportation array, Xu An and his companions arrived at the outskirts of Tianshi Valley in a blink of an eye.

As soon as they appeared, a large number of creatures dressed like subordinates surrounded them.

"Hi, friend, do you need a stone master to lead you? The stone masters of the Mining Clan are safe and guaranteed, and will definitely bring you a full load."

"My friend, the price of the Mining Clan is too high. Choose the stone masters of our first terminal. They are cheap and affordable, and will definitely not let you spend money in vain."

"Hi, please make way. I am a freelance stone master, and the price is the lowest. I am very familiar with this place..."

A large number of people surrounded Xu An and his friends, talking about the "stone master" industry.

Xu An was puzzled and looked at Gu Li and asked, "Brother, does this Tianshi Valley have to be led by a stone master?"

Gu Li explained as if he was used to it, "There is no hard and fast rule. You can choose or not."

"But Tianshi Valley is a place where people gamble on stones. If there is no stone master to lead, a novice will lose all his money if he goes to gamble on stones by himself."

"But if you find a reliable stone master, even if you are a novice, there is a certain chance to make a fortune."

The stone master is a profession extended from the time stone.

They may not have a strong realm and power, but they know a lot about the Time Stone, and even the skills they practice are all for the purpose of cutting the stone.

Some powerful stone masters can see through the confusion covering the surface of the Time Stone to its essence, and thus thrive in the Sky Stone Valley.

"Since they can cut the stone themselves, why don't they cut it themselves?"

"There are countless Time Stones here. If they cut out an ancient heavy weapon, it would be much better than taking a job here, right?"

Xu An didn't understand. Logically speaking, the stone master should not be short of money.

"It's not that simple."

Tang Yue, who was standing next to him, also understood the rules of this place and laughed:

"Timestones are formed after countless years. Even the top stone masters can make mistakes, let alone these half-baked stone masters?"

"Timestones are very expensive. The cheapest ones cost tens of thousands of spirit stones, and the expensive ones even cost hundreds of millions or tens of billions."

"The stone masters are rich, but they cut a lot of timestones every day. If they make a mistake in making a good stone, they will lose everything."

"That's why these stone masters send their subordinates here to take over the work, which is considered an extra income. Income."

Gu Li chuckled and shook his head; "It's not just an extra income, these stone masters charge very expensive fees."

"Generally, a stone master charges 10,000 spirit stones for each stone cutting, and the price fluctuates with the price of the time stone."

"And a well-known stone master like the Mining Clan not only charges a large fee every time he looks at the stone, but also takes half of the things he cuts."

"Once there was a person who hired a stone master from the Mining Clan, and he cut a Phoenix Blood Stone and sold it at a sky-high price, and half of it was taken away."

Xu An was secretly amazed when he heard it. These stone masters are really doing a business without capital.

If you can't cut anything, you deserve it, but you should pay the stone master a penny.

But if you cut something, not only do you have to pay, but you also have to take the general value of the cut things. This is simply a huge profit!

"Then should we still look for a stone master?"

After understanding the rules here, Xu An looked at Gu Li and asked.

Gu Li pondered for a moment, and nodded, "Let's find one."

"If we don't find a stone master to lead us, we know nothing about time stones, so we won't be ripped off."

"But don't find too expensive ones, some individual stone masters will do, but just pay a stone fee."

Xu An and the other two discussed and prepared to find a stone master to lead.

The crowd around them saw that there was a chance, and immediately introduced it more enthusiastically.

At this time, a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed in rags, with a six or seven-year-old girl, squeezed through the crowd with his weak body and came to the front.

"My lords, please choose me, I am an individual stone master, and I only need five thousand spirit stones to cut a stone once!"

The boy was sweating profusely, holding the little girl in one hand, and looked at Xu An and others nervously.

Such a low price and special dress attracted the attention of Xu An and others.

But before they expressed their opinions, the people around them began to ridicule them.

"Hey, isn't this someone from the Shi Clan? He hasn't starved to death yet?"

"Hehe, a mere hemolysis level, dares to call himself a stone master? Can you really see through even a piece of stone?"

"Tsk, even if he can see through it, so what? With the Sang Clan here, who dares to use someone from your Shi Clan?"

"Yeah, I forgot,Anyone who dares to feed your Shi Clan will be in trouble..."

The people around are very familiar with this young man, the 'Shizhi' of the Shi Clan.

A long time ago, there were three top stone master races in Tianshi Valley, the Shi Clan, the Sang Clan, and the Mining Clan.

Among them, the Shi Clan and the Sang Clan were the most harmonious, as close as a family, and even lived in the same interface.

But later, no one knew what happened, more than 90% of the Shi Clan disappeared, and the cultivation talents of the descendants disappeared with the disappearance of the clan members.

This also led to, The Shi Clan went from being a top stone master race to a weak and small tribe.

In addition, the cultivation talent of the descendants disappeared, and cultivation became extremely difficult, and the Shi Clan fell into a dilemma.

At the same time, the Sang Clan began to make trouble, coveting the Shi Clan's secret stone-breaking technique, and began to annex the Shi Clan.

In order to make the Shi Clan bow their heads, the Sang Clan targeted them everywhere. Although the Sang Clan could not control other people to choose the Shi Clan as the leader, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, people who came to Tianshi Valley would avoid the Shi Clan.

Listening to the discussions and ridicules of the people around her, the thin little girl lowered her head, her eyes were full of tears, and her body trembled.

The boy held the little girl's hand tightly, looking at the people around him with angry eyes,

"My Shi Clan is small, but who dares to say that my Shi Clan's stone-looking technique is unbearable!"

"What about the blood fusion realm? Whether the stone master is strong or not is not determined by the realm! "

As he spoke, the young man looked at Xu An and others with an almost pleading look,

"My lords, although my realm is low, my clan's stone-viewing technique was the best at that time."

"I don't want a share of the stone after it is cut, nor do I want a high fee, five thousand spirit stones a day! This is the greatest sincerity I give to you lords!"

"As a stone master, even if my stone-viewing technique is not good, the price of five thousand spirit stones is the lowest in Tianshi Valley! "

When he said these words, Shi Zhi's heart was bleeding.

Once upon a time, countless bigwigs asked the Shi clan to look at stones, and even if they offered 80% of the price of the stone, they would still come.

But now... he and his sister are almost starving to death because they can't make any money.

In order to escape from the plane, the clan members paid a heavy price and found two keys to the secret realm.

He shoulders the hope of the clan members, and he can't starve to death here in humiliation.

To live! Breaking the cultivation talent of the Shi clan that seems to be cursed is his purpose of escaping from the interface.

"Senior Brother..."

After understanding what the Shi clan represents, Xu An frowned and looked at Gu Li.

The brother and sister of the Shi clan are very miserable. The clan members disappeared and their talents were cursed. Now he can't even afford to eat.

Although he sympathizes, he doesn't have the ability to help the world.

It doesn't matter if he spends a little more money, it's just to find a stone master to lead, but if he offends the Sang tribe for this... it's not worth it.

This is not cold-blooded. In this era where interests are respected, it is not easy to survive. People who are compassionate... don't live long.

"Forget it, find someone else."

Gu Li also had this idea. After looking at the brothers and sisters of the Shi clan with pity, his eyes moved to others.

The young man trembled, smiled miserably, and his hand holding his sister was shaking slightly.

It has been a month since he came to the secret realm, and he hasn't received even a single business.

He spent all the money he had, which was not much, but he can still hold on.

But his sister who hasn't eaten for two days... is she really going to starve to death?

"Brother... I'm not hungry, it's okay. "

The little girl looked up, her dry yellow hair fell from her ears, and a big smile appeared on her skinny face.

Xu An, who was watching from the side, was shocked when he saw this.

Looking at the dejected figures of the Shi clan brothers and sisters turning around, he gritted his teeth secretly and shouted,

"Wait a minute."

Shi Zhi turned his head and looked at Xu An with a hint of hope in his almost numb eyes.

"Take your sister to have a good meal, it's my treat."

Xu An waved his hand and took out fifty medium-grade spirit stones and stuffed them into Shi Zhi's hand.

Xu An didn't want to cause trouble, but he couldn't get over the fact that he watched the Shi clan brothers and sisters leave.

It's just five thousand spirit stones, and it's not enough to offend the Sang clan.

"My lord, are you going to hire me?"

Shi Zhi didn't look at the spirit stones in his hand, but looked at Xu An with bright eyes.

"You misunderstood. "

Xu An waved his hand, "We just met by chance, I don't want to offend the Sang tribe for you."

"I sympathize with your situation, but I'm sorry I can't do anything. These five thousand spirit stones are a sign of my fate with this girl."

"Let's go, you need to change the fate of your Shi tribe yourself."

The light in Shi Zhi's eyes gradually faded, and the spirit stones he held seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

What he cared about was never the spirit stones, but the recognition of the Shi tribe by everyone.

What he hoped to do was to earn spirit stones with his own ability, not like now.This... pity.

The Shi Clan doesn't need pity!

But... Shi Zhi looked at his weak sister beside him, he needed it.

"Shi Zhi will remember your kindness today!"

"If Shi Zhi can break the Shi Clan curse in the future, these five thousand spirit stones will be repaid ten thousand times!"

Shi Zhi knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily, and the crystal in his eyes fell to the ground, and no one saw it.

Seeing her brother like this, the little girl next to him raised her head and looked at Xu An steadily.

It seemed that she wanted to remember this brother, the only one who had good intentions towards the Shi Clan, firmly in her mind.

But suddenly, she seemed to see something on Xu An, and said with a faint light in her eyes:

"Brother, this big brother has the shadow of the 'Emperor'."


As soon as these words fell, Shi Zhi suddenly looked up at Xu An, with incredible excitement in his eyes.

Xu An's heart was also shocked at this time, and he looked at the thin little girl.

She can see it!

She could actually see the shadow of the emperor in him?

Was it the ancient emperor? Or the future emperor? Or himself?

"My Lord..."

Shi Zhi just started to speak, but was interrupted by Xu An.

He came to the little girl and squatted down, gently stroking the girl's withered hair, and asked softly:

"Little sister, tell me, what did you see?"

Xu An stared at the little girl's eyes, but did not find anything strange.

Seeing this, he quickly operated the Blood God Eye, and the pupil technique of breaking delusion was operated to the extreme.


In an instant, an extremely bright light, like the scorching sun, stung Xu An's eyes, making him unconsciously take a step back, and some tears passed through his eyes.

"This is..."

Xu An looked at the little girl in disbelief.

Heterochromatic pupils!

And they are definitely not lower than the Blood God Eyes in terms of level!

Just when the Delusion Breaking was operated to the extreme, he seemed to see the passage of time and the changes of years.

A terrifying beam of light made him feel as if he had passed through ten thousand years in one glance!

"Xu An!"

Gu Li and Tang Yue came to Xu An's side immediately.

"What's going on?"

Xu An shook his head slightly, looked at Shi Zhi and asked:

"I now officially hire you as our leader. Is 10,000 spirit stones a day okay?"

Gu Li raised his eyebrows slightly and stopped Tang Yue who was about to say something.

Xu An must know what hiring the Shi clan represents. Since he knows it and wants to hire two people, there must be Xu An's purpose.

It's just the Sang clan. They don't want to offend them if it's not necessary.

But since Xu An asked, then he invited him. Can the human race still be afraid of the Sang clan?

"Sir, are you serious?"

Shi Zhi looked at Xu An excitedly.

He was happy not only because he had his first customer.

More importantly, it was because Xu An had the breath of the 'emperor'!

The emperor is recorded in the clan book.

The leader of all clans, the benefactor of the clan, the eternal changes, but the emperor has no second master.

Future generations should remember that if the Emperor's blade is used, the clan's blade mountain will also be used!

"Why did the clan members suddenly disappear? Why was their talent cursed?"

"My sister and I just escaped from the interface and encountered the breath of the 'Emperor'?"

"Is this a coincidence? Or is it the guidance of the clan elders?"

"Is the way to break the curse in him? Is he the real leader of the Shi clan?"

Shi Zhi thought a lot, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The Shi clan is now on the verge of extinction. They need a real leader to lead them out of the predicament.

"Brother, this big brother is a good person. I feel his breath is so kind."

The little girl looked up at Xu An, and said with confusion in her eyes:

"Big brother, have we met somewhere?"

"Why is it so familiar, but full of strangeness, you... not you?"

The little girl's words were full of contradictions, which made Gu Li and Shi Zhi look puzzled.

What do you mean you are not you? What does this mean?

Several people thought about it and shook their heads, thinking it was just a joke from a child.

Even the little girl was stunned after she finished speaking, as if her words were not well organized.

But no one knew that Xu An's heart was already filled with turmoil.

"You... aren't you?"

He had heard similar words not long ago, but he didn't care at the time and just thought it was a joke from the unreliable old man.

But now, he heard it again!

ps: I took a day off yesterday and forgot to say it, sorry sorry.

It's really too busy during the Chinese New Year, so I will update it after these few days!

In addition, thank you to the readers who sent gifts, and wish your parents good health and all the best~

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