Gao Wu: Doppelgänger Practice Too Much, Was Reported As Cheat

Chapter 64 The Hunting Competition Begins! Xiao Xuan Is The Second Level Of Warriors?

"It's nine fifty in the morning."

"The contestants started to enter the arena with point bracelets, weapons and equipment, and sufficient food and water sources."

"This 72-hour hunting competition is about to officially begin!"

"At the same time, two thousand drones will conduct a comprehensive monitoring and live broadcast of the entire stadium."

Following the introduction of the host,

The live broadcast screen began to be raised, and the scene changed to a large angle overlooking.

Allowing the audience to overlook the entire arena.

Mountains, rivers, sand, swamps, grasslands, ruins

This is a relic left from ancient times.

"There are a large number of Tier 2 beasts all over the arena. As the players advance to the central area, they will also encounter various powerful Tier 3 beasts."

Even watching through a screen,

The audience couldn't help being deeply shocked by the picture in front of them.

roaring beast,

A ferocious beast with blood-red eyes that devours its own kind,

A ferocious beast that shakes the sky and shakes the earth when it runs wildly.

In the entire ruins, the number of ferocious beasts is hard to estimate.

Their number is ten times, or even a hundred times that of the contestants.

especially in the central area,

There wandered terrifying behemoths with terrifying auras and huge bodies, as terrifying as high-rise buildings.

Even through the screen, you can still feel the bloody aura hitting your face.

This is a game without rescues.

If he died in battle, even his bones would be eaten clean by the beasts.

Life here has become insignificant.

In the words of the presenter,

This is the battlefield, the battlefield between humans and beasts.

This hunting competition is for the participants to hone their will between blood and life and death.

Yunshan City, Xiao Family.

Chen Huilan's face was pale, her eyes were red, and she held Xiao Jianguo's arm tightly.

" it still too late for Xiaoxuan to retire?"

The relatives of the Xiao family also looked very ugly:

"This isn't a's clearly a slaughterhouse!"

"Can you find a relationship to make Xiaoxuan withdraw from the game? It's not worth giving up your life for the sake of the game..."

There were large beads of sweat on the forehead of the little fat man Chen Qiu, and his whole heart was suspended.

"Brother Xuan... Be careful!"

Only Tang Wanshan and Han Guanglin remained calm.

One of them is a peak military commander, and the other is a first-time martial artist.

Back then, I also fought to the death with fierce beasts,

Not as nervous as the others.

But at this time, the two big brothers also sat up straight, staring at the screen without blinking, silently praying for their daughter.

Yunshan No.3 Middle School,

The playground is overcrowded.

Principal Chen led the school leaders and teachers to sit at the front,


Not only senior one and senior two students gathered around the playground.

Even the senior high school students who are about to take the 587 college entrance examination, under the leadership of the teacher, moved the ponytail to the playground.

When the huge and terrifying body of a Tier 3 ferocious beast appeared on the screen.

Everyone's faces turned pale.

Even school leaders are no exception.

You know... they are just newcomers to the military generals realm,

The strongest Principal Chen is only a military commander in the fifth level...

If they were thrown into the center of the arena, they would probably die by a narrow margin.

"It's so cruel...they are all 18-year-old children...."

"Can they really survive?"

Headquarters of Nanshan Martial Arts Association.

A group of bigwigs looked nervous, worried about the contestants in this province.

Only Liu Zhouguang and Director Chen knew the inside story.

The two looked peaceful, looked at each other, and smiled inexplicably.

"Our Great Demon King will be born soon."

Entrance to the Eastern District of the Ancient Ruins.

As a soldier fired his gun into the sky,

The hunting competition has officially kicked off!

90 players entered the arena quickly, and the rear closing gate was closed.


When the door closes that Setsuna, people understand that this isolated battle has begun.

Ahead is the field plain,

All you can see is the potholes and mud that have been trampled by fierce beasts.

Many thick trees have broken off at the root.

Desolation and dilapidation are the main colors here.

With the influx of players,

More than a dozen fierce beasts wandering not far away discovered them.

In an instant, there were roars everywhere.

Relying on the beast's instinctive desire for food, the player launched a mad charge.


A few girls who were less courageous immediately screamed uncontrollably,

Although everyone is a warrior,

But very few people have seen the beast with their own eyes,

Not to mention this kind of ferocious beast with red eyes and ready to eat people in the next second.

The plains shook,

The ferocious beasts rolled up the dust and rushed into the team in the blink of an eye.

bolder boys,

Began to form a line of defense in front of the crowd tremblingly.

The timid ones shrank back, trembling with their weapons.

Several girls have been frightened and lost their minds,

They kept screaming on the spot, as if they wanted to scare away the group of beasts with high-decibel screams.

behind the crowd,

Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuena, Wen Sanchuan and Li Jiajia stood together,

This kind of ferocious beast at the beginning of the second level is completely ignored by them.

Just a perishable beast.

Xiao Xuan held the dao sword, but just stood there, without the slightest intention to go up to help (agfd).

Wen Sanchuan sighed melancholy: "Since ancient times, warriors have been born to go into battle and kill the enemy."

"On the other hand, everyone has the power of energy and blood, but when facing life and death, everything is messed up."

Li Jiajia disagreed, "They just don't have the experience of fighting fierce beasts, they just need to sharpen it a few times."

Wen Sanchuan turned around noncommittally, and asked Xiao Xuan:

"Brother Xiao, do you want to go together?"

A look of expectation appeared on Li Jiajia's face,

If you can travel with Xiao Xuan, the safety will definitely be much higher.

But in the end, they were destined to be disappointed.

Xiao Xuan shook his head with a smile: "I went to the West District to see, and my girlfriend was there, so I was a little worried.

"Oh...", the two were a little disappointed.

Wen Sanchuan arched his hands: "Brother Xiao, have a good trip."

"Well, you also pay attention to safety."

Watching the two newly acquainted friends leave,

Xiao Xuan faced the west and strode away.

But just a few steps away.

He stopped in his tracks, turned around and said in doubt.

"Why did you follow?"

Gu Yuena was wearing a tight black combat uniform.

With a slender waist and slender legs, she was slowly following behind Xiao Xuan.

"Knowing that you are going to find a girlfriend, I won't be a light bulb. I will accompany you to find me and leave."

Xiao Xuan moved on,

It can be regarded as acquiescing to Gu Yuena to follow her.

Although I don't know what the little fairy is thinking,

But anyway, I enjoyed a night of massage last night, so it's not good to be so unfeeling...

And... until now Xiao Xuan still has some doubts.

Woke up this morning feeling refreshed after getting a goblin massage last night.

It seems that thinking has become a lot clearer.

It feels faintly that the strength of the soul seems to have been improved.

Xiao Xuan had asked Little Fairy about it when she was on the plane, but she took him away vaguely.

This made him even more curious.

"Let's go, let's go straight to the West End.

In the live broadcast room.

As the director switches screens many times,

The audience witnessed the embarrassment of the players after entering the arena.

Even just in the opening three minutes.

There was a girl who died in the mouth of the beast...

At this moment, Chang Bo happened to focus on Xiao Xuan and Gu Yuena.

The hostess looks at the screen,

The information was retrieved from the computer, and he introduced it to the camera with a straight voice.

"It is said that the beauty of the country and the city is amazing, and the world is shocked. As a girl, I feel that I am almost fascinated by her."

"Student Gu Yuena is from Yanyun Sect."

"Everyone, don't be misled by her figure and appearance, classmates are not vases.

"According to the data, she is in the eighth level of the Warrior Realm, a veritable arrogance."

After listening to the introduction, the barrage became extremely active,

The audience was amazed by Gu Yuena's appearance, and even more amazed by her cultivation talent.

[Eighteen-year-old martial artist Jiuzhong?! This is definitely in the top twenty. 】

【Tsk, Gu Yuena, she is beautiful, her name is nice, and her calendar is even stronger!】

【Who is the boy next to her? Why do I have a bad feeling, it could be her boyfriend, right?】

After seeing the barrage, the male host said.

"This male student's name is Xiao Xuan, and the information shows that he is a second-tier martial artist."

"Um... wait?"

"The information...also shows that Xiao Xuan is the No. 1 in the Donglin Province Challenge Competition"

The male host was already taken aback by what he said.

Forgot to continue hosting for a while.

As a partner, the hostess wants to save the day.

You can look at the player information on the computer screen.

She was also dumbfounded...

Isn't Gu Yuena also from Donglin Province?

With her existence at the Ninth Level Warrior Realm, can Xiao Xuan win the first place at the Second Level Warrior Realm?

The two official senior hosts fell silent at the same time.

Donglin Provincial Martial Arts Association.

Chairman Li Yunhua watched the live broadcast and laughed out loud without any image.

"Xiao this kid scared us enough a few days ago."

"So, I deliberately did not fill in his latest information."

"Surprise, we can't let our family monopolize it. Wouldn't it be more interesting to let audiences across the country drop their jaws?"

The leaders around were all holding back their laughter.

"President is wise!"

"It is estimated that after the host discovers Xiao Xuan's true strength, the microphone will be thrown to the ground on the spot!"

"Haha, the more I think about it, the more I look forward to it. It's a pity that the suspense won't last long. Xiao Xuan probably will make a move soon."

All the leaders snickered and regretted.

However, when they continued to look at the live broadcast,

All the smiles froze on their faces.

Because the picture seems... a bit too weird...

I saw Gu Yuena and Xiao Xuan running towards the west not long ago,

I encountered two ferocious beasts at the beginning of the second level.

This level of ferocious beast is equivalent to the first to third level of human fighters,

Normally, Xiao Xuan can kill them with just one breath.


What happened next left them all stunned.

in ancient ruins.

Xiao Xuan raised his long sword and took the initiative to charge the two beasts.

This sword did not use any blood power.

The sword came out with great momentum, aiming at the neck of the wild boar beast on the left.


When the tip of the sword is about to pierce,

The wild boar beast suddenly turned around to avoid the stabbing long sword,

Then follow the inertia,

It threw the back half of its body directly towards Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan wanted to retract the long sword and stab again,

But it was the first time for him to hold a sword in actual combat, his movements were extremely jerky...

Before he could change his moves in the future, he was slapped by the wild boar monster

Although Xiao Xuan has never circulated Qi and blood.

But the defense of the physical body with strong energy and blood is still amazing.

At least not something this low-level wild boar can shake.

But being hit by the back leg of the wild boar also made him look a little bit embarrassed.

Gu Yuena stood aside and stared dumbfounded...

Is this still Xiao Xuan, the savage Xiao Xuan who slapped the moon-watching bear and knocked Liu Ying down with a punch?


Gu Yuena couldn't hold back any longer, and almost cried out from laughter.

"Heck~ Xiao Xuan.

"I beg you, don't use the sword, it's embarrassing."

Xiao Xuan's face flushed, and he exhaled a few strands of rough air from his nostrils.

Raising the sword, he charged at the two wild boars again.

"Fuck! Come again!"

The two hosts looked at the information, and then at the scene of Xiao Xuan trying to kill the wild boar in the live broadcast.

The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"That's right, audience friends, it seems that there are some problems with the data."

"Student Xiao Xuan is indeed the second-tier martial artist. As for the first place in the Donglin Province group arena... this should be an error in the local report."

"However, student Xiao's courage to bravely charge towards the beast is still worthy of praise, which is in line with the fearless spirit of warriors.

Yunshan city, country.

A fine layer of sweat broke out on the palms of Xiao Jianguo and Chen Huilan.

Watching the scene of their son bravely slashing and killing two wild boars in the live broadcast, the old couple really sweated for their son.

Tang Wanshan and Han Guanglin both looked a little unnatural.

They all know it is.

Yesterday they also received a call from Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin, Xiao Xuan gave up all the time in the Binghuo training ground to his daughter.

Originally, I was happy for my daughter's progress.

After seeing Xiao Xuan's embarrassed look.

Both Tang Wanshan and Han Guanglin couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

If Xiao Xuan uses the practice field by himself,

Maybe it won't be like this now, at least it will be much easier to deal with the two wild boar beasts...

"Hey... When the hunting competition is over, it's time to make up for this kid."

In the live broadcast room, the director had a black line on his face.

A full ten minutes have passed! This guy is still chopping wild boars!

If it wasn't because of the high popularity about Gu Yuena on the bullet screen, the broadcaster would have switched perspectives a long time ago

Although this guy's swordsmanship has become much smoother and he is already able to fight with ease, but he still refuses to end the battle!

Fifteen minutes later, the two wild boar beasts finally died.

The director switched shots in seconds.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for Gu Yuena's high temperature, I could watch you chop up wild boars for more than ten minutes?"


Inside the ancient ruins.

Looking at the wild boar carcasses on the ground,

Xiao Xuan was just about to put the long sword back into the scabbard.

Gu Yuena took the long sword with a smile and helped wipe the blood.

"The sword is a weapon that requires faith and belief to practice well."

"It's very difficult for you to make such a temporary idea."

"It's like Chi Jiu who was buried in the sword lake. He lived with the sword since he was a child, and even slept with the sword in his arms."

Xiao Xuan shook his head and remained silent.

Although he has comprehended the Tai Chi Sword Art, most of the knowledge in the Sword Art is about Tai Chi Yin and Yang.

Regarding the basics of swordsmanship, there is no mention...

Xiao Xuan, who had never touched a sword before, could only cross the river by feeling the stones and tempered himself a little bit.

Xiao Xuan let out a sigh of relief, his eyes still firm!

Sword, he must practice.

Not only to practice,

It is also necessary to spread the name of Taiji Xuanmen throughout the world.

Along the way, the two stop and go,

Every time he encounters a fierce beast, no matter what strength the opponent is, Xiao Xuan insists on not using the power of energy and blood, honing his sword skills again and again.

Until the sun goes down.

There was no trace of teasing in Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes.

She has been deeply shocked by Xiao Xuan's growth rate.

At first, it was extremely difficult for Xiao Xuan to kill wild boar beasts at the beginning of the second level,

After most of the day passed,

He can already kill the beasts of the second-order late stage with one sword.

Just now, two swords eliminated a second-order peak beast!

"An evildoer is an evildoer... This kind of growth rate is really unmatched."

Looking at Xiao Xuan's tall and straight back.

The light in Gu Yuena's eyes became softer, and there was an inexplicable look in her eyes.

"The appearance of a man practicing sword is really handsome~~".

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