Gao Wu: Doppelgänger Practice Too Much, Was Reported As Cheat

Chapter 81 Return Triumphantly, Return To Yunshan Again, Big Bosses Line Up To Welcome!

Hearing Tang Mengmeng finish speaking with anticipation.

Han Mujin was happy for her best friend, but on the face, she nodded her head seriously.

"Maybe, Aunt Rong has already watched the live broadcast of the hunting competition."

Afterwards, Han Xiaohua lightly covered her red lips and teased.

"I just don't know, is Aunt Rong satisfied with Xiao Xuan, the son-in-law~"

"If you are satisfied, maybe Aunt Rong will set a wedding date for you as soon as she is happy."

Tang Mengmeng's face blushed instantly.

In shame and anger, he turned over and attacked his best friend.

"Damn Ah Jin~!"

"I call you nonsense~!"

the next day.

Xiao Xuan and the three girls slept until the sun rose.

After waking up and having breakfast, the four of them were taken to the airport by military officers.

Gu Yuena reluctantly bid farewell to the three of Xiao Xuan.

After making an appointment to go to Yanyunzong to play when I have time during the summer vacation.

The little goblin walked onto the plane step by step and turned her head three times.

watched her into the cabin,

Xiao Xuan dragged Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin onto another plane.

Destination, Yunshan City!

The plane shuttled smoothly above the clouds.

Tang Mengmeng is very happy, she will see her father soon.

This will keep twittering.

Xiao Xuan held Tang Mengmeng's soft little hand with a smile.

It has been less than two months since I left Yunshan City.

Everything about him has undergone earth-shaking changes.

From a rookie in martial arts with 105 calories and blood.

The growth and combat power exceeded 10,000.

Comparable to the unparalleled genius of the second and third level of martial arts!

To know.

If Wu Xiangjing is placed in a small place, it is definitely a prince.

Just like Han Guanglin, who is only the first rank of martial arts minister, but he is the head of a city's martial arts association.

Looking out the hanging window.

The blue "483" sky and white clouds are reflected in Xiao Xuan's brown pupils.

My heart is full of emotions.

Beside, Han Mujin remained silent, with a trace of worry on his face.

Greatly improved strength, awakened top talent, top ten hunters, and formal sequencers.

Since leaving Yunshan City,

She is no longer what she used to be.

Although the heart is happy,

But when I think of the hunting game being broadcast live across the country.

Dad must have seen the intimate interaction between himself and Xiao Xuan.

Think about Uncle Tang again,

But he split half of his daughter's boyfriend away.

Finally, I thought of Xiao Xuan's parents.

I don't know what attitude the old couple will have towards themselves.

for a while,

Han Mujin was in a mess.

I don't know what will greet me after returning to Yunshan City.

Festive congratulations? Angry blame? Angry accountability?

Or will everything be happy?

Three twenty in the afternoon.

The plane arrived at Yunshan Airport.

Xiao Xuan got off the plane with two girls,

As soon as I walked into the airport lobby, I was almost blinded by a burst of bright light.

Dense flashing lights criss-crossed, instantly lighting up the entire airport hall.

The click of the shutter is dense.

Several big men carrying cameras broke through the security line and rushed in front of Xiao Xuan and the others.

"Student Xiao! How does it feel to win the first place in the hunting competition?"

"Xiao Xuan, you are now officially on the sequence list, what kind of privileges will you enjoy in the future?"

"Student Xiao, did your last sword in the hunting match contain mysterious power?"

"Student Tang Mengmeng! Many people question your strength. Everyone thinks that without Xiao Xuan, you wouldn't even be able to make it into the top 50. What do you think of this?"

"Student Han Mujin! We went to Yunshan No. 3 Middle School to do a survey. In the past, Tang Mengmeng had always pursued Xiao Xuan, and you are Tang Mengmeng's best girlfriend. May I ask when did you and Xiao Xuan start your relationship? Does Tang Mengmeng mind this matter? "

Accompanied by the flashing lights that kept flashing in his hands.

Problems abound.

Tang Mengmeng was immediately dumbfounded by the question.

Han Mujin was embarrassed when asked.

Xiao Xuan frowned and looked at the reporters swarming in front of him, coughing twice.

"Cough, everyone, we need to go home now, please let me go."

With this posture, it is clear that he will refuse any interview.

These reporters have been in the industry for many years, and shame is nothing.

They fell on deaf ears.

One by one, Xiao Xuan was overwhelmed, scrambling to be the first to ask questions.

"Student Xiao, among Tang Mengmeng, Han Mujin, and Gu Yuena, which one do you like the most?"

"Xiao Xuan, it is said that two months ago you were still unable to cultivate your qi and blood. May I ask if you have experienced any adventures?"

"Student Xiao Xuan, in the hunting competition, you clearly did not break through to the level of generals, but your energy and blood reached a terrifying 5,000 calories. This is seriously beyond common sense. Can you tell me the reason?"

Facing this group of persistent reporters,

Xiao Xuan felt his eyes gradually turn cold.

In the rear, security personnel rushed over to the reporter.

But there were too many reporters in this group, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Tang Mengmeng pulled Xiao Xuan's big hand: "What should I do..."

It was the first time for Han Mujin to face such a situation,

Even more confused by aggressive questions.

Xiao Xuan's voice turned cold.

"You guys, it's a bit too much."

With the cold voice,

In the next instant, a surge of qi and blood burst out through his body.


The coercion like mountains and seas, starting from Xiao Xuan, spread out in an instant!

The seemingly substantive coercion made all the reporters turn pale with fright.

Under such terrifying coercion, the heartbeat of each of them seemed to have stagnated.

It was a feeling of palpitations to the point where I couldn't breathe!

The faces of the reporters were as red as blood, and they were trembling all over.



The long guns and short cannons they carried on their hands and shoulders fell to the ground one after another.

Expensive equipment was smashed into pieces with a snap.

"I don't know what's good!"

"let's go."

With Xiao Xuan's cold snort.

Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin were pulled away from the airport hall by him.

until they are gone.

The reporters who had fallen into a freeze had just woken up.

Everyone just found out.

Their clothes are soaked with sweat,

The faces of the reporters showed fear and fear.

A short reporter was panting heavily, slapping his chest.

"Phew... scared me to death.

"Just now...I felt like I was going to die."

The female reporter next to her was already crying out of fear.


"If Xiao Xuan wanted to kill him just now, we might die in an instant."

With the cry of the female reporter.

The rest of the reporters also sat slumped on the ground, their voices filled with fear and joy.

"Damn... We all thought that Xiao Xuan was just an 18-year-old boy, and he would definitely be defenseless against our experienced reporters.

"But we forgot one thing."

The fat reporter who spoke took a deep breath while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"He's really only eighteen."

"But a first-order fighter who can rival the strong ones in the martial arts realm!"

"Even if we are the strongest in Yunshan, Han Guanglin, the head of the Martial Arts Association...I'm afraid he is not Xiao Xuan's opponent."

"He... is the strongest person in Yunshan City..."

Hear this.

A group of reporters looked more and more complicated.

Yes, they only know that Xiao Xuan is young.

But didn't think about it.

This high school graduate who was surrounded by them and asked all kinds of sharp questions.

She is no longer a weak student.

He is already the number one expert in Yunshan City!

It is the peerless evildoer who suppresses all the arrogant talents of the same age in Xia Kingdom!

You don't even need to make a move,

Just relying on the coercion of blood and blood, they can make them go back and forth to a terrifying strong man at the gate of hell!

This episode shocked the reporters.

But to Xiao Xuan, it was just a small disturbance.

He walked out with Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin talking and laughing.

As soon as they left the airport, they were surrounded again.

The leaders of the Wushu Association headed by Han Guanglin,

The business elite headed by Tang Wanshan,

And the principal and director of Yunshan No. 3 Middle School were all waiting outside the airport.

Xiao Jianguo and Chen Huilan stood at the front,

I was chatting and laughing with a group of big guys.

Originally, they just lived in a small shop, an old couple in the middle and lower classes of society.

But because of their son,

Completely walked into the uppermost circle of Yunshan City.

Those big bosses who were majestic in the past,

At this time, they were all flattering and flattering Xiao Jianguo and his wife.

Those present are all human beings,

Not to mention that Xiao Xuan is also a Marquis of Wu and King of Wu at the very least in the future, and he might even touch the threshold of Emperor Wu.

Just talking about Xiao Xuan's current strength.

It has crushed them all!

Treat Xiao Xuan,

Never be treated as a junior.

That is a young master whose strength and status surpassed all of them!

"Dad, Mom, Uncle Tang, Uncle Han, why are you all here?"

Xiao Xuan smiled and walked towards the crowd.

Tang Mengmeng ran to Tang Wanshan bouncingly, and Han Mujin also walked towards Han Guanglin.

When Xiao Jianguo saw his son, he just laughed and couldn't speak.

Chen Huilan walked over, examined Xiao Xuan carefully several times, and muttered.

"Going out for so long, fighting in the ring and fighting beasts, didn't you get hurt?"

Xiao Xuan grinned happily, smiling happily......

"Dad, Mom, everything is fine with me."

"Your son is very powerful now, how can he be easily injured."

At this time, Han Guanglin grabbed his daughter and came over with a smile.

"Xiaoxuan, this hunting competition, you have earned enough face for Yunshan City."

"Since last night, the number of tourists visiting our Yunshan City has suddenly increased by five or six times."

"No, our group of old guys have come to welcome our hero."

"Besides, it's all due to your care that Xiao Jin can get to this point."

Tang Wanshan looked at Xiao Xuan with blazing eyes.

Apart from being satisfied with this future son-in-law, he is quite satisfied!

He came over and patted Xiao Xuan on the shoulder, his tone full of comfort.

"Xiaoxuan, Mengmeng borrowed your light."

"To be honest, no matter what, I never thought that Mengmeng could become a sequencer!"

Xiao Xuan scratched his head, with a simple and honest smile on his face, and a hint of embarrassment and restraint.

In the past, these two were only elders and fathers of classmates.

But now...

These two are future husbands...

It was a little embarrassing to see the old man.

Not to mention the two old men get together...

Xiao Xuan looked away.

Seeing that Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin both lowered their heads at this time, their faces were obviously blushing.

Xiao Xuan tried to make her smile look natural.

"Hey... Uncle Tang, Uncle Han.

"Mengmeng and Ajin are my good should should be."

These words made the atmosphere more delicate.

The leaders around the back all had strange faces.

The three words good friend... I'm afraid I need to add quotation marks...

Everyone can see it clearly in the live broadcast.

Not to mention you have a third best friend...

After Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin heard the words "good friend".

His face was so red that he was about to bleed.

Tang Mengmeng touched her hot cheek, but her heart was full of happiness.

Is Xiao Xuan acknowledging their relationship in public?

Han Mujin bit her pink lips, rolled her eyes at Xiao Xuan coquettishly, then lowered her head again, wanting to be an ostrich.

A lot of people are watching...

How did that bastard speak so blatantly!

Tang Wanshan and Han Guanglin looked at each other and smiled,

Knowing that Xiao Xuan took the initiative to put the matter on the table.

This is plainly told to all.

Both Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin are his girlfriends.

Hmm... that Gu Yuena should be too...

Han Guanglin smiled a little complicatedly, but also a little relieved.

"Hehe, brat, who doesn't understand your little thoughts.

"Go back today and spend time with your parents. Come home tomorrow. Xiaojin's mother wants to treat you to dinner."

"Ah", Xiao Xuan was taken aback for a moment,

Is this the mother-in-law who wants to see me?

Feeling weird, but he could only nod his head in agreement. 1.9 "No problem, I will definitely visit Aunt tomorrow."

After some pleasantries.

Han Guanglin took his daughter and all the leaders into the car and left.

Tang Wanshan thought for a while and said, "Mengmeng's mother may come back in a few days."

"If you come back, then you should come to our house to have dinner together."


Xiao Xuan couldn't help taking a breath.

This is the rhythm of meeting two mothers-in-law...


Han Guanglin and Tang Wanshan left with a group of bigwigs.

After dealing with the school leaders for a while.

Xiao Xuan, physically and mentally exhausted, finally got into the car with Xiao Jianguo and his wife to go home.

The car was very quiet for a while.

It wasn't until Xiao Jianguo coughed lightly, in a complicated tone, that he broke his immersion.

"Son...we watched the live broadcast.

"Apart from Mengmeng and Xiaojin, what are your plans for that Gu Yuena?"

Xiao Xuan leaned his head against the car window, feeling weak.

"A lot of debts don't weigh you down..."

Both Xiao Jianguo and Chen Huilan were silent.

it looks like....

My son wants to accept everything according to the order.

For these three daughter-in-laws who are all top-notch in appearance and talent.

Xiao Jianguo and his wife are naturally very happy as parents.

It's just that they are a little worried...

The most complicated thing in this world is love debt... Can my son handle it?

When Chen Huilan had a headache, she couldn't help holding her son's hand and asking questions.

"Let Mengmeng and Xiaojin come to play at home these two days, and your father and I will treat them well."

"Also, where is Gu Yuena's hometown? Why didn't you come back with you?"

"What do her parents do? Will they agree to things between you?".

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