Gao Wu: Doppelgänger Practice Too Much, Was Reported As Cheat

Chapter 83 The Terrifying Creature That Reversed The Time And Space Was Scared Away By Dao Sword?

in the box,

Some people are talking and laughing,

Someone is reluctant,

Several girls laughed and cried.

This graduation dinner marked a successful end to their three years of busy and fulfilling high school career.

We will take the dream of youth and the sadness of parting from our classmates.

Say goodbye to high school and step into college.

Start a bright and new journey in your life.


"See you often..."

Tang Mengmeng's eyes were swollen from crying.

Han Mujin's eyes were also red.

In a cherished farewell,

Xiao Xuan pulled the two girls who kept waving out of the box.

He also has a sense of parting,

But more, is the desire for the future,

Desire to become stronger, desire to solve all mysteries,

Eager to explore one unknown road after another.


After exhaling the strong smell of alcohol, Xiao Xuan's eyes gradually hardened.

According to the plan, we will fly to Beijiang Province tomorrow.

The Burial Sword Lake is there, he is going to have a look,

Go to the sword forest and learn the sword skills passed down there.

Somehow he had a premonition,

Perhaps the breakthrough opportunity for the second sword of Taiji Sword Art is there!

"Let's take you home first, pack your bags tonight, and we'll set off tomorrow."

Xiao Xuan said seriously to the two girls.

In fact, he originally wanted to bury Jianhu alone,

But Tang Mengmeng and Han Mujin wanted to follow along.

Said it was just a graduation trip.

Little Lolita was still excited about going to Hongxiahai to play.

For this reason, Han Mujin was specially pulled to pick out several sets of swimsuits.

Hearing Xiao Xuan's words,

Tang Mengmeng wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded.

Before he had time to say anything, a melodious ringtone rang in his trouser pocket.

I picked it up and saw it was my dad's phone.

Just got on the phone.

Tang Wanshan's urgent shout came from the receiver.

"Mengmeng! Go home immediately!"

"Your mother has an accident, the private jet has been arranged, we will leave immediately when you come back!"

In an instant, Tang Mengmeng was set in place by the lightning strike.

As if he had lost his soul, his brain was at a loss.

"Hey! Mengmeng!"

"Did you hear me?"

"Go home immediately!"

The phone slammed to the ground.

Hearing the crisp cracking sound of the screen, Tang Mengmeng regained consciousness as if waking up from a dream.

The pink and pretty face was instantly filled with panic and panic.

"my mother..…"

"What happened to my mother...?"

lips trembling,

Tang Mengmeng couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

Tears slid down his face like broken threads.

Her beautiful eyes were full of fear and worry.

Han Mujin hugged Tang Mengmeng, patted her back and comforted her repeatedly.

"Mengmeng, Aunt Rong is so powerful, so nothing will happen."

Xiao Xuan hurriedly stopped a taxi,

There was no time to talk nonsense, and he immediately pulled the two girls into the car.

"Master, go to Tang's Manor."

along the way,

Xiao Xuan kept urging the driver to drive faster.

Tang Mengmeng was like a child who had been frightened and lost his soul, crying unceasingly.

"When I was eight years old, my mother went back to Rong's house..."

"In the past ten years, I have only seen her five times..."

"She promised me that she would stay with me for a while after the college entrance examination...

"Mother's going to be safe, sure, isn't it?"

Han Mujin felt sorry for her best friend, and frowned sadly.

"Well, Aunt Rong must be fine."

Xiao Xuan gritted his teeth secretly, also worried in his heart.

Things will not be that simple.

Otherwise, Tang Wanshan wouldn't lose his composure like this.

If something really happened to Aunt Rong.

I don't know if Mengmeng can withstand such a sad blow.


The entrance of Tang's Manor.

After getting out of the rental car, Tang Mengmeng rushed into the manor like a gust of wind.

After seeing Tang Wanshan standing in the courtyard with an anxious expression on his face,

She immediately shouted: "Dad! What happened to my mother?"

Tang Wanshan grabbed his daughter's wrist and got into the limousine parked nearby.

"Get in the car first, we'll talk as we walk."

At this time, Xiao Xuan and Han Mujin also ran over.

Tang Wanshan got into the car and said anxiously to the two:

"Xiaoxuan, Xiaojin, things are urgent and I don't have time to entertain you."

"Next time, Uncle treats you to dinner."

Xiao Xuan couldn't help but thumped in his heart,

From Tang Wanshan's expression, it could be seen that something serious might have happened to Aunt Rong.

didn't think much,

He directly opened the passenger door and got in.

Han Mujin stamped her feet anxiously, then opened the back door and got into the car.

"How did you two come up here?"

Tang Wanshan asked anxiously.

Xiao Xuan said softly: "Uncle Tang, I will accompany you."

"I'll go as well."

Han Mujin sat beside Tang Mengmeng, tightly clutching her best friend's sweaty little hand:

"I want to accompany Mengmeng."

The car starts and runs at top speed under the night sky.

Tang Mengmeng's face wet with tears was full of impatience and entanglement.

She wanted to ask about her mother.

But he was also afraid of hearing unacceptable bad news from his father.

Tang Wanshan kept holding the phone and sending messages.

After a long time.

Only then did I notice my distraught daughter.

Seeing my daughter like this.

Think back to the bad news from the Rong family.

Tang Wanshan, who has gone through hardships and has been in shopping malls for decades.

At this moment, it seems to be suddenly old.

The calmness between the brows is gone.

There is only pain and helplessness.

After a long time, Tang Wanshan pursed his dry mouth, looked at Xiao Xuan, and spoke hoarsely.

"Mengmeng's mother comes from the Rong family."

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly, he already knew this.

Tang Wanshan continued:

"Although the Rong family is not as good as the eight families and ten families of the Xia Kingdom, it can be regarded as reaching the threshold of the top family.

Xiao Xuan couldn't help but smacking his tongue secretly, the family was so fishy.

I heard Gu Yuena say it before.

Their Yanyun sect is only a second-rate sect, far from the first-rate sect.

Not to mention the most top-notch existences like the Eight Families and Ten Sects.

Tang Wanshan continued: "The main reason why the Rong family is so powerful is because they have inherited the relics passed down from their ancestors."

"The children of the Rong family guarded the two ruins for generations, and obtained a lot of cultivation resources from them."

After a pause, Tang Wanshan's voice became more painful.

"There are time nodes in the two ruins that we can't understand.

"Although these nodes will drop very precious cultivation resources, there are also powerful creatures trying to break out of the nodes and wreak havoc on the world."

"The Rong family is divided into two lines, the Liuguang line and the Qingliu line, each guarding a relic for hundreds of years."

"Ten years ago, the streamline where your aunt Rong belonged to suddenly changed drastically. The only Martial King Realm Master fell, and your aunt Rong was urgently called back to the ancestral land to guard the ruins."

Hearing this, Xiao Xuan had a rough guess in his heart: "Is there something wrong with the ruins?"

Tang Wanshan nodded heavily.

"The Ruins of Flowing Light had always been considered stable, but three days ago, a creature powerful enough to reverse time and space broke through the time node and rushed out."

"Your Aunt Rong just exchanged glances with him, and suddenly fell into a coma, and the functions in her body continued to dissipate.

"The Rong family said they are doing their best to keep her alive, but I'm afraid time is running out...

With the end of the speech,

Tang Mengmeng burst into tears, and was so sad that she couldn't even speak.


Xiao Xuan was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice:

"Uncle Tang, since that creature is so terrifying, didn't it rush out of Liuguang's legacy?"

Tang Wanshan covered his face and leaned back on the seat: "After your aunt Rong fell into a coma, the creature broke through the ruins and came out. At that time, the Rong family thought they were going to be doomed.

"But... that creature just poked its head out of the ruins, as if it had been greatly frightened."

"He also roared and said that he felt the breath of the sword of transformation... Then, he drilled back into the ruins again.

"Until now, He has never come out again."

Xiao Xuan was dumbfounded.

With just one glance, Aunt Rong was seriously injured and dying of a fearsome monster.

To be scared away like this.

Sword of Transformation?

Isn't that his black lacquered Dao Breaking Sword?

That mysterious existence was actually scared away by Dao Sword?

Xiao Xuan was shocked.

Can't help but take a breath.

Instead of being complacent, he became worried.

If that horrible monster finds out,

The dao sword is actually in the hands of a weak creature like myself,

Then will He come to the door, kill people and seize the sword?

After a while,

Xiao Xuan shook his head with a headache,

It's useless to think about it now...

Facing that kind of existence, no matter what you do, it will be futile.

To dispel distracting thoughts, 1 asked.

"Uncle Tang, can Aunt Rong's injury still be cured?"

hearing this question,

Tang Mengmeng tried hard to raise her head,

With the last hope in my heart,

Looking forward to getting a glimmer of hope from my father.

Tang Wanshan squeezed out a bitter smile.

first nodded,

Then he shook his head dejectedly.

"Dad! Tell me quickly."

Tang Mengmeng grabbed his father's arm anxiously.

Tang Wanshan's expression became more and more bitter.

"Most of your mother's soul is missing, and the remaining soul is also constantly dissipating."

"Only the Martial Emperor Realm can help her stabilize her soul so that it will not dissipate."

I just heard the word Wuhuang.

Tang Mengmeng let go of her father's arm in despair

The entire Xia Kingdom has a population of over two billion, but there are only three Emperor Wujing.

Any Martial Emperor is an existence capable of suppressing Great Xia's luck.

With these people...

Want to ask the Martial Emperor to take action?

It's not realistic at all.

Even the Rong family is not qualified to let Emperor Wu take a second look.

Tang Wanshan's voice became more painful.

"Even if Emperor Wu takes action, it can only maintain your mother's life.

"As for the complete recovery, it should be...impossible...."

"Unless... you can capture that mysterious creature and let it heal your mother.

These words seemed to be the Nine Nether Abyss that devoured people, completely devouring Tang Mengmeng's fragile heart.

Bring that creature back...

I'm afraid this is even more unrealistic than asking for the use of force!

Deep despair filled Tang Mengmeng's heart.

Let me ask, what is more terrifying than watching my mother die little by little?

Tang Meng couldn't dream,

Han Mujin didn't dare to think...

She could only hug her desperate girlfriend tightly, unable to say any words of comfort.

Xiao Xuan frowned, feeling deeply troubled.

Although he excelled in hunting competitions, he showed great potential.

But how high is the Emperor Wu.

How could he, a little general, be able to touch it.

As for capturing that creature...

Although he has the Dao sword in his hand, the broken sword is already dilapidated, so it can be used to bluff people.

Ruozhen stood face to face with that creature.

I'm afraid I won't be able to use it for a second, so I'll have to reveal my secrets...

It was eerily quiet in the car.

The only thing that can be heard is the friction sound of the wheels speeding on the road.

Tang Mengmeng cried hoarsely.

Both Xiao Xuan and Han Mujin felt distressed beyond words, but there was nothing they could do.

Tang Wanshan clenched his fists,

he is a man,

I can only watch my wife pass away, but nothing can change...

Powerlessness and pain tormented his painful heart over and over again.

after an hour.

Everyone arrived at the airport.

Take the plane and rush to Nanfo City, Thanh Binh Province overnight.

After being tired from crying, Tang Mengmeng fell asleep on Xiao Xuan's lap.

Xiao Xuan looked down.

sleeping little loli,

The optimist look of the past has disappeared.

He frowned tightly, looking bitter.

There were still tears streaming from the corners of the eyes.

In her sleep, she was also crying...

See this scene.

Xiao Xuan only felt a dull pain in his heart,

Gently raised his hand, stroking the girl's cheek.

After struggling in his heart for a long time, he seems to have made a decision (good Wang Zhao).


"Do not worry."

"I will find a way to make Aunt Rong get better..."


At three o'clock in the morning, the plane landed.

Tang Wanshan had already arranged the vehicle.

Several people take a commercial vehicle,

Go to Lianyunling, 165 kilometers away, which is the ancestral land of the Rong family.

rising sun,

The golden sun shines on the endless mountains and rivers.

Lianyun Mountain is dyed with golden clouds, solemn and holy.

It seems to be a place to pray to God, which makes people have the urge to kneel down and worship.

Walk around a winding mountain road.

The road gradually became bumpy.

Tang Wanshan looked at the mountain road ahead with dark circles under his eyes, his voice full of memories.

"In my life, I've only been to the Rong's house once, and that's the way I walked."

"That was more than twenty years ago, but I still remember it vividly..."

"Back then, the Rong family looked down on me, saying that my cultivation talent was too rubbish and I wasn't good enough for her..."

"After I go back, I will work hard to make money. I will work hard to make money. I want to be looked up to by them when I come back later, so that she will have some face..."

Memories are sad.

As he spoke, Tang Wanshan's eyes turned red.

He beat his head and let out a painful growl in his throat.

"But I never thought that being allowed to come here again is to bid farewell to her..."

"Tang Wanshan...what he said is right."

"You are a complete waste!"

Tang Mengmeng cried and grabbed his father's fist that slapped his head.

"Dad, don't do this."

"I beg you stop doing this..."

The closer to the end, the easier it is to break down emotionally.

The father and daughter gradually hugged each other and burst into tears.

Xiao Xuan and Han Mujin were silent.

in this case,

Any verbal comfort is so feeble....

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