Gao Wu Era: After Binding The School Beauties, I Lay Down And Won

Chapter 101 Double-standard Li Changfeng! Crocodile help! (2 more)

Mowu Courtyard.

Yang Jin's face was slightly heavy and he said, "Principal, will this be too cruel to them?"

"They have never dealt with the warriors of the Nightmare Sect, and they have never faced aliens in the real world.

"Fear or even surrender is only human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!

Hearing this, Li Changfeng put down the teacup in his hand and sighed softly.

"Why! Why don't I know this?"

"It's just... extraordinary times, extraordinary solutions! Severe cases require strong medicine!"

'The reason why Mowu wants to open a dream experiment class is also forced by the current situation. 35

"The full-scale invasion of the alien race is almost a foregone conclusion, it's just a matter of time!"

"The human race is weak! That's why now we must spare no expense and resources to cultivate a new wave of blood!"

"The students of the Dreamland Experiment Class are not only helping to deal with the alien invasion incident, but also the mainstay of the future! 39

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight! Only by withstood this "zero three zero" test, can you hope to become the pillar of the future alien war!

Hearing this, Yang Jin understood Li Changfeng's painstaking efforts.

Students who are worthy of Mowu's efforts at all costs to cultivate, not only have to be one in ten thousand talents.

More importantly, a warrior's heart who is not afraid of death and would rather die than surrender!

If at a critical moment, he would kneel down and beg for mercy, or even surrender to the enemy to protect himself.

No matter how high the talent is in vain!

Thinking about it, Yang Jinzheng turned to look at Li Changfeng with an expression of admiration.

But he saw that his originally calm face suddenly changed, and even the hand that caressed the long beard suddenly trembled.

Several snow-white beards were pulled off by him.

"Disciple! Why is my disciple here? Oh, it's dangerous!"

Yang Jin: "???"

"When did you accept your apprenticeship, Principal?"

"Oh, it's too late to explain, come and go with Laozi! You can't let Laozi's disciple get hurt a little!

Before Yang Jin could react,

He was grabbed by the anxious Li Changfeng, stepped on the rainbow light, and flew out of the courtyard.

What about the good test? What about the serious medicine that is required to be prescribed?

So... were you kidding me just now?

"Principal... Didn't you already send Instructor Yan to be ready to take action at any time?'

"With the strength of Instructor Yan, it's impossible to have an accident, right?"

In the air, Yang Jin said helplessly.

However, Li Changfeng snorted softly.

"That won't work either! Never take risks! I can't have an accident with a single hair of mine!"

"...Your double standard is too obvious?""

"Shut up! I am happy!

at the same time.

on the road.

Jiang He's breathless voice echoed throughout the road.

"Little Junior Brother! Run slowly! This Senior Sister hasn't had breakfast yet, so I can't run!

Xu Lin twitched the corners of his mouth: "Slow down, what if the aliens start killing people? Let's talk about it..."

"I clearly saw you walking out the whole box of bread I bought!!!"


Jiang He, who was exposed to the lie, blushed and said embarrassingly, "That person has only eaten half full..."

"And you don't have to worry, little junior brother, Mowu has a special tutor on duty to detect the suburbs of the magic capital."

"Invasions of alien races within a radius of dozens of miles will be dealt with immediately! 99

"Maybe when we arrive, it will already be over!

Xu Lin frowned upon hearing this.

Although he is not clear about the fact that Mowu has an on-duty tutor to deal with the alien invasion.


Judging from the feedback from his judge's professional talent "Judgment Rhythm",

The two aliens are clearly still alive!

Moreover, there seems to be a fierce battle going on.

In his special perspective that is automatically carried by the rhythm of judgment at this moment,

The two aliens were two red lights the size of glass beads.

One of them stood still and didn't move.

The other is constantly moving in a small area, and the light is slightly flickering,

It should be in a state of turbulent blood.

And near the flickering red light, there were two small blue dots the size of rice grains flickering and dimming.

This is……

"No, there is no magic martial instructor to deal with, but it is like...'

"Two over-the-top warriors are fighting with one of the aliens!"

Xu Lin hesitated slightly.

"Ah? That senior sister seems to have some strength again, let's hurry up and check the situation! 35

Jiang He believed his words without hesitation and stopped complaining.

the other side.

As Xu Lin said.

Liu Ziang and Baishi joined forces to fight against the second-order peak bloodthirsty violent bear, and they were almost beaten to the ground.

The brutal roar of the bloodthirsty bear continued to echo in the ears of the two of them.

Bear paws as large as hills kept slapping them towards them.

The Qingxuan Ancient Sword in Liu Ziang's hand almost turned into a shield for his self-defense.

He could only barely stand in front of him to resist the bloodthirsty bear's huge palm slap, and he was powerless to fight back.

In contrast,

On the contrary, Shiraishi, whose cultivation is slightly inferior to his, relies on his strong body, and occasionally he can return a punch when he exchanges injuries.

Of course, for the thick-skinned bloodthirsty bear, this is nothing but scratching it...

"Student Liu... It seems like we can't stand it anymore!" Baishi's mouth was bleeding, and his voice was a little weak.

Liu Ziang, who received another bear's paw, retreated five or six meters, his face was pale, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Well...I feel it too."

Just when the two faced a bloodthirsty bear, they were both miserable and exhausted.

In the deep pit behind them, the dark green giant claw, which was only half exposed, quietly crawled out.

It is a giant crocodile seven or eight meters long!

I saw that this giant crocodile had dark green scales all over its body, and it seemed to be flashing with a metallic luster, reflecting cold rays under the sunlight.

Above the scale armor, there are two rows of neatly arranged, incomparably sharp pitch-black steel thorns.

A jet-black steel thorn extends from the back to the end of its giant tail two or three meters long.

At this moment, the giant crocodile was like lurking on the surface of the water to hunt, quietly approaching Liu Ziang and the two of them, and the long giant tail suddenly threw out.

The jet-black steel thorns cut towards the back of the necks of the two like a deadly scythe!

Zhang Xian, who was slumped on the ground, looked at this scene, his eyes were split, and he shouted sharply:

"Be careful! Behind! 35

Liu Ziang suddenly turned around.

In the sight, the row of jet-black steel thorns exuding the breath of death suddenly enlarged!

They couldn't react at all, and could only watch all this helplessly.

In his ears, there seemed to be the sound of the bell of death.

"call out--"

"call out--"

Just at this juncture.

The sound of breaking wind in the distance sounded!

Two fiery red streamers seemed to penetrate the barriers of layers of space, rubbing the scalps of the two, and they came in an instant!


The fiery red streamer sank deeply into the long tail of the giant crocodile that was less than ten centimeters away from their necks in 4.1!

Blocked the sickle that was about to take their lives.

It is impressively two slender flying knives of black and black!

Above the blade, there is also a dazzling radiance of fiery red.


The fiery red light suddenly bloomed!

A fierce hurricane force erupted in an instant.

The giant crocodile's long tail covered with jet-black steel thorns was instantly blurred by the violent wind.


The steel-thorned crocodile made a sharp scream.

Li Yuanhu, who was not far away, suddenly changed his face: "Who is it?!

Just listening, a slightly surprised young voice came from afar.

"Huh? Liu Ziang? Baishi? How are you?"

"I have come all the way to save the two of you?

"Damn it! I should have eaten breakfast if I knew it earlier!"

Liu Ziang: "???"

A: "???".

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