Gao Wu Era: After Binding The School Beauties, I Lay Down And Won

Chapter 26 Not A Family, Don't Enter A Family!

"Captain Li, will this alien invasion continue to be concealed?"

When the group walked towards the gate of the community, Xu Lin asked.

Li Yong hesitated for a moment and said, "As usual, this is the case, but the number of alien invasions has become more and more frequent recently, and..."

"In the past, alien invasions basically occurred in remote mountainous areas or urban suburbs. It seems that due to certain restrictions, it is difficult for them to directly transmit to areas with many people, so it is relatively easy to block news."

"But the recent alien invasions have begun to break this convention, and this time it appeared directly in a densely populated community. I'm afraid it's hard to hide the news."

Su Lingyan also added:

"The only thing that is fortunate now is that the only people who can invade densely populated areas are some low-level aliens. As long as they are dealt with in time, they will not cause too many casualties."

Xu Lin nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Will there be compensation measures for the people who were invaded by aliens?"

Compared with the previous question, he is more concerned about this.

After all, not to mention their house, even the whole building was forcibly demolished by that big lizard...

Li Yong said with a smile: "You can rest assured about this. The Armed Forces Administration will have special departments and measures to properly resettle the affected people and follow-up compensation."

"Not only that, you and Lingyan have both made great contributions this time, and the Armed Forces Administration will give you special bonuses."

As soon as he heard the word "bonus", Xu Lin's eyes lit up: "How much?"

Li Yong thought for a while and said: "You killed a second-order beast, and the bonus is about five million! The specific amount can be distributed by the two of you."

"I don't need it, give it to him!" Su Lingyan said lightly.

Xu Lin was moved and grabbed Su Lingyan's little hand, and forcibly shook his hand to thank him: "Woo woo woo... Su Xiaohua, you are still good to me!"

"...If you have something to say, let go of your hand."

"Okay, no problem, what you say is what you say."

Xu Lin was very cooperative this time.

There are five million, let alone let go of the hand, even let loose the waistband, he will do it without saying a word!

Of course, this one is limited to school flower babies for the time being.

"Aiya, you're finally back! That fierce beast is scary, isn't it? Dad, I stabbed it fiercely in front of me, is it fierce?"

Seeing Xu Lin come out, Xu Dachuan patted his shoulder proudly and whispered, "Don't be discouraged, given time, you will be as fierce as your father!"

Xu Lin was already used to his father's indecent behavior, so he pouted and didn't speak.

On the other hand, a few law enforcement team members chatted with Xu Dachuan enthusiastically.

"Brother, it turns out that Xu Lin is your son! No wonder he is so powerful!"

"Sure enough, a tiger's father has no dog's son, and the blue is better than the blue!"

"Brother, you didn't see it just now, your son is a god!"

Xu Dachuan: "???"

Seeing the incomparably enthusiastic and even courteous law enforcement team members in front of him, Xu Dachuan was stunned.

what what?

Avatar? my son?

Seeing Xu Dachuan's dazed look, several law enforcement team members immediately explained to him vividly.

After listening to it, Xu Dachuan's old face immediately turned red with the whisper he had just said to Xu Lin, but soon, he became even more proud.

joke! My son is so fierce, doesn't that make me even more embarrassed? !

His face that was still a little pale suddenly turned red, and he gave Xu Lin a bear hug.

"Son, it's great!"

"Go! Go! Go."

Chen Xianshu on the side pulled him away angrily and looked at Xu Lin with a distressed expression:

"Son, are you not injured? You are not allowed to imitate your father's brilliance in such a dangerous thing!"

Xu Lin grinned: "It's okay, Mom, it's a piece of cake, that beast never touched me at all!"

"By the way, Mom and Dad, I have something good for you."

As Xu Lin said, he took out the soul nourishing grass and handed it to Xu Dachuan.

Xu Dachuan's eyes widened immediately: "This is... Soul nourishing grass?"

"Yes, Dad, I found this in the dream space. It should have some effect on your old injury. You can eat it first."

Xu Lin said.

But what he didn't expect was that Xu Dachuan pushed back the soul nourishing grass and said solemnly:

"Son, Dad took your heart, but it's a waste for Dad to use this stuff. You should bring it yourself. Once your soul is injured, remember to take it immediately, and you must not be like me."

"No!" Xu Lin was equally determined, "Dad, you must accept it."

Having said that, Xu Lin leaned into his father's ear and whispered, "Don't worry, father, your son is very violent. He is flat in the dream space and won't hang at all, and..."

"Did you see the beautiful girl I brought? Her father is the director of the Magic Capital Military Administration Bureau. He is very rich. Even if I keep getting hurt, there is no problem at all!"

Hearing this, Xu Dachuan stared, and his eyes were filled with shock when he looked at his son.

"As expected of my son, soft rice is hard to eat! Can Dad accept it with confidence?"

"Well, I will send you a few plants every three to five in the future, isn't it an old injury? It must be settled!"

"Son, steady! Dad will be waiting for you in the future!"

The father and son looked at each other, both showing evil smiles.

Turning around, Xu Lin looked at his mother Chen Xianshu and said, "Mom, this time I will help the law enforcement team kill the beast with a bonus of 5 million yuan, and it will be charged to your account at that time, don't save it, spend it hard!"


Chen Xianshu opened her mouth wide in surprise, and then glared at Xu Dachuan who was on the side.

"Look, my son is still amazing, much better than his father!"

"However, son, your father and mother usually don't need much money, you should take this money first. Now that you have become a warrior, you have a lot of money to use, and you usually need to replenish your body, but you can't be as empty as your father! "

Xu Dachuan: "..."

After Xu Lin's words, his mother finally accepted one million to improve his life, and the remaining four million were still kept by him.

Xu Lin also accepted, not to mention, he still owes Lao Wang money, so he can't always let him pay for it.

At this time,

A wriggling voice sounded.

"Oh, Linlin! Auntie was impatient just now, don't take it to heart!"

At this time, the aunt seemed to be a different person, with a smile on her face to please.

Xu Lin also smiled understandingly when he heard the words: "It's okay Auntie, I was too impulsive just now, don't mind!"

"Eh? Isn't this my cousin? Not bad, all of them have the cultivation base of the peak of the eighth rank! Let's continue to work hard in the future!"

After the chat, he turned his head to face his parents and whispered: "Father and mother, they just stopped me and didn't let me save you, so don't lend them money in the future! Don't borrow a dime!"

Xu Dachuan blinked: "Who are they? I don't know them well!"

Chen Xianshu nodded without any pretense, "Don't worry, son, I'll keep all the money for you to marry a daughter-in-law!"


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