Gao Wu: Everything Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 100: Enter The Virtual Universe! The Energy Of The Virtual Universe Can Be Absorbed! ? (2/4)

A calm notification sound in the void immediately reached Qian Yu's mind, and in the next moment, as the picture passed by, Qian Yu saw a huge starry sky map appearing in front of his eyes.

And in the starry sky map, a red point is gradually getting closer, but after the surrounding environment is magnified billions of times, the red point is still the same red point.

However, the position originally covered by the red dot has reached the limitless level at this time,

Next, it was magnified several times, and each time it was placed at least a trillion times. ,

In the end, a galaxy also appeared in front of Qian Yu.

At that moment, he finally knew that the huge glowing starry sky map at the beginning should be the universe!

"Hello from: Xueyun Starfield, the human race of the Milky Way, Qian Yu,

Your coordinate authentication is successful, and another reminder, what you just saw is not the universe, but the Xueyun star field!"

However, at this moment, a notification sound immediately reached Qian Yu's ears, and Qian Yu was stunned when he heard it.

Such a large star field is a Xueyun star field!?

Holy crap, the area ruled by that Xueyun domain master!?

Qian Yu thought it would be huge, but he never thought it would be so terrifying.

"Om!!!!" Lin

And just when Qian Yu was still in shock, a villain flew out of the void in an instant and appeared directly beside Qian Yu.

But this villain not only has a pair of wings behind his back, but is only the size of Qian Yu's hand.

"Hi master, I am your private guide elf! You can tell me any questions you have in the future.

And the villain immediately spoke respectfully after seeing Qian Yu!

"There are also guide elves!? Is there really such a race as elves in this universe!?"

Qian Yu was a little surprised when he heard it.

"Yes, master. There are many races in the universe. However, these races are divided into several camps. There is the god "207" family composed of intelligent life forms! There is also the human race composed of humanoid races! Where is the master? The galactic human race is a classification belonging to the human race.

And my elf family is also in the classification of human race.

In addition to the Celestial Race and the Human Race, there is also the Star Beast Race among the clans.

There are even more differentiated races in the star beast family.

In addition, there are also the spirit race, which are some tribes born after possessing spiritual intelligence, such as water elements, fire elements and thunder elements.

In addition, there are demons, but the demons are at the border of the starry sky, and the owner is located far away, so they should not be seen in a short time!

Of course, there are many special camps, but so far, there are only a few of the biggest camps!"

Because of Qian Yu's question, the guide spirit immediately explained slowly to Qian Yu.

After hearing this, Qian Yu's eyes suddenly brightened. He didn't expect that there are so many different races in this world.

But if you think about it, a universe.

Just these few categories are very few.

Of course, he also knows that there are countless sub-categories under these major categories. At the same time, he estimates that since there are so many major categories, there must be several huge forces. And if there are corresponding forces, there will definitely be many theaters.

"As long as there is a war, there may be a chance of skyrocketing strength in the future!!"

Qian Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

Of course, now Qian Yu still wants to see how far the gap between himself and them is for those so-called cosmic geniuses.

"Elf, if I want to fight those top geniuses in the universe, what should I do!?"

Qian Yu spoke without hesitation!

"Reporting to Master, because you don't have any reputation in the universe, it is impossible for those top geniuses to accept your challenge, but now you can go to the virtual universe to set up for each level of powerhouse. The Eternal List Test!

There are a total of ten Eternal Rankings, starting from the weakest Body Forging Realm, and reaching the highest Realm of Realm, each with a corresponding list.

However, because you are currently in the Xueyun low-level star field, you need to start from the Xueyun low-level star field and participate in the low-level eternal list test in the Xueyun low-level star field. After that, you can only participate in the Xueyun star field after reaching the top 100 million After the assessment of the Intermediate star field, after reaching the top 100 million, you can enter the Advanced Eternal version list, and then after reaching the top 100 million, you can finally fight with the top geniuses in the territory of the Great Desolation God!"

Regarding Qian Yu's question, the elf didn't hesitate at all, and directly explained to Qian Yu.

And Qian Yu was a little confused after hearing this, so many programs!?

But think about it, if anyone can fight against the top geniuses, wouldn't those top geniuses be bored to death!?

"It's so troublesome, but let's try it first. If it's too troublesome, forget it!!"

Qian Yu thought for a while and felt helpless, but he still chose to start.

"Good master, I will take you to the battle platform of the eternal list right away!"

The elf also quickly spoke to Qian Yu,

But in an instant, with a burst of fluctuations, Qian Yu suddenly felt a distortion in the surrounding space, and when he came back to his senses again, he found that he had come to a huge square. I was alone on the road, but in front of me were ten huge sacred monuments that shot straight into the sky.

And the names of each level are written on the top of these ten huge divine tablets.

And there are countless names below, of course only the first 100 million are recorded.

More leaderboards are not recorded.

From the lowest level of Body Forging Realm! Blood Sea Realm, to the highest level of Realm Lord!

And Qian Yu also knew the names of several realms after the starry sky realm.

After the Starry Sky Realm is the Galaxy Realm, after that is the Star Sea Realm, and above that is the Cosmic Realm, the Domain Master Realm and the topmost Realm Master Realm!

Realm Master Realm, that is the strength possessed by the master of an Intermediate star field. The strength is just like what Zachary said. A slap can definitely destroy a + galaxy in an instant with ease.

Therefore, Qian Yu's current strength is still four or five realms away from that level.

"It doesn't matter, what the hell I am now seems to be only a spiritual realm, and there are seven realms above it, so take your time and forget it!"

After thinking about it for a while, Qian Yu reluctantly chose the low-level eternity list in the realm of the gods.


However, after a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, the huge eternal list suddenly rose from the ground,

And the names after the next 100 million people also appeared behind Qian Yu in an instant.

In the end, it was fixed at the top of Qian Yu's ranking.

"No. 684725 on the Xueyun Low-Level Eternal Ranking... 625th place, Qian Yu! Realm: First Heavenly Realm!"

Qian Yu felt a little helpless when he saw his long series of rankings that couldn't be longer, but it was also, there was no way, the population of a Xueyun Starfield had definitely reached an extremely terrifying level.

You know, as long as you get rid of the restrictions of the local area network and enter the real virtual universe, it is very simple to obtain a access device. If the local area network of the galaxy is completely opened, everyone can apply for a common access device .

Here Qian Yu has a manufacturing device for the virtual universe accessor given to him by Zachary.

That is the core!

As long as the core is upgraded, the core will continuously produce equipment.

According to Zachary, a first-order source crystal can create thousands of such access devices.

Therefore, it is definitely not a big deal for a Xueyun galaxy to have so many online people.

What's more, the most important thing is that there are actually not many god-like realms.

"Master, since you are fighting for the first time, you can designate to fight with the person who ranks once, except for the top 100 million people! After that, you can only challenge opponents whose rank is ten times higher than yours at most. For example, if you challenge 100 million people and win, you will be the new 100 million people, and next time you can challenge at most the existences after the top 10 million!"

At this time, the elf also flew out and spoke respectfully to Qian Yu, who nodded slightly after hearing this.

"Since that's the case, let's challenge between 100 million and 1 to 200 million people! Whoever challenges who is online!"

The corner of Qian Yu's mouth raised slightly, without the slightest hesitation!

He is not a fool either, if he just challenged one person directly, if that person is not around, wouldn't he have to wait for the other person to go online?

However, as soon as his words came out, the elf immediately became anxious. He was just giving an example, but he didn't expect Qin Yan to directly challenge such a powerful existence.

"Master, you are currently only in the first level of the supernatural realm, are you sure you want to challenge such a high-level existence!? The supernatural powerhouses in this range are all half-step heavenly realm, and some of the bloodline levels have reached four or five stars A super genius whose blood development degree has reached over sixty!

Each one is a super genius that only appears once in hundreds of large galaxies!"

The elf quickly spoke to Qian Yu.

At this moment, she was a little anxious.

Even those super geniuses with a bloodline of the first rank would not dare to challenge the warriors who were less than one hundred million billion like Qian Yu at the first level of the divine realm.

However, Qian Yu was lucky enough to come directly to the top 200 million.

"Huh? Is there a problem? It's okay to challenge!!

Qian Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke indifferently. At the same time, he was also a little surprised that such a super existence that can absolutely crush the Lord of the Wu Dao Alliance in the Milky Way actually sells wholesale in units of 100 million here.

It's unbelievable, but if this is the case, then based on this calculation, it seems that there are not many low-level geniuses in the War Emperor!

After hearing Qian Yu's words, the elf had no choice but to follow Qian Yu's orders.

Of course, in fact, the elves can read all the data of the master, but this requires the permission of the master, and if the master does not allow it, even the elves will not know the real situation of their master.

Of course it wasn't Qian Yu, or the elf read it, but he just came here and before the elf had time to ask for permission, Qian Yu came directly to the challenge range of the eternal list.

And the next moment, as the surrounding space distorted, Qian Yu's whole body turned into a beam of light, instantly soaring into the sky,

After Qian Yu condensed again, the whole person has come to a planet burning with flames.

"Master, the surrounding environment cannot be changed immediately, and it is also 100% real. Sometimes there will even be projections of some strong men or powerful star beasts to kill you, so if this happens, the master only needs to live Longer than the other party on the line!

I will leave after the battle of the Eternal List begins, and then you, the master, will be inside!"

At this time, the little elf hurriedly explained the surrounding environment to Qian Yu, and then disappeared directly...

"There will be other strong people!?

Is this battle so real!?"

Qian Yu was a little surprised immediately.

But think about it, in a real battle, problems in any situation will arise.

So these off-court factors are definitely very important.

"Eternal List

Attention Qian Yu, the top warrior, the battle is about to begin, please get ready!!!"

However, at this moment, a loud voice came from the sky.


Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air appeared behind Qian Yu in an instant.

I saw a powerful martial artist holding a long sword and landed on Qian Yu's neck.


However, at this critical moment, a long spear flashing with thunder appeared instantly, directly blocking the opponent's long sword easily.

This scene was immediately seen by the swordsman, and the swordsman's pupils contracted violently.

In an instant, his figure retreated several kilometers, and he looked solemnly at Qian Yu who easily blocked his attack.

He never thought that Qian Yu would block his attack in such a short period of time. You know, if this kind of sneak attack is lucky, it will be considered as the top 100 million.

Few of those strong men could stop them.

"Tsk tsk, start sneaking up now? Is it such a dog?!"

Qian Yu's joking voice immediately reached the ears of this talented warrior, but he smiled disdainfully after hearing it.

"It turns out that you are an honest person. It should be the first time you have entered the battle of this ranking area. You may not know that if you can enter the top 100 million, you will get a lot of money."

The benefits, not to mention the galaxy you are in, even the Xueyun Starfield will give you a lot of privileges.

So, why not make a surprise attack!?"

The swordsman smiled and spoke calmly to Qian Yu.

At this time, Qian Yu also saw clearly the appearance of the other party, he was a refined middle-aged human race.

It looks very similar to the Galactic Terran, of course there are some subtle differences, but you can't find it if you don't look carefully.

Normally, seeing such a gentle and refined person, it is absolutely impossible to think that the other party will sneak attack.

"Before Zachary said yes, as long as ninety-nine percent of the civilizations in the star field dominated by the human race are naturally dominated by the human race, it seems that it should be! It's okay, fighting with the same human race

Fighting is always better than fighting those grotesque races!"

Of course, Qian Yu's trend at this time did not put his mind on the battle at all, but looked at the real alien in front of him!

It can't be called aliens anymore, after all, when the human race steps out of the earth, the human race itself and those who come from different planets between themselves can be regarded as aliens.

"How dare you be careless!?"

However, at this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the opposite swordsman.

The next moment, his figure moved.


In an instant, a long sword broke through the ground from Qian Yu's feet, soared into the sky and stabbed directly at Qian Yu.

However, the corners of Qian Yu's mouth raised slightly, and the next moment, divine thoughts instantly enveloped the long spear 2.8.

In an instant, the trajectory of the long sword changed instantly, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the swordsman in front.

"Not good Psychiatrist!!!!!"

The swordsman's face suddenly changed drastically, and the other long sword in his hand wanted to block Qian Yu's attack, but it was too late.

This handle of his own long sword collided with his long sword in an instant.

In an instant, the endless impact carried by the long sword directly crushed the swordsman into blood mist, and then turned into light spots all over the sky and disappeared before Qian Yu's eyes.


After an earth-shattering loud noise, the ground around the swordsman was instantly collapsed by the terrifying momentum of the long sword, with a range of tens of kilometers.

With such terrifying power, some super geniuses in the fourth and fifth heavens of the Tianyu Realm would be killed in an instant.

You know, although this swordsman's realm is only half a step into the sky realm, Qian Yu estimated that [the ten star masters of the Steer galaxy that he killed before are absolutely powerful in the realm of the sky.

Yes, there is no problem along the way.

Definitely a breeze.

Unfortunately, what he faced was Qian Yu.


However, at this moment, a stream of light surged out from the place where the person died just now, and flowed into the body of the prison in an instant!

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for absorbing the energy body: the power of life (pseudo)! The level is: the tenth level of the spiritual realm, and the host has obtained upgrade points: 100,000!"

However, at this moment, a system notification sound followed, and Qian Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the notification sound.

"Killing other existences in the virtual universe can still earn upgrade points? What kind of operation is this!?"

Qian Yu was suddenly a little confused!

What is the situation with the power of life with (pseudo) characters written on it!?

The upgrade points obtained are also one-tenth of normal!

"System, what does this mean!?"

Qian Yu directly opened the system!.

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