Gao Wu: Everything Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 159 Finding The Entrance

Chapter 159 Finding the Entrance

The temple of the gods is located in a different dimension. According to the consciousness of the virtual universe, the space in the temple of the gods is extremely huge. Calculated according to light years, it is millions of light years!

The most important thing that makes the temples different from other places is that there are a lot of strong people gathered here.

There are several god emperors at the top level, hundreds in the Immortal Realm, and countless strong people in the Eternal Realm.

In the Eternal Realm, there are countless Rare powerhouses who are four realms higher than him in the temples of the gods.

These past students of theirs are the lowest level existences.

The consciousness of the virtual universe has been giving Qian Yu things about the temple of the gods all the way.

The powerhouses in the temples of the gods are different from those outside the temple. The strong people in the temples of the gods will not leave the temple easily, and they will only leave the temple of the gods when there is a catastrophe. Most of the powerhouses in the holy temple are actually unknown to the outside world.

After Qian Yu focused on listening to a few things about the god-emperor level in the holy temples, the leader of the Eternal Realm pierced through the void and led them into a dark tunnel.

Not long after the group of people walked, their feet were empty, and they fell at a very fast speed!

Qian Yu stepped on the air, and after being startled for a moment, he reacted and stepped on the air.

After the panic at the beginning, the people around him also used various methods to stabilize themselves. They floated in the air and looked at the leader of the Eternal Realm.

"Okay, let's go down." Eternal Realm raised his hand and pressed down, "Someone will pick you up below." After he said that, he turned around and in the blink of an eye, it became a black spot on the horizon, and when he looked again, it had disappeared.

"Hey, let's... go down?" The man who stepped on the long sword looked around, and his gaze stopped for a while on Qian Yu, the well-known god of death and super genius, and then began to slowly descend.

He moved, and the others moved as well, but they separated from each other, descending vigilantly.

Qian Yu saw that there was indeed a person standing on the ground, that person was wearing Green's robe, had long hair, and was holding a book or something in his hand.

The other party looked up at them floating in the air, with no expression on their faces.

Qian Yu moved.

He volleyed towards the next step as if stepping on steps, and finally stepped on the soft grass, and many people had already stopped around him.

After everyone descended, the man in a long robe and with long hair nodded at everyone, turned around and walked forward.

Everyone looks at each other, what should I do? Do you want to keep up?"

"Didn't the Eternal Realm just say that there is someone to pick us up? It's him, right?"

"But he didn't say anything." A female student frowned and said, "It's a bit strange.

"Not really..."

Most of you here are geniuses supported by the family planet, and they still have confidence in their own abilities. "Then what if we delay here? There are only dozens of people here. You must know that this time the temple of the gods will be closed." There are a thousand people, what if the others have already arrived?"

"Arriving early or late is the business of those who lead the team, and has nothing to do with us." The speaker raised his chin behind the man who walked away, "He's almost gone, if you're afraid" just say it.

"What's there to be afraid of?" The man who was the first to take the lead in descending from the sky looked at Qian Yu and swallowed, "Reaper, what do you think? Do you want to follow?"

Qian Yu is not sure either, just now he didn't notice any energy fluctuations that he knew from the man in green clothes, no matter whether it was the power of space, the power of death or the power of rules, none of them, it was as if he knew the common to the point where he couldn't Again the common exists.

But this is the temple of the gods, how could there be Common people here? Could it be that they have restrained their breath?

"Who is he?" Qian Yu asked the virtual universe consciousness from his mind.

The consciousness of the virtual universe said: "The breath is like the willow family of the Broken Gold River, they are the willow trees that grew after the existence of the temples of the gods.

Because that river has enough power, the long-term irrigation made those willows grow spiritual wisdom, and then transformed into form.

There was a god emperor who liked their clan as decorations beside the Suijin River. As time went by, more and more people of their clan transformed into more and more people of the same clan.

They are a family with high knowledge in all the temples, and they are very good at concealing aura.

Qian Yu raised his feet and followed the man in front far away. The rest of the people looked at each other and followed Qian Yu's footsteps.

They kept walking for a long time before stopping. They came to a city wall with the word "Dead City" hanging on it. This city wall was extremely low. To be honest, the city wall was more like a courtyard wall.

There was indeed a dead silence inside, only the sound of wind and footsteps could be heard in the silence.

After walking straight from the city gate to a large circular square, the man stopped. He turned his head and rushed forward and said to everyone: "Welcome to the temple."

Everyone: "?"

"This is the temple?" Someone looked around in disbelief.

Qingwafang, Common, Common can no longer be Common, "He can turn the city into ashes with one palm.

"But." The man in Green's robe said unhurriedly, "Before you actually enter the temple, you will have to pass an assessment."

He paused again, but this time no one interrupted.

"Each of you is good at different things. Some are strong in force, some are good at hiding, and some are good at sneak attacks, so it's hard to compete together."

Slowly, he stretched out his hand to grab it from the side, and grabbed a square clay box with a red cloth hanging in the air, "There are thirty clues inside, which can help you reach the hall of the Temple of All Gods.

"Everyone can take one, and each one is different [the entrances found are also different."

"Only one person can pass through each entrance, and it will be closed after passing through."

"The sequence of entering the temples of the gods is related to your future distribution."

"There are no rules in this game except that no one can be killed or injured."

After the man finished speaking, he tossed the box in his hand, and the soil box 5.1 appeared in front of other people, like a clone, everyone had a box in front of them.

Qian Yu reached in and grabbed a note. He didn't read it, but pretended to be waiting for the man's next words.

After everyone finished catching, the man beckoned to take back the box, turned around and disappeared out of thin air.

"Ding—new energy detected..."

"Ding - this energy contains extracosmic energy..."

"Ding—the energy fluctuation disappears..."

Qian Yu looked at the place where the man left. The system detected the energy just after the man left. Could it be that the man didn't erase the energy fluctuations before leaving, so he was detected?

"System, can I absorb this energy?"

"Originally, the host can absorb the powerful energy of these alien universes, but the energy here is not purely the energy of the alien universe.

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