Chapter 166 Beast Race

"The second batch of students arrived yesterday. Boss, did you see it when you came back yesterday?" Wu Le thought about what he saw yesterday, "The vacant rooms in the back are basically full. It was very miserable. Although they changed their clothes when they came to the temple of the gods, the wounds on their faces were still there. The severed fingers were light, and some had severed hands and feet.

"I don't know how brutal it is to be able to advance in this situation."

When Qian Yu was mentioned by him, he vaguely remembered that after Hell Prison announced the admission of the top 1,000 people, it did indeed say that it would make another comparison from the remaining people and admit more than 1,000 people.

"Severed hands and feet can be connected." Those who can come here are not weak, and they always have the ability or method to connect or regenerate hands and feet.

"If it can be connected, it can be connected." Wu Le said dumbfounded: "But think about it, big brother, some of them can come in because of this situation... I think these people are quite powerful.

Qian Yu didn't answer. He wasn't the one who was chosen later, and he didn't have much interest in these people. However, the temples of the gods used to take one genius every 100 million years. This time, so many suddenly poured in, I'm afraid It's lively.

He followed Wu Le into yesterday's classroom, where Teacher Ying had been waiting for a long time. A white dove stood on his shoulder. There was a circle of red feathers around the dove's neck, neatly drawn as if drawn with a paintbrush.

Qian Yu still sat where he was yesterday, but this time Wu Le was not next to him. According to what he said, he wanted to go to the crowd behind to find out the latest news.

A lot of people came to the teaching academy today, sitting densely in the teaching room. Teacher Ying glanced at the heads on the ground, and with a wave of his hand, another group of pigeons flew out, but this time the pigeons flew out. It was in the hands of the second batch of students who didn't arrive yesterday.

"The pigeons in your hands are guide pigeons, you can let them go around after class, and they will leave after the training academy.

"Okay, now we start class.

"This first lesson is about the various branches of the temple of the gods..."

It took a whole morning for a class to end.

After Qian Yu came out, he went to Douyuntai where Baige took him around yesterday.

It was a very high place, and the top floor of the suspended training building was not pointed, but flat, and there were large and small fighting platforms floating on the flat top floor, and that was the venue for this assessment.

When Qian Yu went up, the place was already full of people, a small number of them were similar to him, and they all came to watch, and the rest were basically the students of this assessment.

There is a stone slab floating on the side of each fighting cloud platform, which shows the ongoing competition on the platform.

Qian Yu took a look, those Douyuntai should have a dedicated space, otherwise it is so understandable from the fighting on the Douyuntai, with the status and level of these people, I am afraid that this place would have been destroyed long ago.

Qian Yu watched for a while, and found that these people are purely fighting, no matter what method you use, as long as you can win, it is a pass.

It doesn't matter if it's seductive or drugged, it doesn't matter if you smash people in a circle, or you can crush them with weapons, as long as you are the last one standing on the stage, you win.

Law of the Jungle.

Qian Yu looked away, and went to pick up the task at the training hall where Baige took him to pick up the task yesterday.

It was a place that looked no different from other rooms. When you opened the door, you were greeted by a huge stone wall with a wooden sign hanging on the stone wall, and the handwriting of Gold was faintly visible on it.

Here, is the place to pick up the mission.

Qian Yu looked carefully one by one, the characters in the temples of the gods were different from the characters outside, but this had no effect on them, as long as they memorized all the systems in their minds, within three seconds, they newcomers The students here easily learned the minister here.

The missions on the stone wall all have physical level requirements attached to them, and most of them are missions that domain masters can only pick up at the beginning.

He looked at it for a while, and finally found a task that he could accept in the corner. ——Collect medicinal materials for a teacher.

He took the small wooden sign hanging on the mission to find someone to register. The person who registered seemed to be a beast. The ears were not ears, but two large, pointed and drooping animal ears.

Fluffy, ears move when registering.

"This has been hanging for a year, so someone has picked it up." With a flick of his hand, Orc turned to the page belonging to this task, and as he circled his fingers around it, the trace of Gold surrounded the task, "Qian So, you should have seen the reward for this mission, which is 300 credits."

He picked it up and threw it, and the trace of Gold that was still on the paper just now was drawn out by him, and turned into two, one of which flew out, and the other flew over and landed on the task wood in Qian Yu's hand. On the card, burn a golden brand.

"." This sign will take you to the medicine field. "The beast clan lay lazily on the counter, "There are instructions on how to collect medicinal materials next to the medicine field, you just collect according to the above. "

Qian Yu took the wooden sign, thanked him and left.

Seeing him walking farther and farther away on the counter, the orcs flicked their ears, "hee hee" laughed twice, "Unlucky, unlucky... really unlucky..."

After Qian Yu came out, the scattered text on the wooden sign turned into clipped heads to guide him on the wooden sign. He walked all the way, entered the teleportation array, and walked farther and farther. When he stopped, he raised his eyes and looked over. I saw the neat square fields, and looked at the boundless and lush green fields. I didn't know that I thought it was wheat.

Qian Yu originally thought that the medicine was very precious, so the area of ​​the medicine field must be very small. Qian Yu was silent for a moment, and began to look for the sign that the orc said said how to collect the medicine.

He walked for a while and felt that he couldn't finish walking, so he simply rose to the middle of the air (that's good), but as soon as he got up, he saw that there were still neat Purple, White, Gray, Black, Light Green, and Deep Red in the distance. Wait for a large area of ​​medicine fields.

He also found the brand that the orcs mentioned.

It was a stone tablet as tall as a person.

Qian Yu took a step and arrived in front of the stone tablet in an instant. He looked down at the words on the stone tablet.

"Purple grass needs roots but not leaves.

White rose leaves can be cut off at the root.

The Red Sea only needs flowers and nothing else.

A space bag is attached, and each bag contains a kind of medicinal material.

Medicinal plants can be eaten, but just eat a little when picking, don't eat too much. "

Qian Yu watched and fell silent.

There are so many things, if he really subdivides them bit by bit, will he have to get the year of the monkey?

After standing still for a moment, he turned around and began to prepare for the next thing. .

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