Gao Wu: Everything Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 176: Taking On The Task

Chapter 176 Accepting the Mission

What is wrong?

Qian Yu tried six times that day, but failed all six times, especially the last time, when it was hard, it turned into black water directly in his hands, and he didn't know why

The production of mixed spar was temporarily stuck, and Qian Yu couldn't find the reason.

Or rather, for obvious reasons. The power of this universe and the energy of the outer universe are repulsive, and the two energies are extremely powerful. The two forces are unwilling to merge, and the carrier that carries them cannot bear their powerful energies, so it fails every time. .

And the successfully fused mixed spar shown to him by the virtual universe consciousness was precipitated by time, and only absorbed a very small amount of energy each time.

This is essentially different from him using external force to force it inside.

But it’s impossible for Qian Yu to collect a bunch of rocks and wait for them to collect energy, Schrödinger’s success, right?

So inefficient.

Qian Yu went out from the courtyard and waved his hand to cancel the restriction he had set.

He has only been in the Temple of the Gods for a few days, and the time is too short. He has not figured out anything about the energy system here, and he just wants to complete the things that ghosts have studied for hundreds of millions of years without success. Baodengtian means up.

Qian Yu went to the teaching hall. Teacher Ying said that there are some wild histories about the past in the temples of the gods in the reading building on the fifty floors up. They are all written down by some people when they have nothing to do. If they are interested You can go and see.

However, only the first to ten floors of the reading building are open to the public for free. If you want to go up, you need enough credits—not to pay tolls, but to let the reading building confirm that there are enough people to go up. Credits can buy things, if you don't have enough credits, then don't go up.

After all, if you can’t afford it, what’s the use of looking at it?

It's not yours to look at it again, so it's better not to look at it in the first place.

Qian Yu wanted to go to the 50th floor of the reading building to take a look, and he thought there might be something he needed there.

There are so many geniuses from planets and star fields gathered here in the temple of the gods. It is impossible to make no progress in things like mixing spars for so many years. He went in and took a look, maybe he could find inspiration.

At present his main task is credits, a lot of credits.

Qian Yu looked up at the task on the task wall.

Perhaps it was because many students came, so this time he looked at the mission wall again, there were already many missions on the wall, compared to last time he could only accept one mission, the salary was very good.

Qian Yu fixed his eyes on the middle of the task wall.

[Collect ten copies of moonflowers, recommend three people, cultivate the minimum requirement Xinghai mirror, one hundred credits]

Qian Yu continued to scan down, and there were relatively few star sea realms left to pick up, mainly because the credits were less, basically about ten credits.

In comparison, the reward for this task of picking moon flowers is the highest.

Qian Yu went to the counter, there were quite a few people standing there, but there were too many people, and the beast clan solved it quickly, almost alone in the blink of an eye, and soon fell to Qian Yu.

"What mission do you want to take...?" The orc didn't raise his head, so his big ears moved.

Qian Yu: "The one who collects ten moon flowers."

This voice... the orc looked up, and then his eyes lit up, "It's you?"

Qian Yu nodded, and the orc looked at the booklet in his hand, "This month's flower is quite troublesome, so the above suggests that three people do this task, do you have teammates? If not, you can take the task first, and come here later I will notify you after the two people who take this task."

"Can a person pick it up?"

"'s okay." The orc didn't show any surprise at his words, he touched his chin, pondered for a moment and said: "But this task has to go down the mountain...and you I have to go to the first floor of the reading building to find someone to buy a map, the moonflower grows in the Beast Forest, but not on the mountain of the teaching academy."

"Yes, far away?" Qian Yu asked.

The orc smiled, looked at Qian Yu up and down, "Star Sea Realm, that place is not far away, when you come back, you can just open a space road and come back from there in two steps, but you haven't been there, when you go I'm afraid there are no shortcuts."

Qian Yu nodded, "I will accept this task."

"Okay." The beast clan didn't say much, and simply marked out the task neatly, and handed him the sign, "If you don't know how to read the map, you can just follow this sign. By the way, if you feel that you can't come back to class, Remember to ask for leave from the training academy.

"Otherwise, the punishment in the training academy would be very severe." The beast clan trembled at this point.

Qian Yu thanked him, and he took the wooden sign and the moon flower box given by the task and went out.

The cut head on the task card was always pointing in one direction, and that direction changed as he walked and turned.

Qian Yu went to the first floor of the reading building to buy a map.

There is a counter here on the first floor of the reading building. When he came last time, there sat a thin old man with gray hair, lying on his back in a rocking chair and sleeping with his mouth open, in a particularly eclectic sleeping position.

The orc said that the person who sells the map on the first floor should be this person. After all, apart from the things on the first floor, there is only one living person here.

Qian Yu stopped in front of the counter, the old man was reading a book this time, kicking on the ground and shaking the chair, the wooden chair and the wooden floor both made an overwhelmed "squeak" sound.

"Hello, I want to buy a map."

"Look at the categories yourself." The old man pointed to the top of the counter, "Choose what you want, the price is marked, and if you want to pay, take it away."

Qian Yu looked over with his skinny and old fingertips, there were many categories on the counter, ocean, land and sky were the main categories, and there were more detailed categories, especially the sky, Qian Yu saw several sky secret realms.

But there were too many, and he (zhao) was dazzled by reading, especially the classification of land, he read it for a while and then wisely stopped, "Hello, I want to buy a map of Lingshou Forest. Go to the hospital to listen to the map of the beast forest, there is the one with flowers."

The old man spread the books on his stomach, impatiently picked his fingers, and a roll of paper floated out following his movements, "Five credits."

Qian Yu used the jade coin to touch the particularly conspicuous light blue jade coin held up by the wooden frame, and saw a line of familiar words appear on the light blue jade coin: five credits to account~

Followed by the familiar tilde.

Qian Yu stared at it for two seconds and looked away.

After he bought something, he asked the old gentleman on the chair, "Excuse me, is there any notice about picking moonflowers?"

The corner of the old man's mouth pulled down, he glanced at Qian Yu, raised his hand in a bad mood, and hooked it, a book flew out from the inside of the first floor, and a person fell behind the book's buttocks. .

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