Gao Wu: Everything Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 201 Refuse To Lie Flat And Upgrade

Chapter 201 Refusal to lie flat and upgrade

After the man in red returned to the classroom, he became the last person to leave every day. He seemed to have endless energy to spend on the blackboard writing that Teacher Ying had in the classroom, so that he didn't even pick it up. over the task.

But he didn't go to Douyuntai, he didn't enter the reading building, he didn't buy things in Wutang, and he even went to the cafeteria very rarely, so it seemed that there was no place to use his credits.

Qian Yu had listened to the words of the big ear fox before, and now he would occasionally pay more attention to this person after he came back from alchemy.

He felt that this person probably didn't refine the fourth-level Primordial Chaos Dan, or else he shouldn't be studying like crazy as if he was stimulated by something.

Qian Yu has also been taking on more tasks recently, and now he has to learn to do everything.

Credits are required for researching mixed crystals, credits are required for buying single crystals for absorption, and credits are also required for red spiritual fruits—he has not yet found anything that can replace red spiritual fruits.

However, there are very few tasks on the task wall that he can accept at his level with high credits. For the sake of convenience and speed, he usually walks alone. Without Wu Le occasionally coming up to him by himself, Qian Yu would really be alone in the training academy.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He didn't come here to make friends, but to become stronger.

It's just... Qian Yu frowned slightly. He used to rely too much on the system, or in other words, the existence of the system was too powerful.

The energy of all things can be absorbed and upgraded, which made him used to rapid growth.

Once he encounters energy that the system is unwilling to absorb, he will be stranded on an isolated island with no help.

It was too deadly for him.

No one wants a rope around his neck that can strangle him to death at any time, especially for the strong, this is intolerable.

Qian Yu rarely thought about this problem before, or in other words, deliberately avoided his dependence on the system.

But after coming to the temple of the gods, he had to face it.

The system didn't completely obey him.

Because absorbing the two spliced ​​cosmic energies will consume the energy of the system itself, it will be more troublesome to filter, and more power will be wasted, so the system would rather not absorb it.

It has never been considered that what Qian Yu, who is the host, needs most now is to become stronger. Cosmic power is a very strong pure power in the universe, not to mention two cosmic energies mixed together.

As long as the system loosens its grip, Qian Yu will become stronger at a faster speed.

But the system doesn't.

Qian Yu doesn't know why the system is unwilling to do this. Although the system says that it will waste more of its own power while absorbing cosmic energy, it can also absorb the filtered power by itself to supplement the lost energy. O power!

Qian Yu didn't know what the system was insisting on.

The current stalemate is holding him back.

Maybe he shouldn't rely on the system so much, this time the temple of the gods is the best exercise.

The system is indeed powerful, incredibly powerful. With the system, he will reach the peak sooner or later, but what if the system leaves him?

Without a system, without a system to filter those energy bodies, without a systematic upgrade point, without a systematic one-key cultivation function, can he still remain so strong?


Qian Yu was calm like never before.

He is like a person who is ecstatic and running wildly with his head covered after getting a fetish. He quickly skips the surrounding scenery, leaving behind those existences that he could only look up to before.

He loves the feeling of being powerful, looked up to, begged for protection, thanked.

So he wants to become stronger, he wants to keep going up, to protect all the relatives who love him and treat him well, and protect those who believe in him.

But what do these people worship? It's his strength.

He had nothing at first, just a lonely common soul from another world. At that time he had a very good family who believed in him.

Qian Yu slowly closed his eyes.

He had to find a new way to retreat.

The existence of the system is indeed invincible, but no one knows whether this invincible system will suddenly leave him.

Dependence is a deadly poison.

Fortunately he has now found out.

Qian Yu opened the notebook and read again what Teacher Ying said that was recorded on it—this book only records Teacher Ying's teachings and tips on cultivation, and he keeps all other miscellaneous things in his mind Here, no paper is wasted.

"Host. 々." The system, which has been silent since entering the temple of the gods, took the initiative to ask: "What is the host thinking?"

"Huh?" Qian Yu turned a page, looked at it seriously, and said casually, "I didn't think about anything, what's wrong?"

"Just now it was detected that the host's mood swings are too violent, ups and downs, what happened?"

Qian Yu flicked the book, "Emotion detection? Since when do you still have this function?"

Ding... Due to the recent detection of various items, the system has upgraded the detection function to facilitate the detection of various things for the host in the future. "

"."Really?" Qian Yu tickled the corner of his mouth, "Thank you so much. "

The system looked at the magnitude of the fall, and couldn't figure out why the host smiled and said thank you to him when he was obviously not happy.

The system calculation program tried to think about it, and ran the program three times in 0.5 seconds, but it found that it still couldn't figure it out.

But since the host is unhappy, it's fine if it doesn't bother. So after it said "You're welcome", it quietly hid itself.

After Qian Yu waited for the system to quiet down, he closed the notebook in his hand, and he sat in his seat with a blank expression, his expression indifferent.

The practice room is about to start class soon, people come and go, no one looks at Qian Yu, even if they look at him, their expressions are indifferent—they are not Wu Le's kind of existence who wants to hug their thighs, and no one tries to approach Qian Yu for comfort Qian Yu didn't look too good.

Qian Yu didn't need to be comforted, he adjusted his mood within a minute, and continued to open the notebook (by Li Li) and start reading.

Teacher Ying teaches spirit control, and his research on spirit control is also very in-depth.

Not to mention that Qian Yu didn't know what he was doing when he bumped into the opponent using spirit control in the reading building, but just by looking at the energy as fine as a silk mist, he knew how strong the opponent was in spirit control.

His notebook is full of things that Teacher Ying showed in class, mentioned casually, or taught seriously.

But what Teacher Ying teaches is to control the energy body in the body.

Maybe it's because you don't need too much when you go up from level 0 to level 1, just controlling the inside of your body is enough. Maybe it's because Mr. Ying is too lazy to teach, or maybe it's for other reasons, but he has never taught the people in the practice room any good way to absorb external forces with spirit control.

Therefore, all Qian Yu can learn now is to control spirits for internal counseling, which is of no use to him.

Just as Qian Yu was thinking, he heard two loud "cuckoo" sounds. .

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