Gao Wu: Everything Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 43: Great Harvest! 40000 Upgrade Points! ! (36)

After two electronic beeps, the password box was slowly opened.

And the next moment, small boxes containing Blue crystals appeared in front of Qian Yu one by one. These Blue crystals are naturally first-order source crystals that can only be purchased for one million.

Qian Yu opened one of the boxes, and immediately felt the abundant source power covering the whole room directly.

"Ding... the host absorbs the source power for 1 second, upgrade point +3!!"

However, at this moment, a system notification sound also reached Qian Yu's mind.

"Sure enough, the speed of absorbing electricity has increased before, and now the speed of absorbing source power has also increased. It seems that the source power of these forty pieces can be absorbed in a few hours!"

The corners of Qian Yu's mouth rose slightly.

Forty source crystals can give me at least 40,000 upgrade points, and now I can absorb three upgrade points in one second, and I can absorb more than 10,000 upgrade points in just one hour, and three or four You can absorb all the 40,000 upgrade points in an hour.

Thinking of this, Qian Yu directly opened all his other boxes, and put all forty source crystals on his clothes.

Under the power of the system, a steady stream of source crystals rushed into Qian Yu's body at a terrifying speed.

"Ding... the host absorbs the source power for 1 second, upgrade point +3!!"

"Ding... the host absorbs the source power for 1 second, upgrade point +3!!"

"Ding... the host absorbs the source power for 1 second, upgrade point +3!!"



A series of system prompts also reached Qian Yu's mind.

Soon, more than three hours passed.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, your current upgrade points have increased to 40200!"

After a system beep, Qian Yu opened his eyes again and found that all the source crystals around him had turned into Common White.


Looking at his total upgrade points, Qian Yu couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

"In this case, the system, start to learn all the martial arts, and after learning the superb skills, all of them will be upgraded to the top rank of the ordinary rank! In addition, the mind power skills will be raised to the top level of entry."

After glancing at his attribute table, Qian Yu spoke directly without the slightest hesitation, and the moment his voice just fell.

A majestic force instantly pulled his consciousness into that dark cultivation space.

And in the training space, all the knowledge of the three martial arts is crazily rehearsed in Qian Yu's mind, followed by endless training.

As for why it is only upgraded to the upper rank of ordinary level, there is also a reason. The number of upgrade points required to upgrade to the highest rank is too terrifying. It takes 3000 upgrade points to upgrade from the lower rank to the middle rank, and 5000 to upgrade to the upper rank. That is, each martial skill requires at least 16,000 upgrade points.

This is not counting the 1,000 upgrade points required for learning.

Qian Yu's upgrade points are not enough at all.

But now, if you just upgrade to the top rank of the ordinary rank, a martial skill only needs 9,000 upgrade points.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, your martial art "Meteor Spear" has reached the entry level! Consumption upgrade points: 100! Strength +50, Speed ​​+20, Constitution +20!"

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, your martial art "Wind Walk" has reached the entry level! Consumption upgrade points: 100! Strength +20, Speed ​​+50, Constitution +20!"

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, you have learned the entry-level martial art "Bright Knife Formation"! Consumption upgrade points: 100! Soul +50! Strength +10, Speed ​​+10, Constitution +20!!"



A series of system prompts echoed in Qian Yu's mind rapidly as Qian Yu's understanding of the three martial arts improved.

At the same time, Qian Yu could feel the strength of all his attributes begin to increase rapidly.

Soon, all of his martial arts were upgraded to a terrifyingly superb level, and at this point, Qian Yu had spent a terrifying 9,000 upgrade points!

Of course, the harvest is that Qian Yu's four attributes, the most powerful strength attribute, have reached a terrifying more than six thousand points.

And this is just the beginning.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, all your martial skills have been cultivated to a state of perfection, and you are about to start upgrading your martial skills."

After a system notification sound, countless messages instantly appeared in Qian Yu's mind, and the information recorded in these messages was naturally the information about those martial arts after the upgrade. After all, the moves and so on after the upgrade will be different Updates, power skills, etc. will also change accordingly.

The middle class of the ordinary level was quickly learned by Qian Yu, and this time Qian Yu's four-dimensional attribute increased by more than 2,000 points again, directly from the original 6,000 to 8,400. It has reached more than 7,000, and only Constitution is still more than 6,000.

It is foreseeable that as long as Qian Yu raises his martial arts to the top-rank of ordinary rank, Qian Yu's strength will definitely skyrocket to the point where his attributes exceed 10,000.

At that time, Qian Yu was a little curious, whether his strength would be raised to the blood sea level or his strength would be stuck at 9999 points.

Or, it will reach the limit of the human body that the principal told him!

But without waiting for his start, the system once again instilled all the martial arts knowledge of ordinary rank high-rank into Qian Yu's mind.

In an instant, Qian Yu felt the strength of his whole body begin to slowly increase through non-stop practice.

The strength value also quickly rose to 9000 points

9500... 9600... 9700! !

As time went by, Qian Yu's power value rose rapidly and soon reached 9999.


However, the moment Qian Yu's power broke through 9999 points, a terrifying wave erupted from Qian Yu's body in an instant.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host, the strength value has broken through the limit of the human body, please raise the other attributes above the limit of the human body as soon as possible!"

At the same time, a cold notification sound from the system was transmitted to Gan Prison's mind.

At this moment, Qian Yu's consciousness seemed to come into a starry sky, and the stars in this starry sky seemed to be all Qian Yu's acupuncture points.

There are a total of seven hundred and twenty of these stars.

And one hundred of these stars have already been lit up, and as Qian Yu's power becomes stronger, more and more stars will be lit up.

The power of 100,000 kg is equivalent to 100 acupoints, and every time one more acupoint is lit, Qian Yu's power will increase by 100 points.

"That is to say, in fact, the limit of human beings can reach the strength of 72,000 kg!?"

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes,

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