Gao Wu: I Can Log Into Shan Hai Jing

Chapter 156 Hunt The Third Rank! Magical Stone Titan

Qi Xuance winked at the secretary.

The clerk understood, and cut the picture silently.

The scene of Tie Zhan leading the wolf guard and Tie Yingrui to hunt appeared on the screen.

Unlike the large-scale hedging of the trapped camp,

They are rounding up a small herd of wild beasts.

It was a fourth rank desolate beast similar to a pangolin,

The body is more than fifteen meters long, and iron black scales are all over the body.

Followed by five identical clansmen, they are fleeing crazily.

This desolate beast is called the Dixing Dragon, which evolved from the pangolin.

He has solid scales and sharp minions, which can easily penetrate the king's soil rock.

However, this creature also inherited the timid character of the pangolin.

Even though the size has skyrocketed to tens of millions of times before,

But once they feel the slightest uneasiness,

They flee immediately and rarely fight back.

For dragon general candidates,

It can be said to be the easiest high-grade desolate beast to hunt.

All the dragons present had no time to think about it in the future, and their attention was quickly diverted.

After all, compared to ordinary spear horned oxen, the grade of Dixinglong is much higher.

Long switched the screens of the candidates one by one,

From time to time, you can see extremely thrilling and exciting battle scenes.

Except for a very small number of dragon generals, most dragon generals have temporarily forgotten the scene of falling into the camp and charging.

The shock is indeed shocking, but when they think of their opponents killing six or seven rank desolate beasts,

They just feel like that's all there is to it. 06

In addition, Qi Xuance deliberately reduced the scenes of Lu Xiu.

Over time, everyone's attention to the trapped camp gradually decreased.

In the northwest wilderness, the trapped camp launched another charge.

"Seventh team, charge!"

The last hundred-man team trapped in the camp screamed and launched a charge.

It's just that the arrow of the front arrow formation this time is a captain at the peak of fifth rank.

Lu Xiu floated in the sky above the front arrow array, and at the same time activated the imperial qi to weaken the burden of the trapped camp,

While carefully observing the team, hoping to find areas for improvement.

In this way, he fell into the camp and fought all the way, all the way.

Near sunset, they finally arrived at the supply station in the No. 3 mission area.

At this time, five supply vehicles and ten fighters from the camp had been waiting here for a long time.

Lu Xiu ordered Canglang Guards and Iron Eagles to patrol around,

The first team with the most physical strength served as a temporary guard post.

The other soldiers trapped in the camp opened fire on the spot to cook and supply supplies.

When the people dragged out some wild boars, horned bulls and other wild animals that had been hunted,

The ten camp fighters who were in charge of escorting the supply vehicle were stunned.

Desolate animal meat is not rare for them, but it is a bit too much if it is all essence.

What is even more frightening is the huge wild boar teeth on everyone's body,

Those horns like spears,

But they are placed together in bundles like Chinese cabbage.

You must know that this thing is an excellent material for making Divine Armament sharp weapons.

But now it's like a worthless Chinese cabbage being thrown aside by them.

And when they learned what happened today from their companions,

At first he was stunned, and then regretted.

One by one shouted that they knew this earlier, and they would stay whatever they said.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, many soldiers who fell into the camp had already slept with farmers.

No matter when, keep enough food and sleep,

One of the most important things for fighters.

At this time, Lu Xiu was looking at the mission map in his own temporary office.

The task of selecting dragon generals this time is naturally not that simple.

There are some hidden conditions in it, and it was only time that Lu Xiu found out.

The first is time, and the selection task time will be seven days.

The calculation starts from the moment the train arrives at the Changning base, and the results are counted seven days later.

This is why so many dragon general candidates can't wait to lead their teams to set off.

The second is the mission location, which is the mission area they choose.

Candidates for dragon generals need to give priority to clearing the desolate beasts in their mission area,

Only when the desolate beasts in one's own area have been basically wiped out will they be included in the statistics of battle results.

Otherwise, no matter how many desolate beasts are killed, it will only be counted as zero points in the end.

This one is to avoid some dragon general candidates who choose high-risk tasks,

Give up the own mission directly, and go hunting in low-to-medium danger areas or outside the mission area.

Finally, use the exchange principle to ensure the final points.

And this so-called basic elimination requires the elimination of 70% of the wild beasts in the area.

Regarding the selection of dragon generals, the rules on the surface alone plugged all the loopholes.

As for whether there are secret rules, only the bigwigs in the military department know.

So don't look at how Lu Xiu easily killed hundreds of sixth- and seventh-rank desolate beasts today,

But before he finished clearing the No. 2 and No. 3 areas,

No matter how many desolate beasts he kills, he is just making wedding clothes for others.

So at this time, what he is studying is the No. 3 mission area in front of him.

Being able to become the third area, both the area and the degree of danger here are far beyond the others.

There are not only Steppenwolves that can be seen everywhere in this wasteland,

Iron-feathered eagles, big-horned oxen, desert wild boars, sharp-horned goats and other wild beasts,

There are several fourth rank and even third rank powerful desolate beasts.

For example, the start is the wasteland tank of the fourth rank, Thunder Battle!

Whether it is before resuscitating it or after resuscitating Spiritual Qi,

The golden long-toothed lion known as the king of beasts!

But neither the Thundering Rhinoceros nor the Golden Long-toothed Lion is the overlord of this area.

The real overlord of the third area is a kind of elemental creature called stone titan.

This thing is not the product of Blue Star itself, it is said that it flowed out after a certain secret realm was destroyed.

All stone titans look different,

There are regular human figures with three heads and six arms.

There are even lions, elephants and many other shapes.

But without exception, they all have several common characteristics,

The first is big, the stone titans are at least twenty meters in size.

Followed by hard, stone titans are elemental creatures,

Except for a core, the rest are made of various hard rocks.

And they will also polish their own bodies,

Take only the most essential part of the rock,

Then continuously absorb, strengthen, remove the chaff and save the chaff,

Such a process goes round and round for an unknown number of times, until finally there is nothing to go.

They will integrate new elements and evolve into different new states.

And in the area Lu Xiu chose, there are two such stone titans.

One of them is at the peak of the fourth rank, so the problem is not too big.

But the other end is the lava titan that hasn't completely evolved yet.

Even if the evolution has not yet been completed,

He now has the normal stone titan ability,

It still has some ability to control the flame.

If the evolution is complete, the combat power will be from the third rank to the first rank.

Unless two or more Grand Great Masters are dispatched,

Otherwise, it would be difficult to take down such a lava titan.

If it were replaced by other people when they knew about this thing,

The first reaction must be to panic.

Even common third rank stone titan,

Combat strength is also the absolute first echelon in the third rank,

Not to mention third rank, even second rank Great Master,

I dare not say that it can be easily taken down.

And such a head has embarked on the evolutionary path,

And demonstrated the ability to control fire stone titan.

For these dragon general candidates,

Such a task is not much different from sending one to death.

However, after Lu Xiu saw this thing,

But he showed a strange smile.

He even thought of it,

This thing is probably a hole dug by the military.

But he laughed, and there was another reason.

That is, this stone titan is too similar to his Zhuyan Ape.

Of course, there is still a big difference between the two

Zhuyan Ape is a mythical beast, while Shi titan is an unknown elemental creature.

It's just a coincidence that he has the same fire and field attributes as Zhuyan Ape.

Lu Xiu looked at the location marked with stone titan on the map,

In the double 107 eyes, there is an unstoppable longing.

"Zhang Cheng! Li Yunxi..."

Lu Xiu called the captains of the top three teams in the camp


"I have something to go out for, a maximum of two hours.

"Here you stay and rest,

"If you have something to do, you can do it cheaply!"

Zhang Cheng and others have not yet come and objected,

I just felt that there was a blur in front of my eyes, and I had lost sight of Lu Xiu.

Looking at the empty office in front of him, Zhang Cheng sighed.

Three minutes later, Zhengjing Military Headquarters conference room.

Qi Xuance has already received the battle report from the front line.

The Chief of Staff of the Military Department, first rank Grand Great Master,

When I saw those few lines,

A wrinkled brow could directly pinch a desolate beast to death.

"Although the trapped camp is strong, the efficiency of sweeping the middle and low-grade desolate beasts is really good."

"But if the opponent is too strong, it's not enough at all."

"Lu Xiu is leaving at this time, most likely to go hunting high-grade desolate beasts."

"It's just that there are three wild beasts in area 3, which one will he choose?"

It is not surprising that Lu Xiu went to hunt the third rank desolate beast alone.

In fact, almost all candidates for dragon generals will make similar choices.

Even if they bring people, they will not bring too many people there.

The third rank desolate beast is different from the fourth rank desolate beast,

Combat power can be said to increase geometrically.

Whether it's the Wolf Guard or the Iron Eagle,

In such a battle, it can play a small role.

An inadvertent return without success will cause casualties in vain.

And the reason why Qi Xuance was surprised,

It's because Lu Xiu chose to hunt the third rank so early.

It was so sudden that he was not even prepared for it.

He can mobilize only one satellite,

If you make the wrong choice truthfully, you will miss the best opportunity to test Lu Xiu's strength.

"Thunder Rhinoceros? Golden Tusk Lion? Or Stone Titan?"

"Damn! Which one will he choose?".

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