Gao Wu: I Can Log Into Shan Hai Jing

Chapter 35 The Dog Licking Quality Of This Year Is Not Good!

The three licking dogs didn't know what happened.

I just saw Huang Yingying running away inexplicably,

So he didn't care about the quarrel, and quickly chased after him.

Lu Xiu in front didn't use his full strength,

Always maintain this kind of neither fast nor slow speed,

Keep a certain distance from Huang Yingying and others behind,

But not so that they lose their target.

To put it bluntly, it's just slipping away.

After sensing the possible danger,

Lu Xiu suddenly had two thoughts,

One is to flee thousands of miles away to avoid these threats,

Second... this one is more ruthless!

Since the danger comes from Huang Yingying,

Just find a chance to kill the opponent,

Is this danger eliminated naturally?

But after Lu Xiu took a closer look at the people opposite him,

He quickly dismissed both of these options.

First running can not solve the root problem,

And it puts itself in the prey situation.

Secondly, it is not difficult for Lu Xiu to kill Huang Yingying.

The four opponents have only the strength of ordinary Practitioner apprentices,

Lu Xiu wanted to kill them almost easily.

It was clear that the mortal danger did not come from them, but from someone else.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Xiu changed his mind.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief?

Instead of waiting to be hunted by the opponent, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

And the easiest way is to use Huang Yingying behind her.

Before she knew it, Huang Yingying had chased Lu Xiu out of the safety zone of the wilderness trial.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lu Xiu found a place to hide,

At the same time, take out the things in the luggage bag and put them on.

Each disciple of Infinity Flow has a full-face combat uniform,

A pair of extremely tough, knuckle knuckles two-in-one snare,

A sharp hunting knife with a palm width, but less than three feet,

And the last two murder weapons shining with dark blue light.

That is the most powerful third generation of the flames among the mass-produced pistols in Daxia.

This kind of firearm has been fired twice more than ordinary pistols,

When it was first developed, it was aimed at hunting low-grade desolate beasts.

Whether it is penetrating power or explosive power, it is unique among pistols.

For the eighth-rank desolate beast, the seventh-rank Practitioner can cause enough damage.

But after it was developed, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because the third generation of Lie Yan placed too much emphasis on power,

Makes the weight overweight, the recoil is too large,

Even the Ninth Grade Practitioner couldn't bear the huge shock force.

Although the Eighth Grade Practitioner can be used, it requires the cooperation of Qi and blood.

Only at the seventh rank can the Practitioner's physical body be able to support it.

But the attack power of the seventh-rank Practitioner itself is enough, and it is almost useless.

Weak ones can't be used, and strong ones can't be used.

Coupled with the high price, this thing is just tasteless.

But for Lu Xiu, it couldn't be better.

Lu Xiu changed his equipment and hid himself on a big tree.

After a while, I saw Huang Yingying chasing after her with three licking dogs

Huang Yingying lost her target and was looking around.

"Where did you go? You were here just now?"

"Yingying, what are we doing here!"

"Why do you keep chasing that kid Lu Xiu?"

"That doesn't mean you like him?"

Lu Xiu, who was hiding in the dark, could see clearly.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three licking dogs changed instantly.

"Yingying, if you like him, just say so."

"I, Li Chao, am not a stalker,"

"If you like him, I will only bless you."

The other two did not speak, but they also meant the same thing.

Huang Yingying's expression changed, she knew that if she didn't handle it well,

My small team will fall apart in an instant.

"No, you think too much!"

"How can I like him?"

"In that case, let's go back quickly."

"This is no longer a safe zone, and it will be dangerous if you stay for a long time."

At this moment, the three licking dogs agreed tacitly.

There are already enough competitors, and they don't want another one.

And Lu Xiu is above them both in appearance and strength.

If they join in, their road to regularization will be even more distant.

Seeing that the licking dog might run loose, Huang Yingying was a little annoyed.

"Keep saying that you like me and protect me with your life."

"That's it? That's it?"

"If you want to go, go, I will never stop."

"Just don't come to me after you leave."

Huang Yingying's aggressive method, which is always invincible, has failed this time.

The three licking dogs hesitated for a moment.

"Yingying, I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to seek death!"

"I'm leaving, you take care of yourself!"

There was the first, and then there was the second.

This licking dog is very conscious, and he is very straightforward when he is awakened.

Saying "Take care!" to Huang Yingying,

Just chased another dog licking away.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Xiu was not only emotional.

"The same Daxia loves to lick dogs, and once awakened, he becomes a gay friend."

"The quality of dog licking this year is not good!"

On the contrary, Li Chao, who was the first to shout to leave, was still hesitating.

Huang Yingying looked at the two people who had left, filled with hatred in her heart.

Seeing that Li Chao was also about to speak at this moment,

She knew she couldn't go on like this.

"Li Chao, can I trust you?"

Li Chao, who was about to say goodbye, became excited.

The goddess suddenly said this, is she ready to open her heart to herself?

"Of course, if you don't even believe me at this time."

"Who else can you trust?"

Huang Yingying looked at Li Chao, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Li Chao, you know that too."

"Our family's conditions are not good,"

"So I've always had part-time jobs to make money."

"This time the agency gave me a job,"

"As long as I report Lu Xiu's location to him in time,"

"After the matter is completed, there will be a reward of 50,000."

"If you help me, I'll give you half of the money."

Before Li Chao said anything, Lu Xiu took a deep breath.

Sure enough, he guessed right, there are other people behind Huang Yingying.

It's just that neither Lu Xiu nor Li Chao know,

This is the only truth in Huang Yingying's mouth.

First of all, the intermediary is simply non-existent.

If there is, it is Ma Zhihua.

Secondly, her reward is not 50,000, but 200,000.

What she didn't expect was that Li Chao actually refused.

"Yingying, haven't you ever thought that there is a problem with this?"

"Just a piece of news is worth 50,000 yuan?"

"Why does that man want Lu Xiu's place?"

"What will he do after he gets the location coordinates?"

Li Chao's series of questions made Huang Yingying very unhappy.

"I don't care what he does so much, as long as he makes money!"

"Don't talk so much, it's over if you don't help!"

Li Chao looked at the goddess in front of him,

Made an unexpected move.

He gritted his teeth and lifted Huang Yingying up.

Then run towards the safe zone with the fastest speed.

"No! I can't let you do that!"

"You will kill Lu Xiu, and you will kill own!"

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