After a few brief chats with Li Ruoyan, soon the two of them practiced separately.


As the class bell rang, Jiang Yan walked into the martial arts classroom of the third and fourth classes of high school.

"Before the class, let me say one thing. This morning, the school announced that the city would organize a practical trial for the city's senior three students. "

"The requirement is that only senior students with a qi and blood value of 4.2 or more can participate."

"So, I will conduct a qi and blood test for you later, and then report the list to the school."

"In addition, this actual combat trial will take the form of directly fighting with ferocious beasts, and for this reason, the city specially coordinated with the 'Jiangzhou Martial Academy' and borrowed their secret realm as a trial place."

"At that time, all the students who participate in the trial will enter the secret realm of the Jiangzhou Martial Academy."

"This actual combat trial will accumulate points based on the fierce beasts you hunt in the secret realm, and the points of different levels of fierce beasts will be different. Specifically, I'll talk to you in detail later. "

The top ten people will receive a generous scholarship and other prizes from the city. Among the prizes are not only qi refining exercises, but also martial arts, as well as spirit soldiers and spirit pills... Wait a minute. "

"The prize for the first place even includes one of the Sun Yao-level martial arts or the Yuehui-level qi refining technique, as well as a Xuan-rank top-grade spirit weapon!"

"As for the scholarship, the first place is as high as a million!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yan paused for a moment, and then said, "Of course, I don't expect any of you to compete for this first place. "

"This actual combat trial, the teacher's expectations for you are only to participate, take this opportunity to hone your actual combat ability."

"After all, fighting with ferocious beasts in the secret realm can be said to have minimized the danger."

"If you really encounter a ferocious beast that you can't deal with, and your life is in danger, you can immediately activate the teleportation charm and directly teleport out of the secret realm..."

The news announced by Jiang Yan undoubtedly caused an uproar among the students below.

The huge classroom was immediately filled with 'buzzing' discussions.

"I wipe, this time the city is really big! Actually organized such a trial for high school seniors in the city! "

"yes. Moreover, the reward for first place is too rich, and the scholarship alone is as high as one million! "

"What a scholarship is. In comparison, that Sun Yao-level martial art or Yuehui-level Qi refining technique is truly incalculable, and even a Xuan-step top-grade spirit weapon is worth no less than a million! "

"The city is really bloody! Unfortunately, with our strength, the first place is not to think about it, and even the top ten cannot be extravagant..."

"Come on, are you strong enough to participate in this trial? The teacher said that only those with a qi and blood value of 4.2 or above can participate in this trial! "

"Obviously, the city organized this trial to sharpen those students who are expected to be admitted to 'Wuben', and there is still a period of time before the college entrance examination, but if the qi and blood value has not reached 4.2 at this stage, then there is basically no hope of being admitted to the martial arts academy undergraduate..."


Listening to the discussions of the other students around him, Jiang Che was also moved at this time.

As long as you win the first place in the trial, you will get a million scholarships, as well as the Xuanjian Upper Grade Spirit Soldier and the Yuehui-level Qi Refining Technique or the Sun-Yao-level martial arts...

Such a reward cannot be described as unrich.

Of course, what kind of qi refining method or martial arts, or even the Xuan step of the spirit soldier, Jiang Che didn't care so much.

He already had the Xuanjian Grade Spirit Soldier 'Water Cold Sword'.

Qi refining exercises can't be used in a short time, as for martial arts... In fact, it didn't mean much to Jiang Che.

Because these things can be 'made up' by himself, and then turn them into real martial arts and exercises with the help of the system.

Anyway, he now has two 'experience packs' that are no longer 'iron', as long as he lets these two 'experience packs' help him, he can 'create' various powerful martial arts or exercises.

However, these things can also be exchanged for money.

For example, if the Xuanjian Grade Spirit Soldier is sold directly, it will be up and down the account for millions. There are also Yuehui-level Qi Refining Exercises or Sunshine-level martial arts, if they are sold, they can also be credited with millions!

If he had this money, then Jiang Che would no longer have to worry about the blood of the ferocious beast needed to cultivate the Blood Bath Body Technique next.

Even, he could buy more advanced, such as the Lord-level, or even Lord-level fierce beast blood to cultivate the Blood Hegemony Technique.

At that time, his cultivation speed will definitely be much faster!

"Let's all be quiet first."

At this time, Jiang Yan suddenly clapped her hands and signaled everyone to calm down.

After the silence in the classroom returned, she continued: "Next, let me tell you specifically about some basic information of the trial secret realm, as well as the points of different levels of fierce beasts in the trial..."

At the moment, Jiang Yan explained the relevant situation in detail.

In the Trial Secret Realm, the strongest ferocious beasts were only second-order beast generals, and there were only a few, and there were also a small number of first-order beast-level ferocious beasts.

Most of the rest are beast-level ferocious beasts.

In terms of points, a first-order beast soldier is 1 point, a second-order beast soldier is 3 points, and a third-order beast soldier is 10 points. As for the first-order beast general, the points directly skyrocketed to 100 points, and the second-order beast general even reached 500 points!

In addition, before entering the secret realm, each person will distribute a teleportation charm.

At the same time, the teleportation charm also has an automatic recording function, which can record the fierce beasts killed by the trialist and convert them into corresponding points....

"Well, that's the general situation of this actual combat trial. Next, let's test the qi and blood value first! "

Speaking of this, Jiang Yan's gaze couldn't help but fall on Jiang Che.

"Jiang Che, it's up to you to come first!"

She was still quite curious about how Jiang Che's qi and blood had improved during this time, after all, it had been a while since she last tested Jiang Che's qi and blood.

At that time, Jiang Che's qi and blood value was in the early 7.4s.

Seeing that Jiang Yan was the first to point to his name, Jiang Che couldn't help but touch his nose.

The others around him also looked at him.

Especially Lin Sihan in the crowd frowned slightly unconsciously.

In the past, Jiang Yan let Lin Sihan be the first to test, but now, it has been replaced by Jiang Che.

However, Lin Sihan and others were relieved to think about Jiang Che's performance when they were competing for scholarship places before.

After all, Jiang Che's strength was obviously stronger than Lin Sihan.

"Here, inject the power of your qi and blood into the detector. Remember, don't play tricks with me like before, deliberately hide your strength! "

Jiang Yan saw Jiang Che step forward, and specially reminded him sternly.

Jiang Che smiled.

But in his heart, he muttered: "Don't hide your strength? How can it be! I want to really unreservedly urge the power of qi and blood to test, and you must not drop your jaws!" "

"But how much strength do you have to hide?"

Jiang Che thought about it, and finally decided to use only three-quarters of his qi and blood power.

In this way, the detected qi and blood value is at the beginning of 8 o'clock, which will not be too 'shocking', and it can also reflect a significant improvement compared to the last time Jiang Yan tested his qi and blood.

Soon, Jiang Che injected three-quarters of the strength of qi and blood into the qi and blood detector.

Jiang Yan stared closely at the screen of the qi and blood detector.

When she saw the number '8.25' displayed on the screen, Dengshi's eyes widened, and she suddenly raised her head and looked at Jiang Che with a shocked expression!

Some of the students standing in front also saw the numbers displayed on the qi and blood detector.

There was an uproar!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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