Gao Wu: I Have Become A Full Range Of Warriors

Chapter 1200 Transcendence, A Whole New World

Outside the world of light.

Yuan felt that his blow was forcefully knocked back, his expression changed, and then he saw Qin Chen appearing in front of him.

Feeling Qin Chen's change, his pupils shrank sharply, and he even couldn't believe his eyes.

"Are you already transcendent? Impossible!"

Qin Chen gave him the feeling of detachment. All the elements were completely integrated together. This was only possible with detachment.

The so-called unity of elements does not mean fusion together, but me in you and you in me.

For example, the element of time contains space, there is fire in space, destruction in fire, life and death in destruction, reincarnation and so on.

"No, you just merged into one, and no rules have been formed yet. You are transforming." Yuan stared at Qin Chen and said suddenly.

"Yes, I haven't transcended yet." Qin Chen said lightly.

He found a way to transcend, and that was the crudest way, devouring.

He devoured that special planet in the World of Ming.

And with the devouring of that planet, the innate skills completely transformed Ming's insights into his own.

Including the understanding of the elements, he is now uniting the elements into one, but the understanding of the elements has not yet had time to be fully digested, so he has not yet allowed the unified elements to form their own rules.

Strictly speaking, he now belongs above the nine realms of reincarnation and below detachment.

But the transformation of talent and skills has not ended, it is still continuing. Once it is completely digested, he will truly transcend.

"Haha..." Yuan laughed, "It seems that I came at the right time. If I give you more time, you may really be transcendent."

He suddenly felt that he was indeed right to follow that palpitating feeling. At this time, Qin Chen was not a threat.

"Qin Chen, even if you are not a creature born in the world inside my body, you are destined to die here. No one can defeat me in my body."

"The entire universe belongs to me."


As his words fell, the entire universe danced and resonated with him.

At this moment, Qin Chen was truly facing a complete humanoid universe.

But as he was about to transcend, there was no such shock. He just watched everything calmly. His figure disappeared from the place and reappeared, already on top of Yuan's head. He pointed out a powerful Yuan energy in his finger. Power bursts out. This Yuan Power is the combination of countless Yuan Powers, carrying all kinds of destructive power.

However, when it was about to hit the top of his head, Yuan Hua turned into countless light spots and disappeared in place.

"I am everywhere. The me you see is all me, but it is not the real me." Yuan's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Chen saw that the entire universe was densely packed with figures of Yuan, and the number reached an incalculable level.

Each element looks like the element itself.

Qin Chen punched out and found that these Yuans were easily scattered, but when one of them launched an attack, the other party instantly possessed the strength of the Yuans themselves.

Qin Chen quickly fought back, but found that the opponent's strength disappeared and another figure appeared, and that figure suddenly took action.

In this way, every Yuan, once he takes a shot, has all the strength of the Yuan, but there is only one shot at a time. Once he fights back, the strength will be transferred to the other one.

For a moment, although Qin Chen was taking the initiative, he was more defensive, because you don't know which figure will be the truly powerful Yuan in the next second.

"Qin Chen, I admit that you are very powerful and are a greater threat than Yue. He took advantage of me while I was sleeping. To be honest, I despise him."

"And you are the first person who makes me feel afraid, so I have to take action in advance."

"It's a pity that if you were born in the previous era, maybe both Yue and I would be trampled under your feet, but in this era, you are born at the wrong time." Yuan's voice sounded, and while admiring Qin Chen, he had to take it with him. With murderous intent.

"How about we coexist harmoniously. If you let me transcend, I won't take action against my opponent. Besides, after I transcend, you will also recover. Everyone is the same. There is no need to fight to the death." Qin Chen said with a smile.

Countless figures were stunned at the same time, and then countless voices sounded at the same time, "I'm not worried."

No matter what, he didn't want to go through the confrontation between Yue and him again.

"In this case, I have to take action." Qin Chen shook his head and said softly.

He casually looked at one of the figures and said slowly, "In the world inside your body, you are indeed everywhere. You can use this powerful method to consume me one by one. It is true that I cannot be consumed by you forever." ."

"But even in the world inside your body, I can take action without restraint, because it is not me who is being destroyed. Since you are everywhere, I will destroy this universe just to see how you are here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew his hands on his chest, and huge power elements spurted out, and then, a huge millstone was formed in the void.

Power millstone!

The millstone is getting bigger and bigger, and within a breath, it has enveloped the entire universe.

Soon, the millstone began to rotate. As it turned, the universe was crushed and began to collapse rapidly. Those figures were also quickly wiped out by the power millstone.

Even the primary universe that was not shrouded by the millstone, as well as the Yuan Realm outside the primary universe, were greatly affected and collapsed like a chain reaction.

At this time, Yuan stared at the millstone, his face changed drastically. This was the world inside his body. This kind of destruction was even more terrifying than the elemental ocean created by Yue.

His countless figures turned into various kinds of energy and attacked the power millstone. At the same time, a spear appeared in the sky above the millstone. The spear also carried the power of power and pierced towards it. Millstone.


This blow shattered the millstone, and similarly, a large amount of territory was destroyed instantly at this moment.

Yuan's face was livid, and he said coldly, "Qin Chen, you are not detached after all. If you want to destroy the world inside my body, you can't if I don't allow it."

He stretched out his hands and squeezed violently into the void.

Suddenly, Qin Chen felt as if his body was being continuously compressed by a stamping machine. This kind of squeezing was not a squeezing of space, but a squeezing of power.

"It's not detachment. I'll never understand it. Detachment is so powerful." Yuan continued to say coldly, his strength getting stronger and stronger.

Qin Chen felt that his internal organs were being compressed and expanded, and the world inside his body was also being compressed and making constant noises.

Even at this moment, that power is no longer pure power, but a powerful and irresistible rule.

No matter how he used his Yuan Power to resist, he could not completely block this rule.

Elements, even the highest elements, cannot be compared with rules.

"You know, detachment is terrifying?" Yuan said contemptuously.

The energy of the Yuan Universe is decreasing rapidly. This is Yuan's blow at all costs, vowing to kill Qin Chen.

At this time, Qin Chen looked painful on the surface, but inside he was pleasantly surprised.

"Yuan, after all, you still didn't expect that I swallowed Ming's core planet. Under the pressure of this powerful rule, the speed of energy conversion is actually accelerating."

Qin Chen's inner world was undergoing rapid transformation while undergoing strong pressure.

Gradually, in the world inside his body, a planet is slowly taking shape. This planet is not composed of elements, but composed of the rules of various elements.


Finally, when the pressure reached the critical point, this special planet took complete shape and began to operate.

At this moment, the aura on Qin Chen's body also changed completely. All the elemental auras on his body seemed to have disappeared, replaced by the aura of rules.

His cultivation level, at this moment, broke through instantly. There are not many realms of elemental systems, but only one realm, detachment.

Even at this moment, his gaze instantly penetrated the Yuan Universe and saw a brand new world.

But at this time, he didn't have time to pay attention, and his body shook slightly.


Yuan's hands bounced away instantly as if they had been exploded, and his body was also bombarded by invisible force.

"Impossible!" Yuan instantly screamed.

Qin Chen is transcendent!

"Yuan." Qin Chen looked at Yuan, "I gave you a chance, but you refused. Now, do you regret it?"

He said before that he could coexist peacefully with the other party, and said casually that if the other party gave up everything and transcended himself, he would take the living beings out of the Yuan Universe and walk out of the other party's inner world, but the other party did not believe it.

"I have no regrets. It doesn't matter if you are detached, I am also detached." Yuan Qiang suppressed the shock in his heart and spoke loudly.

Qin Chen shook his head, "Don't say you haven't fully recovered yet. Even if you recover, the result will be the same. Now, I'll show you the difference between you and me."

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly turned golden, and an invisible attack appeared instantly, making Yuan Da pale in shock.

Qin Chen's body did not move at all, still standing on the same spot, but Ke Yuan's body froze for an instant, and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

The next second, Qin Chen moved, came to him, and grabbed him.

"Do you know?" Qin Chen spoke slowly.

"Soul, soul attack, how can there be such a powerful soul attack?" Yuan showed unprecedented fear.

He is detached. Although he cannot perform soul attacks, his soul is already very powerful. He never thought that Qin Chen's soul attack almost caused his soul to collapse.

Qin Chen just smiled faintly and did not explain.

Perhaps it's because his soul does not belong to this universe, so at the moment of transcendence, the method of shock can be improved at an extremely rapid rate, no less than mental power and normal attack methods.

As for the other party, the technique without a soul is naturally unable to defend the soul, so it can only rely on? If your soul is strong enough to withstand it, how can you withstand it without collapsing? That's pretty good.

Qin Chen pointed at his brow. This time, a terrifying soul attack poured in directly from between his brows.

Yuan's eyes widened, unable to resist this strange attack. Soon, his soul began to disintegrate, and before he could scream, only a body was left.

After doing all this, Qin Chen retracted his fingers and took a deep breath.

The last battle is over.

It seemed like a simple battle, but it was a battle of great importance. Only he knew the dangers involved.

With a wave of his hand, the world of light opened, and soon after, many reincarnations came out.

"Is it over?" Everyone was surprised.

The Lord of Time and Space looked surprised, "The universe seems to be different!"

Everyone was startled, and after careful sensing, they soon discovered something unusual.

"All the elements have changed. It seems there are no rules."

"My understanding of elements has become faster." Someone said in surprise.

"Me too, I suddenly have increased sensitivity to the element of time."

"My fire sensitivity has increased. It was only 5 before, but now it is estimated to be 7." Someone said in surprise.

"No, you all increased it? did I decrease it? My wind sensitivity became 2." The Lord of the Five Elements cursed.

"City Lord Qin, what's going on? Is Yuan dead?" Someone looked at Qin Chen.

Qin Chen looked at everyone and said slowly, "Yuan is dead. The reason why you feel the changes in the elements is because his death led to changes in the rules of the elements. Now the elements of this universe no longer have specific rules. , so some people’s element sensitivity is increasing, some are decreasing, and some people even have different elements, both increasing and decreasing.”

"But no matter what, your understanding of the elements will be accelerated because there are no restrictions on specific rules."

Hearing this, everyone looked surprised.

The change of elements is not the most important thing. What is important is that after Yuan dies, they no longer pose any threat.

"City Master Qin, can we transcend in the future?" someone asked quickly.

Qin Chen smiled, detachment is not that easy. Although the understanding of elements is accelerated, it is not enough to concentrate on practicing all the elements. It requires great opportunities.

However, he did not attack these people directly, but nodded and said, "Of course, as long as there is a will, everyone can transcend."

Hearing this, everyone showed excitement.

Qin Chen smiled, and then said, "Everyone, this universe has no owner. I will leave the opportunity of Yuan. Who among you will get it in the future depends on your own destiny. In addition, there is also what I left behind. Opportunities, including the opportunities of the entire system.”

After saying that, he waved his hand, and countless rays of light flashed past and fell to all parts of the universe. Among them were things left by Yuan, his own insights, techniques, etc.

After doing all this, he disappeared directly.

When he appeared again, he naturally came to the new world he had seen before.

When he saw clearly the world here, he was shocked.

This is a starry sky that even he can't see the end of.

In this starry sky, there are countless inner worlds. These inner worlds float in the endless starry sky, like countless bubbles. Each bubble is a universe.

He looked at one of the inner worlds and saw countless creatures inside.

"Are these all the inner world of a transcendent person?" He instantly felt like his scalp was numb.

He looked hard into the distance, and could vaguely see that in an endless distance, there was a huge hole, similar to a black hole, but this hole was white. From that hole, from time to time, an inner world floated out. .

Just when he was confused, a figure walked out of one of the inner worlds.

This was a fat young man. He looked at Qin Chen, suddenly stunned, and then said, "Newly promoted to transcendence?"

Qin Chen was shocked. The other person was also a detached person like himself.

"Who is Taoist friend?" Qin Chen asked.

"You are truly new to transcendence." The fat young man was surprised and then smiled, "Congratulations, you have entered the Origin Universe."

"Origin universe?"

"To be precise, this is the wilderness of the origin universe. These inner worlds are all created after the death of strong men, the abandonment of corpses, and the destruction of the physical body through the white hole in the origin universe. And you and I are lucky enough to be able to escape from these. A lucky person who has escaped from a certain inner world." The fat young man explained.

"The other end of the white hole is the core of the origin of the universe?" Qin Chen asked.

The fat young man nodded, and then suddenly noticed Qin Chen's feet, "Hey, is the body still there where you came out?"

Qin Chen said, "Yes."

The fat young man was shocked. He looked at Qin Chen, "It seems that the master of the universe you are in did not come here because he fell and was abandoned, but came here because of some reasons."

"It's just that after he came here, he was seriously injured and eventually died." The fat young man analyzed.

Qin Chen didn't know the details, but it should be similar. The other party should have fought with Ming and finally reached here, or Yuan came here to sleep after being injured.

"By the way, friends, let's go to the other side together?" The fat young man looked at the white hole.

Qin Chen said, "I have to go back first and come back later."

The fat young man nodded, "We are all from this wilderness area, and we should help each other. After you pass, you can go to the Daxia Empire to find me. By the way, my name is Yan!"

After saying that, the fat young man walked towards the white hole.

Qin Chen saw him entering the white cave, slowly disappearing, and then returned to the Yuan Universe. Not long after, he appeared again in front of his parents in Blue Star City.

Qin Chen's sudden appearance shocked Li Xiufen and Qin Dahe, "You scared me to death."

Before Qin Chen could speak, Li Xiufen said, "Is it over?"

Although the two of them were well protected, they still vaguely knew that the situation was very serious recently, and Qin Chen's sudden appearance meant that it should be over.

"It's over." Qin Chen nodded.

"Okay, I finally don't have to worry all day long." Qin Dahe was overjoyed.

Li Xiufen said seriously, "Can I find a girlfriend now?"

Qin Chen's scalp suddenly felt numb!

The whole book is finished!

I won’t say any more sensational words. I would like to thank every friend who has watched it. For those of you who can read it, I will kneel down and thank you all.

Finally, can I shamelessly ask for a gift?

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