Gao Wu: I Have Become A Full Range Of Warriors

Chapter 14: Machine Puppets, Nine At A Time

"Forget it, I think some people still don't believe it, so I'll prove it to you!"

"Remember my name, No. 2 Middle School, Yang Shuai!"

Yang Shuai shook his hand and returned directly to the door of his room.

Without any further hesitation, he went up and pressed the door switch.

Everyone quickly followed and saw Yang Shuai walking in.

"The door is about to close, you all hurry up and watch for me." Yang Shuai's voice came from the room.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw him rushing towards a machine puppet in the room.

The moment he approached, a red light lit up on the machine puppet.

The corner of Yang Shuai's mouth curled up. Knowing that the machine puppet had been triggered, he punched it.

At the same time, the mechanism puppet's reaction was not slow at all, and he also punched out.


One person and one puppet collided instantly.

Everyone took a closer look and saw a figure flying over. The expression of the person standing at the door changed and they quickly moved away. The figure flew out before the door closed.

"Damn it! It's not a half-finished product!" Yang Shuai tilted his head and passed out.

Beep, beep, beep...

Suddenly, an alarm sounded, and soon two people came in from outside. When they saw Yang Shuai on the ground, they directly lifted him up and walked out.

"In less than five minutes, this is the second elimination. This time, half of them will be eliminated!" one of them whispered.

After everyone heard this, their expressions changed.

They looked at Room 37 again, their eyes turning into shock.


In Room No. 37, Qin Chen punched the mechanism puppet in front of him into smoke, causing it to completely lose its ability to fight.

"We've already started eliminating people!"

Qin Chen walked towards the useless mechanism puppet and smiled slightly.

Naturally, he heard the alarm just now. He guessed that it was an alarm issued after someone was eliminated.

This machine puppet is not that easy to deal with. Now, among the students here who are ranked 30 or below, there are very few who have reached the middle stage of body training. It is not that easy to avoid being eliminated.

After destroying one mechanism puppet, Qin Chen looked forward, where there were still nine mechanism puppets.

"It's impossible for everyone to be in the early stage of body refining, otherwise it would be too simple." Qin Chen analyzed secretly.

The mechanism puppet will be activated as long as the attack reaches two meters away from it.

He guessed that as long as it was activated, no matter whether it was injured or not, if he could survive half an hour, he would get points.

If they are all in the early stages of body refining and only one is activated, it will take half an hour, which is too easy.

And if you fight one by one, many students can even destroy some. The points should not be so easy to get.

He looked up, saw several cameras in the room, and smiled slightly.

Points are awarded by the instructors here based on performance. If you want to get more points, you not only have to defeat more machine puppets, but also how to defeat them.

Thinking of this, he rushed directly to one of the machine puppets two meters away without any hesitation.

The machine puppet flashed a red light, was instantly activated, and rushed towards Qin Chen.

But Qin Chen did not fight it, but rushed towards another one.

Just like that, he rushed forward one by one. Not long after, all nine mechanism puppets were activated by him. For a moment, the whole room was rioting.

At the same time, alarms kept ringing in other rooms, and the staff responsible for carrying people from outside came in. When they heard the huge noise coming from Qin Chen's room, they couldn't help but look in surprise.

"What's going on? With such a big movement, are all the puppets activated?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head again. If all the puppets were activated, the students inside would probably be unable to get up and be eliminated. There would be no such big movement.

"Did the machine puppets lose control? Are they fighting each other?" His expression changed.

But he didn't have the authority. Once someone was in the room, he couldn't force it to open it, so he had to walk to the door and look through the peephole.

"Fuck!" After seeing the situation in the room, he couldn't help but yell.

In the room, four machine puppets were already lying on the ground. A young figure was able to come and go freely under the siege of other machine puppets.

At the same time, every time the boy punched, it was like a heavy hammer, creating a puppet with each punch.

"What kind of monster is this?" He couldn't help but asked in surprise.

What was more frightening than what surprised him was that the boy showed no mercy.

Mechanism puppets are expensive to build, so defense is stronger than attack.

During the assessment, as long as it is injured to a certain extent, the attack will stop. This also prevents the loss from being too great.

But for that young man, every time he punched, the machine puppet was almost destroyed. It was completely scrapped and could not be repaired.


At the same time, a man in military uniform was walking towards a control room with a stack of documents.

"Instructor Yang, this is the information for those who entered the training camp this time." The man placed the information in front of a woman and said.

"Instructor Luo, have you read these materials?" Yang Xue was not in a hurry to read the materials, but glanced at the man.

Robin nodded, "After a rough look, the people in this class are indeed better than the previous class, but there are no particularly outstanding people."

"Didn't two of them reach the peak of body refining?" Yang Xue smiled.

If you can reach the peak of physical training before the college entrance examination, you have a good chance of reaching a one-star warrior during the college entrance examination. Such a genius is good enough.

"I know that in the past, I would have felt good about these two people, but now..." Luo Bin shook his head.

"You mean, the first general selection?" Yang Xue asked.

Luo Bin nodded, "I learned that some provinces in the Western War Zone have produced one-star warriors. However, in Jiang Province, not only Rongcheng does not have one, but other cities also do not have one."

"So, Jiang Province does not have any competitiveness in the selection of general stars this time. This is the first time. It is a pity."

The Dragon Kingdom has several war zones, and each war zone contains multiple provinces.

Jiang Province belongs to the Western War Zone. This time, each of the war zones selected a general in their respective districts.

The selection criteria are high school seniors who are under 18 years old and have not yet taken the college entrance examination.

Because it is the first class, everyone from the top management of the war zone to the instructors in training camps like them takes it very seriously.

If a general star can come out of their hands and go out, it will be a great honor, and if he can become a general star, the theater will focus on training, and future achievements will be limitless. For them, being able to teach such a person is also Something to be proud of.

Yang Xue did not speak again, but picked up the information and looked through it. The first thing he looked at was the information of the two students who were at the peak of physical training.

"Yu Yang, Xu Fei." After taking a look at their information, she suddenly said, "Bring up the video of the room where they are."

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