Gao Wu: I Have Become A Full Range Of Warriors

Chapter 23 Go Down The Mountain And Come To The Martial Arts Association Again

"Master, Martial Arts Association!"

Early the next morning, after Qin Chen went down the mountain, he waited for almost half an hour for a taxi.

"Okay!" The driver stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

"Young man, I think you look familiar." The driver glanced at Qin Chen a few times, "By the way, I remembered, you went to the Martial Arts Association a few days ago, and I sent you there."

Qin Chen also glanced at the driver, but he didn't have much impression, but he still said, "Master's business is a bit far."

"Haha, it's a sports car. As long as the customers need it, it will go no matter how far it is." The driver said with a smile.

"Awakened!" Qin Chen smiled.

"By the way, young man, did you go to the Martial Arts Association for certification last time? Did you fail? You are going again so soon."

"That's right!" Qin Chen nodded without explaining.

The driver glanced at Qin Chen and found that he was not in a high mood, so he comforted him, "Oh, it doesn't matter if you fail. The key is not to give up after failure."

"When I was young, I was just like you. I went for certification for the first time and failed."

Qin Chen glanced at him in surprise. He didn't expect that the other person was still a cultivator. He asked curiously, "What happened next?"

As a driver, most people talk a lot, and this driver is no exception.

Seeing that Qin Chen was interested, he said, "Later, I just didn't give up. After failure, I practiced hard and tried to get certified again and again."

He said this with some pride, "I believe persistence is victory."

Qin Chen was startled and asked, "What happened next? Why did you drive a car?"

"Later on, I failed to get certified, and I had no other skills, so I had to work on sports cars. However, although I failed, I persisted for a long time, so don't give up easily!"

Qin Chen was speechless. He originally thought it was a bowl of chicken soup, but who knew it turned out to be poisonous chicken soup.

A few hours later, the car drove slowly to the entrance of the Martial Arts Association.

"Young man, this is your second certification. Remember what I said before. Even if you fail again, don't give up." The driver looked at the Warriors Association in front of him and encouraged him again.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the Warriors Association, and at this moment, several staff members of the association were walking quickly from inside. The leader was in a suit and leather shoes.

"Hey, I remember that's the director of the Martial Arts Association, what's his name?" The driver said in surprise when he saw the leading man.

"Xu Hua!" Qin Chen said.

"Yes, yes, my name is Xu Hua. This is the second-largest figure in the Warriors Association. From the look of him, he looks like he is going to meet some big shot!" The driver looked shocked.

The director of the Martial Arts Association rarely makes an appearance. He has never seen him a few times in all his years of racing, but he has heard quite a lot.

At this time, Qin Chen also opened the car door. As soon as he got out of the car, Xu Hua hurriedly greeted him, "Brother Qin!"

"Even if I'm almost there by this time, fortunately, I didn't come out late!"

Xu's tone was very polite, and his voice was not quiet, so the taxi driver could hear it clearly.

He shivered all over, stepped on the accelerator, and shot out with a whoosh, fearing that he would be a little slower.

"What kind of monster did I pull?" The driver looked shocked.

It is impossible for the director of the Martial Arts Association to come out with a group of staff to greet him in Chengdu, even if he is the son of the city lord. There is only one possibility. His talent has reached a level that even the Martial Arts Association takes seriously.

"Are taxis so powerful nowadays?" Xu Hua glanced at the taxi's taillights and asked in surprise.

Qin Chen smiled, changed the subject, and said, "This time I'm bothering Director Xu, but I'm flattered that you came out in person!"

As soon as he got off the mountain, he called Xu Hua and said that he wanted to come to the Martial Arts Association for no other reason than that he wanted to be certified quickly.

Because warrior certification is different from body training certification, warrior certification requires an appointment, because there are many people certification every day, and he doesn't have much time, so he has to trouble Xu Hua.

"You and I don't have to be polite!" Xu Hua said with a smile.

Before Qin Chen came, he called him and said that he wanted to be certified as a martial artist. Not to mention that he and Qin Chen knew each other. He was certified as an official martial artist before he was 18 years old. He had to welcome such a genius in person.

You know, the whole of Chengdu has not seen such a genius for a long time.

Although Qin Chen has not been officially certified yet, if he is not sure about his understanding of Qin Chen, he may not come.

In the certification building, the certification hall on the first floor is specifically responsible for the certification of the body refining realm. The second floor and above are the places where official warriors are certified.

After entering the building, Xu Hua asked the other staff to disperse and took Qin Chen to the second floor alone.

"The second floor is where warriors from one to three stars are certified. The third floor is for four to six stars. Those above the fourth floor are seven stars and above, but they are rarely used." After going up to the second floor, Xu Hua introduced to Qin Chen.

Qin Chen nodded. There were very few seven-star warriors in Chengdu. It was normal for them to be rarely used.

Arriving on the second floor, Qin Chen saw several people waiting for certification.

A person in charge of certification saw Xu Hua appearing and quickly came over to say hello, "Director Xu, why are you here in person?"

Xu Hua is the second-in-command in the Martial Arts Association, and generally does not come out personally for matters such as certification.

"Bring a friend here!" Xu Hua didn't explain much.

However, when the man heard the word friend, he was shocked, and the certification officer's eyes changed when he looked at Qin Chen.

He could tell at a glance that Qin Chen was very young, and Xu Hua was talking about friends, not juniors, or any other title.

"Director Xu, do you want to join the team?"

To be certified as a warrior, you must make an appointment to register first, so the person who registered first will be certified first. But now that Xu Hua has appeared, it seems inappropriate to ask Qin Chen to wait.

But he didn't ask Qin Chen directly, but asked Xu Hua. After all, he didn't know Qin Chen's character. Some people like this kind of transcendent power and will jump in line directly, but some people are very low-key or pay attention to rules. So I don’t like jumping in line.

"No, come one by one!" Qin Chen said directly.

"Okay, there are five more people in front of us, soon." The man nodded quickly.

Soon, he entered working mode again.

"Everyone, now the certification continues, I will introduce the certification method to you again."

"It's very simple. The first thing to test is your cultivation, and then the test of your combat power."

The five people in line looked at him in surprise. This authentication method has been discussed before.

Someone suddenly looked at Qin Chen, who was in the back, and realized that this was an explanation specifically for him.

"I just heard the certification officer call that person over there the director. Is he a relative of the director?" someone murmured.

"The first one, Zhang Xing, certified level, first-level warrior!"

When the certification officer announced, a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties stood up from the first stool in the rest area and walked up.

"Put your hand up and try to release the energy you have." The certification officer pointed to an instrument next to him and reminded.

The man walked to the instrument, took a deep breath, slowly raised his hand, and then put it down.

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