Gao Wu: I Have Become A Full Range Of Warriors

Chapter 25 The President Of The Association Visits

"Examiner, announce it!"

Seeing that the examiner was reluctant to speak, Qin Chen had no choice but to remind him.

Only then did the certification officer react from the shock.

"Qin Chen, certification one..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that Qin Chen was certified as a one-star warrior, but his combat power directly reached that of a two-star warrior.

If we directly talk about one-star warriors, it seems that Qin Chen is at a disadvantage. After all, the allowances for two-star warriors are different, and it was brought by Xu Hua himself. If Qin Chen is dissatisfied and offends such a genius, it will be scary just thinking about it.

However, if you directly say that he is a two-star warrior, it seems to be inconsistent with the regulations.

He unconsciously looked at Xu Hua with pleading eyes. Obviously, he couldn't decide on this matter and had to ask for help.

Xu Hua glared at him, thought for a moment and then said to Qin Chen, "Brother Qin, I'm afraid it will take some time for the certification, tomorrow."

"The results will be available tomorrow. When the time comes, we will notify you directly, okay?"

He was also a little confused, but he still wanted to give Qin Chen a two-star warrior directly. After all, he knew Qin Chen's family conditions.

However, with his authority, he could not make a final decision and needed to report the matter to the president. The only thing he could do was to give suggestions to the president and try to let Qin Chen enjoy the treatment of a two-star warrior.

"Then I'll trouble you, Director Xu!" Qin Chen was not in a hurry after one day.

"No trouble." Xu Hua waved his hand quickly.

"Director Xu, I will go back first, and you can do your work first."

After Qin Chen finished speaking, he didn't stay much longer and refused the other party's kindness.

Everyone looked at Qin Chen's leaving figure. Those who had just passed the certification wanted to come forward to get to know him, but they were hesitant. After all, people may not necessarily like him for such a genius.

In front of Qin Chen, they couldn't help but feel a little inferior in their hearts.

After returning home, Qin Chen saw Li Xiufen massaging Qin Dahe.

"Xiaochen, why are you back? The training camp is over so soon?"

When the two of them saw Qin Chen, they were both confused. The genius training camp shouldn't end so soon.

"I'm taking a leave. By the way, I'm going to pack the necessary things and move in the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Moving, to what house?" Li Xiufen asked doubtfully.

"You will know tomorrow!" Qin Chen did not explain.

At first, Qin Dahe didn't understand, but soon, he looked at Qin Chen seriously and thought of something.

"Go pack your things quickly!" Qin Dahe said quickly to Li Xiufen.

Although he still didn't believe it, seeing Qin Chen's serious look, it didn't look like he was joking.

"Warrior, is it rare that my son really becomes a warrior?"

For an ordinary family like theirs, with no money or power, there is only one possibility for them to move, and that is for someone to become a warrior and then move to the center of the city.

"You're going crazy too!" Li Xiufen said angrily to Qin Dahe, completely ignoring the matter of moving.

Qin Dahe smiled bitterly. He probably would scold Li Xiufen to death now that he said his son became a warrior.

Qin Chen smiled and said nothing more. There is no certificate now. It will be done over there tomorrow and there will be no need to explain everything.

"Now condense the ice element mark!"

At night, Qin Chen did not sleep. Instead, he sat on the bed, condensed ice flowers in his hands, and then began to concentrate on completing the ice element mark.

The talent of the ice system is better than the talent of the wind system. Therefore, it is not too late to practice the wind system after the ice system has also broken through one star. If they practice at the same time, it will increase the time cost.

"In addition, the divine patterns of the fire element must also keep up with the progress."

The wind and ice elements must break through the one-star warriors. At the same time, the fire element cannot stop and must attack the two-star warriors.

"No wonder dual systems are not as popular as imagined. Indeed, time is too tight!" Qin Chen shook his head.

Dual ability is indeed a powerful talent, but in the eyes of those big shots, it is actually not as valued as a genius like him who became a warrior before the age of eighteen.

Because many geniuses with dual systems are very arrogant, they will not practice one system first, but do it at the same time. As a result, these geniuses eventually failed to keep up with the progress.


"Sister Xiufen, what a good day it is today to buy so many vegetables?"

Early in the morning, Li Xiufen came back with a bunch of vegetables, which prompted the neighbors next door to ask curiously.

"Oh, my boy is back, it's really troublesome!" Li Xiufen said trouble, but her expression looked very happy.

"Xiaochen is back?" The man was startled, "Didn't I just hear you say yesterday that he went to some genius training camp, and he came back so soon?"

Yesterday, Li Xiufen and some neighbors mentioned Qin Chen, because after Qin Chen certified the body training, Li Xiufen and Qin Dahe had already spread the news.

"I didn't ask either, but now that I'm back, the training over there should be over!" Li Xiufen said uncertainly.

She didn't know what the genius training camp was. She only knew that if there was a word genius, then his son would be a genius. When a genius comes back, he will naturally have a good meal.

"I heard that people will be eliminated at the talent training camp." Suddenly, a man said.

This man is another neighbor of Qin Chen's family and the richest person in the neighborhood. His name is Zhou Yi. He usually wears suits and ties.

"Zhou Yi, don't talk nonsense!" Other neighbors saw the change in Li Xiufen's expression and quickly stopped her.

The Qin family are usually good people, but life is difficult, especially since Qin Dahe is not in good health.

Recently, the couple was very happy because Qin Chen was certified for body training, and the neighbors knew about it.

It would be troublesome if Qin Dahe's already poor health had any problems now because of Qin Chen's matter.

"What am I talking about?" Zhou Yi said unhappily, "Over there in Yangcheng, I have a friend whose eldest brother's son's classmate was selected into the talent training camp in the past, but was eliminated on the same day."

Zhou Yi didn't care about the feelings of Qin Dahe and Li Xiufen. Originally, he was the envy of several families in the neighborhood.

However, some time ago, Qin Dahe and Li Xiufen took out the certification certificate of Qin Chen's early stage of physical training, and everyone began to get close to them, but they didn't treat him like before, which made him feel a little uncomfortable these days.

"Even if Qin Chen is eliminated, he is still a genius!" A neighbor spoke for Li Xiufen.

"I know, but Xiaochen may be feeling depressed now. I don't want adults to know. I just told Sister Xiufen the truth so that I can enlighten Xiaochen. Don't let him bear it alone. This is not good." Zhou Yi said with concern on the surface. .

However, he was very happy in his heart. Although Qin Chen was expelled, he was still a genius, but in the eyes of his neighbors, with this sudden gap, everyone must not envy Li Xiufen and Qin Dahe as before.

"Thank you, Zhou Yi!" Li Xiufen was simple-minded and didn't know what Zhou Yi was thinking. After thanking her, she hurriedly walked home.

However, at this moment, a horn sounded, and everyone turned their heads in surprise to see a high-end car slowly driving towards them.

"Who is this, driving all the cars here!"

This community is densely populated. People with cars are parked in the parking lot and are not allowed to drive in, except for special vehicles.

"This is... the martial arts association's car!" Someone exclaimed when they saw the word "Martial Arts" written on the car.

Everyone looked at it with surprise. No matter how ordinary people they were, they knew what the Martial Arts Association represented.

This is a place where the city specializes in serving and managing warriors. It can be said to be the most powerful institution in the city.

"Get out of the way!" Zhou Yi saw the car approaching and shouted quickly. He is the person who knows the martial arts association best here. He must not cause conflicts with these people, otherwise he will die without knowing how.

After the car arrived in front of everyone, it suddenly stopped, leaving everyone confused.

Soon, the car door opened, and soon after, a person got out of the car.

"Director Xu!" Zhou Yi was shocked.

But soon he was even more shocked. After Xu Hua got out of the car, he quickly ran to the other side of the car, and then slowly opened the door.


Xu Hua opened the door in person, leaving Zhou Yi stunned.

Then he saw an old man in a robe getting out of the car, while Xu Hua stood respectfully aside.

"President, this is it!" Xu Hua said to the old man.

When Zhou Yi heard Xu Hua's voice, his eyes widened and he looked at the old man in disbelief.

"President of the Martial Arts Association! could he come to such a small place?"

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