Gao Wu: I Have Become A Full Range Of Warriors

Chapter 86 Obtaining The Beast Crystal, A Big Harvest

In the next two days, Qin Chen took his parents around some attractions in the Magic City and encountered no more accidents.

On the third day, a soldier from the southern war zone came to the hotel and found him.

In the hotel lobby.

"Chief!" The soldier shouted immediately when he saw Qin Chen.

Although Qin Chen has not officially entered the military headquarters, there is no problem with the title of star and the title of commander.


After the two sat down, the soldier placed the suitcase he brought on the table in front of him.

"Chief, this time you killed 512 first-level beasts. There were 40 beast crystals. All of them were replaced with level 3, eight of them." The soldier began to report.

Qin Chen nodded.

Although it is said that ten beasts will produce about ten beast crystals, it is not accurate. Five hundred and twelve beasts will produce forty crystals, which is about the same.

In addition, forty first-level beast crystals, according to the price, are 20 million, and eight third-level beast crystals are 16 million, which seems to be a loss.

However, this is not the case. The higher the level of the beast crystal, the harder it is to buy it.

It would take a long time to convert all the first-level beast crystals into money, and it would still take time to buy the third-level beast crystals. Sometimes, you might not be able to buy the type of beast crystal you want.

Moreover, the price of a first-level beast crystal is 500,000 yuan, which is just the average price, and the price is different for each type.

For example, the price of the fire type is 500,000, the ice type may be 520,000, the thunder type will be higher, but the water type will not be.

Therefore, this exchange is in a fair proportion, with no loss or gain.

"In addition, the leader killed a total of 305 second-level beasts this time. Twenty-four second-level beasts were replaced with nine third-level beast crystals."

"The third-level beasts killed by the leader totaled one hundred and eighty-three, with twelve beast crystals."

"Level four beasts, fifty-three heads, with four beast crystals."

"Eleven level five beasts, one with a beast crystal."

"A sixth-level beast, no beast crystal!"

The soldiers reported detailed data one by one.

After hearing this, Qin Chen nodded. This delivery was not a big one. The total value of these beast crystals was already hundreds of millions.

"Chief, these beast crystals are of different types and have been replaced according to your request. Among them, twenty-nine level three crystals have been replaced with nine each of the three types of ice, wind and earth. The handling fee will be deducted for the two extra crystals."

"The four level four ones have all been replaced by fire elements."

"The two at level five have been replaced with four fire-type ones at level four."

"Chief, please sign here!"

After the soldier finished speaking, he took out a list with detailed data records on it.

Qin Chen took a look and then signed his name.

Immediately afterwards, the soldier closed the box and gave it to Qin Chen. After that, he picked up another box on the ground.

"This is the reward given to you by the Southern War Zone this time."

The soldier said and looked at Qin Chen, "Chief, there are new cracks this time. In the future, the southern theater will invest a lot, so the reward..."

When he said this, he showed a hint of shame and continued, "But our marshal said that the Southern Theater Command owes you a favor. In the future, when you enter the military headquarters, no matter whether you are in the Southern Theater Command or not, as long as something happens, the Southern Theater Command will definitely support you! "

Qin Chen smiled. He had already guessed in his heart that the reward this time would not be too big.

New cracks have appeared in the southern theater, and the southern theater needs to be responsible for everything.

A high wall must be built from the beginning. This cost can be said to be very high.

In addition, a lot of equipment and various expenses are needed. Even Qin Chen can't imagine how much it will cost this time to get the new crack on the right track.

So, he didn't feel disappointed or anything like that.

"It's okay." Qin Chen waved his hand.

Although he needs the beast crystal very much, compared with the new cracks, the expenses there are more important.

In the Southern War Zone, being able to give some rewards was already a great sign of sincerity, and he could still tell this clearly.

"On behalf of the Southern War Zone, I would like to thank the commander!" The soldier stood up and saluted Qin Chen.

His action immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

But seeing that both of them were wearing casual clothes, they both shook their heads and cast contemptuous glances.

Someone whispered, "Today's young people really dare to play anything!"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and stopped paying attention.

"Go back and tell Marshal Li that the southern theater owes me nothing." Qin Chen stood up and returned a military salute.

I encountered a newly opened crack, and I had the ability to do so, so of course I had to stop the spread of the alien beasts.

Even if he just doesn't need the beast crystal, the same is true, not to mention, he is still a military general.

You can't just run away after seeing the crack.

Marshal of the Southern War Zone, as a strong man in the nine-star golden body realm, of course he wants the favor mentioned, but it is natural to want it.

When the other party talks about favors, it's a sign of respect for him. Naturally, Qin Chen won't really accept it on the spot.

More importantly, since the other party has said such words, he will definitely remember them in his heart. If he said that the Southern War Zone does not owe him any favors, I am afraid that his impression will be deeper in the other party's heart.

At this time, the soldier looked at Qin Chen with strong admiration.

After the soldiers left, Qin Chen returned to the hotel room.

He opened both boxes at the same time.

Inside one, lay thirty-five beast crystals.

There are only three in the other box, but there are four lines on the beast crystal, which means that the three are all fourth-level beast crystals.

And these three were given according to his request, and they were all of the fire element.

Three level four beast crystals are worth about 12 million, which is really not much compared to his achievements this time.

It can be seen that funds in the southern theater are indeed tight this time.

"let's start!"

Qin Chen took a deep breath, looking forward to it.

This time, his strength will skyrocket again after selecting the star.

He picked up a level three ice beast crystal.

Then he kept swallowing it like jelly beans. Suddenly, the system kept beeping.

When all nine were swallowed, the fourth divine pattern on the ice mark reached perfection.

In the room, the temperature suddenly dropped sharply. A few minutes later, when the ice cultivation level was completely stable at four stars, it slowly returned to normal.

Next, without any delay, he began to devour the wind element. Soon after, following the system sound prompt, the fourth divine pattern of the wind element reached perfection.

After it is completely stable, then comes the earth element.

This time, after swallowing the nine earth elements, it did not reach perfection, but progressed to 94%.

"The remaining six percent can be completed before entering the martial arts academy. There is no problem at all." Qin Chen did not have any emotional fluctuations because he had not broken through the earth element.

A few minutes later, he looked at the remaining fire beast crystals and suddenly showed ecstasy.

"I'm going to complete the mission!" Qin Chen saw those beast crystals, there were eleven in total.

According to the progress of increasing one by ten percent, there is one more.

"What an unexpected surprise!"

Qin Chen couldn't wait to pick up a level four fire beast crystal and swallowed it in one gulp.

As the beast crystal energy was digested, he stared at the fifth divine line on the fire mark.

When the energy was completely digested and the divine patterns stopped condensing, his expression suddenly froze.

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