"Lin Mo, why are you here?" A young man looked at Lin Mo curiously.

This person was Lin Mo's classmate Liu Qi, whose current blood value was 5.4.

"Lin Mo's current blood value is 2.8, which has reached the standard for practicing martial arts, so he is qualified to participate in the intermediate practical class!" Without waiting for Lin Mo to respond, Zhang Lianchang had already walked in from outside.

Liu Qi looked at Lin Mo in confusion, and he was not very impressed with Lin Mo.

However, since the teacher said that he had reached the standard, Liu Qi was too lazy to ask too much.

After all, in his opinion, even if Lin Mo reached the standard for practicing martial arts, his blood value could not exceed his!

"Because this is Lin Mo's first time to attend the intermediate practical class, I will briefly introduce martial arts!" Zhang Lianchang glanced at Lin Mo and said, "Martial artists can improve their own blood and qi through practice. When fighting, we consume blood and qi in exchange for strength.

Martial arts can make the utilization rate of blood and qi higher. With the same blood and qi consumption, the use of martial arts can achieve more terrifying damage!


Zhang Lianchang roughly introduced some knowledge about martial arts, and then began to teach formally.

"A few days ago, I took you to practice the Vajra Finger. Who can demonstrate this martial art to the new students!" Zhang Lianchang looked at everyone and asked loudly.


A young man raised his hand, then stood up and walked to the middle of the venue.

He was burly, with a height of 1.8 meters, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Yu Qiang, blood and qi value 6.3!" Zhang Lianchang smiled and nodded: "Let's start!"

Yu Qiang nodded, slowly raised his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together, and then bent them.


He shouted loudly and swung his right hand diagonally downward!


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and even though he was several meters away, Lin Mo could feel the power contained in this blow.

"Try this!" Zhang Lianchang shouted softly and threw a brick at him.


With a crisp sound, the brick was hit by Yu Qiang's two fingers and a gap was made!

"So strong!" A student exclaimed.

Yu Qiang smiled and ended the demonstration.

"Very good!" Zhang Lianchang nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that your Vajra Finger has reached the intermediate level!"

The mastery of martial arts can be divided into five levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, proficient, and perfect.

It is really amazing to practice martial arts to the intermediate level within a few days.

"Hehe, I started practicing half a month ago...My brother taught me!" Yu Qiang said with a simple smile.

"It's not bad to reach the intermediate level in one month!" Zhang Lianchang nodded, looked at everyone and said: "Everyone practice in the rest of the time! If you have any questions, feel free to find me!

Lin Mo, come here, I will tell you the skills of blood circulation!"

It took more than an hour for Lin Mo to master the skills of blood circulation, and the rest was practice again and again.


At the same time, Li Daming was sitting at home with a gloomy face.

He stared at his mobile phone with his right hand. Half an hour ago, he received a call from the principal of Jinling Middle School.

On the phone, the principal hoped that he could let Lin Mo go.

With the principal coming forward, Li Daming naturally couldn't let those gray personnel take action again.

But if he didn't take action, he couldn't swallow this breath in his heart.

"Brother, we have checked the people you asked us to check!"

When he was getting irritated, a young gangster rushed in with excitement outside the door.

"The one called Lin Mo is from an ordinary family. His father moved bricks on the construction site, and recently he took on a physical job of carrying bags!

The mother is a factory worker, and she definitely has no background!"

After being warned, Li Daming asked his thugs to investigate Lin Mo's personal information.

In Li Daming's opinion, since he could get the principal to come forward, Lin Mo might have some kind of background.

But now it seems that he is just an ordinary person.

"Even if he is an ordinary person, it is not easy for me to retaliate directly with the principal..." Li Daming frowned, looking unhappy.

"Oh, by the way, when we were investigating Lin Mo, we also found an interesting video..." The thug took out his mobile phone with a mysterious look on his face and clicked on a blurry video.

The video was shot from a bird's-eye view, and you can vaguely see a young man smashing another person's head with a stick in an alley.

"Is this the process of the staff of the martial arts arena being killed!?" Li Daming was a little shocked: "Where did you get the video?"

"Hehe, one of my subordinates and his girlfriend were looking for excitement, leaning against the window while exercising and recording a video, but I didn't expect to record this..." The gangster smiled evilly and said: "Brother, take a look again, this person's shadow doesn't look like the boy named Lin Mo you asked me to check!"

When the gangster reminded him, Li Daming's eyes suddenly lit up, and after watching the video several times, his face showed an excited look.

"It's him! It's him!" Li Daming raised his hand and patted the gangster's shoulder: "Very good, you did a good job!"

Li Daming sent the video to his mobile phone and sneered: "With this video, you kid will die even if you have the principal's protection!"

The martial arts arena is the property of the Wumeng, and most of the staff inside also have the identity of the Wumeng.

Anyone who dares to kill the Wumeng will be skinned alive even if he doesn't die!

"Let's go! Follow me to the Public Security Bureau!" Li Daming got up and rushed to the Public Security Bureau with the gangster.

“Okay, today’s class ends here. Everyone should practice diligently when they return home.

Geniuses are few after all. If you want to improve your martial arts proficiency, there is no shortcut, only continuous practice! "

In the practical class, Zhang Lianchang clapped his hands and asked everyone to stop: "Everyone, follow me to the measurement room and measure your blood and qi values!"

The school conducts blood and qi value measurements every week. Those who can enter the intermediate practical class are considered to be top students in the school.

Their blood and qi values ​​are related to the school's enrollment rate, so they are particularly important. Every time they are measured, the principal will go to the scene in person.

When everyone came to the measurement room, an old man in formal clothes was already waiting there.

"Principal!" Zhang Lianchang stepped forward and said hello, and pointed in the direction of Lin Mo: "That kid is the Lin Mo I told you about!"

"Not bad!" Principal Chen Xingzhi glanced at Lin Mo and nodded slightly: "I have called Li Daming about his matter."

"Thank you, principal!" Zhang Lianchang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's get started! "Chen Xingzhi nodded and signaled everyone to start measuring.

The first person to go up was Yu Qiang. After the blood was drawn, a value quickly appeared on the computer screen.


"Not bad, an increase of 0.1 from last week, keep it up!" Zhang Lianchang nodded with satisfaction: "Next one!"

Lin Mo was the last one to take the photo, silently counting everyone's blood and qi values.

"Most people's blood and qi values ​​are above 5.2! I didn't expect Liu Qi's blood and qi values ​​to increase to 5.6!" Lin Mo said silently in his heart.

"Okay, the last one, Lin Mo!" Zhang Lianchang glanced at Lin Mo: "Although you just took the test at the weekend, you should take it again. The school will make a record here!"

Lin Mo nodded, stepped forward and pressed his finger on the measuring instrument.


At this moment, the door of the measuring room was kicked open, and a group of security guards rushed in.

The leader took a photo and looked at Lin Mo, and said loudly: "It's him, you guys go up and catch him! "

Several security guards immediately rushed towards Lin Mo.

At this time, a number slowly appeared on the computer.

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