Inside the alchemy room, the old man had a puzzled look on his face, his eyes fell on the alchemy furnace.

"The alchemy room is set up in the martial arts field. Isn't it normal for someone to make alchemy?" Ye Qing looked at the old man curiously: "Is there anything wrong?"

The old man raised his hand, signaling Ye Qing not to speak first.

Then he bent down, put his nose close to the alchemy furnace, and fluttered his nostrils a few times.

"It is also the primary Qi and Blood Pill that is being refined..." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and gently wiped the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

The index finger was covered with the residue left over from refining the pill.

The old man squinted his eyes and observed the residue carefully. After a long time, he exclaimed.

"Strange... After the primary Qi and Blood Pill is refined, the residue should not be like this... Did I smell it wrong?" The old man frowned and spoke slowly.

"Qing'er, go check the consumption record of the medicinal materials in the alchemy room today!" The old man turned his head to look at Ye Qing and said anxiously.

Ye Qing nodded, took out her phone and sent a text message. Not long after, the phone rang and a message appeared on the screen.

"Grandpa, you are right. Someone was indeed refining the primary Qi and Blood Pill here just now..." Ye Qing read the content on the screen: "The whole process consumed three Qi and Blood Grasses and one or two Qi Condensation Powders..."

"The amount of medicinal materials on it is obviously enough for a furnace of pills." The old man looked at the residue on his fingertips: "It's a pity that he should have failed!"

"Grandpa, how do you know he failed?" Ye Qing looked at the old man curiously.

"Because this residue is completely different from the residue left after our Ye family refines pills!" The old man pointed at the residue and said, "Qing'er, you should know that the biggest reason why my Ye family can rank among the best in the alchemy world is that my Ye family has the highest success rate in refining primary Qi and Blood Pills!

Three Qi and Blood Grasses, using my Ye family's unique pill formula, can make three pills with a probability of more than 30%!

The probability of making two pills can reach four levels!

The Ye family relies on this terrifying success rate to crush many alchemy families.

Grandpa started refining pills at the age of five, and has been refining primary Qi and Blood Pills for seventy years. What kind of residues has Grandpa not seen in these years?

The residues now are very similar to the residues of failed refining, so it must have failed!"

The old man said the basis for his judgment, and then patted Ye Qing on the shoulder: "Qing'er, you refine well and strive for success once!"

Ye Qing nodded and took out the medicinal materials according to the pill formula.

"Start refining!" The old man nodded and stood aside: "When necessary, I will guide you!"

Ye Qing nodded. As the strongest alchemist in the Ye family, being able to get his guidance is what countless people dream of.

Although she has a rich theoretical foundation, this is her first time to officially refine the elixir, and Ye Qing can't help but be a little nervous.

According to the book, Ye Qing refined step by step.

After immersing herself in refining the elixir, her nervous mood instantly relaxed, and her movements became more and more standard.

"You are worthy of being the genius of my Ye family. Not only is your strength strong, but your talent for refining elixir is also extremely high!" The old man stroked his beard with satisfaction.

A few hours later, the fragrance of medicine began to drift in the elixir furnace, and the smile on the old man's face became more and more intense.

"It's time!" Ye Qing's eyes flashed, and an excited look appeared on her pretty face.

She stretched out her hand, lifted the lid of the elixir furnace, and looked inside the elixir furnace.

Two Qi and Blood Pills lay quietly inside.

"Success...success!" Ye Qing showed a surprised smile on her face and jumped up excitedly.

"Hahaha, I made two pills in my first formal alchemy! You are worthy of being my granddaughter, Ye Chaoqun!" The old man nodded with satisfaction, his face full of smiles.

"Pack it in a box quickly, the medicinal effect will evaporate over time!" Ye Chaoqun reminded with a smile.

Ye Qing nodded and was about to buy a box in the alchemy room, but when she clicked on the page to choose the box, she was stunned.

The box was gone!

"Impossible!" Ye Qing frowned: "Today is Monday, and the alchemy room will be equipped with four boxes every Monday morning. How come none of them are gone!"

"Could it be that someone else used it?" The old man said casually, but soon noticed something wrong. He looked at Ye Qing and said with some doubts: "How many people used the alchemy room today?"

"Except for me, there is only one!" Ye Qing also realized something and her expression became solemn.

"Are you sure?!" The old man looked at Ye Qing with wide eyes.

"Sure!" Ye Qing nodded heavily.

The old man was stunned there.

"Three Qi and Blood Grass, one ounce of Condensing Qi Powder... This is clearly the amount for one furnace, how can four pills be refined? Impossible!" The old man murmured.

A few seconds later, he looked at his index finger again, and there was still a layer of residue on it.

"Go to the analysis room!" The old man said, and then walked directly outside.

Ye Qing also hurriedly followed. As for the two pills that had just been refined, it was not important now.

Ye Chaoqun was the person with the highest alchemy skills in the Ye family and even in the entire Jinling. He could make him lose his composure like this, which showed that this matter was not ordinary!

The two entered the analysis room one after the other. The old man carefully extracted the residue on his finger with a cotton swab, and then put it in the instrument for analysis.

A few minutes later, a series of data appeared on the instrument.

Ye Chaoqun stared at the data with shock written on his face.

"The residual effect of the medicine is almost is this possible?!" The old man took a few steps back as if he had seen something incredible.

"Grandpa, what does this mean?" Ye Qing looked at the data on the computer with confusion.

"The process of refining the elixir is actually the process of extracting the qi and blood from the qi and blood grass. The lower the efficacy of the remaining medicine in the residue, the more successful the refining is!

The residual medicinal effect of these residues that Mr. Ye brought was zero, which proved that the utilization rate of Qi Blood Grass in the entire alchemy process reached 100%!

As expected of Mr. Ye, his alchemy skills are already superb! "

Next to Ye Chaoqun, a middle-aged man in a white coat said flatteringly.

"This is not what I refined!" Ye Chaoqun glanced at him and said lightly: "Today's matter will be kept secret! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The middle-aged man looked at Ye Chaoqun's eyes and nodded quickly.

Ye Chaoqun nodded with satisfaction and left the analysis room with an indifferent expression.

But as soon as he walked out of the analysis room, Ye Chaoqun's expression became excited: "Quick, follow me to the front desk, I want to see who used the alchemy room!

A furnace of medicinal materials was used to refine four Qi and Blood Pills!

Such a terrifying elixir-forming rate is unheard of!

If we can recruit this alchemist to the Ye family, our reputation in the alchemy world of the Ye family will definitely rise to a higher level! "

With excitement written all over his face, he went straight to Zhu Ting at the front desk.

"Sorry, we have no right to disclose information to you!" Zhu Ting looked at Ye Chaoqun and Ye Qing and said calmly.

"Miss, this is very important to us. Please give us this person's information!" Ye Chaoqun said eagerly: "Don't worry, we will never do anything against him!"

"Miss, if you tell us this person's information, my Ye family is willing to pay enough!" Ye Qing took out her mobile phone from her body: "One million, buy this person's information!"

one million!

Zhu Ting's eyes widened. From this morning to now, Lin Mo was the only one using the alchemy room.

Therefore, the person the two people in front of them are looking for must be Lin Mo!

But Zhu Ting didn't know Lin Mo's name, so she couldn't make the million even if she wanted to.

"Sorry, I don't know his name!" Zhu Ting shook her head: "But he comes here often these days... If he comes again, I will definitely recognize him!"

"I'll give you five hundred thousand first. If he shows up again, just call me!" Ye Qing transferred the five hundred thousand to Zhu Ting and followed Ye Chaoqun out of the martial arts arena.

"What on earth did you do to make the Ye family pay such a high price to find you?" Zhu Ting couldn't help but think as she looked at the extra five hundred thousand in her phone.

Just when Ye Qing was trying her best to find Lin Mo, Lin Mo was walking home with his schoolbag on his back.

"The two pills given by the school, plus the four refined pills, I now have a total of six Qi and Blood Pills!

Plus the money I have left on hand, it’s a full 1.2 million! " Lin Mo was thinking silently in his heart, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

When he opened the door, Lin Mo was surprised to find that his father Lin Dayong did not go to work.

"Xiao Mo, why are you back so early? Aren't you going to school today?" Lin Dayong obviously didn't expect Lin Mo to come back so early. Normally, the end of school for the senior year of high school would not be until at least ten o'clock in the evening.

"School is on holiday today!" Lin Mo said casually: "Dad, don't you have to go to work today?"

"I can't make any money working on the construction site, so I won't do it! I have a day off today, and my dad will go out to find a good job tomorrow!" Lin Dayong said with a smile.

Lin Mo paused in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Dad, did you encounter any grievance at work?"

"You kid, what kind of grievance can dad encounter, but..." Lin Dayong said something ordinary, and the door of his home was pushed open with a bang.

Lin Ya walked in with a cold face, pointed at Lin Mo and said: "It's not because of you!

If you hadn't provoked Li Wei at school, how would your father have been expelled by his father, Li Daming? !

Do you know how dad was bullied at the construction site today? Look at how many injuries Dad has on his body! "

Lin Ya stepped forward and directly rolled up Lin Yong's sleeves.

The dark arms were actually covered with bruises!

Lin Mo trembled all over and his eyes immediately turned red.

He slowly stepped forward and raised his hand to lift Lin Dayong's T-shirt, feeling a surge of anger instantly surge into his heart.

Lin Dayong's already bent back was covered with traces of punches and kicks!

The injuries were all new, so Lin Ya was right, Lin Dayong was just beaten today!

"Dad, what's going on?" Lin Mo asked in a hoarse voice.

"You kid, don't talk nonsense. When did Dad get bullied? This is because he was careless while working..." Lin Dayong glared at Lin Ya: "Okay, you two go back to your room to practice. Dad will give you Get something delicious..."

"Xiaoya, what happened?" Lin Mo asked in a deep voice.

"So what if you know..." Xiaoya said coldly: "Is it possible that you can still avenge dad?!"

"I let you say it!!" Lin Mo's voice suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Lin Ya coldly with his eyes.


Looking at Lin Mo's eyes, Lin Ya couldn't help but exclaimed, and took a few steps back...

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