Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 17 Weapon Design Drawings!


Feeling a dizzy feeling coming over him, Lin Mo instantly realized that the aura on the cat demon's body was poisonous.

He quickly took two steps back, felt the direction of the wind, and then quickly stood upwind.

"Meow, die to the intruder!"

The cat demon lord roared sternly. He was the only monster in the whole room, but Lin Mo did not dare to be careless.


The lavender cat claws clawed at Lin Mo, and a fishy smell filled his nose.

"The attacks are all poisonous!" Lin Mo frowned, and at the same time took out the iron rod and smashed it at the cat demon.

There was a heart-wrenching sound, and several deep claw marks were left on the iron rod.

At the same time, bursts of white smoke emitted from the iron rod, and there seemed to be something corroding the iron rod inside those claw marks!

"So poisonous!" Lin Mo broke out in a cold sweat and began to walk around the cat demon.

In his previous life, Lin Mo had a wealth of experience in dungeon strategy. For a lord like this, he could only spend time grinding it out.

The iron rod in his hand hit the cat demon one after another, constantly consuming it.

As time passed, the cat demon lord became enraged, with a crazy look in his eyes.

Ran away!

Lin Mo cheered up and stepped back a few meters without saying a word.

But the cat demon didn't give Lin Mo a chance to retreat. It screamed miserably, and then jumped up high, waving its two front paws continuously, leaving lavender traces in the air.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, he pushed the iron rod in his hand forward sideways, and at the same time used the Diamond Finger with his right hand!


Lin Mo felt a sharp pain in his left hand holding the iron rod, and at the same time, his right hand had already hit the cat demon's abdomen.

A shrill scream rang out. The cat demon's stomach was torn open by Lin Mo with his diamond finger, and he lay on the ground, already in a state of death.

Lin Mo's entire left hand also turned pitch black, and it was obvious that he was poisoned.

"It's over, I'm not going to die!" Lin Mo felt that his body was getting weaker, and the scene in front of him became increasingly blurry.


At the critical moment, Lin Mo killed the cat demon with a stick and felt a flow of energy and blood pouring into his body.

The moment Lin Mo fell, the items dropped by the cat demon were also picked up.


In the room, Lin Mo opened his eyes and glanced at his left hand.

Although there were no signs of poisoning, Lin Mo could clearly feel that the injury to his left hand was serious.

Could it be that if someone is injured in the copy, it will also affect reality?

Then if I die in the dungeon, will I die in reality too?

"Better be careful in the future!" Lin Mo reminded himself in his mind, and then let his consciousness enter his mind.

"There are still two light groups, I don't know what good things dropped this time!"

Lin Mo looked at the two light groups in his mind, and with a sudden movement of consciousness, he took out the thing.

"Zhihu design drawing!"

Lin Mo opened one of the light groups and read the information on it, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

"The weapons designed according to the design drawings can actually reach the third level of Huang level!"

The price of a first-grade Huang-grade weapon is half a million, while the price of a third-grade Huang-grade weapon can reach about five million!

"There are a lot of materials needed... I really wish I already had the cat demon's nails. The rest of the materials can also be bought from the trading area of ​​the martial arts arena...

But what the hell is this last Elvis fang? "

Lin Mo looked at the last material and fell into deep thought.

"It should still be something dropped in the dungeon. Let's ignore it for now and let's see what the other item is!"

Lin Mo opened another item, which was a pill.

"Healing Pill: It can treat various injuries and has miraculous effects on hidden wounds in the body."

Lin Mo looked at the medicine instructions with a smile on his face: "Keep it for my dad!"

Although he himself is injured now, he is a warrior after all, and his physical fitness is much stronger than Lin Dayong.

What's more, Lin Dayong has accumulated countless hidden wounds over the years. It's so worth it to cure all the hidden wounds with one pill!

In the following time, Lin Mo continued to practice according to the Thunder Breathing Method until dawn.

The school's practical classes are only available on Mondays and Saturdays, so Lin Mo doesn't have to go to school in the next few days.

Just take advantage of these few days to practice hard.

Now Lin Mo still has four Qi and Blood Pills left in his hand, which is enough for the next few days.

After washing up, Lin Mo came to the kitchen.

"Where's Xiaoya?" Lin Mo asked curiously as he glanced at his parents who were eating.

"He's gone. He said he wanted to go to school early to practice!" His mother, Wang Ping, served a bowl of meat porridge to Lin Mo: "Xiao Mo, the college entrance examination is coming soon. Don't be too stressed..."

"Dad, mom, don't worry. I promise to get into a good university. I have enough energy and blood now!"

After the last experience, Lin Mo did not tell his blood value because they wouldn't believe it if he told him.

"Okay, parents believe in you!" Wang Ping smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's go to work. You should go to school as soon as you finish eating!"

Lin Mo nodded, watched his parents leave, wolfed down breakfast, and then returned to the room to continue practicing.

"The two martial arts skills I received from Shi Lei must be studied carefully. With the help of the martial arts performance field, I can improve the martial arts skills to a high level of proficiency in a short period of time."

Lin Mo now began to practice two martial arts skills according to what Shi Lei taught.

Stone Fist and Diamond Finger are similar, both are very basic martial arts. It only took Lin Mo half a day to perform this martial skill.

However, the power exerted is not very high.

As for Eagle Step, in Lin Mo's opinion, it should be considered a good martial skill.

Using the power generated by falling after jumping up, it can cause high damage to the enemy.

Lin Mo spent half a day, but still couldn't fully display Eagle Step.

"Take your time, improve your proficiency in the Gravel Fist first, and then Ying Tiao will find an opportunity to ask the teacher for advice later!" Lin Mo made up his mind, took out the Qi and Blood Pill, and swallowed it.

After entering the game screen, Lin Mo directly chose the martial arts field.

Still on the arena, the options in front of Lin Mo became the Diamond Finger and the Stone Fist.

"It seems that my guess is good. You must be able to perform Eagle Tread before this option can appear in the martial arts field!"

Lin Mo chose gravel fist as the martial arts practice this time.

When Lin Mo opened his eyes again, a satisfied smile appeared on his face: "The proficiency of gravel fist has also been improved to an advanced level!

And my blood value seems to have improved, it should be over 5! "

"When the Qi and Blood Pills are used up, go to the martial arts field to refine some..."

While he was thinking about it, Lin Mo suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, followed by the sound of his parents' conversation.

"I just made more than a hundred yuan today..." Lin Dayong said a little frustrated: "How about I go and beg Shi Lei and see if he can let me continue to stay at the construction site?"

"No!" Wang Ping said angrily: "How did they beat you! There must be someone above the Li family. Otherwise, I would have called the Public Security Department!"

"You must not make phone calls. Xiaomo and Xiaoya are still young. If it offends the Li family, nothing will happen to us. If it affects them both..." Lin Dayong's face was full of worry and unwillingness.

Lin Mo stood in the room and listened to their conversation, his eyes slightly red.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mo opened the door and walked out.

"Mom and Dad, you are back!" Lin Mo pretended not to hear their conversation and said with a smile on his face: "I have done well in school recently. The teacher rewarded me with a pill, saying it can cure hidden wounds. Dad, try it now!”

As Lin Mo said this, he took out the healing pill and placed it in front of Lin Dayong.

"You can keep it for yourself if the teacher gives it to you... It would be a waste for me to eat such a precious thing..." Lin Dayong instinctively wanted to refuse.

"No!" Lin Mo shook his head decisively: "If you don't eat it, I'll throw it away now!"

After that, he picked up the elixir and walked towards the window.

"You kid, what are you doing!" Wang Ping quickly stopped Lin Mo, and then looked at Lin Dayong: "You can eat as long as you are told. You are the backbone of the family. If your body breaks down, who will support our family!"

Hearing this, Lin Dayong nodded, took the elixir from Lin Mo's hand, and swallowed it.

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