"What's his name? How come I've never seen him before?"

In the internship class, Ye Fan pointed at Lin Mo and looked at Yu Qiang beside him.

"Him!" Yu Qiang said with a smile: "His name is Lin Mo. He just came in the last class. I heard that he was recommended by Teacher Zhang from the elementary practical class.

But his Qi and blood value is not high. The last measurement was 4.1."

"4.1?" Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, and then a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Zhang Lianchang walked in from outside the door. His eyes stayed on Lin Mo for a moment, and he was stunned.

Although he didn't measure Lin Mo's current Qi and blood value, he could feel that Lin Mo's Qi and blood power seemed to have increased again.

"This kid... is really surprising!" Zhang Lianchang muttered in his heart, and then started today's practical class.

"Three weeks ago, I gave you the essentials of Vajra Finger. Last week, someone has already improved their proficiency to the intermediate level.

Now, another week has passed. I want to know how proficient everyone is?"

Zhang Lianchang looked at Yu Qiang and smiled, "Xiao Qiang, starting with you, how proficient are you now?"

"After reaching the intermediate level, my improvement speed has slowed down. I guess it will take some time to reach the advanced level!" Yu Qiang said with regret.

"It's already very good!" Zhang Lianchang nodded: "The improvement of martial arts requires practice and talent.

Many people can only connect some martial arts to the intermediate level throughout their lives... Next... Ye Fan, what about you?

I remember you didn't come last week. I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

"I am only one step away from the advanced level of Vajra Finger. The reason why I didn't come last week was that my Qi and Blood value reached the threshold of 9, and I stayed at home to break through!" Ye Fan stood up and said with a smile: "Now my Qi and Blood value has reached 9.0!"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Zhang Lianchang's face suddenly showed a smile.

"Very good, when you improve your martial arts proficiency to advanced level, I can recommend you to take advanced martial arts practical classes!



The students who can take the intermediate practical classes are all top students, so there is no problem with talent.

After three weeks of practice, many students have improved their proficiency in the Vajra Finger to intermediate level.

"Lin Mo, what is your proficiency?" After asking around, it was finally Lin Mo's turn.

"Teacher, my proficiency has reached advanced level!" Lin Mo stood up and told the truth.

"It's not bad to reach advanced level in a week..." Zhang Lianchang nodded instinctively, but soon, he reacted and his whole face was stunned: "What did you say?! What is your proficiency?"

In fact, not only Zhang Lianchang, but also other students looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

"Advanced!" Lin Mo repeated.


This time, led by Ye Fan, a group of students have begun to laugh.

"It's really funny. You can improve your proficiency to advanced level in one week. Who do you think you are?" Ye Fan said with a smile: "You are a genius among geniuses if you can improve to intermediate level!"

"Yeah, don't brag too much. Do you think advanced proficiency is so easy to achieve?"

"It should be because he just entered the intermediate class and wanted to brag about it, but he didn't expect to brag too much..."

Several students shook their heads slowly, thinking that they had guessed Lin Mo's thoughts.

"Lin Mo, what is your proficiency!" Zhang Lianchang's face also became serious, staring into Lin Mo's eyes and asked.

"I really reached advanced proficiency..." Lin Mo said helplessly.

"Okay, sit down!" Zhang Lianchang waved his hand and said with some disappointment.

He could feel that Lin Mo's blood and qi had improved a lot. In his opinion, in order to improve his blood and qi, Lin Mo should not have time to practice martial arts.

So, even if Lin Mo only improved his proficiency of Vajra Finger to the elementary level, it was already amazing in Zhang Lianchang's opinion.

But I didn't expect Lin Mo to say that he had reached the advanced level!

At this moment, Zhang Lianchang was a little disappointed with Lin Mo.

"In the end, it's still a bit too ambitious!" Zhang Lianchang made an evaluation of Lin Mo in his heart.

"Okay, since everyone's proficiency has improved, let's move on to the next stage, real-time battle!" Zhang Lianchang looked at Yu Qiang: "Yu Qiang, come up."

Yu Qiang nodded and walked to the center of the venue.

"Choose someone to fight with you!"

"I choose Ye Fan!" Yu Qiang looked at Ye Fan with an expectant look on his face: "I want to try how strong the proficiency close to the advanced level is!"

Ye Fan smiled and stood up: "My Qi and blood value is higher than yours, and my proficiency is also slightly higher than yours. I will show mercy later!"

"Hehe, then thank you in advance!" Yu Qiang smiled and said: "However, my Qi and blood value has also improved a lot. I took two Qi and Blood Pills last week, and my Qi and Blood value has reached 7.6!

It shouldn't be much worse than yours..."

After that, he shouted and rushed towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan smiled, and faced Yu Qiang's punch, and took two steps back, and kicked out at the same time.


Yu Qiang's fist collided with Ye Fan's foot, making a dull sound.

"Vajra Finger!" Yu Qiang took a step back after being kicked, and then his expression remained unchanged, and he rushed forward again, performing martial arts at the same time!

Everyone was shocked, and their attention was focused on Yu Qiang's fingers.

"Vajra Finger!"

Ye Fan also chuckled and performed the same martial arts.


You can see that Yu Qiang's fingers seem to be covered with a layer of metallic luster, while Ye Fan's fingers emit a faint golden light.

Accompanied by a muffled sound, Yu Qiang let out a cry of pain.

A line of blood flowed down his right hand, but Ye Fan stood there unharmed.

"It only took a moment to decide the winner!"

"Awesome, Ye Fan should really be close to high-level proficiency. How much attack power did that attack just now have? It shouldn't be more than 80!"

"It should be more than 80..."

The students below looked at the scene in front of them and couldn't help but discuss it.

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, Ye Fan smiled and said lightly: "I tested it yesterday, and my attack power has reached 89."


Everyone exclaimed, and their eyes turned to Ye Fan in awe.

"Very good!" Zhang Lianchang nodded with satisfaction: "If you work harder this week, you can go to the advanced class to watch the practical class next week!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Ye Fan nodded with a smile.

Everyone looked at Ye Fan with envy.

There are only three people in the school's advanced practical class, all of whom are top talents in the school.

"By the way, teacher, I have a request." Ye Fan looked at Zhang Lianchang and said with a smile: "Lin Mo just said that his proficiency has reached the advanced level.

So I would like to ask him for advice..."

Everyone's eyes instantly fell on Lin Mo.

"Haha, let him brag, these people are in a dilemma!"

"See if he dares to accept the challenge. If he dares to accept it, I respect him as a man! If he doesn't dare..."

A group of students looked at Lin Mo with gloating eyes.

"Lin Mo, do you want to come up and compete?" Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo and asked.

"Lin Mo, forget it, you are not his opponent! Ye Fan's attack just now was very strong. With your less than 5 blood, it is difficult to take his attack!" Liu Qi, who was sitting next to Lin Mo, said seriously: "You will be hurt!"

"If you don't dare, then forget it." Ye Fan stood on the stage, looking down at Lin Mo, and said with a faint smile.

"Provocation doesn't work on me." Lin Mo stood up with a smile: "Since you want me to teach you, then I will fulfill your wish!"

He walked step by step to the opposite side of Ye Fan, with his hands behind his back, and said faintly: "Let's start!"

Ye Fan's eyes sank, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, please teach me..."

As soon as the last word came out, Ye Fan had already rushed towards Lin Mo!

This time, the light on his fingers seemed to be brighter than before.

"Hiss! This attack can definitely exceed 90 attack power!"

"Lin Mo is in danger!"

"Lin Mo, get out of the way!"

Seeing Ye Fan rushing towards Lin Mo, the students in the audience couldn't help but speak.

Zhang Lianchang on the side stared at the two of them with a nervous look.


A muffled sound was heard, and then a figure was seen flying backwards.

On the stage, Lin Mo stood there quietly, still maintaining the action of attacking.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Mo's fingers were wrapped in golden light, as if they were cast in gold!

"Lin Mo won!"

"Ye Fan lost!"

"This terrifying attack power, has he really improved the Vajra Finger to a high level of proficiency?!"

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