Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 22 Advanced Practical Course

"Teacher Zhang, I'm here!" Standing at the door of the office, Lin Mo knocked on the door and shouted softly.

After the words fell, the door opened, and Chen Xingzhi's excited face appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"Classmate Lin Mo, you're finally here, come in!" Chen Xingzhi smiled and stepped forward: "Are you tired from the practical class? Are you injured in the fight with that bastard Ye Fan?"

Facing Chen Xingzhi's enthusiasm, Lin Mo was speechless.

"Principal, I'm fine." Lin Mo shook his head: "Teacher Zhang, what do you want from me?"

"I'm not looking for you, the principal is looking for you!" Zhang Lianchang looked at Chen Xingzhi: "The principal heard about your progress and was very happy and decided to give you another reward..."

"Ah, yes, yes!" Chen Xingzhi nodded repeatedly: "On behalf of the school, I will reward you with two Qi and Blood Pills, and I will personally give you another Qi and Blood Pill!

I hope you can practice well and bring glory to the school! "

Zhang Lianchang on the side was shocked when he heard this. He expected that Chen Xingzhi would reward Lin Mo with Qi and Blood Pills, but he did not expect that Chen Xingzhi would give him three pills at once!

Three Qi and Blood Pills would cost nearly half a million, even if the school had special purchasing channels!

Counting the two Qi and Blood Pills, the school has invested nearly 900,000 in Lin Mo!

"Thank you, principal! Thank you, Teacher Zhang!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded.

Lin Mo was naturally happy to get three Qi and Blood Pills in vain.

"Teacher Zhang, please take him to the advanced practical class later." Chen Xingzhi said, then left with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the practical classroom!" Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo with a smile.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang!" Lin Mo looked at Zhang Lianchang and said sincerely.

"Haha, I'm your teacher, what do you say to me? Thank you!" Zhang Lianchang waved his hand.

"There are only three students in the advanced practical class, among whom you should already know Hu Qing, and the other two are Ye Qing and Ren Jie.

Hu Qing's qi and blood value measured three weeks ago was 9.5. After so long, I suspect that his qi and blood value has reached the critical value and is about to become a first-class warrior.

Although Ye Qing's Qi and blood value was only 8.9 when last measured, this girl is proficient in alchemy. It is said that she can refine Qi and blood pills, and has mastered several martial arts, including at least two advanced martial arts!

The last one, Ren Jie, has a vitality value of 9.3. His proficiency in the Diamond Finger has reached an advanced level and is about to reach perfection.

In the last measurement, when Ren Jie used his Diamond Finger, his attack power reached 157! "

As Zhang Lianchang walked, he introduced the situation of several people to Lin Mo.

Compared with the intermediate and junior practical classes, the advanced practical class only has three students, but the venue is very different.

The advanced practical class is in a brand new training hall, which has a large enough arena and a rest room.

There is even a canteen dedicated to providing nutritious meals to students.

After pushing the door open and entering, there were only two people practicing silently in the classroom of Nuo University.

Hu Qing was a popular figure in school, so Lin Mo recognized him at a glance.

At this moment, Hu Qing, dressed in a white martial arts robe, was sitting cross-legged and silently practicing.

"It should be some kind of breathing method!" Lin Mo looked at Hu Qing, and from him, he felt a trace of the Ben Lei breathing method.

However, the breathing method used by Hu Qing is very different from the Ben Lei breathing method.

"It seems that Hu Qing's current achievements are inseparable from his possession of the breathing method!" Lin Mo sighed silently in his heart, and then looked at the other young man.

Unlike Hu Qing, Ren Jie was wearing a black T-shirt, black shorts, short hair, and looked very energetic.

He was standing on the ring practicing a boxing technique. When he was shaking his fist, there was a faint sound of wind.

"Ren Jie is practicing inch boxing. This boxing technique is about being as fast as lightning and powerful!"

Zhang Lianchang made an introduction, then clapped his hands and said: "Everyone, stop for a moment, let me introduce you...

His name is Lin Mo, his health value is 9.6, and his proficiency in the Diamond Finger has reached an advanced level. "

"Hello Lin Mo, my name is Hu Qing!"

"My name is Ren Jie. Your Diamond Finger has reached advanced proficiency? My inch fist has just reached intermediate proficiency. How about we compete?"

Hu Qing and Ren Jie immediately stepped forward and said hello with a smile.

"Lin Mo just came, don't scare people!" Hu Qing glanced at Ren Jie and said helplessly.

"If you are frightened, why should you practice martial arts? Just go home and move bricks!" Ren Jie nonchalantly returned to his original position and continued to punch.

"Hu Qing, please continue practicing. Lin Mo, follow me!" Zhang Lianchang led Lin Mo to the room aside.

"This is the martial arts storage room. You can go in and choose a martial skill!" Zhang Lianchang explained: "Every student who takes an advanced practical class for the first time has a chance to choose a martial skill.

If you want to enter the martial arts storage room again later, you need to spend money or obtain certain honors for the school to be eligible to enter again! "

Zhang Lianchang made an introduction, and then said: "Come on, I'll take you in and have a look!"

The space of the martial arts storage room is not very large, only about ten square meters. There are only a few bookshelves inside, with dozens of martial arts skills placed on them.

"The level of martial arts is the same as the level of weapons, from top to bottom they are Tian, ​​Earth, Xuan, and Huang!

Each level is divided into nine grades.

In the school's martial arts storage room, there are thirty-five first-grade Huang-level martial arts, five second-grade Huang-level martial arts, and three third-grade Huang-level martial arts... The highest level among them is the Tiger Fist of the ninth-grade Huang-level.

It is said that if you practice this kind of martial arts to an intermediate level, you can easily kill an adult tiger!

If you practice to an advanced level of proficiency, the power of a punch will be difficult for even a ninth-grade warrior to withstand!

However, I advise you not to choose this kind of martial arts, because although it is easy to get started, it is as difficult as climbing a mountain to practice it to the intermediate level..."

"Teacher, I want to choose him!" Before Zhang Lianchang could finish his words, Lin Mo made his choice.

Zhang Lianchang: "..."

"Why don't you think about it?" Zhang Lianchang said helplessly: "I think the Inch Fist is also good. It is a third-grade Huang rank. It is also very powerful if you practice it to an advanced proficiency level!"

"I choose Tiger Fist!" Lin Mo stepped forward directly, took the martial arts record of Tiger Fist in his hand, took a look at it, wrote down the content on it, and put it back.

"Oh, you will regret it!" Zhang Lianchang was helpless.

Over the years, he has seen many geniuses choose Tiger Boxing, but in the end they only reached the entry level.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the martial arts storage room, Ren Jie came around and said excitedly: "What martial arts did you choose? Let me guess, is it the inch punch?"

Although Hu Qing on the side did not come over, he also stopped practicing and looked at Lin Mo.

"No." Lin Mo shook his head: I chose Tiger Fist. "

"Tiger Fist?!" Ren Jie was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Hahaha, you have courage, just like me!"

Hu Qing on the side smiled faintly when he heard Lin Mo choose Tiger Fist, shook his head slightly, and began to continue practicing.

"What's your current proficiency in Tiger Fist?" Lin Mo looked at Ren Jie curiously.

"Getting started!" Ren Jie said angrily: "I consider myself very talented in martial arts training, but I spent nearly half a year on Tiger Fist, and his proficiency has not increased at all!

So I gave up... Also, let me tell you another secret. I checked the information and found that all the people in our school who chose Tiger Boxing were at the entry level! "

Having said this, he patted Lin Mo's shoulder with pity: "Resign yourself to your fate... You wasted an opportunity to choose martial arts!"

Lin Mo smiled. For others, Tiger Fist is difficult to practice.

But for Lin Mo, as long as he reaches the entry level and has a martial arts training ground, he can improve his proficiency in Tiger Fist in a short period of time.

"Okay, since you have chosen Tiger Fist, let's practice it hard!" Zhang Lianchang clapped his hands and ended the topic: "I got news here that there are already first-class warriors in No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, and our school has not yet Not a single warrior!

You guys have to work harder!

You should have heard of the Talent Training Camp!

Our school has only one quota for participation this year, so Principal Chen decided that the day before the selection, whoever is the strongest will get this quota!

You still have two weeks to go! "

"What is the genius training camp?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

Two weeks ago, he was still a scumbag and had no chance to come into contact with things at this level.

"Genius training camp is an activity initiated by the China Martial Arts League. Before the college entrance examination every year, the strongest students from all over China are selected for a comprehensive training.

Of course, before training, each province and city must select in advance. Hu Qing introduced, then looked at Zhang Lianchang: "Do the first and second middle schools have more places?" "

"They each have two quotas!" Zhang Lianchang said unwillingly: "So you must work hard and fight for our No. 3 Middle School!"

Hu Qing nodded, closed his eyes and continued practicing.

He is now only one step away from being a first-grade warrior, and he is confident that he can break through and become a first-grade warrior within three days!

Ren Jie turned around and continued to punch. He knew that he had no chance to become a first-class warrior, but he could improve his strength to a terrifying level before the selection!

The half-day advanced practical class ended quickly. Under the guidance of Zhang Lianchang, Lin Mo spent half an hour practicing Tiger Fist to the entry level.

When I got home from school, I went straight to my bedroom and locked the door.

"Including the Qi and Blood Pills awarded to me by the principal, I now have a total of seven Qi and Blood Pills!" Looking at the Qi and Blood Pills in front of him, Lin Mo couldn't help but think of another copy after the Cat Demon Forest.

"It costs five Qi and Blood Pills, which is one million..." Lin Mo swallowed, and finally gritted his teeth, took out five Qi and Blood Pills, and swallowed them!


He fell to the ground and entered the game screen.

Lin Mo entered the glowing door without hesitation.

"You finally came!"

As soon as he entered the dungeon, a cold voice came to his ears.

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