Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 302: Killing the Dog Prince

"Wait a minute?" Standing at the exit of the abyss, Lin Mo suddenly spoke and called Chen Banzi who was about to go out.

Chen Banzi turned around and looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled look.

Lin Mo did not explain too much, but directly used martial arts to merge the spiritual clone and the blood clone into one, and stood in front of the exit.

"The Dog King should be a member of the Blood Sea. If I were the Dog King, I might leave an ambush at the exit, and when we get out, I would catch them all in one fell swoop!" Lin Mo explained, and then controlled the clone to walk towards the exit.

At the same time, Lin Mo closed his eyes slightly and saw everything with the eyes of the clone.

The clone stepped into the exit, and after a while of shuttle, it finally stood at the entrance of the abyss of the Rob Giant City.

In the distance, the Dog King was sitting on a chair, with a table in front of him, and a pot of tea was placed on the table.

The Dog King was raising his hand to add tea to the cup, and at the same time he did not forget to look up at Lin Mo.

"Brother Lin, have you come out of the abyss? How is it? Have you found Mr. Chen Banzi?" The Dog King took a sip of tea and chuckled.

Lin Mo shook his head and walked towards the Dog King step by step.

"Let's do it!" The Dog King drank the tea in the cup leisurely, then sighed and said, "This kid is quite strong, so don't hold back. If you can catch him, catch him. If you can't catch him, just kill him directly!"

As the voice fell, a light lit up in the distance, and several figures appeared around Lin Mo.

The fluctuations of the formation came, and Lin Mo saw that the people standing around him also rushed towards him at the same time.

These people are all pure physical skills masters, fighting with strong physical strength.

In fact, the so-called physical skills are to release the blood and qi power that should be stored in the dantian to all parts of the body, and use the blood and qi power to temper oneself and improve the strength of the physical body.

Although Lin Mo's clone is only a fusion of blood and qi and mental power, it still has the strength of a martial saint, so there is not much pressure when facing people who practice physical skills.

But just when Lin Mo was about to crush them with his powerful blood and qi, he suddenly found that both his blood and qi and his mental power were sealed!

That is to say, all the power in his body could not be used now.

"It's that formation, what a powerful sealing formation!" Lin Mo sighed.

Then a cold snort sounded, and several people in the distance rushed towards Lin Mo and controlled his clone.

"Destroy him!" Seeing Lin Mo being caught, the dog king smiled, stood up from the chair, took two steps forward, but quickly retreated, and pointed at Lin Mo and gave an order.


Several physical masters took action directly, breaking the hands and feet of Lin Mo's clone, and then inserted several nine-inch long silver needles into Lin Mo's dantian.

Along with the sound of breaking, a large amount of blood and qi dissipated in all directions.

At the same time, another physical master stepped forward and stabbed a golden needle at Lin Mo's forehead.

With a hum, the mental power collapsed!

The clone was directly disabled!

In the abyss, Lin Mo's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

Fortunately, when he was about to leave, he kept a trick and let the clone leave first, while he hid in the abyss.

If he really went out, he would definitely be disabled under the effect of the formation.

"Hehe, Lin Mo, I didn't expect you to have this day, right?" With a sneer, the dog king took two steps forward and signaled several people to let Lin Mo go.

The clone with disabled limbs lay directly on the ground, unable to move.


Lord Dog raised his foot and stepped on the clone, and at the same time, he bent down with a sneer, raised his hand and patted the clone's face: "How boring, I thought you could escape from my hands, but I didn't expect it to be so ordinary... It's really boring!

Tell them to remove the formation. Every second will consume a lot of my blood and qi stones, which are all money. I don't have many blood and qi stones on hand!"

Waving his hand, Lin Mo saw the light in the distance dissipate at once, and the fluctuations of the formation also disappeared quickly.

"Take the person away, remember to transport him back along the street, let everyone see what will happen if you offend Lord Dog!

Also, this person will be made into a specimen, and I will keep it for generations!"

Lord Dog waved his hand lightly, laughed and walked away.

"Lord Dog is so powerful, I almost scared me to death!" A chuckle sounded.

Lord Dog turned around in astonishment, looking at another figure standing at the exit, his face full of disbelief.

"No... Impossible, you are not..." The Dog Lord trembled, looked into the distance, and was about to give an order to have someone open the formation again.

But it was too late, Lin Mo would not give him a chance at all.

His figure flashed, and Lin Mo's speed could be said to be extremely fast. In a flash, he came in front of the Dog Lord, stretched out a hand, and grabbed the Dog Lord's neck.

"Don't move, if you dare to say one more word, you will die!" Lin Mo said lightly.

The Dog Lord trembled all over. He was not the idiot like the Dog Young Master. He knew who could be provoked and who could not be provoked.

It was clearer that Lin Mo really wanted to kill him now. If he had any disobedience, Lin Mo would kill him without hesitation!

Lin Mo snapped his fingers, and the clone lying on the ground dissipated directly and sank into Lin Mo's body.

Another figure walked out of the abyss, it was Chen Banzi who was left in the abyss by Lin Mo.

The two agreed that Chen Banzi would come out half an hour after Lin Mo left the abyss.

Now Chen Banzi saw this scene as soon as he went out, and a smile appeared on his face: "Hahaha, you are worthy of being my good disciple, you are quite powerful. The Dog King ranks very high in Rob City, at least in the top three!

How about it, do you still want to stay with these people around?"

Chen Banzi looked around, and the faces of those physical practitioners and martial arts practitioners turned pale.

Lin Mo did not speak, but shook his head slowly.


Muffled sounds continued to be heard, Chen Banzi's figure flashed, and he attacked in succession. It must be said that although Chen Banzi's figure martial arts are somewhat different from the ghost shadow, it can be regarded as a top martial arts when it is used now.

Blood exploded, and the original figures died directly here.

Lin Mo's forehead was full of helplessness. The meaning of his shaking head just now was: Forget it, spare their lives.

But the old man's understanding seems to be a little biased...

But it's not a big problem. Everyone will die one day, and some people need a little help.

The Dog Prince was extremely desperate and was dragged back to the mansion by Lin Mo and Chen Banzi.

"Tell me about the Blood Sea!" Lin Mo whispered: "Don't tell me that you have nothing to do with the Blood Sea. If I'm not sure, I won't ask you such a question.

You can say anything, but if there is anything different from what I know, you will die!"

The Dog Prince looked at Lin Mo. He knew very well that Lin Mo couldn't know everything, but he also knew that Lin Mo must have mastered some of the content.

But what he didn't know was what Lin Mo had in his hands.

In this way, he couldn't lie.

Because he knew that Lin Mo would really kill him for lying.

"Blood Sea, affiliated with the Dark Blood Society, is their latest organization.

The Dark Blood Society has grown very large over the years, so they selected some elites of the Dark Blood Society and established the Blood Sea. Their responsibility is to do their best to control more Abysses in the next ten years."

"What is the reason why the Dark Blood Society wants to control the Abyss?" Lin Mo interrupted him and asked directly.

"The purpose of the Dark Blood Society should be to control enough capital before that thing happens, so that more members of the Dark Blood Society can survive!"

Lin Mo frowned.

"I really don't know what they are talking about, I really don't know!" The Dog King frowned at Lin Mo, thinking that Lin Mo thought he was lying, and knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Continue..." Lin Mo's words made the Dog King stunned for a moment, and then he quickly kowtowed again.

"I'm asking you to continue!" Lin Mo said helplessly: "How many abysses does the Dark Blood Society have in its hands now?"

"The number of abysses currently controlled is about ten. Don't think this number is a lot. In fact, the number of abysses secretly controlled by the Chinese Military Department is far more than the number reported in writing.

I've even heard some sayings that the number of abysses controlled by China has exceeded one hundred!

The abyss has never stopped invading reality. They are constantly adapting to the real world. If they cannot invade smoothly, they will open up a new area in one place, waiting for the moment of complete integration to complete the invasion.

These opened abysses are controlled by the Chinese Military Department, and even by some hidden forces in China, and none of these will be recorded in writing."


Lin Mo listened quietly, and this time he didn't interrupt.

After talking for more than an hour, the Dog King finally sighed, saying that he had said everything he knew.

Lin Mo pondered for a moment and finally believed what he said.

The Dog King also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I keep my word, I won't kill you!" Lin Mo looked at the Dog King and said indifferently, then turned to look at Chen Banzi: "Master, you've worked hard!"

Chen Banzi nodded indifferently.

"Lin Mo, you lied to me, you said you wouldn't kill me! You bastard..."


Before he could finish scolding Lin Mo, Chen Banzi raised his hand and pinched his neck. After a slight force, his voice also stopped abruptly.

"What are your plans next?" Chen Banzi threw the Dog King's body on the ground and asked indifferently.

"Master, are you interested in staying and replacing the Dog King?" Lin Mo looked around and suddenly asked softly.

Chen Banzi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "It's good to stay, but what do you want me to do?"

"I will find a way to draw a complete map of Rob Abyss. If you stay here, you can take care of me in case I need it!

In addition, I plan to bring my teacher and my master's wife here. I don't feel at ease if they stay in Beijing!"

Chen Banzi thought for a moment, then nodded: "It's good this way. Stay with me, I can finally watch over them. If anyone dares to provoke me, I will kill him directly!"

The two of them smiled and talked for a few words, and the door outside suddenly knocked, and two figures walked in.

"Mr. Lin, our master invites you to a banquet!"

"Mr. Lin, our master invites you to a banquet!"

The two spoke separately, and their courtesy was extremely considerate.

Lin Mo and Chen Banzi looked at the two people in front of them, with some confusion on their faces.

Who are the masters of these two people! ?

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