Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 315: Breaking the Sky

Dragon Spear!

The blue dragon roared, and a terrifying aura emanated from all directions.

Lin Mo held the gun in one hand, and his eyes fell on Ye Gui who was not far away.

Ye Gui's face was full of indifference. Two middle-aged men followed him, and they exuded terrifying blood and energy all over their bodies. His strength had reached the fourth-grade martial emperor realm!

Moreover, Ye Gui himself was also extremely powerful, and he was only one step away from reaching the peak of the fourth-grade martial emperor!

"Lin Mo, wait!" Chen Banzi was frightened when he saw Lin Mo was about to take action, and he broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't help shouting.

"Action on me?" Ye Gui smiled: "Even if I kill you, no one dares to say anything?"


When the last word "kill" came out, everyone felt the cold killing intent.


Lin Mo rushed forward with a gun, and the terrifying blood and energy first rose from his body.

And at this time, the mental power suddenly burst out and enveloped the front.

300,000 points of mental power were like a surging tide. Everyone felt as if they were covered by something, and then they felt their heads were confused.

In this short moment, Lin Mo's figure had already appeared in front of them.


The tip of the gun flashed, and the gun in Lin Mo's hand roared like a blue dragon, and he clicked several times in succession.

With a muffled groan, several strong men around Ye Gui fell to the ground.

Lin Mo had just made a move and directly abolished their cultivation!

When all the mental power faded, among all the people present, only Lin Mo, Chen Banzi and Ye Gui were still able to fight!

"Old squad leader..." Chen Banzi looked at Ye Gui: "There is a misunderstanding about this matter..."

"Chen Banzi, shut up!" Ye Gui shouted: "Now I order you to arrest Lin Mo!"

"Old squad leader, don't you want to know what happened?" Chen Banzi looked at Ye Gui with a wooden look on his face.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Arrest Lin Mo!" Ye Gui shouted at Chen Banzi.

Listening to Ye Gui's scolding and looking at his extremely distorted face, Chen Banzi felt a deep disappointment in his heart.

"It turns out that power is really a big dye vat that can dye the red heart into black..." Chen Banzi murmured and slowly took a step back.

With a plop, Chen Banzi knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Gui three times.

"Old squad leader, this is the last time I call you like this. You saved me once on the battlefield. Although we were even later, it was a life-saving grace after all. Today... the grudges are gone!"


As soon as the voice fell, he stood up and rushed towards Ye Gui.

You know, Chen Banzi is now also a third-grade martial emperor. In addition, he has been wandering on the edge of the battlefield and has seen blood, so his combat power is much stronger than that of an ordinary third-grade martial emperor.

At this moment, the power of Qi and blood was about to stir up a storm, and a terrifying shadow condensed behind him.

It was a 10-foot-tall general, like the legendary Dharma Heaven and Earth, swinging his fist and smashing Ye Gui on the ground.

Feeling the energy contained in this shadow, Ye Gui had a mocking look on his face.

"It seems that you don't know the gap between us at all!" Ye Gui said lightly, and the next moment, he punched forward fiercely!


In front of him, the void had a gap, and this gap continued to expand in a very short time, as if it was going to swallow Chen Banzi in.

"Void fist print, it turned out to be a void fist print!" Chen Banzi looked at this punch, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

He wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

The gap in the void was constantly expanding, and it had already covered most of his body.

A strong attraction force seemed to swallow him up.

If he really entered the void crack, there was basically no possibility of survival.

Ye Gui was going to kill him with one move!

"Since you recognized me, I can't leave you here!" Ye Gui sneered, took a step forward, and punched out again.

Another void crack appeared on the other side of Chen Banzi, completely blocking all his retreat routes.

"Void Fist Seal, you got this set of martial arts at the beginning, but you didn't choose to hand it in. This is the martial arts we sacrificed so many brothers to get, and you actually swallowed it yourself!

Ye Gui, you really deserve to die!

Why didn't I see through your true face at the beginning!"

Chen Banzi's face was full of regret, and he spoke in a stern voice.

"Now that you know the truth, it can be regarded as letting you become a clear ghost!" Ye Gui spoke lightly.

At this time, a dragon roar resounded.

Then I saw that the two void cracks around Chen Banzi were torn apart by a spear light!

And the terrifying spear light did not stop at all after tearing the void crack, but burst out to the front again!

Ye Gui's face, which was full of confidence, was filled with shock. When he tried to dodge, he found that it was too late.

With a puff, a crack appeared on his shoulder.

Ye Gui covered his shoulder and looked at Lin Mo, with a solemn look on his face: "I underestimated you! This gun is actually a heavenly weapon!"

Heavenly weapon? !

Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo with a look of shock on his face.

"I have three such weapons!" Lin Mo said calmly: "Let me show you one by one!"

After that, Lin Mo flashed and rushed forward.

One knife kills life!

The ice knife was pulled out from Lin Mo's spiritual platform, and then slashed vertically forward!

A freezing force enveloped the front, and the air seemed to be frozen.

And this force seemed to be endless, sweeping in all directions.

Lin Mo's face had a calm look, and after a knife slash, the knife in his hand disappeared.

"Instant Kill Sword!"

The powerful swordsmanship represented by the Fire Sword was also displayed.

This sword, with a scorching flame, was actually going to take Ye Gui's head directly!

Ye Gui's expression changed slightly, and he snorted coldly. When he wanted to make a move, his face suddenly changed.

Because he found a problem, that is, his movements seemed to have become much slower all of a sudden!

"It was his previous knife!" Ye Gui was not a fool, and he had thought of the reason in just a moment.

The power of freezing, that knife contained pure ice energy, which directly froze his movements!

So when the instant killing sword swept over with the power of fire, Ye Gui had no ability to resist it!



Two different sounds sounded, and Chen Banzi looked at the original position of Ye Gui and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This sword, Lin Mo obviously showed mercy, because Ye Gui was still breathing, but this breathing was intermittent, as if he could die at any time.

"Lin Mo... Will this cause any trouble for the two of us!"

Chen Banzi asked in a low voice. After all, the Ye family has a high status in China and is one of the three major families. If Ye Gui has any problems now, Chen Banzi can be sure that the Ye family will not let him go!

"We have enough troubles, do we still care about this little thing?" Lin Mo chuckled: "By the way, Master, what is the Void Fist Seal you mentioned earlier?"

Hearing Lin Mo's question, Chen Banzi's face showed a look of reminiscence, and after a long time he said: "This is a secret of our China. I always thought the truth was what I saw.

But who could have thought that the truth was so dark!

I will tell you about the course of events. You must remember that this matter cannot be spread, otherwise, you and I may be in danger of life!"

After seeing Lin Mo nod, Chen Banzi told the story again.

It turned out that fifty years ago, Ye Gui once took Chen Banzi and others to perform a mission.

It was also in that mission that they saw the legendary Heaven-level Kung Fu.

It's just that at that time, this kind of martial arts was extremely precious and was always guarded by strong people.

Later, several of them wanted to rob it, but they were defeated in the end and chose to escape in failure.

A lot of people died along the way, and in the end, Ye Gui proposed to fight to the death directly.

At the cost of doubling the number of deaths, Ye Gui became the ultimate beneficiary.

"At the beginning, everyone thought that this martial art was not obtained, but unexpectedly, he secretly hid the martial art!

It's too abominable. This level of martial arts is a waste of resources for such a person to use!"

Lin Mo listened to Chen Banzi's words and nodded in agreement.

He squatted down and raised his hand to pat Ye Gui.

Under Lin Mo's attack, Ye Gui couldn't hold on at all. Coupled with the original mental injury, he fainted at this moment.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo sneered and punched him in the face without hesitation.

Ye Gui screamed and opened his eyes directly, looking at Lin Mo, his eyes full of hatred.

"Tell me, how does the Ye family plan to compensate us!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Gui and said lightly.

"I can give you money, 10 million Qi and Blood Stones!" Ye Gui thought for a moment and directly gave his price.

The price is not low, but Lin Mo knows very well that if such a small amount of Qi and Blood Stone is sold outside, it will not be worth much at all.

However, Lin Mo still did not say anything, but just raised his hand and pointed at the camera not far away.

"Did you see that camera? The words you just said have been sent to TV programs all over the world through it!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Gui and smiled faintly: "Congratulations, you are going to be famous!"

Seeing the mocking look on Lin Mo's face, Ye Gui's heart sank suddenly.

"In fact, there is much more than that!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Gui's face and smiled more intensely: "Regarding Mr. Ye Gui, I actually have another thing to tell you...

Our famous Mr. Ye is actually a Japanese!"

After the voice fell, Chen Banzi's eyes widened!

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