Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 325: Gathering of Divine Artifacts

The ripples rippled, constantly switching between reality and illusion, and finally froze towards the illusion.

Lin Mo roared: "Show me!"

A huge amount of mental power surged towards the illusory ripples.

Mental power confinement!


As a wave came, Lin Mo felt as if he was caught by something, and an ancient bronze mirror slowly emerged in front of him.

The edge of the bronze mirror was a relief of various beasts, who were either roaring ferociously or fighting each other.

The center of these reliefs was a round mirror. Lin Mo subconsciously wanted to see himself in the mirror, but a resistance suddenly surged in his mind.

"No... can't shine on myself!" Lin Mo roared in a deep voice.

He thought of the power that was opposite to his mental power when he explored mental power before, and directly injected a force of blood and qi into it.


The mirror shook, and a similar force of blood and qi emerged, bursting out in the opposite direction.

"Sure enough!" Lin Mo's heart sank, and a smile appeared on his face.

This mirror seems to have the ability to copy.

"If I put my clone in front of the mirror, will another clone appear directly?" Lin Mo showed an exploratory look on his face, and lowered his head to think.

However, Lin Mo did not test it, but turned around and looked in another direction.

"I always feel like I forgot something... Oh, where is the crow!" Lin Mo frowned. He and the crow agreed to turn back and shout in five minutes.

But now... almost half an hour has passed, and there is no sound of the crow, and Lin Mo himself forgot to turn back and see.

"Crow!" Lin Mo shouted, and suddenly there were echoes in the huge space.

"Something is wrong, why does the space feel a lot smaller than before!" Lin Mo judged the area of ​​the entire space based on the echo.

According to Lin Mo's current estimate, the current area is at most about 1,000 square meters.

More than 30 meters long and wide, such a shout should be heard by the crow...

But why didn't the crow respond? Could it be dangerous?

Lin Mo's heart sank, and his mental power covered the entire space.

Soon, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he detected the figure of the crow, but the crow's current state was obviously not right.

With a flash of his figure, Lin Mo came to the place where the crow was in a moment.

With the faint light of the fire sword in his hand, he saw the crow lying on the ground.

Unlike before, the crow held a short sword that was only about two feet long in his hand.

The sword body was black, and the sword edge was extremely sharp. Even if you only look at it, you can feel the sharpness coming from the sword body.

Tian Muyun!

Lin Mo had already judged the origin of this sword in his heart, but the sword was now in the hands of the crow, and Lin Mo would not reach out to take it.

"Brother Crow?" Lin Mo spoke softly and shouted.

The crow was still sleeping, without any response.

Pah! Pah!

Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped the crow's face, and then shouted his name.


The crow's eyes suddenly opened, and a fierce light flashed!


The sword light flashed, and the crow stood up in an extremely strange posture, and then pounced on Lin Mo!

At the same time, Tian Musangyun flashed by and slashed down at Lin Mo's chest!

Heaven-grade weapon!

In just this moment, Lin Mo felt that Tian Musangyun was definitely a heaven-grade weapon!

And the grade was definitely above the fire sword in his hand!


The two swords intersected, and a stream of blood and energy continued to surge and dissipate in all directions.

The fire sword has pure fire energy, and Tian Musangyun's attributes are unknown, but it contains powerful sharp power!

Lin Mo felt that there were already dense gaps on his fire sword, which looked like it would break at any time.

"Fire!" Lin Mo urged the blood and energy and immersed it in the fire sword. The flames suddenly surged, and the sword body seemed to melt.

At the same time, the effect brought about was that the sword body of the fire sword began to heal.

The extremely high temperature dissipated in all directions, and Tian Muyun turned blood red, as if he could melt at any time.


A light sound came, and the hand of Crow holding the sword was burned by the scorching power of fire, and soon there were signs of carbonization.

"Brother Crow, I'm sorry!" Lin Mo spoke softly, and the sword of fire flashed by, and directly cut off the left hand of Crow holding the sword.

A scream sounded, and Crow's eyes quickly sobered up.

On the ground, Tian Muyun lay there quietly, but Crow looked at the sword with fear in his eyes.

"Sorry..." Lin Mo said softly: "I didn't have a choice at the time, otherwise you might have been burned to death!"

"I know everything, but I can't control myself. Sorry, Lin Mo!" Crow's mentality is good. He glanced at his bare hands and pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth: "If this metal prosthetic hand is installed, it will be invincible!"

"Brother Crow, this sword of Ama Murasaki is found by you, it belongs to you." Lin Mo smiled and handed Ama Murasaki to Crow.

"No, no, no..." Crow waved his hands repeatedly, with a panicked look on his face: "This sword has a problem, I can't control it, I don't want it, I don't want it!

Besides, with my current conditions, I can't use it even if I want to!"

"You have to think clearly, this is Ama Murasaki, if you don't want it, it's gone!"

"I don't want it, I really don't want it..." Crow said firmly: "I just took it for a moment, and my hand was gone. If I really leave this sword, my head might be broken next time!

I don't want it, I definitely don't want it!

I'm giving it to you, take it!"

Lin Mo looked at Tian Musangyun, pondered for a moment, and then put it into the spirit platform.


Tian Musangyun arrived in the spirit platform, emitting a strong wave, covering the surroundings.

Feeling the abnormality of the spirit platform, Lin Mo was startled and immediately looked inside the spirit platform.

It didn't matter if he looked at it, the scene in the spirit platform surprised Lin Mo.

Tian Musangyun continued to spread his power around like a bully, as if he wanted to squeeze the fire sword, ice sword and dragon spear in the spirit platform to the edge.

Tian Musangyun's grade was obviously much higher than these three weapons, so when its power spread, the other weapons were actually squeezed aside.

At this moment, in the middle of the spirit platform, there was only the figure after the seed and the spiritual clone merged.

Tian Muyun was obviously dissatisfied with the figure standing in the middle area, so he took the initiative to move forward to drive out the clone.

But the next moment, the clone suddenly took a step forward, and the pure spiritual power dissipated all at once, directly wrapping Tian Muyun up.


A series of sounds rang out, and Lin Mo looked at the spirit platform with a black face. The spiritual clone was constantly beating Tian Muyun.

Tian Muyun was a heavenly weapon and one of the three great artifacts in the neon mythology. When had he ever been treated like this? He was immediately unhappy.

A bigger wave came, and Tian Muyun began to struggle with all his strength, and the sharp aura slashed at the spiritual power around him.

The spiritual clone was obviously enraged and beat harder.

Tian Muyun was still resisting fiercely at the beginning, but in the end, the resistance became weaker and weaker, and finally seemed to accept his fate and let the spiritual clone beat it there.

"Are you convinced?" The spiritual clone sent out a wave.

Tian Muyun was obviously trembling, and finally nodded humanely.

Lin Mo: "..."

The spiritual clone snorted and waved at the three heavenly weapons not far away.

The sword and gun flew back and surrounded the spiritual clone, floating up and down like a lackey, clearly trying to please the spiritual clone.

"You guys go beat it up first, what the hell, a Japanese weapon, actually bullied you here!" The spiritual clone sent out another wave.

The sword and gun were obviously encouraged, and rushed up at once, beating Tian Muyun.

Lin Mo's mouth twitched, witnessing such a process with his own eyes, it felt really hard to describe...

Finally, when Lin Mo withdrew his consciousness, Tian Muyun was still shaking, the sharp sword body was shaking, and curled up in the corner little by little.

"There is only one weapon left..." Lin Mo looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a stone in the corner.


With a crisp sound, Lin Mo chopped Tian Kusanagi directly on the stone.

After the stone cracked, a one-foot-long crescent-shaped jade fell down.

This jade was dark red all over, surging with an inexplicable luster.

"Eight-foot Magatama!" Lin Mo smiled. He always felt that there was something wrong with this stone, and now he finally knew why.

Eight-foot Magatama was inside the stone.

"But, what is the function of this thing!" Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face. After thinking about it, he took the eight-foot magatama in his hand.

Heaven-level weapon!

After holding it in his hand, Lin Mo understood the function of the eight-foot magatama.

"Heal! Regeneration!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up and looked at the crow beside him.

"Brother Crow...your hand..." Lin Mo pointed at his left and right hands, and said with a smile: "Do you want to try whether this eight-foot magatama can heal your hand?"

"No! No, I'm fine now..." Crow waved his hand. He now felt that the three great artifacts of Neon might be a bit weird, so he was unwilling to try!

But it was obviously too late for him to refuse. Lin Mo had already injected the blood power into it, and then tapped the eight-foot magatama on the cracked wound.

The light flickered, the mountain pass was constantly healing, and Lin Mo's blood power was being madly extracted.

It can be seen that blood began to surge in the original broken wound, and the surging blood light gradually formed a hand-long shape.

Then the flesh and blood began to emerge, filling the palm little by little!

In just ten minutes, the 300,000 points of blood power in Lin Mo's body were almost exhausted!

"What a domineering ability! What a domineering consumption!" Lin Mo's face was shocked.

His abilities were drained, but Crow's palm was restored!

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