Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 333 A Group of Smart People

"So this is the Jiuzhou Order?" Lin Mo looked at the two tokens in his hand and frowned slightly.

Although he was in a fixed state before, he could sense everything happening outside.

The token of suppression and the token of confusion both have their own side effects. From what Lin Mo knows now, these two tokens are useless.


Just as Lin Mo was looking at the two tokens, they actually began to tremble at the same time.

And, in just a few seconds, the two tokens actually released infinite heat.

With a whoosh, the two tokens flew up directly, suspended in the air about two meters high, and then suddenly merged together.

A brand new token appeared in front of Lin Mo, and was finally held firmly in his hand.

"What kind of function will it have after the two different abilities of suppression and confusion are merged?" Lin Mo's face was full of doubts.

The token trembled slightly, and Lin Mo directly untied the restrictions on the crow.

Then his eyes fell on Zhu Yan, who was kneeling on the ground beside him.

"Suppress!" Lin Mo spoke softly, the token in his hand trembled, and a wave of light rippled out, covering her body.

In an instant, Zhu Yan was directly fixed there, and the blood and energy in her body were drained in a very short time.

After a moment, Lin Mo lifted the state of the suppression order, with a puzzled look on his face.

"The two tokens are obviously fused, why are they still so useless, then I might as well use the two tokens separately... No... There must be a connection between the two tokens, but I just didn't find it..."

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he thought of something instantly.

The token trembled again, and the light rippled, covering Zhu Yan.

At the same time, the token in Lin Mo's hand flashed again, and a faint light fell on him.

"How many Jiuzhou Orders are there in total?" Lin Mo looked at Zhu Yan and asked softly.

"There is actually only one Jiuzhou Token, but it was forcibly divided into three pieces, namely, Zhen, Chuan and Ming.

The three tokens have different functions, and also have different side effects.

I don't know how many years ago, the tokens were directly separated and never gathered together again."

Zhu Yan spoke softly with a confused look in her eyes.

"Who is the person in your Zhu family who now controls the Life Token?" Lin Mo looked at him and spoke again.

"Zhu Hao, he is the first genius of our Zhu family. Although he is only 35 years old, he has reached the level of the sixth-grade martial emperor.

The Life Token is used to perfection in his hands. There is even a legend that he has mastered the three tokens, but no one has verified it.

But one thing we can be sure of is that the Life Token in his hands seems to have no side effects!"

"No side effects?" Lin Mo's face showed a thoughtful look. According to his understanding, each token should have its own side effects, but Zhu Hao can eliminate the side effects?

"It should be some kind of method..." Zhu Yan spoke again: "The function of the Life Token is to kill people directly!

Within the range covered by the token, as long as you pay enough mental power, you can kill anyone with a lower cultivation than you!"

Lin Mo's heart sank. According to this, if he faced Zhu Hao, with his current strength, he would not be Zhu Hao's opponent at all, because as long as he used the Life Token, Lin Mo would definitely die.

"No side effects, right? Have you seen him take action?"

"I saw it once. I went on a mission with him. At that time, his strength was only at the third-grade martial emperor realm. Facing a second-grade peak martial emperor, he did not take action at all. He just said the word death, and the strong man died directly.

At that time, I did not see anything abnormal about Zhu Hao. Even after he came back, his strength went up a level and reached the fourth-grade martial emperor realm."

When mentioning Zhu Hao, even if his mind was controlled by the token of confusion, Lin Mo could still see that Zhu Yan's eyes were full of admiration.

Lin Mo frowned slightly. If this Zhu Hao was really the same as what they said, it would be really troublesome.

"Anyone with lower strength than him will be killed instantly by the token of life..." Lin Mo felt a sense of urgency in his heart. After all, his current strength is not strong enough.

In fact, if other people knew what Lin Mo was thinking, they would probably be furious.

You should know that Lin Mo is not even 25 years old now, but he already has the strength of a fourth-grade martial emperor.

What will happen in a few years?

Maybe he can reach the sixth-grade martial emperor realm before he is 30 years old.

"Okay, let's go, take your brother's body and never come back." Lin Mo waved his hand and ordered directly.

Zhu Yan nodded, stepped forward to pick up Zhu Qiong's body, and then turned around and left here.

"Lin Mo, why did you let her go? If the Zhu family knew about it, there would definitely be a lot of trouble!" Crow looked at Zhu Yan's back as she left, and looked at Lin Mo with some confusion.

"I want to verify an idea in my heart." Lin Mo said softly.

However, a smile appeared on his face afterwards, because after the tokens were merged this time, he finally gained a lot, that is, the side effects of the Token of Confusion can be directly resisted by the Token of Suppression.

Use the energy of the Token of Suppression to suppress the confusion brought by the Token of Confusion.

In this way, Lin Mo really has the ability to control martial artists with the same strength as himself or those with lower strength than him.

"In that case, I actually want to thank the Zhu family for sending such a good thing to me.

I just don’t know if I will have the chance to get all three tokens in my hand in the future. Lin Mo said softly.

"We'll talk about the rest later, but Lin Mo, you have to be careful. They dared to attack us directly just after the two of us returned to China. I think there might be a problem in Rob Giant City.

The two of us should go back there as soon as possible to have a look. "

Lin Mo nodded, Crow's worries were not unreasonable.

Chen Banzi is in Luobu Jucheng now. It shouldn't be a big problem, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

"Find someone more reliable. The two of us must go to Rob Giant City as soon as possible!" Crow looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

Lin Mo nodded, thinking of the person who sent him to Neon before.

After pondering for a while, Lin Mo dialed the phone number of the fighter pilot who sent him to Neon earlier.

"Lin Mo, congratulations on your return!" The driver's laughter came: "Call me. Is there anything I can help with?"

Lin Mo was not polite and directly told what he needed help with.

"Give me your coordinates and wait for a moment. I'll be there soon." The driver hung up the phone.

Lin Mo soon sent his coordinates.

About half an hour later, a thunderous roar suddenly came from the distant sky.

Looking up, he saw a fighter jet rushing over from a distance with sound waves like a falcon.

Looking at these sonic booms, Lin Mo couldn't help but be a little stunned. Flying at supersonic speeds for a long time and long distances, this pilot was really a madman.

When the fighter jet stopped steadily in front of Lin Mo, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

"Thank you for coming!" Lin Mo said: "This is the souvenir I brought back from Neon for you!"

Lin Mo fumbled around on his body for a while, and finally took out two high-level Qi and Blood Pills and stuffed them into the driver's hand.

The driver glanced at it and originally wanted to refuse, but in the end, he accepted it.

"I won't be polite to you anymore, thank you!"

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Lend me the fighter jet first. As you can see, there are two of us here. You don't have enough seats in the fighter jet..."

"Okay, the question is, can you drive?" The driver said with a smile on his face: "As long as you can drive away, I don't care."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Mo and Crow sitting directly into the cockpit.

Under the shocked gaze of the pilot, Lin Mo skillfully started the fighter jet and quickly adjusted the driving condition to the optimal level.

"Thank you, you can make an estimate. When we arrive at Robb City, you can go and get it yourself!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then with a bang, the fighter jets soared into the sky!

Bang bang bang!

A series of sonic booms resounded, and the pilot watched in stunned silence as the fighter jet disappeared in front of his eyes.

"This madman actually wrapped the entire fighter jet with the power of his blood, and then instantly reached supersonic speed, and then accelerated like crazy, increasing the speed to the extreme!

Madman, indeed madman!

But this is indeed a very good way to fly... The power of qi and blood, yes, I am a martial arts cultivator, I can use the power of qi and blood to wrap the entire fighter jet...

In this way, the entire speed will be greatly improved..."

The pilot's eyes flashed. He never dreamed that an ace pilot would be taught a lesson by Lin Mo, a person with no driving experience!

On the other side, Lin Mo recalled all the pilot's operations and flew the fighter jet over the giant city of Rob at the fastest speed.

Looking at the buildings below the fighter jet, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

"This is the giant city of Rob. You will never forget it once you take a look at it..." Crow sat in the passenger seat and sighed: "Let's get off quickly. I can't wait to see Mr. Chen." !”

Hearing these words, Lin Mo's face suddenly showed an embarrassed look.

"I don't know..." Lin Mo considered his words: "I don't know how the fighter jet landed..."


"I was skydiving at the time, and I didn't see the pilot landing... I really didn't know how to land..." Lin Mo said awkwardly.

"I lost it!" the crow couldn't help shouting: "Then what should we do! We can't just skydive!"

"Good news, the fuel is almost running out, and our speed is slowly decreasing..." Lin Mo suddenly pointed at the fuel gauge and said with a smile.

"What good news is this? The fuel is gone. We might as well parachute. Let's prepare quickly, parachute, and leave the fighter jet!" Crow was speechless. Lin Mo was sometimes reliable, but many times he was unreliable. !

"It's okay..." Lin Mo said calmly, "The speed is indeed decreasing. I have wrapped the entire fighter jet with the power of my blood. It will be fine. The two of us are very strong, so there will definitely be nothing wrong with it..."


By the time he finished speaking, the fighter jet had already crashed into a building in the giant city of Rob.

Inside the building, a group of people stared dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of a fighter jet.

Inside the fighter jet, Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

"Qing'er, Master, I'm back!" Lin Mo opened the fighter jet, jumped in, and spoke excitedly.

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