Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 341 Passing the First Test (1/2)

I don't know when it started, but a faint mist began to appear in the forest.

Everything in front of him slowly became blurred, and even the nearest branches and leaves seemed to be shrouded in gauze, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

"Lin Mo..." Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo standing there, looking a little nervous: "Based on past experience, you really can't stand still in this kind of place, it's easy to get into trouble!"

"I'll just stand here and see what happens!" Lin Mo looked solemnly and looked at the mouth calmly.


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sound of vibration in the air, and then a body not far away from them trembled for no reason.

Then a large amount of blood spattered out, and there was a soothing cracking sound. The body suddenly split from the middle, and the two halves fell to both sides!

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded. The two nearest abyssal creatures were trembling all over. They didn't care about screaming and just rushed towards the depths of the orchard!

Their speed was so fast that when the sound of breaking wind sounded again, they still maintained their forward speed, and then their bodies began to fall apart.

"It's interesting..." Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and the succession of dead people gave him some clues.

But people died so quickly that he could only see some clues.

"It would be nice if you could try it on me..." Lin Mo said softly.

This made Princess Yu'er standing next to him roll her eyes. She wanted to say that if you want to die yourself, don't drag her along.

But she didn't dare to say such things, for fear that Lin Mo would blame her.

"Princess, we have stayed too long. Let's leave quickly!" The two guards have been standing on both sides of the princess loyally, but the long stay made them feel agitated and couldn't bear it. He urged: "Mr. Lin wants to find out the truth. We can leave first and just wait for him in front!"

"You two go first!" Princess Yu'er glanced at Lin Mo and finally said: "Lin Mo, let them two go first. I'll stay with you here, okay?"

She was worried that Lin Mo would not allow the two guards to leave.

"You are not afraid of death, you can leave now!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Theoretically speaking, you are running around, and you are far from safe by staying with me!"

After Lin Mo finished speaking, the two guards glanced at each other, and finally gritted their teeth and said: "Princess Yu'er, the two of us will take the first step, and we will be waiting for you not far away..."

The two of them said and walked directly towards the distance.

However, just as they took a step forward, the sound of breaking wind resounded, and there was a trembling sound in the air.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, but why don't you come to me?!" Lin Mo's face was full of regret, and his voice was full of helplessness.

This time he took the initiative to release his hold on Princess Yu'er, raised his hand and slapped one of the guards. As for the other guard, Lin Mo, he did not take action.

At the same time as a scream sounded, it was accompanied by a spray of blood!

The man who was slapped away by Lin Mo covered the place where Lin Mo hit him, and let out a scream from his mouth, but the guard who was not slapped out was cut off directly from the waist!

When the severed upper body fell to the ground, Princess Yu'er couldn't help but widen her eyes.

After a brief shock, the guard who was rescued by Lin Mo ejected from the spot as if he had been electrocuted and rushed towards Lin Mo.

But someone is faster than him! Princess Yu'er's body flashed and she had already arrived at Lin Mo's side. She put her shoulders into Lin Mo's arms and leaned against Lin Mo like a little bird.

As for the guard, he stood about one meter away from Lin Mo and scratched his head with embarrassment: "Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

They had no intention of blaming Lin Mo for the dead guard.

After all, those who can enter here have already put life and death aside, and it is rare to survive until now. How can you blame Lin Mo?

What's more, they are not fools. Now they are no match for Lin Mo. If he is blamed now, if Lin Mo is angered and he goes on a killing spree, neither of them may be able to kill him!

"Follow me, I know how people in this forest kill people!" Lin Mo said softly.

Originally he thought it was some mysterious force killing people in the forest, but the moment the guard died, he saw everything clearly.


Just as a few people continued to move forward, the trembling sound in the air resounded again, followed immediately by Lin Mo's cold snort.

He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it in the air!

The buzzing sound sounded again, and then the two of them saw a thin red line slowly emerging from Lin Mo's palm.

This thin thread is just like a hair, floating in the air, and you may not be able to find it even if you pay attention.

In addition, the bloody hair cut everything in the air at an extremely fast speed, which made it possible for everyone to be harvested without being noticed.

Princess Yu'er and others understood everything when they saw the hair, and then their expressions became more serious.

Because they suddenly thought of something even more shocking, that is, hair can directly cut the body in half.

But now Lin Mo raised his hand and grabbed the filament, but the entire palm was intact!

why is that? !

After a closer look, they found that Lin Mo's palm was covered with a layer of armor condensed from the power of blood and qi.

Even though the thin wire trembled, it still couldn't cut his entire palm.

"What a strong physical strength!" Princess Yu'er couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

However, the next moment, Lin Mo's action made the two of them widen their eyes.

"Come out!" Lin Mo suddenly shouted, and then he saw him grabbing the thin wire and pulling it hard in his direction!

The thin wire was directly tightened, and then two figures were pulled out of two big trees not far away by Lin Mo!

With a plop!

The two figures fell directly in front of Lin Mo.

At this time, even if they didn't know what happened, the fact that two figures were suddenly pulled out of the tree trunk and fell to the ground was enough to attract everyone's attention!

At this time, some people couldn't help but stop.

It didn't matter if they stopped, they suddenly discovered something big!

"Why are they wearing clothes that look a bit like the clothes of the Holy Mountain Messenger!"

"Not like, but the clothes of the Holy Mountain Messenger!"

"So, it was the Holy Mountain Messenger who had been hiding in the dark and attacked us, causing us to die here?!"

Someone asked such a question, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

However, after such a voice sounded, figures flashed in the distance and appeared in the woods one after another.

The Holy Mountain Messengers who had left before appeared here again. They looked at everyone silently, and a murderous aura lingered in everyone's heart!

Many abyss creatures looked solemn, and their hearts were already trembling.

At this time, they suddenly thought of one thing, that is, entering the Holy Mountain was originally their voluntary thing, accepting the test, and someone's death was also a default thing.

The whole thing can be understood by thinking about it, that is, death should be brought to all of them by the Holy Mountain!

Because this death itself is the process of selection!

After thinking through these, some people's faces became pale, as if they suddenly realized something.

"Those who continue to take the test can continue to move forward, and those who want to leave can leave now!" Someone among the Holy Mountain Messengers spoke up, and at the same time they looked at Lin Mo: "Mr. Lin, you are our important guest. Are you ready to leave now, or continue to move forward?"

"Of course I will continue to move forward!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

I don't know if it was an illusion, because after Lin Mo finished speaking, he clearly saw a smile flashing in the eyes of the Holy Mountain Messenger in front of him? !

Hearing that Lin Mo was going to move forward, some abyss creatures showed regret in their eyes.

But soon their expressions became firm, as if they had made up their minds.

"We give up the test and leave now!" Some people stood up and prepared to leave.

After someone took the lead, soon, nearly half of the people chose to leave.

The remaining creatures silently watched their backs as they left.


At this moment, a blood-red light was generated from the invisible, and it was directly cut down at those creatures who left!

Blood splattered, and these creatures fell to the ground without even a scream!


All the creatures who wanted to leave died in an instant!

Looking at this scene, the remaining people looked at each other and saw a look of relief in each other's eyes.

"Then, please continue, the number of holy fruits this year will be increased to five!" One of the Holy Mountain messengers spoke again.


Everyone's eyes flashed again, and their hearts became hot.

"Five holy fruits are five opportunities to become a martial emperor. As long as you are not a fool, you don't want to miss such an opportunity!"

Because of this sudden change, the scene of the death of those people before quickly dissipated from their hearts.

Lin Mo looked at these people whose eyes became eager again, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

In the face of absolute benefits, many people will lose their judgment, and even become desperate, and can only see those benefits!

Everyone started to move forward again, and even some people's steps became hurried.

Lin Mo thought for a moment and directly released the thin line in his hand.

Seeing Lin Mo's actions, some people's eyes flashed with fear, but soon they started running again.

However, unlike before, these people have begun to try to use the power of Qi and blood to wrap around their bodies while running.

But even so, it is still useless.

Some people's bodies are still broken into pieces while running.

Some people's heads are gone while running... It's quite sudden.

The number of creatures is still decreasing, but the only thing that remains unchanged is that Lin Mo's steps with Princess Yu'er are still very calm.

In Lin Mo's view, the forest full of murderous intentions is just like taking a walk in his own back garden.

Not only is there no tension on their faces, but they are slightly shaking their heads at the fallen bodies.

"You, feel around on them and see if there is anything worth taking away!" Lin Mo said, pointing to the corpse in front of him and looking at the guard.

The guard was stunned for a moment, then walked in front of the corpse and felt around for a while.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he took out several weapons, but the grade was not high.

It was just a Xuan-grade weapon. Although it could be sold at a good price, Lin Mo still didn't take it seriously.

"Mr. Lin..." The guard sent the mist to Lin Mo respectfully.

"Keep it for yourself!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, the guard's face showed excitement. These were all good things of the ninth grade of Xuan-grade. Lin Mo didn't even look at them and gave them all to him!

"Thank you, Mr. Lin! You are such a good person!" The guard said with a sincere smile on his face.

For the next distance, the guard ran back and forth, constantly groping on the body, and soon got a lot of good things. The grade of two of the weapons had reached the fourth grade of the earth grade!

Although Lin Mo still didn't take it seriously, the guard still handed it to Lin Mo respectfully.

Lin Mo thought about it, and just put away the three fourth-grade earth-grade weapons, and gave the rest to the guard.

The guard looked at the three extra earth-level weapons in his hand excitedly, and knelt down to Lin Mo with a thump.

Lin Mo chuckled, and then hugged Princess Yu'er and continued to move forward.

The guard knelt on the ground, looking at Lin Mo's back, and couldn't help but say: "He is really a perfect match for our princess!"

The princess walking in front couldn't help but stagger. This unlucky thing actually sold his princess for a few weapons!

However, having said that, even Princess Yu'er was a little jealous of the weapons that the guard got.

Although she had earth-level weapons, they were only earth-level six-grade, and earth-level weapons still had a great appeal to her.

But at this time, she was too embarrassed to ask Lin Mo for them.

The three of them walked all the way, and in a very short time, they walked to the deepest part of the forest.

At this time, there were only a dozen people left in the entire team.

After seeing Lin Mo and others come out, one of the Holy Mountain messengers waved his hand, and Lin Mo instantly felt the sound of cutting air and blood spraying behind him.

Without looking back, Lin Mo knew that the remaining creatures in the forest must have been killed at this moment!

"This group of abyss creatures are really cruel! They are not soft-handed when killing their own people!" Lin Mo sighed.

"Congratulations to everyone for passing the first test. Now, you can face the second test!"

After everyone came back to their senses from the bloody scene just now, the Holy Mountain messenger suddenly said: "This gate of nothingness, as long as you walk in, you will see your own test. If you pass the test, you will be the person finally chosen by the Holy Mountain!

Now, please enter the gate of nothingness!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than 20 gates suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

These gates flashed with purple light, and the entrance was like a vortex. Just looking at it, I felt that my mind was about to be attracted!

"You two follow me in!" Lin Mo looked at Princess Yu'er and the guard.

After hearing this, the two's eyes lit up immediately.

They were willing to follow Lin Mo.

The guard even said that he was willing to be a pendant on Lin Mo's thigh.

Because acting alone means a high probability of death, but following Lin Mo, the probability of death is not only small, but there is a greater possibility of a good harvest...

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