Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 348: Qi and Blood Mother Stone

The sword danced, the blade light shone like a crescent moon, and the sword light was like a scarlet tongue lit in the dark night!

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" The visitor hurriedly spoke, and kept retreating.

Despite this, he was cut in the chest by the sword light, and the bright red blood flowed, directly dyeing his clothes red.

"Lian Bo?" After hearing the voice of the visitor, Lin Mo stopped, still holding the sword in his hand, and looked at him quietly.

Previously, Xiao Lu did not move them to other places, and later Lin Mo came here to devour Xiao Qianren's memory.

Unexpectedly, Lian Bo did not leave the Holy Mountain, but came here instead.

"Lin Mo, don't misunderstand, I have no ill will towards you!" Lian Bo hurriedly spoke, fearing that Lin Mo would kill him with a knife if he disagreed with him.

"You must have the ability to have ill will towards me!" Lin Mo chuckled, put away the sword directly, and spoke lightly.

Lian Bo looked at Lin Mo with a dark face, opened his mouth, but did not refute in the end.

After all, what Lin Mo said was indeed true.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Lin Mo, let me introduce myself first. My name is Lian Bo, from Dalian City. My father is the mayor of Dalian City, and I am his eighth son.

You should know how powerful Dalian City is..."

"I interrupt!" Lin Mo raised his hand: "I don't know how powerful Dalian City is!"

Lian Bo: "..."

"Mr. Lin, I come to talk to you with sincerity, please don't be so ignorant.

Dalian City is known to everyone in the abyss. Even if you have an extraordinary origin, you can't be so disrespectful to my Dalian City!"

Lian Bo's face showed an angry look, not knowing whether he was angry because Lin Mo had never heard of Dalian City, or because he was angry because Lin Mo despised him.


The sword light flashed, and a gully suddenly appeared in front of Lian Bo, which was dozens of meters long!

"Did I give you face?" Lin Mo said lightly, holding the Sword of Fire.

After the words fell, Lian Bo's eyes kept flickering, and finally turned around to leave.

"Stop, did I let you go?" Looking at Lian Bo's back, Lin Mo said lightly.

Lian Bo paused, turned around with difficulty, and looked at Lin Mo.

"Now you can go!" Looking at Lian Bo's expression, Lin Mo waved his hand lightly, as if to drive away a fly.

Lian Bo: "..."

You are crazy, you scared me to death, you know?

Lian Bo only felt that he was holding back a burst of anger in his heart, but he didn't dare to let it out, so he could only swallow it and then turned around and left.

After Lian Bo left, Lin Mo slowly returned to Xiao Qianren's body and reached out to grope.

After a while, he took out a few bottles and jars, which were naturally filled with Qi and Blood Pills and Jing Qi Pills.

"It's so shabby that there's not even a piece of Qi and Blood Stone!" Lin Mo shook his head in disdain, waved his sword casually, and a ball of flame splashed out from the sword body and fell on the corpse.

Soon, Xiao Qianren's body turned into a ball of flame and turned directly into ashes.

Lin Mo stood there, watching the scene quietly.

Then he waved his sleeves, threw all the ashes, and turned to leave.


"Your friend has left. Before that girl left, let me give this to you!"

When she found Xiao Lu, she was sitting on a tree branch bored, swinging her legs boredly.

When she saw Lin Mo, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she jumped down from the tree branch and greeted him with a smile.

She was holding a blood-colored transparent stone in her hand, and when she approached Lin Mo, she threw it over casually.

When she took the stone in her hand, a warm feeling was transmitted from the palm to the body.

Feeling this warmth, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

This thing can actually replenish Qi and blood. Although the speed is relatively slow, it is definitely very precious.

"Qi and blood mother stone, it is said that this thing is equivalent to the root of Qi and blood stone. Generally, such a large mother stone can produce at least 10,000 Qi and blood stones!

It just takes a long time.

This thing is very precious in the abyss. The girl gave it to you. You should know what it means!"

Xiao Lu explained in a very mature manner. After that, she looked at Lin Mo expectantly, as if waiting for his reaction.

"It can be regarded as repaying my life-saving grace! If it weren't for me, she might have died long ago!" Lin Mo put away the Qi and blood mother stone, thinking of giving it to Ye Qing after returning to Rob Giant City.

Her current strength is still relatively weak, and the speed of this stone to restore Qi and blood is just right for her.

"In addition to restoring Qi and blood, this stone has other uses. Didn't you see the words on it? That is the family emblem of the Yu family in Yucheng. You should be able to walk sideways in Yucheng with this mother stone!"

Xiao Lu saw that Lin Mo didn't seem to take this thing seriously, so he couldn't help but emphasize it.

Lin Mo nodded, still looking indifferent.

This thing might be really precious, but it was not what Lin Mo wanted.

He didn't even know where Yucheng was, so how could he have a chance to go there? !

"Tsk tsk, it seems that Princess Yu'er's kindness is going to be wasted by you! What a pity!" Xiaolu had a look of regret on her face.

After three days of not seeing each other, Xiaolu seemed to have changed a little, and the biggest change was that she became very verbose.

Maybe it was because no one had chatted with her in the past three days, so after seeing Lin Mo, her desire to talk surged wildly.

"I'm here to take away the seeds and the holy fruit you promised me." Lin Mo changed the subject, not wanting to waste too much time on this matter.

Xiao Lu rolled her eyes at Lin Mo, turned around and walked towards the holy tree.

"Follow me!" Xiao Lu pointed at the roots of the holy tree and said, "This is where you are, you can start digging! Be careful not to dig up my roots! If you hurt me, I will beat you. Yes!”

Lin Mo pretended that he didn't hear what she said behind him, so he took out the ice knife and started digging towards the ground.

The seed of Qi and blood buried in the roots of the holy tree was definitely of great benefit to Xiao Lu, because Lin Mo dug up the soil and saw the roots inside, and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The original roots have completely changed color, from earthy brown to turquoise. The roots look like they are made of jasper, and there is even energy flowing inside.

It seemed that someone was aware that someone was digging the ground, so the roots started to dance like long snakes, covering Lin Mo's face!

Lin Mo originally planned to cut them all off with the ice knife in his hand, but after thinking about it, he gave up.


The enhanced ghost shadow can be immune to skill damage for six seconds. Lin Mo wants to try to see if this immunity is also applicable to the current situation.

He stood still and didn't move, but the moment he used Ghost Shadow, his body made a forward movement, allowing the whole person to smoothly enter an invincible state!

Whoosh whoosh!

Those roots whipped directly towards Lin Mo's face.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

There was a trembling sound in the air, and those roots that were about thirty centimeters away from Lin Mo seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall.

"It works!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the effect would be so good after the upgrade.

Xiao Lu, who was on the side, planned to control the roots of the holy tree. When he saw this scene, he stopped and looked at Lin Mo quietly, as if he was very interested in the barrier around Lin Mo's body.

"If you don't take action, I will cut off your roots. I still have two seconds!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu and yelled.

Seeing that the invincible time was about to disappear, Xiao Lu seemed to have no intention of taking action yet, so he swung the ice knife and slashed towards those roots!

Lin Mo moved very quickly, and in just a blink of an eye, the ice knife cut off all the roots.

Those green roots fell to the ground, instantly turning into energy and melting into the soil, and were eventually absorbed by the holy tree.

"You, you promised not to hurt me, but you still stab me with a knife!"

Xiao Lu glared at Lin Mo with an unhappy face, raised his hand and waved, all the roots wrapped in the blood seeds rustled, and then like frightened earthworms, they all retracted into the soil. middle.

Only Lin Mo's Qi and Blood Seed was left lying there quietly in the pit.

Lin Mo stepped forward and held the Qi and Blood Seed in his hand. He sensed it carefully for a moment and found nothing wrong before putting it away.

"Let me tell you, although your seed is a seed of Qi and blood, it lacks a pure vitality.

You bury the seeds under the roots of the tree. It seems like I am taking advantage of it. In fact, it is also of great benefit to the seeds!

Part of the life force in me affected this seed, making up for its lack of life force.

If I'm not wrong, you must have some kind of martial arts that can produce a clone. Lin Mo who was in the Holy Mountain before should be your clone.

When you try to use the clone technique this time, the clones produced should be very different. "

Xiao Lu looked at Lin Mo and spoke with a mysterious face.

"What difference will it make?"

"How do I know? Just go and try it yourself!" Xiao Lu said directly as if it was a matter of course.

Lin Mo was speechless, but he was too lazy to argue.

"There are only four days left. Come walk around with me. If you make me happy, I can give you all this tree full of holy fruits!

You can count it yourself. There are sixteen fruits. After you take them back, you can create sixteen powerful men at the level of Emperor Wu. "Xiao Lu's voice was full of temptation, ringing in Lin Mo's ears.

"I said I would stay here for seven days, and I will definitely keep my word!" Lin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "You are sure there will be no problem if you leave the Holy Mountain now, right?"

"What's the problem? My body is here. The Holy Mountain and I are one. Once something happens, I can directly control the body." Xiao Lu said lightly.

Lin Mo nodded, actually feeling happy.

When browsing Xiao Qianren's memories, he discovered a secret.

It can be regarded as an opportunity in the Lobu Abyss, but it should be more dangerous there. Otherwise, with Xiao Qianren's strength, it would be impossible not to go there and take away the opportunity.

Now, since Xiao Lu is leaving the Holy Mountain, Lin Mo is ready to take her there.

With Xiao Lu here, even if he encounters any danger, he will probably be able to get through it safely.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu and said: "In that case, I will accompany you to walk around outside!

But let's make it clear in advance. I'm not familiar with Rob Abyss. In fact, the entire human world has not explored Rob Abyss much.

So I can only take you to some safe places..."

"No, what's the fun in going to a safe place! I don't want to go to a safe place!" Xiaolu heard Lin Mo's words and shook his head repeatedly: "Didn't you say that there are still many places in Rob Abyss that have not been explored? Now the two of us will go to those unexplored places!

Don't worry, my life crystal is still on you. No matter what danger happens, I will definitely take you out!"

Faced with Xiaolu's enthusiasm, Lin Mo could only pretend to be reluctant and nodded: "Then we have a deal, you must protect me!

I'm still very young and don't want to die yet!"

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