Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 352: Fruit Sharing Begins

"Those people claim to be human... This is equivalent to distinguishing themselves from the Abyss Clan. From this perspective, many things are easy to explain.

First of all, they call themselves human, and judging from their sitting figures, everyone is about the same height...

The remains on the altar should have a history of thousands or even tens of thousands of years...

In that period of history... it corresponds to the mythological era of the human race!

So they are... the Kuafu Clan!"

Lin Mo sat cross-legged on Xiao Cang's back, and after a little thought, he came to this conclusion.

It's incredible, but there is some truth in it.

"Just treat it as a guess!" Lin Mo chuckled and said, "At least this time it's not a waste of gains. If those people are really human, when humans and abyss creatures fight in the future, can they become a helper for humans?"

With this idea in mind, they quickly left the coverage of the Yunpo Abyss and set out on the road back to the Holy Mountain.

Perhaps this journey was a painful thing for Xiao Cang, so when returning, Xiao Cang's speed has made a qualitative leap!

In just half a day, it directly crossed the journey that Lin Mo and Xiao Lu had taken several days!

After landing on the Holy Mountain, Xiao Cang flew directly to a cliff far away from the Holy Mountain.

This time it was injured, but it also had a huge harvest. Such a large piece of Qi and Blood Stone was enough for him to heal his injuries and even improve his strength!

"Now the holy fruit should have reached the best maturity stage. I will fulfill my promise and you can take all the fruits away!"

Two figures stood under the holy tree. Xiao Lu patted Lin Mo's shoulder and spoke boldly.

Lin Mo nodded and said thank you.

There were a total of sixteen fruits on the tree, which for them was sixteen martial emperor-level strongmen.

This gift was generous!

"You are so polite to me..." Xiao Lu waved his hand: "It's a pity that I didn't get anything back from Yunpo Canyon. It's not worth mentioning to give you such a little thing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the fruit on the tree was gently shaken, and then fell directly.

Lin Mo quickly pulled it with the power of Qi and blood, and then packed it in a special container, and finally put it in the storage space.

"I have another thing to ask you!" Lin Mo hesitated for a moment and spoke slowly.

"Just say it if you have something to say, don't hesitate!" Xiaolu smiled and said: "If I can help, I will definitely help you!"

"I want to leave my clone with you, and it can be regarded as a companion for you!" Lin Mo thought about it and spoke slowly.

Lin Mo made this decision on the way back.

First of all, he will definitely stay in the abyss with his Qi and blood clone. In this case, staying in the Holy Mountain is a good choice.

Because here, safety can be guaranteed. Through his experience with Xiaolu, Lin Mo thinks that Xiaolu will definitely protect his clone.

Secondly, Xiaolu seems to know a lot about seeds. If the clone stays here, it may be better improved, or even reach a higher level!

Finally, Lin Mo needs to maintain this relationship.

Every ten years, the holy fruit matures, and the number of mature fruits is about twenty each time. Even if calculated according to this year's number, it is sixteen.

If they can all be brought back, that would be sixteen Martial Emperors!

Although the seeds of Qi and blood must be buried under the roots of the tree, don't forget that every time they are buried, the seeds will absorb a little more vitality.

Therefore, leaving the clone here is definitely a good choice for Lin Mo!

The only worry is that Xiaolu disagrees.

"Are you serious?"

However, after hearing Lin Mo's request, Xiaolu's eyes lit up directly, and the whole person was so happy that he wanted to jump up!

"Lin Mo, you are really my good buddy. Don't worry, I will definitely get along well with your clone!!" Xiaolu's eyes were shining, and she was in a very good mood.

Originally, Lin Mo was going to leave, and she was a little reluctant. Now that Lin Mo's clone is left here, at least she can accompany him to relieve his boredom!

Even if the clone is dull and can't relieve boredom, Lin Mo's clone is here. Sooner or later, he will come back to take the clone away. At that time, Xiaolu can naturally keep Lin Mo and get along for a while!

Lin Mo showed a surprised look on his face. He really didn't expect that this matter would go so smoothly.

Since Xiaolu agreed, Lin Mo was relieved. He sat cross-legged on the spot and began to condense the clone in the way of Qi and Blood Clone.

Compared with before, Lin Mo felt that the pressure on his whole body seemed to have increased several times!

Especially the tearing feeling on his body became more intense!

Even this time when a wisp of mental power was dispersed and integrated into the seed and clone, Lin Mo felt that his soul was torn apart!

It seemed that with the formation of the clone, his soul was also divided into two and merged into the clone!


Lin Mo let out a long breath, and a relaxed look appeared on his face.

He looked at the clone in front of him, and a strange look appeared on his face.

The feeling of blood connection still exists, but there is another feeling!

The clone gave Lin Mo the feeling that he was looking at his twin brother standing in front of him!

Previously, Lin Mo could clearly feel that the clone in front of him was not a living person!

But now, Lin Mo feels that the clone in front of him is a living person, an independent individual!

"Is this the transformation you are talking about?" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu and asked softly.

"Indeed, I didn't expect there to be such a big gap. The whole power of Qi and blood is flowing, just like a real person! And that kind of looming soul aura, hiss... It's so strong. It's the first time I've seen it. To this kind of avatar ability!”

Xiaolu's face was full of admiration, and he finally clapped his hands and said: "Okay, you can go. Don't worry, my clone is here, and I will definitely be a big help to you in the future!"

Lin Mo nodded. Since he had made up his mind, there was nothing to hesitate.

After saying goodbye, he left directly.

On the cliff, Xiao Cang looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure with a relaxed look on his face.

"This unfortunate thing is finally gone. If I stay here for a while, I might join the Disabled Persons' Federation!"

Xiao Cang glanced at the wounds on his wings and couldn't help curling his lips. Then he seemed to have thought of something and looked at Xiao Lu from a distance.

"No, the master has been led astray by him, and now he has begun to attract my attention. I have to move quickly, otherwise I will be roasted one day. At that time, I won't even have a place to cry!" Xiao Cang said After making up his mind, he waved his wings and flew towards several mountain peaks further away.

"Eh? Why did Xiao Cang move?" Xiao Lu looked at Xiao Cang's retreating back and couldn't help scratching his head.

In Lord Dog's room, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes, woke up from his sleep, looked around, and let his mental energy escape little by little. After confirming that there was no danger, he slowly stood up.

In the storage space, sixteen fruits were lying there quietly. Even though they were packed in boxes, they still exuded an attractive fruity fragrance.

Lin Mo actually wasn't very clear about the principles of dreams.

At first, Lin Mo thought that he had just entered the abyss with a consciousness.

But the subsequent experiences made Lin Mo understand that he was the real body entering the abyss.

But why he opened his eyes and returned to the room is something Lin Mo hasn't figured out yet.

"Maybe next time I can record a video to see what's going on!" An idea flashed in Lin Mo's mind, and he thought of a way.

After suppressing this idea in his heart, Lin Mo stood up and walked outside.

"Lin Mo, you are finally awake!"

Master Chen Banzi was sitting in the yard in front of the room. After hearing the door opening, he quickly turned around and walked towards Lin Mo.

"Master, what happened?" Lin Mo frowned.

"There are people coming from the capital, and they are from the Zhu family. They want you to hand over the Jiuzhou Order!" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo with some sadness: "The Jiuzhou Order should be very important to the Zhu family, because this time it is a person who came here. Ninth-grade Martial Emperor!

We are no match for him! And if there really is a fight, I won't be able to protect your safety! "

Chen Banzi's current strength is that of the seventh-rank Martial Emperor, and judging from Chen Banzi's current cultivation progress, he may stop at the seventh-rank Martial Emperor realm in this life.

"Master, do you think it is possible for you to become the Martial Emperor?" Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi and suddenly asked.

"Are you kidding me? Is it so easy to become a Martial Emperor? Although there are many martial arts cultivators in Blue Star, the number of Martial Emperors will never exceed one hundred!

I have reached the seventh-grade Martial Emperor realm in this life, and I am already very lucky. In the future, there should be no possibility of improvement at all!

My own limit is right here! "

limit? !

When Lin Mo heard this word, his brows suddenly moved and a smile appeared on his face.

He understood the function of the Holy Fruit, which is to increase a person's upper limit!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo said: "Master, let's put the Zhu family aside for now. I have something to ask you...

If I have a way to increase your potential and give you the possibility of becoming a Martial Emperor, would you be willing to give it a try?

Of course, if you try this method, you will stop at the realm of Emperor Wu in the future! "

This is another shortcoming of the Holy Fruit, that is, after taking it, you will stay in the realm of Emperor Wu for the rest of your life.

Therefore, this kind of holy fruit is generally only taken by those who have no hope of becoming a martial emperor in this life.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I must be willing!" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo as if he were a fool: "You really have this idea?"

His eyes were shining. As a martial artist, who could refuse an opportunity to increase his upper limit?

"Master, you come into the house with me first. After your limit is raised, we will go meet this Zhu family member!"

Lin Mo thought for a moment, then pulled Chen Banzi directly towards the house.

Although Chen Banzi was worried that people from the Zhu family would take action against Lin Mo's friends, the opportunity to increase the upper limit was right in front of him, and he couldn't think about it that much anymore!

"Master, take this fruit!" Lin Mo placed a holy fruit in front of Chen Banzi and said.

"Fruit? What kind of fruit is this? Have you never seen it?" Chen Banzi looked at the holy fruit. Although he felt unfamiliar, he picked it up with one hand and took a bite without caring whether it was washed or not!

"It's delicious! It tastes so good!" Chen Banzi praised while eating.

Lin Mo stared at Chen Banzi, wanting to see some changes in him.

But after waiting for a few minutes, there was no change.

"Is the holy fruit useless? Or is it only useful for the creatures in the abyss?" This thought popped up in Lin Mo's mind.


At this moment, a loud noise came.

Outside the door, a figure slowly walked in.

The endless blood and energy around his body formed a space like a domain. Everything would dissipate and become powder when it touched this domain!

"Lin Mo, get out!"

The man who broke in spoke coldly.

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