Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 362 I'll help you

Liu Lei felt as if something suddenly exploded in his head.

He glanced at Chen Jie standing in front of him, and his face turned red.

"You... what are you talking about!" Liu Lei looked at Lin Mo and stammered.

But Lin Mo just had a faint smile on his face and said, "What's wrong, did I say something wrong?

You don't like Teacher Chen at all in your heart?"

Liu Lei was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Jie in front of him, hesitated for a long time, and suddenly plucked up the courage, nodded and said, "You are right, I do have a great liking for Teacher Chen..."

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Chen Jie suddenly spoke and interrupted what Liu Lei wanted to say later.

"Teacher Liu, you are very good, but we are not suitable. We are just colleagues. I feel it's pretty good. There is no need to go further. What do you think?"

Chen Jie looked at Liu Lei with a faint smile on her face.

It's good to be colleagues...

Lin Mo's face twitched, and he couldn't help but look at Liu Lei standing there with pity. After giving him the good guy card, he didn't even want to be friends.

Such a rejection is really thorough!

Liu Lei was stunned for a long time before looking at Lin Mo, smiled bitterly, and then forced a smile and said: "It doesn't matter, it's good to be colleagues now, so what, Teacher Chen, you go to exercise, my friend and I have something to do, so we'll leave first."

He was about to pull Lin Mo's hand and turn away, but when he reached out to hold Lin Mo, he was stunned, because the latter didn't want to move at all!

"Lin Mo, you..." Liu Lei looked at Lin Mo with a surprised look on his face. He didn't know why he was still unwilling to leave. It was obviously at this point, and there was no point in staying here.

"Teacher Chen, right? Please remember your choice today, you will regret it." Lin Mo looked at Chen Jie and spoke slowly.

In fact, last night, Lin Mo had read all the information related to Chen Jie.

This woman is actually quite extraordinary. She has done a lot of things over the years with the identity of the dean's daughter. She has been able to cultivate to the current level. Of course, she has talent in it, but more importantly, it is the connections accumulated through the dean's relationship.

Such relationships and connections have allowed Chen Jie to improve her cultivation very quickly in a very short period of time.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Chen Jie is still a person who flatters the superiors and the inferiors behind her back. For those strong men, she will take the initiative to throw herself into their arms.

The only reason why she was unwilling to respond to Liu Lei was that the latter's strength was too weak.

Just like Lin Mo said a long time ago, in such a world, weakness is the original sin.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Jie's face suddenly became ugly.

She looked Lin Mo up and down, and said lightly: "He is a man who sold his body, what should I regret?

What's more, he is so powerful now, confessing to me is simply a joke!

To tell you the truth, people like Liu Lei are not qualified to be my licker!"

Speaking of this, Chen Jie paused, and then whispered: "On the contrary, I will let you know what real regret is!"

After that, she took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Dad, I want the school to expel someone, his name is Liu Lei.

There is no reason, just want to expel him!

If I must give him a reason, it is that his behavior disgusts me!"

Speaking of this, she hung up the phone directly, and looked up at Lin Mo at the same time, with a provocative look on her face.

Liu Lei looked at Chen Jie in front of him and suddenly laughed.

"Are you crazy? After being rejected by me, your brain is broken?" Chen Jie looked at Liu Lei and said with some disgust.

"Sorry." Liu Lei shook his head, and his laughter gradually subsided. "In fact, I really didn't know what happened today.

My friend saw that I liked you, so he helped me to express my feelings.

I do admit that I like you very much, but just now I found out that I was wrong. I only like you in my imagination.

As for you in front of me, you may look the same as I like, but I really don't like you at all!

Also, what you did today made me feel a little disgusted."

Liu Lei said softly: "Although I sold my body before, I really don't deserve you, but the real you is not worthy of the person you have worked hard to build. I can only say that you should take care of yourself in the future!"

He turned and left. This time he didn't look at whether Lin Mo followed him to leave, but turned and walked away.

"Teacher Chen's cultivation is very good, but have you noticed Liu Lei's cultivation?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Jie, said this lightly, and then left here without looking back.

Looking at Lin Mo's back as he left, Chen Jie frowned slightly: What did he mean by what he just said?

Liu Lei's cultivation...what's wrong?

Thinking of this, Chen Jie couldn't help but look at Liu Lei's back.

At the beginning, Chen Jie was very clear about Liu Lei's cultivation. Of course, it was precisely because she was clear about Liu Lei's cultivation that Chen Jie never looked at Liu Lei straight in the eye from beginning to end.

But now, just by looking at Liu Lei's back, she was stunned.

"Can't see through?! Why?! With Liu Lei's original strength, how could I not see through..."

Chen Jie's expression changed wildly, and she wanted to turn around to find Lin Mo to ask clearly, but when she turned around, she realized that Lin Mo had already left.

She couldn't help but look at Lin Mo's back, wanting to see what kind of cultivation level the latter was in.

But soon something she didn't expect happened. Her eyes fell on Lin Mo, and she wanted to use the power of Qi and blood to judge Lin Mo's cultivation.

But he suddenly discovered that Lin Mo's energy and blood were as boundless as the sea water. After just a short exploration, he felt suffocated!

"So strong! So strong! I have never seen such fluctuations in energy and blood in my father!"

Chen Jie's heart was racing, and her eyes flickered.


At this time, Liu Lei, who was walking in the distance, suddenly started to tremble.

A bolt of energy and blood shot up into the sky and sank directly into the depths of the clouds above the sky.

And with such fluctuations, Chen Jie finally saw Liu Lei's cultivation.

"This is impossible, how could his cultivation improve so quickly!" Chen Jie murmured.

But at this time, she had no chance to ask for the specific reason, because Lin Mo had already left with Liu Lei.

Of course, the reason why Lin Mo left was actually very simple. He still had important things to do.

He said that if he wanted Chen Jie to regret his decision, then he would naturally make him regret it.

"Lin Mo, where are you taking me?" Liu Lei's voice sounded behind Lin Mo.

"Leizi, do you blame me? After all, you are embarrassed today, and it was all caused by me?" Lin Mo looked at Liu Lei with countless guilt on his face.

"Look at what you are saying now. Don't say such things between you and me!" Liu Lei said with a helpless look on his face: "Actually, if it weren't for you, I might not even know how to do it in this life. Show up here.

What's more, I want to thank you for giving me the courage to convince myself of the truest thoughts deep in my heart! "

Lin Mo smiled, stepped forward and patted Liu Lei on the shoulder, saying: "Actually, you are very good, just like you said, children like us without umbrellas have to keep each other warm in the rain, and then run hard! "

Liu Lei nodded, and then suddenly frowned: "Come on, put on this dress!"

After that, he took out a set of clothes of good quality and put them on.

Feeling the extra strength in his body, Liu Lei looked at Lin Mo with some surprise: "This is..."

"It's just a small gift. The real gift still has to wait a while..." Lin Mo smiled and continued to move forward.

"That's not right, you're talking about this, and you haven't told me where you plan to take me until now!" Only then did Liu Lei remember that his purpose was to find out where Lin Mo was taking him.

But now that he was going around in circles, he didn't even know where Lin Mo was looking for.

"You'll know when we get there!" Lin Mo responded with a smile.

Half an hour later, Lin Mo stopped with Liu Lei's tickets to a noodle shop in the school snack street.

"The person we are looking for is inside. Let's go. Time is limited." Lin Mo spat out these words.

After that, he took the lead and walked into the noodle shop.

It was not the time to eat, so there were not many people in the noodle shop. There were only twos and threes gathering together, and the laughter never stopped.

Lin Mo's eyes scanned the crowd for a few times, and finally stopped on a middle-aged man.

"Principal?" Liu Lei had a look of horror on his face as he watched Lin Mo walking towards the middle-aged man.

The principal of the Tianlong City Martial Arts University is named Wei Gu. He is very powerful and has already stepped into the Martial Emperor's understanding. However, his mental strength is still a bit off.

"Hello, Principal Wei, my name is Lin Mo, and I want to talk to you!" Lin Mo's voice fell, and Wei Gu also looked directly at Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo? This name is still very famous recently. I wonder if you are the guy named Lin Mo they say?" Wei Gu looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "The power of Qi and blood is good, and the spirit is good." Your strength is not bad, it seems you are the one causing a lot of noise recently!”

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, nodded and said: "Principal Wei, you are right, I am the person they were talking about recently.

When I come here this time, I actually have a business I want to discuss with you...

Liu Lei, come here! ! ! "

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