Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 367: Going to Zhu's House

"Thank you all. When I finish my work, I will come to thank you one by one!" Lin Mo looked at everyone and said with a fist.

Everyone got up and left, but Liu Lei stayed.

"Teacher, send a message to my master and tell him to gather in Jinling in seven days!"

Lin Mo looked at Wei Yunlong and said, "In seven days, I will go to the Zhu family to seek justice!"

Time passed, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

There are also things worth mentioning in these seven days. Liu Lei's current strength has reached the level of martial saint.

The former waste material has now become a genius, which can be said to be very popular.

The seven days in Jinling are also the seven days of Liu Lei's blind date.

This guy was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling. He was busy every day and even planned to organize a registered blind date activity at home.

In the end, Liu Lei chose the female classmate he had always had a crush on in school, which can be regarded as fulfilling his dream.

"Now I'm willing to die!" Liu Lei looked at the beauty beside him and said with a smile.

"You're not going to the Zhu family this time, what are you sighing about!" Lin Mo said helplessly.

Behind him, only Wei Yunlong and Xie Meng, the president of Tianlongcheng Wuda, stood.

"Principal Xie, why don't you stay here? After all, this time it's not a small matter!" Lin Mo looked at Xie Meng and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, I'll tell you the truth, I'm also an investment now, I invest in you!" Xie Meng was very straightforward: "I think you can bring me greater benefits!"

Xie Meng will never forget that when Lin Mo found him, he said that he would talk about a business deal and bring a martial emperor-level strongman to Tianlong Wuda.

Now Liu Lei is heading towards this level at a very fast speed, so in Xie Meng's eyes, Lin Mo is definitely a potential stock!

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, and did not comment much on Xie Meng's words, but he had made plans in his heart. If things go well this time, he will directly give Xie Meng a holy fruit.

"In that case, let's go!" Lin Mo glanced at the direction of the Zhu family and smiled.

Chen Banzi's realm is not stable now, but Lin Mo said that he must go in seven days. Now that the time has come, they have no choice.

A group of people got on the car and headed towards Xucheng where the Zhu family was.

Xucheng is not very far from Jinling. In fact, many years ago, Xucheng was called Sucheng. The reason for the name change was that the entire Sucheng was in the hands of the Xu family, so later the entire giant city was renamed Xucheng.

Three people, one car, went to Xucheng at the fastest speed.

At present, the Xucheng Zhu family can be said to be the second family of Xucheng. They have nothing to do with the Xu family, and the two families do not have much business contact.

A giant city has actually created two huge families. This is relatively rare in the whole of China.

Another thing is that the Xu family did not annex the entire Zhu family, which is also what Lin Mo is more curious about.

More than an hour later, the car stopped directly at the entrance of Xucheng, because someone was waiting there.

"Xu Xian, the third in command of the Xu family, is not very strong, but he is very scheming. He is responsible for the contact between the entire Xu family and the outside world. This person is not simple!

Look at the bodyguards around him, their strength is actually at the peak of the Martial Emperor!"

Wei Yunlong stood beside Lin Mo and introduced softly.

Xu Xian?

Lin Mo looked at the middle-aged man next to the car, with a curious look on his face.

What is the purpose of the Xu family's people appearing here?

Of course, Lin Mo certainly doesn't think they are here to welcome him.

The car door opened, and Lin Mo and others got off.

"Hahaha, Mr. Wei, it's been a long time since I saw you. When I was studying in Beijing, I often went to your class!" Xu Xian stepped forward and saluted Wei Yunlong like a student.

"Mr. Xu, don't be so polite!" Wei Yunlong said with a smile.

Don't hit a smiling person. No matter what Xu Xian's purpose is now here, Lin Mo and others will not easily offend him.

"I wonder if Mr. Xu is here to wait for someone or not?" Although he had some guesses about Xu Xian's goal in his heart, Wei Yunlong still asked.

"Of course I'm here to greet you all!" Xu Xian said with a smile: "We already know about Brother Lin Mo.

Brother Lin Mo has such strength at such a young age, it's really admirable, I wonder if he has a girlfriend?

If not, I have a daughter, you are about the same age!"

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your kindness, I already have a girlfriend, and we are about to get engaged!" Lin Mo spoke directly, trying to interrupt Xu Xian's words.

But who knows, Xu Xian just shook his head and said: "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Don't worry, my daughter is willing to marry you and be your mistress!"

Let your own daughter be your mistress, are you really a biological father? !

Lin Mo looked at Xu Xian and shook his head again: "Mr. Xu's kindness is appreciated by the junior, but I have a sincere love for my girlfriend and it is impossible for me to fall in love with someone else!"

"Okay, what a pity!" Xu Xian shook his head, his face full of regret: "I saw that you hit it off at first sight, and I planned to use my daughter's relationship to bring us closer..."

Rely on my daughter to get closer?

Hearing this, Lin Mo's head was immediately filled with black lines. How could someone actually say such a thing? He is truly a genius.

"Mr. Xu wants to get closer to me, why don't you and I become brothers with different surnames..." Lin Mo looked at Xu Xian's regretful look and couldn't help but smile.

The smile on Xu Xian's face suddenly solidified.

"Hehehe, forget it, no need. I have many brothers. From now on, you and I should just be friends every year!" Xu Xianqiang said with a smile.

Although he was new to Lin Mo's out-of-touch character, he was already a little helpless.

"Okay! What a pity!". Lin Mo also sighed with emotion, and his tone was exactly the same as Xu Xian!

This made Xu Xian standing next to him feel like he was being targeted, so he could only laugh twice and give up.

"Mr. Xu, let's get back to business. I wonder if you are waiting for us here. Do you have anything to do?" Wei Yunlong interrupted the topic and asked directly.

"Why are you here today?" Xu Xian looked at Lin Mo and others and asked.

"Of course it's a gift for the Xu family!" Lin Mo chuckled: "From now on, there will be only one Xu family in the entire Xu City, and other families will not be a concern."

Lin Mo chuckled and spoke out his purpose.

"Will the entire Xu family become the strongest family here?" Xu Xian looked at Lin Mo with an expressive look on his face, obviously asking the latter to continue talking.

Lin Mo didn't show any pretense. After nodding, he said: "I'm going to destroy the Zhu family!"


Xu Xian originally took the teacup he carried with him and was about to take a sip of tea, but when he suddenly heard Lin Mo's words, he spit out the entire sip of tea.

I even drank a lot of tea leaves directly into my stomach because I drank so hard.

"You...what did you say?!" Xu Xian looked at Lin Mo and spoke again.

"Destroy the Zhu family!" Lin Mo said again: "The Zhu family has challenged me again and again.

No one can bear it.

So I have to take the initiative! "

After a pause, Lin Mo looked at Xu Xian and said, "Mr. Xu hasn't told me yet, what is the purpose of your coming here!"

Xu Xian was stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly: "Actually, I came here just to tell you not to go to Zhu's house, but now it seems that you won't listen to the advice!

In this case, I have two requirements: 1. Keep ordinary people from harm as much as possible.

2. Luobu Giant City cannot interfere with the operation of the entire Xu City! "

Lin Mo listened to Xu Xian's words and nodded silently in his heart.

These two things perfectly satisfy all the benefits that the Xu family wants.

The first is that the Xu family asked Lin Mo not to take action against ordinary people. If word spreads about this, the entire Xu city will be grateful to the Xu family, but will only have resentment towards Lin Mo.

Because Lin Mo led the battle to Xu Cheng and wanted the Xu family to come forward to protect them.

The second benefit is that after Lin Mo destroyed the Zhu family, people from Luobu Giant City were not allowed to come here, which meant that the entire Xu City was the real owner of this giant city.

This is why others should not be allowed to snore on the side of the bed.

The Xu family doesn't want another Lin family to appear after the Zhu family falls!

"Okay, I promise you!" Lin Mo nodded with a smile. The roots of Luobu City are in the distant Luobu City.

And within a hundred years, Lin Mo will not let his forces stray too far away from the giant city of Rob!

"In that case, I wish you immediate success!" Xu Xian came back as quickly as he came. After saying these words, he got into the car and left directly.

Looking at Xu Xian's leaving figure, Lin Mo couldn't help but nodded: "The Xu family is indeed very powerful. It's amazing that such a person can appear!"

"When Xu Xian was in the capital, he debated with more than a dozen people by himself, and finally convinced all his opponents!"

Wei Yunlong smiled and said: "You should have the opportunity to come into contact with Xu Xian in the future. You will see by then that this boy is very familiar with other people's relationships!"

Lin Mo nodded, then glanced in the direction of the door, and said solemnly: "The Zhu family is right in front of you, everyone, let's go!"

After saying that, he led Wei Yunlong and Xie Meng towards the direction of the Zhu family.

At the same time, where the Zhu family was, a man was kneeling in the living room, looking nervously at the head of the Zhu family, Zhu Qin, who was sitting at the end.

"According to the reply from our people, Lin Mo and the others have arrived in Xu City and met with Xu Xian before entering the city.

I don't know what they talked about, but Lin Mo probably agreed to his conditions. "

The people under his command deduced the situation with a smile, and finally got the answer to the entire problem.

"The Xu family has occupied the entire Xu City for too long. My Zhu family has always wanted to replace him. I didn't expect that in such a long time, no Martial Emperor has appeared in my Zhu family!

If my Zhu family has five martial emperors, why should I be afraid of these so-called people from the Xu family? "

A group of people did not speak, because they all knew what so many Martial Emperors represented!

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