Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 370: The End of the Zhu Family

Chen Banzi was wearing a gray robe, and his originally gray hair had turned completely white, and even the length had become shoulder-length hair.

The blood and qi were constantly rippling out, blowing up his robe, and a strong breath rushed out!

"The peak of the first-grade martial emperor!" Lin Mo's heart moved, and a smile appeared on his face. After this period of precipitation, Chen Banzi had actually reached the peak of the first-grade martial emperor!

For some reason, Chen Banzi's aura was much stronger than that of an ordinary first-grade peak martial emperor. At this moment, he walked from afar, and every step was extremely firm. An invisible breath suddenly spread out all around!

"Master!" Lin Mo shouted, "I'll go in and wait for you first!"

"Go!" Chen Banzi said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, a huge boom sounded outside the door.

Chen Banzi raised his hand and used the power of blood and qi to condense into a golden spear. Then he lightly tapped his toes and the whole person was already above the air!


After a loud bang, the golden spear was thrown out, followed by a sound like a landslide!


The fourth elder was slightly weaker, and his body was shattered under such an attack!

One of the four martial emperors of the Zhu family died in such a moment!

The third elder's eyes were red, and he ignited all the blood and qi in his body without any care, condensed nine huge blood-colored claws, and covered the three people in front of him!

The ghostly air was full, and the whole gate seemed to have turned into a demonic domain, with gloomy winds and shrill roars everywhere!

"Go to hell! The Zhu family cannot be humiliated!" The third elder was almost crazy, roaring loudly, and the vitality of the whole person was disappearing rapidly.

"You two, step back first!" Chen Banzi's voice rang in the ears of Xie Meng and Wei Yunlong, and then he stepped forward and left the two behind.

"The Zhu family cannot be insulted?" Chen Banzi chuckled with a disdainful look on his face: "Those who insult others will always be insulted!"

When he spoke, he raised his hands high, and then there were golden lights flashing around his body.

"When I got the martial arts of the golden spear, this martial arts has never played the best effect in my hands. Now that I have reached the realm of the martial emperor, I suddenly found that this martial arts is prepared for people at this realm!"

Chen Banzi spoke softly, with a wild smile on his lips that did not belong to this age, and then pointed forward and shouted softly: "Go!"


There were bursts of rumbling in the air, and those were golden spears covering the third elder. In this short moment, there were more than hundreds of them! ?

The huge claws were constantly tearing, but the golden light could not be erased at all. Instead, the light of the claws was constantly converging. In the end, it seemed to disappear!

Seeing this scene, Xie Meng and Wei Yunlong showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Is the strength of the first-grade peak martial emperor so powerful? Just by doing this, he actually achieved such an effect!


"Master is mighty!" Wei Yunlong spoke softly, with excitement in his eyes.

He has now reached the realm of the first-grade martial emperor. If he also masters this martial art, then when he goes to Neon, he may be able to kill people everywhere!

Thinking of this, he was excited.


In the end, the remaining claws were directly erased, and the golden light pierced the body of the third elder like a sharp arrow!

Two martial emperor-level strongmen died in the Zhu family!

At this moment, in the courtyard inside the Zhu family, Zhu Qin, the head of the Zhu family, flashed a cold look in his eyes, and then looked outside.

"Master, the third and fourth elders have fallen!" A voice sounded, and a disciple rushed in, speaking with a sad face.

"Third brother! Fourth brother!"

The elder sitting in the hall showed an extremely sad look on his face, roared, and was about to rush out, but was stopped by Zhu Qin.

"Elder, you can't do it now!" Zhu Qin looked at him and said, "You need to tell the second elder about the situation here!"

The elder's eyes turned cold, but he finally nodded slowly. He understood what Zhu Qin meant. If there was any accident here, the second elder could give up most of his interests in the Xu family and keep the incense and bloodline of the Zhu family!

Zhu Qin took out a token from his body and crushed it casually.

At the same time, the second elder standing at the gate of the Xu family felt that something seemed to be broken on his body. His expression changed drastically, and he raised his hand and touched his arms, and then took out a broken jade.

After taking a look, his expression was extremely solemn.

This is the jade he got before coming here. As long as this jade is broken, it proves that the Zhu family is now in danger and will have to pay a certain price to the Xu family!

He crushed the jade into powder, then sighed and walked towards the gate of the Xu family.

"Stop!" Two figures appeared in front of him: "This is the Xu family, you can't get close without permission!"

The faces of the two figures were cold, and one of them even had a mocking look on his face, staring at the second elder quietly.

"I am the second elder of the Zhu family, and I want to see Elder Xu Xian!" The second elder said.

Now Xu Xian is the third in command of the Xu family, and his status is not low. At this time, the second elder knows very well that he has no chance to meet the head of the Xu family, so if he can meet Xu Xian, many things will be the same as for him!

"Just wait here!" The two guards glanced at the second elder and chuckled. One of them had already turned around and walked towards the yard.

A few minutes passed before a burst of footsteps was heard coming from the Xu family's yard.

"You two losers. The second elder of the Zhu family came to our Xu family. It's okay if you don't welcome them in quickly. You actually dared to stop everyone at the gate. You are so audacious. What kind of status the second elder is, if you are blamed Yes, you two just wait to die!"

An angry shout resounded, and then the door opened and Xu Xian walked out.

However, he only took a few steps towards the second elder, then stood about three steps away from the second elder, looking at the second elder quietly.

"Oh, Second Elder, why are you here? Look, I don't even know you are here. If I had known, I would have been waiting for you here!"

Xu Xian said it very politely, but he stood at a high place, as if he was looking down at the second elder.

Looking at such a scene, the second elder felt as if a fire was burning in his heart. He wished he could turn around and leave now, determined not to suffer such injustice.

But thinking of the scene where the jade was broken before, he could only grit his teeth, and then a rich smile appeared on his face: "Oh, Brother Xu, don't blame them, they are just doing things according to the rules. Besides, the two of them can stick to the bottom line at this time, which shows that they are also serious and responsible people. I think this is all the good teaching of the Xu family!"

The second elder spoke slowly, naturally filled with compliments.

Xu Xian stood on the steps, listening quietly to the second elder's compliments, with a smile on his face.

When the second elder couldn't say those auspicious words, he chuckled and said, "Look what you are doing saying so many auspicious words. Come in quickly!"

Xu Xian laughed and took two more steps down, stretched out his hand to hold the second elder's hand, and at the same time patted the back of his hand gently with the other hand, as if he was very intimate.

But the second elder was about to explode with anger. What did Xu Xian say before? They were treating him as a junior!


This is a huge humiliation!

But what else could he say, he could only keep his smile on his face.

"I swear, my Zhu family will replace your Xu family sooner or later. I hope you can bear the humiliation from the Zhu family!" The second elder swore silently in his heart...

On the other side, Lin Mo took the lead, taking shots one after another along the way. All those who dared to intercept him were knocked to the ground.

Behind him, Wei Yunlong and others finally followed up. The three of them looked at Lin Mo who was walking in the front, looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, this guy does have a lot of personality!"

"This battle is so exciting. Where did this kid get the courage? He actually dared to take on the entire Zhu family by himself!"

"It's actually too early to say these things now. Let's see, the Zhu family still has backup plans!

The great elder has not appeared yet. According to my guess, the only remaining Jiuzhou Order of the Zhu family is probably in his hands. Remind Lin Mo to pay attention! "

Lin Mo, who was walking in front at this moment, seemed to have not thought about the so-called Kyushu Order at all, and still strode forward.

There was a vigilant look on his face, but with every step he took, the scene around him changed.

It's just that the surrounding scenery changes too slowly, and every time it changes, it starts to change in a corner that Lin Mo doesn't notice.

But in the end, although Lin Mo was still walking in front, in the eyes of the three people behind him, they only saw Lin Mo standing there quietly, as if his attention was attracted by something.

"What is this kid doing? Is he immersed in beautiful fantasies?" Wei Yunlong looked in Lin Mo's direction and couldn't help but muttered.

"Is it possible to enjoy the feeling of victory in advance? After all, we are the youngest and oldest in the Zhu family over the years!" Xie Meng said with a smile, this way of fighting is so exciting!

Even if you don’t get the Holy Fruit this time, it’s still worth it!

"Something is wrong, don't you feel it? Lin Mo feels a bit wrong to me, you two should be careful!" Only Chen Banzi looked in Lin Mo's direction and suddenly spoke.

After hearing Chen Banzi's words, Wei Yunlong and Xie Meng's voices suddenly dropped a lot. They even condensed weapons directly in their hands, and then looked at Chen Banzi quietly.

"Be careful, there's something wrong around Lin Mo..." Chen Banzi spoke again, and at the same time he kept moving forward, getting closer to Lin Mo.

But when he walked some distance away and turned around to explain something to Wei Yunlong and Xie Meng, he suddenly discovered that the two people behind him...


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