The steps are steep and extend upwards, as if they have entered the sky.

Above the clouds is the sky, and thousands of golden lights shine down from the sky, dyeing all the clouds golden.

But just like this golden color falling on the stairs, it actually turned the stairs into dark black!

An extremely weird atmosphere poured directly into Lin Mo's heart!

Lin Mo looked in another direction. Those friends and relatives were fighting and dying.

Their corpses fell to the ground one by one, the blood stained the ground red, and then gathered together, like a mirror, reflecting the golden light in the sky.

Tragic! Extremely tragic!

"Make your choice, go up the steps, you will become a god!"

"With them, what awaits you will be death!"


Such a voice resounded throughout the world, as if it was trying to enter Lin Mo's mind!

Lin Mo couldn't help but cover his head, feeling as if a force was about to explode in his mind!


"You know you're noisy?!" Lin Mo suddenly yelled when he heard the sound that was about to begin.

In his hand, a long sword appeared.

Above the long sword, the frost is as cold as the moon!

There is also a long knife in his hand.

Above the long knife, flames are rising!

"I choose your ancestor!"

"I choose you, Nono!"

"I'm holding a long sword, and I'm holding a long sword. What do you mean by fate?! Just cut it off!"

"Open your eyes and give me a good look!"

Lin Mo held a sword in his hand and rose into the air. With a long sword in one hand, he gathered all the power of his energy and blood.


The long knife was like a bright sun, slashing down towards the stairs in the distance!


The long sword of heaven level immediately shattered!

The other hand held a long sword and was slightly silent.

"Qi and blood...come!"

With an angry shout, the originally exhausted energy and blood instantly filled every corner of him like a violent storm!

As a result, all the energy and blood power around the body was extracted again and concentrated on the long sword!

One sword can cut a thousand miles of frost!

The sword light gathered in the distance, and then fell directly on the ferocious beast in front of the relatives and friends in the distance!


The sword shattered inch by inch!

One sword and one sword were struck out almost simultaneously.

What followed was an endless roar.

Above the sky, the terrifying sword intent was like a raging flame, igniting the entire sky.

Those ladders collapsed and collapsed bit by bit!

The monsters in the distance were also severely chopped down by the long sword, and all the monsters instantly turned into powder!

"What do you know? It doesn't matter if there are enemies. As long as the sword in my hand is sharp enough, I can chop them all into pieces!"

"Becoming a god? As long as the sword in my hand is strong enough, I can kill them all, even gods!"

As soon as the words fell, everything around him disappeared.

The illusion disappeared, and he saw Wei Yunlong and others with blank faces in the distance.

Not far from him, there was a token hanging.

On the token, light flashed, and a simple "phantom" word was engraved on it.

"Kiuzhou Order?!" Lin Mo had a smile on his face and reached out to take the sign in his hand.

At this time, Lin Mo already had five tokens in his hand. With a slight movement of his mind, the four tokens merged instantly.

"Phantom Word Token."

“The side effect is that when it is used, the person holding the token cannot control it.

Only after everyone in the illusion is dead can it be retrieved! "

"Master, teacher, are you okay?" Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi and others and said worriedly.

"We are all fine. I didn't expect this illusion to be so terrifying. We didn't notice it at all!" Wei Yunlong's face was covered in cold sweat. He felt cold sweat when he recalled what he had seen in the illusion before.

"Everyone has desires in their heart. This illusion takes advantage of human desires. As long as you follow your desires, you will eventually be trapped there forever and eventually die!"

Although the time in the illusion is different from the outside, but you have spent your whole life in the illusion, it is still a life! "

Chen Banzi spoke slowly and told the horror of the illusion.

"Then how did you, Lin Mo, leave the illusion? What did you see?" Xie Meng looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's very simple, just chop it into pieces!" Lin Mo said lightly.


"Crush the illusion?"

"Just chop it into pieces?!"

The faces of the three people were full of shock, and then they were filled with helplessness.

"If you take a few more steps, you will reach the core of the Zhu family." Lin Mo said slowly with a smile on his face: "You guys will work harder when the time comes!"

"No need to come, I will come out on my own!"

At this moment, a soft voice sounded, followed by a figure walking out.

This was an old man with white hair, but a faint coldness on his face, and his eyes looked at Lin Mo and others like a hawk.

"It turns out to be the Great Elder!" Chen Banzi chuckled and slowly stepped forward: "Long time no see, the Great Elder's strength seems to have improved to a higher level!"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. We should be considered old friends. Why does Mr. Chen want to kill our Zhu family as soon as he comes up?" The elder said slowly with a cold expression.

"The Zhu family has been attacking my disciples and grandsons. We are forced to have no choice but to resist a little!" Chen Banzi smiled softly and stepped forward: "If the Zhu family can guarantee..."

"Hehe, what do you want to guarantee?" The elder smiled lightly, raised his hand and waved it, and a beam of light burst out and fell on the surroundings.

An invisible force directly enveloped Lin Mo and others.

"The power of blood and qi is weakening. This is the power of Jiuzhou Ling, which is very powerful!" Lin Mo felt this power and spoke softly.

"Of course it is the power of Jiuzhou Ling!" The elder smiled lightly, and at the same time a force fell on him. In an instant, the elder's momentum increased a lot.

"Since you are here, don't leave. My Zhu family has always been warm and hospitable. If you come and don't entertain, isn't it a loss of etiquette!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed directly towards Lin Mo.


The elder's heart was filled with endless anger, and Lin Mo was the one who should be killed in his heart!

"Elder, your opponent is us!" Wei Yunlong rushed up, and Chen Banzi and Xie Meng also attacked at the same time.

The three people attacked, but they were still suppressed by the elder.

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Lin Mo's eyes, and his mind moved slightly. In the spiritual sea, the ball of light slowly floated up and down.

With the control of Lin Mo's mind, endless spiritual power began to escape from the light ball.

Lin Mo's spiritual power was constantly expanding.

Previously in the illusion, Lin Mo had already extracted the power of the spiritual seed once. Now under the pressure again, the spiritual seed actually felt like it was about to wither!

Lin Mo's face was firm, and he squeezed it desperately.

The spiritual power filled his spiritual platform in a very short time.

But Lin Mo did not stop at all, and the excess spiritual power began to flow in the veins.

After the fusion of Qi and blood power and spiritual power, the two powers can be transformed into each other.

But now there is no Qi and blood power flowing in Lin Mo's meridians, only spiritual power!

Lin Mo's face was smiling. Originally, spiritual power could only be stored in the spiritual sea, but now, the meridians are also filled with spiritual power.

That is to say, Lin Mo originally only had 500,000 mental power, but now, his mental power has doubled!

And 500,000 mental power, after doubling, is... one million!

A full million mental power means that, relying solely on the value of mental power, Lin Mo has already stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu!

But people in the realm of Emperor Wu may not have 1 million mental power!

"Come on, Mr. Zhu! Don't you want to kill me? Let me see what you can use to kill me!"

Lin Mo roared, mental power is now his biggest reliance!

After the roar, Lin Mo took out the fused Jiuzhou Order without hesitation.

With a buzzing sound, the light flashed, and the Zhen character glowed, falling directly on the body of the elder in the distance.


A layer of barrier instantly appeared on the elder's body, blocking such an attack.

"The Jiuzhou Order complements each other and restrains each other. Do you think I have no way to restrain the token in your hand!"

The elder spoke lightly with a cold face.

"You do have a way to restrain yourself..." Lin Mo spoke softly, but the light on the token was still flickering.

Until the end, Zhen, Dou, Huan, Jing, Condensation!

Five tokens slowly emerged and hung in front of Lin Mo.


Lin Mo spoke softly, and then the five tokens hung in the air.

An invisible force began to dissipate from the tokens.

That was the force that attracted the other tokens.

Sure enough, after Lin Mo took out the five tokens, the elder's face changed a little.

Because light flew out of him one after another.

Finally, four more lights hung in the air.

Weak, Mad, Powerful, Healing!

The four characters slowly emitted light, and then the nine tokens directly merged into a token filled with golden light!

The fused token was only the size of a palm, but such a small size exuded an incomparably terrifying power!

Lin Mo and the elder's eyes flashed, and they flew towards the token at the same time!

"Stop him!" Chen Banzi roared, and rushed towards the elder desperately.

At the same time, Wei Yunlong's attack speed was also very fast. After Chen Banzi rushed forward, he also chose an angle and rushed forward directly.

However, the angle he chose was more tricky. He actually grabbed the elder's thighs directly!

When the elder was about to take off, his thighs were hugged by someone. After struggling, his pants were torn off, revealing two hairy thighs!

"Tsk tsk!" Lin Mo looked at the elder's legs and chuckled, "You really should shave your leg hair!"

The elder's face was filled with endless anger. He stared at Lin Mo: "You are shameless! Such a despicable method!"

"This method is called despicable?" Lin Mo sneered: "But I didn't do it!"

Lin Mo spoke directly, and then raised his hand and grabbed Jiuzhou Ling fiercely!

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