Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 378: The clone takes action

"What are you doing here? Who asked you to come here?"

Ye Qing looked at the middle-aged man with an angry look on his face: "Get out of here!"

"Ms. Ye, I am the expert you invited back. You must know that without me, would you really be able to come up with the recipe for the advanced Qi and Blood Pill?

You should know very well that if you want to improve the prescription, you need the data in my hand!

Therefore, you'd better agree to my conditions! "

There was a sneer on Shi Zheng's face, but his eyes were looking at Lin Mo: "Is this your good-for-nothing boyfriend? Tsk, tsk, how come the legendary actual controller of the giant city of Rob has become a waste now!"

"Shut your stinky mouth, if Lin Mo is a waste, all of you are waste!" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo with anger on his face: "Don't care about what he said, you will definitely recover!"

Lin Mo just chuckled and shook his head, then took a step forward and protected Ye Qing behind him: "You seem to be very proud! Are you so confident that there is nothing you can do if I become a waste?

You also know that the entire giant city of Luobu belongs to me. Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong are both top powerhouses now. If I just say a word, you will die without a burial place. "

Shi Zheng's expression changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down.

"Are you scaring me? Lin Mo, do you really think you can order them to be touched now?

Besides, so what if you can order them, there are only three of us here now, you have no strength, and Ye Qing is no match for me. I will directly kill both of you, and then lead people away from Rob. Giant city, who can know? "

"You can try it!" Lin Mo chuckled, took a step forward again, and walked over to meet Shi Zheng.

Shi Zheng's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously stood up from his chair, looking at Lin Mo with a worried look.

But he quickly came to his senses, looked at Lin Mo with his neck raised, and said, "Huh, why are you so tough on me here? Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?!"

He was talking, but he had no intention of taking action.

Instead, he dialed a phone number with one hand in his pocket and went out.

Soon, footsteps sounded outside the door, and five people entered the room at once.

Lin Mo took a look and smiled slightly. These people were not weak in strength, and they probably all had the strength of the Martial Emperor realm.

To be honest, with these six people standing here, Ye Qing is no match at all.

"It seems that I came prepared!" Lin Mo chuckled: "Is there anyone else? If not, then don't leave!

Ye Qing, close the door for me! "

Ye Qing glanced at Lin Mo, then turned around and closed the door.

Seeing Lin Mo closing the door and seeming confident, Shi Zheng felt a little unsure again.

Lin Mo's expression was calm, he just looked at Ye Qing and said, "What's going on with them?"

"They are the people I invited back. They were doing research and development work at another Qixue Dan manufacturer and accumulated a lot of research and development experience and data. I just took a fancy to these and shared the data with him, but I What I don’t know is that he secretly conducted experiments behind my back and obtained a lot of data, but he had it all in his hands. No matter how much I asked for it, I couldn’t get it.

Now he forces me to transfer 70% of my shares to him, and also lets me be with his son!

After being rejected by me, he led the team on strike. The reason why I was so tired during this period was because of him! "

"My son has now reached the realm of martial arts saint, how can he be inferior to this loser?!" Shi Zheng sneered and said: "Don't think I don't know, this loser has lost his martial arts instinct and will never recover it in this life!

Ye Qing, if you are smart, marry my son!

You should know very well that although my son has only met you once, he is already deeply attracted to you. As long as you marry my son, I promise to help you research the best recipe for Qi Blood Pill! "

Ye Qing had a cold look on her face, looking at Shi Zheng, she just felt sick.

"Are you done?" Lin Mo looked at Shi Zheng and slowly stretched out his hand.

Shi Zheng sneered and was about to attack Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, be careful!" Ye Qing exclaimed, but the next moment, she stared at Lin Mo with wide eyes.

In front of Lin Mo, a figure suddenly appeared. One hand reached out, directly grasped Shi Zheng's neck, and lifted him up.

Ye Qing stared blankly at this man who looked exactly like Lin Mo, and couldn't help but cover her mouth.

"This... this is impossible. Haven't you already lost your martial arts instinct? How could you be so strong... No, you are just pretending! This useless body is just your clone, your true body has been hidden all this time!"

Shi Zheng's neck was covered and he couldn't breathe at first, but at this moment, he was shocked and speechless.

"You don't need to know!" Lin Mo said with a little force, "Hand over the data, I can make your death more comfortable!"

"Hey, Lin Mo, you think I'm stupid, if I hand it over, I'll be dead!" Shi Zheng chuckled: "I can only live well if I hold things in my own hands!

Ye Qing, agree to my conditions and give all these data to you..."


Before he could finish his words, Lin Mo had his neck broken with force.

Before he died, Shi Zheng's eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe it.

The others looked at this scene and felt cold all over. Their faces showed fear. Not to mention taking action, no one dared to move now.

He threw the body on the ground and looked at the others in the room: "Do you have any data?"

Several people looked at each other.

"Don't say anything, I'm going to kill people!" Lin Mo said lightly, and then looked at one of them.


The clone raised his hand and slapped down, directly shattering the brain.

Seeing this man fall to the ground, there was no wound on his body, but the man was already dead, the remaining four people were trembling all over.

"We don't have data, but Shi Zheng's son still has data. We will take you to find him!" Several people spoke quickly, fearing that Lin Mo would kill them as well!

"If you lead the way, one person is enough..." Lin Mo looked at the four people and said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, one of them took the lead and chopped down a person next to him with a knife!

After someone started fighting, the remaining three people started fighting.

After just one minute, only one person was left.

"Lead the way!" Lin Mo didn't even bother to ask the remaining person's name, but asked him to lead the way.

"Yes!" The man turned around and walked in one direction with Lin Mo.

"That should be our talent residential area. Does Shi Zheng's son have any special talents?" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing, a little curious.

"This person was a condition for Shi Zheng to come to Rob City. I promised to provide him with a good living environment." Ye Qing explained.

Lin Mo nodded, and several people stopped in front of a villa.

From a distance, Lin Mo heard the panting sounds of men and women coming from the villa.

Although Lin Mo had never fought in actual combat, he had watched a lot of teaching videos in his previous life. He knew what was going on inside when he heard the sound.

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment after hearing the sound, and then she understood it and blushed immediately.


Lin Mo raised his hand and punched the door directly.

The nearly four-meter-high gate of the villa was smashed to pieces by Lin Mo.

A scream and a flurry of footsteps came from upstairs.

Soon, a young man ran down from upstairs with two women.

"Tsk tsk, this guy is quite good at enjoying himself!" Lin Mo sighed.

Some people have already started threesomes, but he, the owner of Rob City, has never had a real fight!

Thinking of this, he glanced at Ye Qing and thought to himself, why not just find an opportunity to get married?

"Damn, who are you? Do you know where this is... Qing'er, why are you here? You must have figured it out!" When the young man who was cursing saw Ye Qing, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurried to meet her.

"Shi Yao, you'd better watch your words!" Ye Qing's face was cold: "We are here to ask you for data!"

"You mean the data that the old man left me, hehe, I'm not a fool, this thing is still very useful to me, I can't give it to you...

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, who makes me like you, just come upstairs with me now and serve me well, I will give you this data as a reward!"


Before she finished speaking, Ye Qing slapped him.

Shi Yao covered his face, looking at Ye Qing with anger in his eyes: "Are you crazy? Do you know how important my father is to you?!

Do you know..."

"Your father has been beaten to death by me. As for if you don't want to be like your father, you must hand over the data as soon as possible!" Lin Mo said lightly.

"You want to scare me? Do you think I grew up from being scared?" Shi Yao sneered: "Do you know how many martial emperors the old man has under his command?

Five in total, do you think you are his opponent?

Okay, if you want the data, you have to come upstairs with me... Otherwise, forget it!"

After Shi Yao finished speaking, he directly hugged the two women one on each side and sat on the sofa, groping in front of several people.

The two women closed their eyes slightly, with inexplicable expressions on their faces.

Ye Qing was extremely angry. It was obvious that he didn't take her seriously. This was humiliating her.

"Don't cry until the coffin falls!" Lin Mo shook his head: "Come on, tell him where Shi Zheng is!"

The person who led the way nodded repeatedly and said sternly: "Shi Yao, don't be stubborn. Your father is dead now. If you want to die with him, keep this attitude!"

After hearing the words of the person who led the way, Shi Yao's expression became really serious.

"How can I be sure that you are not lying to me?" Shi Yao said softly, "If you want me to believe you, you'd better show me some evidence!"

"You want evidence, right? Then come with me!" Lin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly grabbed his neck and carried him towards Ye Qing's residence.

Pushing open the door, Shi Yao saw Shi Zheng lying on the ground, stepping on the blood on the ground, and his heart sank.

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